Archiv: booting Boris Johnson

21.07.2023 - 14:10 [ ]

By-election results: Voters still ‘pissed off’ with Partygate and Truss and uninspired by Sunak, Tory MPs say

The Tories lost two seats with around 20,000 majorities in by-elections on Thursday in Selby and Ainsty, to Labour, and Somerton and Frome, to the Lib Dems, while narrowly holding on to Boris Johnson’s old Uxbridge and South Ruislip seat amid a challenge from Labour.

Tory Party chairman Greg Hands claimed the 495-vote victory in Uxbridge was the “standout result” while Mr Sunak insisted the next general election was not a “done deal” despite the loss of two safe seats.

21.06.2023 - 05:22 [ ]

Boris Johnson irrevocably corrupted the Tories – now, they’re rotten to the core

Not all politicians are the same, I know that, but enough of the current crop are to make many turn away from politics forever. The Johnson debacle, like Trump’s manoeuvrings, is a profoundly anti-democratic moment as both leaders seek to undermine any institution that stops their ambition. That ambition has nothing to do with improving the lives of anyone but themselves. “Power,” says O’Brien as he tortures Winston in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, “is not a means, it is an end.” Indeed.

21.06.2023 - 05:13 [ ]

Rishi Sunak declares Boris Johnson Partygate furore ‚closed‘ and ex-PM calls ceasefire in bitter Tory feuding – with ministers pleading for unity amid polls showing Labour lead hitting 20 POINTS ahead of crucial by-elections

Mr Sunak joined many Conservatives in swerving the debate, instead attending a Jewish Care event.

21.06.2023 - 05:04 [ ]

Boris Johnson latest: MPs back partygate report – as only seven vote in favour of ex-PM


Only seven Tories voted against the report after a five-hour debate in Parliament, with 354 MPs across all parties in favour of the conclusion that Mr Johnson had deliberately misled the House.

The former prime minister quit as an MP after he learned of the recommendations of the cross-party group, which included a 90-day ban from the House of Commons for “repeated contempts” of Parliament.

21.06.2023 - 04:57 [ ]

Boris Johnson banned from Parliament as MPs back damning report into partygate denials


Branding him the first former prime minister to have lied to the Commons, the Privileges Committee found Mr Johnson committed ‚repeated contempts‘ of Parliament by deliberately misleading MPs with his partygate denials before being complicit in a campaign of abuse and intimidation.

The former prime minister had urged his allies not to oppose the report, arguing that the sanctions have no practical effect, although critics said it was a move designed to avoid revealing the low level of remaining support for him among Tory MPs.

16.06.2023 - 15:00 [ ]

Boris Johnson latest news: Stripping ex-PM of parliamentary pass would be ‚very harsh‘, says Liz Truss

The former prime minister also warned Mr Johnson’s critics they should “never, ever, ever” write him off amid questions over whether he could seek a return to the political frontline.

The committee recommended Mr Johnson “should not be entitled to a former Member’s pass” after it concluded he had deliberately misled MPs over partygate.

16.06.2023 - 14:54 [ Channel 4 News / Youtube ]

Boris Johnson ‘deliberately misled parliament’, Covid inquiry finds

Long-awaited, but much more hard hitting than anticipated, the Privileges Committee report condemned Boris Johnson for repeatedly misleading MPs and – despite his protestations to the contrary – undermining the committee itself.

26.10.2022 - 06:16 [ ]

The lockdown files: Rishi Sunak on what we weren’t told

(27 August 2022)

Lockdown – closing schools and much of the economy while sending the police after people who sat on park benches – was the most draconian policy introduced in peacetime. No. 10 wanted to present it as ‘following the science’ rather than a political decision, and this had implications for the wiring of government decision-making. It meant elevating Sage, a sprawling group of scientific advisers, into a committee that had the power to decide whether the country would lock down or not. There was no socioeconomic equivalent to Sage; no forum where other questions would be asked.

So whoever wrote the minutes for the Sage meetings – condensing its discussions into guidance for government – would set the policy of the nation. No one, not even cabinet members, would know how these decisions were reached.

26.10.2022 - 06:09 [ ]

Rishi Sunak is just the start. The great lockdown scandal is about to unravel


For some time, I’ve been trying to persuade Rishi Sunak to go on the record about what really happened in lockdown. Only a handful of people really know what took place then, because most ministers – including members of the Cabinet – were kept in the dark. Government was often reduced to a “quad” of ministers deciding on Britain’s future and the then chancellor of the exchequer was one of them. I’d heard rumours that Sunak was horrified at much of what he saw, but was keeping quiet. In which case, lessons would never be learnt.

