Archiv: CIA White House whistleblower affair / congressional impeachment inquiry / impeachment / 2019-2020

26.10.2020 - 09:12 [ ]

Scoop: Trump‘s post-election execution list

If President Trump wins re-election, he‘ll move to immediately fire FBI Director Christopher Wray and also expects to replace CIA Director Gina Haspel and Defense Secretary Mark Esper, two people who‘ve discussed these officials‘ fates with the president tell Axios.

The big picture: The list of planned replacements is much longer, but these are Trump‘s priorities, starting with Wray.

26.10.2020 - 09:03 [ ]

Trump has list of top intelligence officials he‘ll fire if he wins reelection: report

President Trump plans to fire several top officials in the national security sphere should he win reelection in November, Axios reported Sunday.

The president plans to fire Defense Secretary Mark Esper, CIA Director Gina Haspel and FBI Director Christopher Wray, two people familiar with his decisionmaking told the news outlet. White House officials declined to comment on personnel matters.

06.02.2020 - 08:05 [ ]

Senate acquits Trump, ending impeachment saga

The Senate on Wednesday acquitted President Trump on two impeachment charges surrounding his dealings with Ukraine, ending the historic, months-long battle over the president’s fitness to remain in office and leaving his fate to the voters who will head to the polls just nine months from now.

06.02.2020 - 08:03 [ Tagesschau ]

Impeachment: Freispruch für Trump in allen Punkten

Das Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen US-Präsident Trump ist gescheitert: Der republikanisch dominierte Senat lehnte alle Anklagepunkte gegen ihn ab. Trump sprach von einem „Sieg über den Impeachment-Schwindel“.

01.02.2020 - 07:23 [ Washington Post ]

Senate set to acquit Trump next week after bid for witnesses in impeachment trial is defeated

In declining to add to the case presented by House Democrats, the Senate delivered a victory for the White House that all but guaranteed that Trump will remain in office. With a final vote on the articles of impeachment set for Wednesday at 4 p.m., Democrats argued that Trump’s expected acquittal will be illegitimate, an acknowledgment of their looming defeat.

01.02.2020 - 02:50 [ The Young Turks / Youtube ]

Is Impeachment Officially OVER?; Bernie Leads; DNC Bends the Knee To Bloomberg


31.01.2020 - 23:57 [ ]

Senate rejects impeachment witnesses, setting up Trump acquittal

Senate Republicans rejected a mid-trial effort to call witnesses and documents on Friday, paving the way for President Trump’s acquittal on two articles of impeachment passed by the House.

31.01.2020 - 14:27 [ LA Times ]

Impeachment trial likely to end quickly after key Republican says he’ll vote against witnesses

Democrats’ hopes for witnesses dwindled when one of the few Republicans still weighing the issue, Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, announced he would not join Democrats on Friday when the vote on witnesses is expected to take place.

31.01.2020 - 14:16 [ Washington Post ]

Senate appears ready to reject witnesses in Trump impeachment trial, acquittal vote possible Friday

Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) was considered a possible supporter of allowing testimony, but he announced Friday that he’s ready to end the trial even though he found Trump’s behavior “inappropriate” and leave the president’s fate in the hands of voters during the upcoming election.

“Let the people decide,” he said in a statement.

31.01.2020 - 05:53 [ Tagesschau ]

Abstimmung im Senat: Impeachment-Ende vor dem Super Bowl?


Die Republikaner drücken nun auf‘s Tempo: Vermutlich werden sie morgen bereits abstimmen lassen, Trump mit ihrer Mehrheit entlasten und das Impeachment pünktlich zum Super-Bowl-Wochenende beerdigen. Damit dürfte auch John Bolton, Trumps gefeuerter Sicherheitsberater und der letzte Hoffnungsträger der Demokraten, nicht mehr gehört werden.

31.01.2020 - 05:25 [ Fox News ]

‚GAME OVER,‘ Trump declares, as old Bolton, Schiff videos surface amid Senate impeachment trial


Obama separately had said that Bolton „bullies, marginalizes and undermines those who do not agree with him.“ Other prominent Democrats agreed with him at the time.

Bolton himself had admitted in the past that he would be more than willing to lie if he felt it was in the nation‘s best interest.

“If I had to say something I knew was false to protect American national security, I would do it,“ Bolton said in an interview with Fox Business in 2010.

31.01.2020 - 05:12 [ Washington Post ]

Trump lawyer Pat Cipollone was a camera-shy Washington Everyman — until impeachment made him a star

His recent client list has included the construction giant Bechtel, Sony Entertainment Group and the Recording Industry of America. He also once served on a legal team for Johnny Depp in a lawsuit against one of the actor’s previous attorneys.

