Islow for his part said the Somali people will never forget Turkey being the first country to help them tackle the humanitarian crisis during the 2011 drought.
Daily Archives: 18. Januar 2019
Burkina Faso cabinet resigns: TV statement
Kabore accepted the resignations, the statement said, and is expected to form a new government soon.
Eastern Mediterranean countries to form regional gas market
The others involved are Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan and the Palestinians. Other Eastern Mediterranean countries and transitory countries may join the forum later, the ministry said in a statement.
Cyprus: US to lift Cyprus arms embargo in security boost
The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that there are 122 trillion cubic feet of gas in the east Mediterranean, with just over a quarter of that amount discovered in waters of Egypt, Israel and Cyprus. Offshore exploratory drilling continues along with talks on how to deliver that gas to European markets and beyond, either through onshore gas processing facilities or via pipelines.
P&O Ferries to register entire English Channel fleet under Cyprus flag
On the question why the company chose the Cyprus flag in particular, he added: “The Cyprus flag is on the `white list` of both the Paris and Tokyo Memoranda of Understanding, resulting in fewer inspections and delays, and will result in significantly more favourable tonnage tax arrangements as the ships will be flagged in an EU member state.
Turkish Cypriots seek end to natural gas dispute
Ozersay also met with U.S. Representatives Steve Cohen and Gerald Connolly, both Democrats, and Steve Chabot and John Curtis, both Republicans. The lawmakers did not respond to requests for comment about their meetings.
Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Dedicate 2,127th March to Venezuela
Hebe lamented that some Latin American countries support the U.S. interventionist agenda against Venezuela while calling on the region to stay together and avoid conflict.
North Korea‘s Kim Yong-chol meets Mike Pompeo in Washington
One of North Korea‘s top negotiators is in Washington to meet US officials ahead of a possible second summit between the two countries‘ leaders.
Kim Yong-chol is meeting Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and could hold talks with President Donald Trump at the White House later, US media say.
Homberger Hacker verbreitete Daten des BKA
Der Homberger Schüler Johannes S., der zugegeben hat, sensible Informationen Hunderter Prominente und Politiker im Netz zusammengestellt zu haben, verbreitete auch Daten des Bundeskriminalamts. Das teilte des BKA selbst mit – und betonte dabei, dass die entscheidenden Informationen öffentlich zugänglich gewesen seien.
The cheer on Question Time that will terrify Corbyn’s Labour
How brilliant was that cheer on Question Time last night? Isabel Oakeshott said Theresa May should just walk away from the EU. Fiona Bruce asked her if she meant we should pursue ‘No Deal’. ‘Yes’, said Oakeshott and there it was, instantly, contagiously, the loudest cheer I can remember hearing from a Question Time audience. This was no polite applause or murmur of approval. It was a statement — a noisy, rebellious statement of the people’s continuing and profound attachment to the idea of leaving the European Union, deal or no deal.
DON‘T EU DARE: Jeremy Corbyn faces mass walkout from his OWN team if he caves in to activists to back a second Brexit referendum
Last night Diane Abobott warned Labour MPs that Leave would win AGAIN in a referendum and they should be „careful what they wish for“.
71 MPs have so far come out in favour of a fresh vote.
Brexit: DUP edges towards customs union
The DUP would be open to a soft Brexit that kept the whole of the UK in a customs union with Brussels, senior sources have told The Times.
In a break from Conservative Brexiteers, leading figures in the DUP have indicated that they could sign up to a Norway-style deal with a customs union if it removed the threat of the Northern Irish backstop.
The no-deal vote will be the big one that decides if Theresa May survives
It might come down to an election. But an election would still force May and Corbyn to do what each has eschewed as if it were Kryptonite, namely make a definitive Brexit choice.
Brexit news latest: Theresa May grappling with open Cabinet warfare over deal or no deal
The Prime Minister called meetings with groups of ministers in a bid to identify compromises that might rescue her withdrawal deal.
But the talks were pre-empted by Cabinet members who took sides on Twitter.
Amber Rudd, Work and Pensions Secretary, wrote “worth remembering” above a CBI message that said “business is united in saying no-deal is unmanageable”.
J‘me demande si ces pompiers sont aussi tous de gauchos, fachos complotistes?
„Scheint normal, dass es ab und zu mal brennt“
Tobias Pflüger: Wir hatten den Tagesordnungspunkt im Verteidigungsausschuss aufgesetzt, er ist jetzt aber bereits das zweite Mal abgesetzt worden. Wir werden die nun vorliegende Antwort umfangreich auswerten. Offensichtlich ist aber, dass es auf parlamentarischer Ebene an Bereitschaft zur Aufklärung fehlt. Es braucht daher auch öffentlichen Druck.
Schneehelden im Schneechaos
Die Inszenierung der Bundeswehr und die Unterhöhlung des zivilen Katastrophenschutzes
Launch Success, The Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstoration-1 aboard Epsilon-4
National Research and Development Agency Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launched the Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstration-1* aboard the fourth Epsilon Launch Vehicle (Epsilon-4) from the JAXA Uchinoura Space Center. The launch proceeded on time at 9:50:20 a.m., (Japan Standard Time, JST) January 18, 2019.
