(6.11.2015) Samarco betreibt die längste Eisenerzpipeline in Brasilien. Das in der Grube Algeria bei Mariana abgebaute Erz wird in der Aufbereitungsanlage Germano für den Transport durch die 396 Kilometer lange Rohrleitung aufgeschlämmt. Das Ende der Eisenerzpipeline liegt bei der Pelletieranlage im Tiefwasserhafen Ponta Ubu am Atlantischen Ozean. Die Rohrleitung hat einen Durchmesser von 50 cm und transportiert jährlich 15 Millionen Tonnen Eisenerzschlamm, welcher sich mit ungefähr 6 km/h in der Leitung bewegt.
Daily Archives: 25. Januar 2019
Hundreds missing in Brazil after Vale tailings dam breaks, area evacuated
The iron ore mining region is still recovering from the collapse of a larger dam in 2015 that killed 19 people. That dam, owned by the Samarco Mineracao SA venture between Vale and BHP Billiton, buried local homes in Brazil’s worst environmental disaster.
EU adds Saudi Arabia to draft terrorism financing list: sources
The EU has reviewed 47 jurisdictions, including the United States, Russia and Switzerland, before updating its list. EU countries were not screened.
Russia offers to mediate between Venezuela government, opposition
The US State Department said on Friday that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sought to press United Nations Security Council members to recognize Guaido as the “acting president” of Venezuela.
The announcement was swiftly rejected by Russia’s UN Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia, who vowed to oppose any such initiative. “That will not pass. For us, nothing changes,” Nebenzia told Reuters.
Iran supports Venezuela in face of US plots: FM Zarif
At least 10 countries, including Russia, Turkey and Iran, have expressed their support for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and condemned outside interference in Caracas. China, which has backed Venezuela’s sovereignty, said it opposed any outside interference. Bolivia, Mexico and Cuba all supported the Venezuelan president.
Großbritannien hat weltweit die meisten Privatfirmen, die Söldner und Waffen an zahlungskräftige Kunden ausleihen.
25.1.2019 Viele dieser Firmen arbeiten für jeden, der dafür bezahlt – für wohlhabende Privatpersonen oder für irgendwelche Interessengruppen. Das können sie auch problemlos tun, denn trotz des großen Umfangs der Sicherheitsindustrie gilt für den ganzen Sektor strikte Geheimhaltung. In den Bereichen Täuschung und Subversion ausgebildete Männer beherrschen ihr Metier und sorgen dafür, dass ihre Tätigkeit im Dunkeln bleibt.
Polizeigesetz Baden-Württemberg: Erneute Verschärfung?
So sollen der Stuttgarter Zeitung[17] zufolge die Bedingungen für die Inhaftierung gelockert werden und gleichzeitig eine Art Unendlichkeitshaft wie im bayerischen Polizeiaufgabengesetz eingeführt werden. Statt der bislang geltenden Höchstdauer von zwei Wochen soll die Frist künftig drei Monate betragen und diese dreimonatige Haft soll dann – so der Gesetzesentwurf – unendlich oft um weitere drei Monate verlängerbar sein. Auf diese Weise könnte eine Person ohne Urteil auf Dauer festgehalten werden – ohne jemals eine Straftat begangen zu haben. Assoziationen zur Schutzhaft im Nationalsozialismus sind an dieser Stelle naheliegend.
Rekrutierungsbroschüre: Luftwaffe dominiert Himmel mit Geschwindigkeit, Präzision und Luftkraft
Als ich letzte Woche neue Reifen montieren ließ, stieß ich auf die neueste Rekrutierungsbroschüre der Luftwaffe. Die erste Zeile: „Die Luftwaffe dominiert den Himmel mit Geschwindigkeit, Präzision und Luftkraft.“
Ten Times Leading People’s Vote Supporters Attacked Corbyn
The embattled People’s Vote campaign are dismayed that Jeremy Corbyn won’t get off the fence and back their second referendum campaign. It’s funny how they’re now begging for his help when they’ve been some of his harshest critics for years. Here’s what some leading People’s Voters really think about Corbyn:
Twenty years of a free, open web
(30. April 2013) On 30 April 1993 CERN put the World Wide Web software in the public domain. CERN made the next release available with an open licence, as a more sure way to maximise its dissemination. Through these actions, making the software required to run a web server freely available, along with a basic browser and a library of code, the web was allowed to flourish.
British physicist Tim Berners-Lee invented the web at CERN in 1989. The project, which Berners-Lee named „World Wide Web“, was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for information sharing between physicists in universities and institutes around the world.