Over the years, Cipollone naturally fell in with the city’s circle of well-connected Catholics, like-minded influencers with firm positions on issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage.

“Pat puts biblical perspectives on everything,” said former senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa.).

31.01.2020 - 04:56 [ ]

Entscheidender Tag im Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Trump

Das Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen US-Präsident Donald Trump im US-Senat steuert auf eine wichtige Entscheidung zu: Die Senatoren werden heute darüber entscheiden, ob sie im Impeachment-Prozess neue Zeugenaussagen zulassen. Scheitern die oppositionellen Demokraten mit ihrer Forderung nach Zeugenvorladungen, könnte der Prozess gegen Trump noch in dieser Woche enden.

31.01.2020 - 04:54 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Senators Mount Final Bid to Sway Vote on Witnesses

The fate of Democrats’ push to call witnesses in the impeachment trial of President Trump remained uncertain on the eve of the pivotal Senate vote, which could either pave the way to his prompt acquittal or introduce potentially dramatic testimony.

30.01.2020 - 16:55 [ ABC News / Twitter ]

Trump attorney Alan Dershowitz: „If a president does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment.“

30.01.2020 - 16:53 [ MSNBC ]

Trump lawyers make shocking claim of monarchical executive powers

Rachel Maddow and an MSNBC panel react to the argument by Donald Trump‘s lawyers that as long as Trump believes his reelection is good for the country, anything he does in furtherance of that goal is not impeachable.

28.01.2020 - 12:13 [ Washington Post ]

If senators fail to call Bolton, their trial is a farce

LAST WEEK, senators trying the impeachment charges against President Trump did not know for sure whether former national security adviser John Bolton could answer outstanding questions about the case. Now they know.

28.01.2020 - 12:09 [ LA Times ]

Column: Trump says Bolton is a disgruntled liar. Let him testify under oath so we can find out

“I’m with the Bush-Cheney team, and I’m here to stop the count.”

Those words were bellowed by John Bolton in a Tallahassee library in December of 2000, when he was part of a team of Republican lawyers trying to stop the Florida recount of votes cast in the Bush-Gore race. Until now, it was the most famous utterance President Trump’s former national security advisor had ever made.

28.01.2020 - 12:06 [ Washington Post ]

Bolton book roils Washington as onetime allies turn on Trump’s former national security adviser

People close to Bolton said he wanted to testify, and a spokeswoman denied that he was behind the leak of the book, adding that the National Security Council has had a copy of it since Dec. 30.

28.01.2020 - 12:02 [ ]

Trump Lawyers Ready For Final Day Of President‘s Impeachment Defense

Shortly before winding down Monday night‘s arguments in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump, defense lawyer Alan Dershowitz addressed the elephant in the room: whether potential testimony from former national security adviser John Bolton would alter the course of the proceeding.

27.01.2020 - 09:22 [ ]

The Imperial Presidency Is Alive and Well

Don’t Mistake Impeachment for a Congressional Effort to Claw Back Power

26.01.2020 - 04:15 [ David Swanson / Twitter ]

How is the Senate getting away with not voting on a privileged Iran war powers resolution introduced on January 3rd by @TimKaine and is @TimKaine planning to say anything about it?

26.01.2020 - 04:14 [ ]

Why neither side is really trying to win this Trump impeachment trial

Both sides seem to be striving for the constitutional equivalent of a hung jury, not enough votes for either a bipartisan acquittal or conviction, simply the status quo. What is different is that you usually do not actually hang the jury in a hung jury strategy.

25.01.2020 - 12:38 [ CBS News ]

Sanders on health care, Biden and impeachment…

In an interview with „CBS Evening News“ anchor Norah O‘Donnell, Senator Bernie Sanders addressed questions about his health care plan, his criticism of Joe Biden and the impeachment trial.

25.01.2020 - 07:38 [ ]

Sanders says it‘s ‚disappointing‘ he‘s not on campaign trail in Iowa

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Friday called it „disappointing“ that he is not on the campaign trail in Iowa in the final weeks before the caucuses due to the ongoing impeachment trial.

“Obviously, when we were planning out our schedule, trust me, we were not expecting to be in Washington this week,“ Sanders said in an interview airing Friday on „CBS Evening News.“

24.01.2020 - 22:34 [ ABC News / Youtube ]

Senators forced to leave campaign trail for impeachment trial l ABC News


Four Democratic senators, including Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, are on Capitol Hill for Trump‘s trial as the remaining candidates in Iowa campaign ahead of the caucuses.

