Daily Archives: 6. November 2020

06.11.2020 - 23:49 [ Reuters ]

Time is running out to enact any trade deal with UK – EU lawmakers

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will call British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Saturday afternoon to discuss the state of negotiations, a spokesman for the head of the EU executive said.

06.11.2020 - 22:18 [ Informationsstelle (IMI) ]


Das Instrument soll den fragmentierten Rüstungssektor bündeln, indem explizit länderübergreifende Projekte forciert und so Konzentrationsprozesse vorangetrieben werden. Bis auf Malta und Dänemark nehmen alle EU-Staaten an der PESCO teil, in deren Rahmen bislang 47 Projekte aufgelegt wurden – darunter befinden sich schon heute einige Rüstungshochkaräter wie etwa die Entwicklung einer waffenfähigen Eurodrohne.

06.11.2020 - 19:02 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Musikindustrie schießt mit der Schrotflinte auf Open Source

Aber die Software, die neben Youtube auch Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo und weitere Dienste unterstützt, ist auch unter Journalist:innen, Wissenschaftler:innen und Aktivist:innen beliebt.

06.11.2020 - 18:26 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Treten Sie Ihren Abgeordneten wegen der geplanten Gesetzesänderungen zu Corona auf die Füße

Heute früh gab es im Deutschen Bundestag eine Debatte zu den Gesetzesänderungen in Sachen Corona. Siehe hier die erste Stunde. Die Gesetzesänderungen sollen die letzten Beschlüsse von Bundeskanzlerin und Ministerpräsidenten gerichtsfest machen. Es geht u.a. um § 28a des „Dritten Gesetzes zum Schutz der Bevölkerung bei einer epidemischen Lage von nationaler Tragweite“. Siehe unten Anlage 1. Und es geht auch um die drohende Einführung einer Impfpflicht bei Reisen. Siehe dazu Anlage 2.

06.11.2020 - 18:15 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Downing Street REJECTS calls to end lockdown despite four more sets of real-world data showing second wave of Covid was dropping and R rate was stable BEFORE crippling restrictions based on flawed projections

Downing Street today refused calls for England‘s second lockdown to be cut short and insisted it will run until December 2, despite four more sets of real-world data that show the second wave was already shrinking before the Government pushed the panic button on a drastic month-long shutdown.

Promising figures published today by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) – which runs a massive government surveillance scheme that randomly swabs tens of thousands of people to track the size of the outbreak – suggest that the country‘s coronavirus outbreak has shrunk.

06.11.2020 - 18:05 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Der November-Lockdown hält vor Gericht

Aber: Wesentliche Fragen der Demokratie in Deutschland sind eigentlich ein Fall für die gewählten Volksvertreter, also für die Parlamentarier. Diese können (und sollen) solche Themen debattieren und dann Gesetze erlassen, die das Zusammenleben regeln so6p gerecht wird. Die Gerichte haben in ihren Beschlüssen diese Problematik zumindest angesprochen, sich aber noch nicht abschließend dazu verhalten.

06.11.2020 - 17:06 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Has a New Secret Contact-tracing App. This Is What We Know

Aside from the ministers, the meeting was attended by professionals from numerous agencies, including the Shin Bet, the Health Ministry, the Privacy Protection Authority, the treasury, the Justice Ministry, the National Security Council, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Public Security Ministry, the Economy Ministry and the army’s Home Front Command.

06.11.2020 - 15:15 [ Xinhuanet ]

Italy‘s taxi drivers to strike on Friday

The drivers will hold demonstrations outside the economy and transport ministries in Rome and in several other cities. They will display a banner at Rome‘s Termini train station saying: „Taxi Strike Today. We apologise to users but we don‘t even have money for fuel any more“.

06.11.2020 - 14:42 [ Xinhuanet ]

China sends 13 satellites into orbit with single rocket

The satellites, including 10 commercial remote sensing satellites developed by Argentine company Satellogic, blasted off atop a Long March-6 carrier rocket at 11:19 a.m. (Beijing Time).