His speaking out now confirms much of what many suspected. That the culture of fear, seen in the Orwellian advertising campaign that sought to terrify the country, applied inside Government.

03.09.2022 - 17:36 [ ]

Is Liz Truss the British Trump?

If you are a right-wing MP or ambitious wonk on the Truss campaign ‘pivot’ is such a useful word. Far better to say ‘we need to pivot from campaign mode to governing mode,’ than to blurt out that ‘now we have their votes we can forget the lies we told to win over Conservative members’. Far better for Truss herself to say, ‘I am pivoting from my previous position on tax cuts’ to ‘I admit that I was wrong’.

Pivoting calls to mind the elegance of a ballerina turning on her points. Not the cynicism of a politician breaking promises she made only a few days before.

03.09.2022 - 16:54 [ ]

Why didn’t more people resist lockdown?

As it will take years for culpable parties to retire, I once feared that a full generation would need to elapse before we recognised lockdowns for what they were: the biggest public health debacle in history. Yet everywhere I turn lately, still another journalist is decrying the avoidable social, medical and economic costs of this hysterical over-reaction to a virus, while deriding lockdown zealots for having vilified sceptics of a policy that may well end up killing more people than it protected. The Covid revisionism is welcome – though it’s a good deal easier to publish these opinion pieces now than it was two years ago, and I speak from experience.

03.09.2022 - 16:34 [ ]

The lockdown files: Rishi Sunak on what we weren’t told

(27 August 2022)

Lockdown – closing schools and much of the economy while sending the police after people who sat on park benches – was the most draconian policy introduced in peacetime. No. 10 wanted to present it as ‘following the science’ rather than a political decision, and this had implications for the wiring of government decision-making. It meant elevating Sage, a sprawling group of scientific advisers, into a committee that had the power to decide whether the country would lock down or not. There was no socioeconomic equivalent to Sage; no forum where other questions would be asked.

So whoever wrote the minutes for the Sage meetings – condensing its discussions into guidance for government – would set the policy of the nation. No one, not even cabinet members, would know how these decisions were reached.

03.09.2022 - 16:13 [ ]

Empowering Sage scientists over Covid lockdown left us ‘screwed’, claims Sunak

The meetings were “literally me around that table, just fighting”, which “was incredibly uncomfortable every single time”.

At one meeting he raised the impact on children’s education: “I was very emotional about it. I was like, ‘Forget about the economy. Surely we can all agree that kids not being in school is a major nightmare’, or something like that.

“There was a big silence afterwards. It was the first time someone had said it. I was so furious.”

Setting out the problems he found with Government policy being influenced by outside academics, he said: “If you empower all these independent people, you’re screwed.”

03.09.2022 - 16:05 [ ]

Rishi Sunak says he wasn‘t ‚allowed to talk about the side effects of lockdown‘ during the pandemic

Mr Sunak said one of the Government’s biggest mistakes was giving too much power to scientists and claimed the Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) edited its minutes to hide dissenting opinions.

The former chancellor made the statements in an interview with the Spectator magazine.

“We shouldn’t have empowered the scientists in the way we did,” he is quoted as saying.

03.09.2022 - 15:44 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Großbritannien – mehr Tote durch Lockdowns als durch Corona?

In Großbritannien findet momentan eine bemerkenswerte Diskussion über die vergangenen Lockdown-Maßnahmen statt. Einer der beiden konservativen Regierungschef-Kandidaten, der bisherige britische Finanzminister Rishi Sunak, hat diese Diskussion vor wenigen Tagen dramatisch intensiviert. Der staatliche Nachrichtensender BBC berichtete am 25.8.2022[1] über die Aussagen von Rishi Sunak gegenüber der Zeitschrift „The Spectator“: Ministern sei es untersagt worden, über Kollateralschäden (trade-offs) der Lockdowns zu diskutieren[2]; es sei falsch gewesen, eine staatliche Angstkampagne zu fahren. Das Regierungs-„Script“ sei ein ungerechtfertigtes Angst-Narrativ gewesen („the fear narrative“). Die vorgegebene Leitlinie sei gewesen: „Es gibt keine negativen Auswirkungen“.[3] Interne Kritik in dem wissenschaftlichen Beratungsgremium (SAGE) sei nicht veröffentlicht worden.

31.07.2022 - 17:39 [ ]

MP Greg Hands says Nadine Dorries’ retweet of Sunak as ‘Brutus the backstabber’ is dangerous

MP Greg Hands has branded ‘dangerous’ a retweet by culture secretary Nadine Dorries, showing Rishi Sunak stabbing Boris Johnson in the back.