24.01.2020 - 22:30 [ ]

Impeachment throws curveball in Iowa to sidelined senators

With their candidates stuck in Washington for the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump, campaign staffers, organizers and surrogates for Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) are under pressure to help make closing arguments before the Iowa caucuses on Feb. 3.

The trial kicked off this week and will keep senators in session for six days a week, although it‘s set to end early afternoon on Saturday, allowing the 2020 Senate candidates to travel to Iowa for the weekend.

24.01.2020 - 06:12 [ ]

Democrats hammer abuse of power charge, allege Trump put self over country

“President Trump abused his authority as commander-in-chief and chief diplomat to benefit himself,” Schiff said. “And he betrayed the interests of the American people when he did so.“

Exhibit A in their recounting was a July 25 phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, ….

22.01.2020 - 19:41 [ ]

Senat einigt sich auf Impeachment-Regeln

Fast 13 Stunden hat die erste inhaltliche Sitzung des Senats zum Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen US-Präsident Donald Trump gedauert. Erst in der letzten Stunde der bis in die Nacht auf Mittwoch (Ortszeit) dauernden Sitzung gab es die Einigung auf das weitere Prozedere. Die Republikaner zeigten deutlich, wer im Senat das Sagen hat.

22.01.2020 - 19:32 [ MSNBC / Youtube ]

The Senate Adopted GOP Rules In The Impeachment Trial After Heated Debate. | MSNBC

The Senate adopted GOP rules in the impeachment trial after heated debate. Chuck Todd summarizes the night by saying, “At times it did seem like we were watching two different trials: the Democrats focusing on the substance of their case, the White House team focusing on attacking the process.” Aired on 01/22/20.

22.01.2020 - 05:04 [ ]

Watch live: Trump‘s impeachment trial begins in Senate

President Trump‘s impeachment trial will officially begin in the Senate on Tuesday afternoon. The Senate will vote on a resolution that sets up the rules, including how long the proceedings will last and how long everyone will have to speak.

21.01.2020 - 18:30 [ Washington Post ]

Trump’s lawyers, Senate GOP allies work privately to ensure Bolton does not testify publicly

President Trump’s legal defense team and Senate GOP allies are quietly gaming out contingency plans should Democrats win enough votes to force witnesses to testify in the impeachment trial, including an effort to keep former national security adviser John Bolton from the spotlight, according to multiple officials familiar with the discussions.

18.01.2020 - 10:21 [ ]

Pompeo to investigate charges of surveillance against Yovanovitch

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday said he will investigate allegations that former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch was under surveillance by private American citizens intent on her removal from Kyiv and possibly threatening harm.

18.01.2020 - 10:03 [ CNN ]

New documents from Lev Parnas show more texts about possible surveillance of former US ambassador to Ukraine

The Belgian country-code number sends Hyde a screenshot of an official photo of Yovanovitch. The Belgium number, whose identity is not known, writes „My contacts are checking,“ adding, „I will give you the address next week.“
Hyde replied, „Awesome.“
In another series of texts, the Belgian number tells Hyde at 2:05 p.m., „Nothing has changed she is still not moving they check today again,“ shortly adding, „It‘s confirmed we have a person inside.“

16.01.2020 - 23:11 [ LA Times ]

Chief justice, senators sworn in as Senate begins historic impeachment trial of Trump

The Senate on Thursday formally convened to begin considering articles of impeachment against President Trump in the third impeachment trial in American history.

Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and the entire Senate were sworn in, promising to apply “impartial justice” as they consider over at least the next two weeks whether the two articles approved by the House in December warrant removing the president from office.

16.01.2020 - 00:45 [ MSNBC ‏/ Twitter ]

„To say this is rare is an understatement.“ ⁠— Fmr. federal prosecutor Berit Berger reacts to the announcement that Giuliani associate Lev Parnas will speak out on @maddow tonight.

16.01.2020 - 00:44 [ MSNBC ]

Parnas, ‚on the hook criminally,‘ makes surprising choice to give TV interview: MSNBC legal analyst

Berit Berger and Maya Wiley, both formerly of the Southern District of New York, react to the news that Giuliani associate Lev Parnas is being interviewed by Rachel Maddow.

16.01.2020 - 00:35 [ MSNBC ]

New York Times looks at Rudy Giuliani then and now

How did Rudy Giuliani go from America‘s mayor the man he is today? Jonathan Mahler digs for answers in his latest piece for the New York Times magazine, and he joins Morning Joe to discuss.