06.11.2020 - 14:41 [ MDR ]

Thüringen: Innenausschuss stellt Studienergebnisse vor

Die Thüringer Polizei soll mit Kameras bekommen. Seit 2016 gibt‘s dazu Tests und Pilotprojekte, während Bodycams in anderen Bundesländern längst Standard sind.

06.11.2020 - 13:36 [ ORF.at ]

Zwei Opfer überlegen Amtshaftungsklage

Wenn Staatsorgane durch rechtswidriges Verhalten oder schuldhaftes Unterlassen einen Schaden anrichten, kann gegen die Republik eine Amtshaftungsklage eingebracht werden.

Für Rechtsanwalt Karl Newole, Gründer der Bürgerinitiative „Wir um Ersten“ stellt sich die Rechtslage nach dem Attentat so dar, dass eine solche Klage gute Chancen auf Erfolg habe: „Anhaltspunkte für eine Haftung des Staates im Rahmen der sogenannten Amtshaftung gibt es genug.

06.11.2020 - 13:35 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Exclusive: ‚Covid graphs were wrong in suggesting daily deaths would soon surpass first wave‘

Official projections which pushed the country into a second lockdown have been quietly revised to no longer suggest deaths could soon overtake those at the peak of the first wave, The Telegraph has learned.

06.11.2020 - 13:20 [ Spiked ]

This destructive lockdown experiment must end

The damage from the first lockdown has barely been comprehended. A second is pure insanity.

06.11.2020 - 13:12 [ Darren of Plymouth / Twitter ]

As we keep seeing, home grown protesters get a good kicking for their right to freedom of expression and association. How do these police officers sleep at night, when they know they are acting on a lie. Boils my piss!

06.11.2020 - 12:45 [ The Sun / Youtube ]

Live: Aerials of ‚million mask‘ march in London

Aerials of ‚million mask‘ march in London

06.11.2020 - 12:42 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Anti-lockdown and Million Mask March protestors clash with police in London over the new coronavirus restrictions

Jeremy Corbyn‘s brother Piers, 73, stood among the crowds with a megaphone despite being fined £10,000 for his part in a previous rally.

Officers policing demonstrations in the capital on Thursday made 104 arrests with the majority of arrests were for breaches of the Covid-19 regulations.

06.11.2020 - 12:37 [ itv.com ]

Angry students pull down security fences erected around halls of residence

The fences were erected on Thursday at the University of Manchester’s Fallowfield campus as a “security measure” to “help avoid the mixing of households”.

06.11.2020 - 12:32 [ BBC ]

New lockdown: Manchester University students pull down campus fences

Students have torn down „prison-like“ fencing erected around their campus on day one of England‘s new lockdown.

Those living at the University of Manchester‘s Fallowfield halls of residence awoke to find workers putting up „huge metal barriers“.

06.11.2020 - 12:30 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Erneut wurde in Mexiko ein Journalist getötet

Der Journalist, der auch Pressesprecher des Technologischen Instituts von Ciudad Juárez war, hatte in seiner Nachrichtensendung öfter über die Korruption, die Unsicherheit und die Gewalt im nördlichen Bundesstaat Chihuahua kritisch informiert.

06.11.2020 - 12:05 [ Fiorella Isabel / Twitter ]

Note also how at the bottom they go from 1,344,469 vote totals to 1,072,844. Which is obviously not possible. @MichiganDems you’ve been exposed.


06.11.2020 - 11:51 [ the-office.com ]

“The exit poll was subsequently adjusted* for conformity with the final computerized vote count.” THE 2020 DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY WAS RIGGED.

Electoral fraud, sometimes referred to as election fraud, election manipulation or vote rigging, is illegal interference with the process of an election, either by increasing the vote share of the favored candidate, depressing the vote share of the rival candidates, or both.