Why No Deal Is the Real Deal: Brexit and the Politics of the Interregnum
State aid is not permitted and nationalization is all but impossible under the rigorous competition law enshrined in the Lisbon Treaty of 2007. Sixteen of Labour’s core manifesto commitments would be illegal under EU Law. Labour campaigned in 2017 as if Britain was already out of the EU—and did far better than expected. Some commentators even filed the Labour Party under the dreaded heading of “populism.” The truth is that the EU makes democratic politics very difficult.
Follow these Lexiteers to hear what .@UKLabour should be advocating as a winning strategy for Labour and the U.K. as a whole. @liamyoung @graceblakeley @John_Mills_JML @Calderbank @KateHoeyMP @Labourleave @PaulEmbery Really sensible people, great ideas!
Brexit: High-profile Germans plead with UK to stay in EU
The letter, published in the Times, is signed by 31 people, including the leader of the Christian Democratic Union – and likely successor to Angela Merkel – Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and former Arsenal goalkeeper Jens Lehmann.
They cited post-work pints and pantomime as beloved British habits.
Times Letters: ‘German friends’ urge Britain to stay in EU
„Sir, Without your great nation, this continent would not be what it is today: a community defined by freedom and prosperity. After the horrors of the Second World War, Britain did not give up on us. It has welcomed Germany back as a sovereign nation and a European power. This we, as Germans, have not forgotten and we are grateful.“
Reformen in Italien: Regierung setzt teure Wahlversprechen um
Die italienische Regierung hat am Abend die Umsetzung von zwei zentralen Wahlversprechen beschlossen. Ministerpräsident Giuseppe Conte stellt die Maßnahmen zum so genannten Bürgereinkommen und zur Rentenreform vor, die die wichtigsten Faktoren für die Steigerung des Staatsdefizits sind.
Italien macht bei Sozialreformen vorwärts
Die auch Bürgereinkommen genannte Mindestsicherung, für die die Regierung sieben Milliarden Euro ansetzt, gehörte zu den zentralen Wahlversprechen der Fünf-Sterne-Bewegung. Vorgesehen ist, dass Arbeitslose, arme Rentner und besonders Benachteiligte monatlich 780 Euro bekommen. Damit soll ihr Überleben gesichert und die Wiedereingliederung in den Arbeitsmarkt ermöglicht werden.
Wegen „Shutdown“: USA stornieren Reise nach Davos
Der französische Staatschef Emmanuel Macron hatte seinen Besuch beim WEF-Treffen ebenfalls abgesagt; er bleibt wegen der Proteste der „Gelben Westen“ zu Hause. Großbritanniens Premierministerin Theresa May verzichtet wegen der Brexit-Verhandlungen auf die Reise.
Besuch in Russland und Ukraine: Maas auf heikler Mission
Bundesaußenminister Heiko Maas ist nach Moskau geflogen, um mit seinem russischen Kollegen Sergej Lawrow über atomare Rüstung, die Ukraine-Krise und den Syrien-Krieg zu sprechen. Anschließend wird er weiter in die ukrainische Hauptstadt Kiew reisen und Außenminister Pawel Klimkin trifft.
German Kapitalangst
Ein »Brexit« ohne Abkommen sei keine Option. Es müsse allen Beteiligten klar sein, dass in solch einem Fall Großbritannien zu einem »Drittstaat« werde: »Damit fällt einer unserer engsten Handelspartner bei den Regelungen der wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen hinter Länder wie die Türkei, Südkorea oder Ghana zurück.« Eine Prognose für die deutsche Konjunktur 2020 wagte Kempf wegen der ausgeprägten Unsicherheit nicht. »Das wäre alles Kaffeesatzleserei.«
Sensor erkennt Depressionen von Kindern
Angststörungen und Depressionen bei Kindern besser erkennen – das verspricht ein neuer Sensor, der winzige, für die Krankheiten typische Bewegungsmuster erkennt. Die Technik könnte künftig herkömmliche Diagnosemethoden unterstützen, erklärt ein Wiener Experte.
• Kantar – Labour lead by 3% • ComRes – Labour lead by 2% • BMG – Labour level • Survation – Labour lead by 3% • Fiona Bruce, heading BBC flagship politics program #bbcqt “Labour are behind in the polls” These are the people protecting us from fake news?
Brexit news latest: Second referendum ‚would take more than a year to stage‘ as Corbyn tells Labour MPs not to talk to PM about solving Brexit
A second referendum would take more than a year to organise, according to civil service guidance shown to MPs holding talks with Theresa May and senior ministers.
The one-page document published by the Daily Telegraph sets out the stages required to mount another poll in bullet-point form.
Corbyn could face string of resignations if he backs ‚people‘s vote‘
A string of junior shadow ministers have told the Guardian they are strongly opposed to the idea of a second referendum, which they fear would expose Labour to a vicious backlash in leave-voting constituencies.
Clear Majority Want to Respect the Referendum Result
The latest ComRes poll asked voters whether they wanted to see the referendum result respected and found a clear majority in favour. Excluding ‘don’t knows’ (18%), 65% of people agreed that the result should be respected, while only 35% disagreed.