16.01.2020 - 00:31 [ Washington Post ]

All roads lead to Giuliani

Text messages and documents provided to Congress by Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas show Giuliani’s efforts to get material in Ukraine he could use to attack President Trump’s Democratic opponents.

16.01.2020 - 00:19 [ CBS News ]

Giuliani says he has „no idea“ about efforts to track ex-Ukraine ambassador

In a lengthy conversation with CBS News on Wednesday, Giuliani denied having knowledge of any efforts to keep tabs on Yovanovitch, who was abruptly recalled from her post amid fears for her safety, according to her earlier congressional testimony.

16.01.2020 - 00:11 [ ]

Sanders calls for investigation into possible surveillance of Yovanovitch

“It is outrageous that the President’s personal lawyers appear to have directed the surveillance of a U.S. ambassador. This must be fully investigated as the Senate conducts the impeachment trial,” Sanders tweeted Wednesday. “We have a responsibility to hold this lawless administration to account.”

16.01.2020 - 00:05 [ CNN ]

READ: Documents from Giuliani associate Lev Parnas released by House impeachment investigators

Read the documents here:

15.01.2020 - 23:59 [ ]

New Lev Parnas Documents Suggest U.S. Ambassador Was Under Surveillance In Ukraine

A lawyer for former U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch is calling for an investigation after materials released Tuesday night as part of the impeachment inquiry suggested she was under surveillance by individuals linked to President Trump‘s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani.

That detail was among a trove of documents provided by Giuliani associate Lev Parnas that were made public by the House Intelligence Committee late Tuesday.

15.01.2020 - 23:55 [ MSNBC ]

Shocking new evidence released in Trump impeachment case

House impeachment investigators turned over shocking evidence from Lev Parnas, the Rudy Giuliani associate who is awaiting trial on campaign finance charges. The emails, text messages and documents appear to show the president’s connection to Parnas and the general Ukraine plot.

15.01.2020 - 02:40 [ ]

War powers fight in Senate runs squarely into impeachment

Senate Democrats hoping to rein in President Trump’s ability to wage war against Iran secured majority support Tuesday for Sen. Tim Kaine’s (D-Va.) war powers resolution, but the timing of the measure is now in flux.

In a procedural snafu, Democrats won’t be able to force a vote on the measure until Tuesday at the earliest — the same day the Senate is expected to start Trump’s impeachment trial.

14.01.2020 - 17:51 [ ]

House to vote Wednesday on sending articles of impeachment to Senate

Pelosi did not announce at Tuesday morning‘s House Democratic Caucus meeting which lawmakers will serve as prosecutors — also known as impeachment managers — in the Senate trial.

But the resolution slated to hit the House floor on Wednesday is expected to name the impeachment managers.

13.01.2020 - 06:08 [ ]

Democrats scramble to rein in Trump‘s Iran war powers

Lawmakers looking to limit Trump’s ability to take military action against Iran face a tight time frame with little room for error after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced she will send the articles of impeachment to the Senate this week. Once the trial begins, all legislation is expected to be delayed for weeks.

But a resolution from Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) can come to the Senate floor as soon as Tuesday morning, and he has been trying to win over the four GOP votes needed, in addition to every Democratic senator, to get to 51 votes.

12.01.2020 - 00:46 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Krystal & Saagar: Pelosi‘s impotence on full display with War Power, Impeachment failure

Krystal & Saagar: Pelosi‘s impotence on full display with War Power, Impeachment failure

04.01.2020 - 13:34 [ Daily Beast ]

Trump’s Biggest Fox News Boosters Suddenly Stop Railing Against ‘Deep State’ Intelligence

Incessant Fox griping over the “deep state” has been replaced by sober pleas that the U.S. intelligence community’s findings should be taken seriously.

01.01.2020 - 10:44 [ ]

Report: Rudy Giuliani’s shadow policy efforts extended to Venezuela

New reporting by The Washington Post reveals that Rudy Giuliani was conducting shadow foreign policy in locations other than Ukraine. The president’s personal lawyer was conducting business in Venezuela to try and ease President Nicolás Maduro from power.

28.12.2019 - 11:53 [ Teresa Whitaker ‏/ Twitter ]

Dems appear to give up on John Bolton testimony, say they won’t subpoena after he blows off impeachment deposition – New York Daily News. Democrats didn’t even Subpoena John Bolton but now Demand ⁦⁦@senatemajldr⁩ and Republican Senate do it