The internet was never intended to spy on us
Fortunately, I know one of the people who helped develop the ARPANET, Professor Peter Kirstein. For more than a decade, starting in 1973, Kirstein ran the UK’s connection to ARPANET out of his office at University College, London (where he remains a professor of computer communications). So I phoned him, and he told me:
„Unless everyone’s been lying to me for 40 years, the ARPANET was not intended as, or used as, a surveillance system. The 1966 concept could never include more than 64 locations, with four computers in each location. It took the invention of the Internet Protocols a decade later to envisage a capacity of millions of locations and billions of devices.“
The Vice President’s Men
The one member of Congress who knew what was going on was Dick Cheney, a close friend and confidant of Bush’s from their days together in the Ford administration. In 1976, in the aftermath of the Church Committee’s inquiry into CIA abuses, standing intelligence committees had been set up in both the Senate and the House, charged with holding the CIA and other intelligence agencies to account. But it was understood by all those involved in the vice president’s secret team that these committees could be bypassed, even though the laws governing covert intelligence activities had been stiffened: there was now a legal requirement that all covert CIA and military intelligence operations had to be made known to the committees through a formal, written document known as a ‘finding’. But there was a big loophole in the legislation, in the view of the vice president’s men. ‘There was no requirement for a finding for merely asking questions,’ the officer said, ‘and so we’d make routine requests for intelligence assessments from the CIA through the Joint Chiefs and the National Security Council. Our basic philosophy was that we were running military’ – not intelligence – ‘operations and therefore did not have to brief Congress. So we could legally operate without a finding.’ He was describing an ingenious procedure for getting around the law: one that would be put into use again after 9/11, when Cheney, by then vice president, triggered the unending war on terror.
Seymour Hersh ist zurück. Diesmal über die Reagan-Zeit.
Er erzählt, wie George H.W. Bush damals einen neuen Militärgeheimdienst einrichtete, um auf die Ressourcen der CIA zugreifen zu können, aber die CIA selber zu umgehen…
Russian FM to pay official visit to Tunisia
„Lavrov‘s visit will be an opportunity to discuss ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation between Tunisia and Russia in areas such as tourism, trade, investment, culture, transportation and finance,“ it added.
Tunisia’s foreign currency reserves rise after Saudi loan
The government said last week that Finance Minister Ridha Chalgoum had signed in Riyadh a $500 million loan with a low interest rate. He gave no further details.
Last month, Prime Minister Youssef Chaded said after a visit to Riyadh that Saudi Arabia had pledged financial aid worth about $830 million, of which $500 million would be used to finance the budget.
Brazilian miner Vale‘s dam breaks in Minas Gerais state -report
The local fire department confirmed the dam break in Brumadinho near Belo Horizonte and told Reuters it has received unconfirmed reports of fatalities resulting from the incident.
Chomsky, Other Scholars Reject US Coup Attempt in Venezuela
MIT Professor Emeritus Noam Chomsky; co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, Mark Weisbrot; and 68 other scholars published an Open Letter Thursday demanding that the United States Government back off Venezuela.
Argentina: Massive March of Torches Against Price Hikes
The mobilization brought together the country‘s two workers unions, trade union leaders, leftist groups, and thousands of men and women of around 60 social and political groups, who marched against the increasing prices in public gas, electricity, water and transportation services.
Iran to hold „Chabahar Day“ convention in March
“About 35 foreign countries were invited to attend the conference, and on that day, the benefits, capacities and potential of the port of Chabahar will be announced,” said Hasanzadeh.
Pakistan, Iran agree to establish market on joint border
Earlier this year, the Islamic Republic of Iran‘s Consulate General in Pakistan‘s Quetta announced that the free economic zone of the two countries will soon be opened in the Mirajaveh area (Iran).
FULL DOC: Roger J. Stone indictment (pdf). The document reflects existing reporting on Stone, Corsi & Credico‘s attempts at braggadocio in response to WikiLeaks‘ announcements. New evidence of no „back channel“ with WikiLeaks:
Why Mexico‘s AMLO Recognizes Maduro, Rejects Interventionism
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador ratified the position adopted by the foreign ministry regarding the situation in Venezuela and recognized Nicolas Maduro as the only president of the South American country, maintaining the traditional ‘non-intervention’ principle adopted by Mexico decades ago.