British voters: 75% say current generation of politicians not up to it 74% say politicians not in touch with mood of country 72% say #Brexit shows politics needs a complete overhaul 67% say their voice is not heard in politics today
You‘ve LOST respect! Support for politicians PLUMMETS as chaos reigns – SHOCK EXPRESS POLL
Three-quarters of voters say the crisis-hit EU departure process has shown that the current generation of MPs are “not up to the job”, according to the data from polling firm ComRes. A root-and-branch overhaul of the country’s entire political system is wanted by a massive 72% of people quizzed in the survey. But despite the chaos embroiling Brexit, a majority of voters (53%) still want the result of the 2016 EU Leave vote to be honoured by ensuring the UK’s withdrawal from the bloc and do not want a second referendum to be triggered.
Jeremy Corbyn faces split as defiant Labour MPs discuss Brexit deal with ministers
Jeremy Corbyn was wrestling with a growing split in his party on Thursday night as Labour MPs defied his orders and began talks with ministers over a new Brexit deal.
Senior party figures, including Yvette Cooper and Hilary Benn, met David Lidington, Theresa May’s deputy, in the face of pleas in a letter circulated to Labour MPs.
Wahlumfrage der „Ostsee-Zeitung“: SPD stürzt ab
Kurz vor ihrer Halbzeitbilanz rutscht die rot-schwarze Koalition in der Gunst der Wähler ab und verliert nach einer Forsa-Umfrage im Auftrag der in Rostock erscheinenden „Ostsee-Zeitung“ ihre Mehrheit. SPD und CDU erreichen danach jeweils 22 Prozent.
Razzia bei Polizisten
Zudem entdeckten die Ermittler demnach in seinem Haus ein »museal eingerichtetes Zimmer mit diversen NS-Devotionalien« wie SS-Uniformen, Fahnen und Abzeichen. Die Staatsanwaltschaft Gießen leitete gegen ihn Ermittlungen wegen Verstoßes gegen das Waffengesetz und des Verwendens von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger Organisationen ein.
„Rambo“ Benalla festgenommen
Dahinter steht der Verdacht, dass es im Elysée-Palast einen Sicherheitsdienst mit illegalen Befugnissen gab.
Colombia: Campesino Boy Killed, Locals Point to Paramilitary
A child was found brutally murdered in the area of San Jose de Apartado in the north of Colombia — another in a long string of murders in rural Colombia.
Wie wär´s mit einer offenen Grenze?
„Grenzen existieren per Definition, um uns von anderen zu trennen.“
Das heißt, Grenzen sind sowohl psychologisch als auch physisch. Wie viel Sinn macht es, Rasierklingendraht um ein psychologisches Konstrukt zu wickeln oder es mit Drohnen zu patrouillieren?
What About Open Borders?
“Borders exist, by definition, to separate us from others.”
That is to say, borders are psychological as well as physical. How much sense does it make to throw razor wire around a psychological construct, or patrol it with drones? What sort of security are we actually getting for our investment?
Nordkoreanischer Spitzenbeamter Kim Yong-chol in Washington eingetroffen
Im Anschluss an ein Gespräch mit Pompeo will Kim auch den Präsidenten Donald Trump im Weißen Haus besuchen und ein Schreiben von Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong-un überreichen.
Südkoreas Geheimdienstchef besuchte am Wochenende Washington
Suh sprach offenbar mit CIA-Chefin Gina Haspel und tauschte Informationen über die Bewegungen in Nordkorea aus, um die Verhandlungen über die Denuklearisierung zwischen Nordkorea und den USA voranzubringen.
Question Time audience in Derby – a working-class, Labour city – just cheered the prospect of ‚no deal‘ to the rafters. Labour is playing with fire. It may never recover the support of people like these if it lets them down.
The starting point for any talks to break the Brexit deadlock must be to rule out a disastrous No Deal outcome. My letter to Theresa May…
The brutal truth is that May is heading towards a softer Brexit
Some in May’s circle think that the Labour leadership’s support can be obtained for a price. Jeremy Corbyn, they reckon, doesn’t want a second referendum. Nor does he want to get any of the blame for a no-deal Brexit. This makes them think that Labour will back a new deal with the EU if it extracts some very visible (and embarrassing) concessions from the government.
Cabinet ministers warn Theresa May she will face mass resignations unless she allows MPs to stop no-deal Brexit
However as many as 20 mid-ranking ministers have indicated that they are prepared to quit the Government so they can support backbench moves to stop a no-deal Brexit.
The Telegraph has learned that a delegation of five ministers from the group visited the Prime Minister in No 10 and warned her directly that they were prepared to quit.
May is the right PM for these democracy-loathing MPs
Yet perhaps May is entirely the right prime minister for this pathetic collection of politicians. She is a double-speaking technocrat among 650 MPs who appear to have hardly an honest political principle between them. And she is a Remainer in a divided parliament where we now know there is a majority for only one thing – stopping Brexit, and defying the democratic will of 17.4million Leave voters.