States which had been projected to expect large Sanders wins, corresponded with raw data on exit polls confirming the expected Sanders wins.

Computerized vote counts however, showed very large Biden wins. The DNC accepted computer vote counts and CHANGED NUMBERS on exit polls to suggest that Biden won.

06.11.2020 - 11:35 [ Axel Geijsel (Tilburg University), Rodolfo Cortes Barragan (Stanford University) / drive.google.com ]

Are we witnessing a dishonest election? A between state comparison based on the used voting procedures of the 2016 Democratic Party Primary for the Presidency of the United States of America

(June 7, 2016)

Given the stakes in the outcome of the American presidential elections, ensuring the integrity of the electoral process is of the utmost importance. Are the results we are witnessing in the 2016 primary elections trustworthy? While Donald Trump enjoyed a clear and early edge over his Republican rivals, the Democratic contest between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernard Sanders has been far more competitive. At present, Secretary Clinton enjoys an apparent advantage over Sanders. Is this claimed advantage legitimate? We contend that it is not, and suggest an explanation for the advantage: States that are at risk for election fraud in 2016 systematically and overwhelmingly favor Secretary Clinton. We provide converging evidence for this claim.

First, we show that it is possible to detect irregularities in the 2016 Democratic Primaries by comparing the states that have hard paper evidence of all the placed votes to states that do
not have this hard paper evidence. Second, we compare the final results in 2016 to the
discrepant exit polls. Furthermore, we show that no such irregularities occurred in the 2008
competitive election cycle involving Secretary Clinton against President Obama. As such, we
find that in states wherein voting fraud has the highest potential to occur, systematic efforts may
have taken place to provide Secretary Clinton with an exaggerated margin of support.

06.11.2020 - 11:33 [ Snopes.com ]

Stanford Study Proves Election Fraud through Exit Poll Discrepancies

(June 15, 2016)

What‘s True

Two researchers (presumably graduate students) from Stanford University and Tilburg University co-authored a paper asserting they uncovered information suggesting widespread primary election fraud favoring Hillary Clinton had occurred across multiple states.

What‘s False

The paper was not a „Stanford Study,“ and its authors acknowledged their claims and research methodology had not been subject to any form of peer review or academic scrutiny.

06.11.2020 - 10:31 [ Salon.com ]

10 ways the Democratic primary has been rigged from the start


Concerned Sanders would win Nevada, Sen. Harry Reid, the former Senate Majority Leader and most powerful elected official in Nevada, as it later emerged, arranged a plan with owners of Las Vegas casinos, where many caucuses were being held, and other employers, to ensure Clinton would win. The Nevada caucuses were then rigged with massive voting irregularities such as casino owners orchestrating which workers would be allowed to vote and, in clear intimidation, openly monitoring how they voted.

Vote tampering also occurred in other states, most recently in Arizona where on election day, polling locations were sharply cut forcing many voters to stand in line for up to five hours in the heat, with some leaving before casting a vote.

06.11.2020 - 10:27 [ Bernie Sanders / Twitter ]

Undermining the legitimacy of an election—what Trump is doing now, and in fact has done for months—is how demagogues destroy faith in democracy and move us toward authoritarianism.

06.11.2020 - 10:09 [ News 19 WLTX / Youtube ]

President Trump full speech on Election results: November 5, 2020

President Donald Trump held a news conference at the White House on November 5 where he claimed there was massive voter fraud and that he is the winner of the election. At present, there has been no evidence of any widespread voter fraud.

06.11.2020 - 10:06 [ New York Times ]

Trump’s Stunning News Conference

“If you count the legal votes, I win,” he said, before ticking off a litany of baseless claims about ways his campaign had supposedly been cheated by his opponents, nonpartisan poll workers and a vast conspiracy of technology companies and big business.

But nothing is “rigged” or “stolen” or “illegal.” No one is “doing a lot of bad things.”