Mueller indicts Roger Stone, says he was coordinating with Trump officials about WikiLeaks‘ stolen emails
Prosecutors cite text messages and emails he exchanged with the people about what Assange had, and one sent a photo of himself standing outside the Ecaudorian embassy in London, where Assange has stayed for years.
The men passed on much of the information after WikiLeaks began speaking publicly about stolen documents it had but before all had been released.
According to previous reporting, those people included radio host Randy Credico and Jerome Corsi. They are unnamed in the indictment and have not been charged with crimes.
Exclusive: White House preparing draft national emergency order, has identified $7 billion for wall
The White House is preparing a draft proclamation for President Donald Trump to declare a national emergency along the southern border and has identified more than $7 billion in potential funds for his signature border wall should he go that route, according to internal documents reviewed by CNN.
Umsturzversuch in Caracas
Auf Unterstützung von Vorfeldorganisationen der deutschen Außenpolitik, teilweise auch der Bundesregierung selbst hat die Opposition gegen die Regierungen von Hugo Chávez und seinem Nachfolger Nicolás Maduro stets bauen können. Dies war schon bei dem – letztlich gescheiterten – Putsch gegen Präsident Chávez im April 2002 der Fall. Die in den Umsturzversuch involvierte Partei Primero Justícia von Henrique Capriles Radonski, damals Bürgermeister des wohlhabenden Hauptstadt-Distrikts Baruta, war zuvor von der CDU-nahen Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung gefördert worden.
Leben in Ägypten: Brutaler als unter Mubarak
Seit sechs Jahren ist der ägyptische Präsident al-Sisi an der Macht. Doch wer das System kritisiert, kommt ins Gefängnis und wird brutal gefoltert.
Colonia Dignidad: Deutsche Justiz bleibt untätig
„Die deutsche Justiz muss sich fragen, wie die Täter der Colonia Dignidad über Jahrzehnte unbehelligt hier leben konnten.“ In Chile sind einige Täter verurteilt worden – ohne Unterstützung aus Deutschland.
1) Second Referendum Campaigners withdraw amendment 2) Len McCluskey announces Corbyn would campaign to leave the EU in a General Election 3) More Labour MPs oppose a second referendum Today has been a pretty good day. Labour gradually returning to its Eurosceptic tradition.
The second referendum is off (for now): Remainer MPs DROP attempt to force through a ‚People‘s Vote‘ and blame Corbyn for killing their chances of winning
(24.1.2019) The gang of Labour and Tory MPs who were backing a so-called People‘s Vote blasted Jeremy Corbyn for killing off their chances of winning.
Tory MP Dr Sarah Wollaston had planned to table the ‚doctor‘s amendment‘ to next Tuesday‘s crunch Brexit motion to demand a second referendum.
But stood outside Parliament this morning flanked by pro-EU Labour MPs Luciana Berger and Chuka Umunna, she announced a U-turn.
Brexit: MPs drop plan to put fresh referendum to Commons vote
Members of the the cross-party People‘s Vote campaign have admitted they don‘t yet have enough support from MPs to get another EU referendum.
Most Britons oppose second EU referendum, Sky Data poll reveals
(20.1.2019) The results came as at least two cross-party groups of MPs plan to table amendments in the House of Commons to delay or frustrate Mrs May‘s Brexit plans.
One group, including senior Labour MP Yvette Cooper and Tory former minister Nick Boles, is backing a bill to suspend the Article 50 withdrawal process if there is no new deal with Brussels by the end of February.
Furious Labour Member Vows To Vote Tory If Corbyn Backs Second Referendum
Having been a Labour member since the 80’s, he told LBC: “If Jeremy Corbyn goes for a People’s Vote and there’s a general election I will not vote for Labour.
“I will not vote Labour again, I’m absolutely sickened.”
He then turned his anger towards Labour MPs, who he accused of “acting disgracefully”.
‚It‘s rubbish!‘ French president Macron BLASTS Brexit saying UK‘s bid to leave Europe ‚can‘t be delivered‘ and had ‚torn society apart‘
– Macron was speaking on Thursday evening to an audience in Bourg-de-Peage, south of Lyon, in a ‘people’s debate’
– Some were so-called Yellow Vest anti-government campaigners who themselves want France to leave the EU
– Mr Macron rubbished the 2016 June referendum and warned the assembled crowd to be wary of people ‚who sell you dreams‘
Queen‘s speech calling for ‚common ground‘ seen as Brexit reference
As head of state, the monarch remains publicly neutral when it comes to political matters and does not express her views. But commentators were likely to see her words as a veiled reference the debate on Britain’s departure from the EU.
Similar in tone to her Christmas Day address, the Queen expressed the importance of “never losing sight of the bigger picture”.
Corbyn is no democrat
Indeed, some of the more stinging critiques have come from the left. Guardian columnist Owen Jones, a supporter of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, declared the People’s Vote campaign an ‘absolute disaster’. If there is another referendum, he says, ‘and they run the Remain campaign, we might as well chalk up a second Leave victory now’.
The Campaign For A People‘s Vote On Brexit Has Descended Into Infighting And Splits
(22.1.2019) Pro-Remain MPs and officials on the People’s Vote campaign are split on the overarching strategy of how to secure a public vote, on campaign events and tactics, whether People’s Vote should run the Remain campaign if a second referendum is called, and over the actions and motivations of its leading politicians, the sources said.
The ongoing internal wrangling is making it less likely that the Labour party will ultimately back a public vote, a shadow minister and a senior Labour backbencher told BuzzFeed News.
Diane Abbott breaks with Labour policy to back second EU referendum
(29.11.2017) After her comments were disclosed, the Shadow Home Secretary said her remarks were “poorly worded” and insisted there was “no important story here”.
Diane Abbott misses historic Brexit vote because she was ‚taken ill‘
(1.2.2017) She added: “Are we going to vote with the Tories come what may? This is a question of opening the process. We will seek to amend and, if we are not able to get any of our amendments through, clearly we will have to review our position.”
“Why is Diane Abbott so unpopular? It isn’t because she is black. It’s because she is the most patrician, condescending politician in modern Britain who looks upon the Brexit-voting plebs with barely concealed contempt.”
(22.1.2019) Brendan O’Neill on the QT row
ABBOTT IN JOB ‚FURY‘: Jeremy Corbyn has been slammed for secretly appointing Diane Abbott to a rule-making Executive role
(24.1.2019) According to Labour’s rule book the NEC must include “three frontbench Members of Parliament, at least one of whom must be a woman, nominated by the Cabinet (or Shadow Cabinet in opposition)”.
But two senior members of the Shadow Cabinet told PoliticsHome they were not told of the decision to put Ms Abbott on the NEC.
EXCL Row as Jeremy Corbyn ‚appoints Diane Abbott to Labour‘s ruling body‘
(23.1.2019) Jeremy Corbyn has been accused of ignoring Labour rules to appoint Diane Abbott to the party‘s ruling body.
CORBYN CAVES! Labour leader BACKS plan which could force second Brexit referendum
(22.1.2018) Labour’s move was welcomed by a leading anti-Brexit campaigner.
Speaking to The Daily Telegraph Eloise Todd, chief executive of Best for Britain, claimed it represented “a momentous day in our campaign”.
She added: “Labour have put a second referendum on the table with this amendment and this is a massive step forward.”
Why Is Venezuela a Key Geopolitical Target for The US?
In terms of proven gas reserves, Venezuela had 198.3 trillion cubic feet in 2017, according to the Ministry of Petroleum. The new proven reserves are distributed in 2.3 trillion cubic feet of the traditional areas of Maracaibo, Maturin, Barcelona, Cumana and Barinas, and 718.7 trillion that lie in the blocks of the Oil Belt.
Warnungen in Venezuela und international vor einem „katastrophalen Szenario“
Militär steht loyal zu Maduro. Oberstes Gericht fordert Parlament auf, Gesetz zu achten. Internationale Warnungen vor Anheizen der Lage
Collapse of Two Plans to End Shutdown Propels Urgent Negotiations
But the results undercut the president by revealing that his proposal drew less support in the Republican-controlled Senate than did the Democrats’ plan, which attracted a half-dozen Republicans willing to break with Mr. Trump. And with the shutdown reaching a grim milestone on Friday as 800,000 federal workers miss a second consecutive paycheck, pressure is mounting in both parties to find a solution.
Abstimmung im US-Senat: Keiner bewegt sich im Shutdown-Streit
Während die Demokraten das Abgeordnetenhaus kontrollieren, verfügen Trumps Republikaner über die Mehrheit im Senat. Allerdings haben sie dort nur 53 der 100 Sitze inne. Daher war schon vorab erwartet worden, dass bei der Abstimmung über die konkurrierenden Vorschläge keiner davon die nötigen 60 Stimmen erzielt. Bemerkenswert war allerdings, dass der Vorschlag der Demokraten mehr Ja-Stimmen bekam als der Trumps: 52 votierten für ihren Vorschlag, nur 50 für den Trumps.