31.07.2022 - 08:10 [ fizzforbrexit / Nitter ]

… All politicians are corrupt especially nowadays. Name just one politician of ANY PARTY who has spoken out against the theft of our civil liberties and the abuse of our laws by Boris Johnson over the past 30 months? JUST COMPLICIT SILENCE!!

14.07.2022 - 14:51 [ ]

Tories brace for more blood on the carpet at 3pm: MPs finish voting in second round as Truss allies beg right-wing rivals to recognise the ‚reality‘ they cannot win – and slam surging Penny Mordaunt for inability to ‚master detail‘

Tories are braced for more blood on the carpet today as another hopeful is knocked out of the leadership race – with Liz Truss allies begging rivals to recognise the ‚reality‘ they cannot win.

The results are due to be revealed at 3pm after another frenzied day at Westminster that saw the Foreign Secretary officially launch her campaign insisting she can be ‚trusted to deliver‘ after taking on the EU over Brexit and Vladimir Putin over Ukraine.

In a dig at frontrunner Rishi Sunak she said she had been ‚loyal‘ to Boris Johnson, and it was not the time for ‚business as usual economic management‘.

07.07.2022 - 16:52 [ ]

Boris Johnson tritt als Parteichef zurück

Der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson tritt als Chef seiner Konservativen Partei zurück. Er wolle aber als Regierungschef weitermachen, bis ein Nachfolger gewählt ist, sagte Johnson am Donnerstag in London.

07.07.2022 - 15:44 [ ]

Boris Johnson has not resigned as prime minister

But he can, technically, be deposed as Tory leader and remain in office. He will not be removed from No 10 until he tenders his resignation as prime minister, or until he loses a vote of no confidence in the House of Commons (the last PM to lose such a vote was Labour’s Jim Callaghan in March 1979). Johnson will not, like Donald Trump, attempt to stay in power once the Tory party does select a new leader, but he has notably chosen not to tender his resignation as prime minister until it does.

07.07.2022 - 15:08 [ ]

Boris‘s speech in full: Read and watch PM‘s 372-second resignation from the steps of Downing Street

– Boris Johnson makes 372-second resignation speech in Downing Street
– He confirms he will stand down as Prime Minister once new Tory leader elected
– He says he is ‚sad‘ to be ‚giving up the best job in the world‘ and blasts rebel MPs

07.07.2022 - 15:02 [ ]

Boris Johnson QUITS ‘best job in the world’ saying ‘no one is indispensable’ after being forced out in Tory bloodbath

BORIS Johnson has today told the nation he is resigning as Prime Minister and clearing the stage for a new Tory leader by the autumn.

In an address outside No10, the defeated PM said he was so „sad“ to be forced out of the job he loves but conceded: „Them‘s the breaks.“

24.06.2022 - 22:42 [ ]

‘Anyone but Boris’ majority could doom the Tories to electoral oblivion

Nightmare scenario of tactical voting could put several Cabinet ministers’ majorities at risk, including the Prime Minister’s

24.06.2022 - 22:33 [ ]

The country would be better off’: senior Tories urge Boris Johnson to quit

Ex-leader Michael Howard among Conservatives to call for resignation after byelection catastrophes

24.06.2022 - 22:22 [ ]

Britischer Premier unter Druck: Rückschläge – doch Johnson will bleiben

Und im südwestenglischen Devon, im Wahlkreis Tiverton und Honiton, errangen die Liberaldemokraten einen deutlichen Sieg in einem Wahlkreis, den die Konservativen seit mehr als 100 Jahren innehatten. Der neue „Lib Dem“-Abgeordnete Richard Foord erklärte, es sei Zeit für Premierminister Boris Johnson zu gehen:

Im ganzen Land schalten die Liberaldemokraten die Konservativen aus und gewinnen. Menschen, die ihr Leben lang konservativ gewählt haben, sind abgestoßen von Boris Johnsons Lügen und haben die Nase voll.

18.06.2022 - 20:04 [ Iain Cathro / ]

Boris Johnson and Volodymyr Zelensky cheered on Kyiv walkabout

Try walking about in a British city Johnson and see how many cheers you get

07.06.2022 - 12:32 [ ]

Boris Johnson latest news: Prime Minister‘s premiership is no longer ‚viable‘, says William Hague

Lord Hague, the former leader of the Conservative Party, said Mr Johnson is now facing a „big problem“ because it „isn’t viable actually when more than 40 per cent of your party vote against you“.

He told Times Radio: “That is very difficult then to proceed as party leader in the long term. This is like trying to drive along the M1 with two flat tyres. You can say you are at the steering wheel but is it really viable? You are not going to get to the end of the motorway.”

07.06.2022 - 12:26 [ ]

Boris orders Cabinet to ‚get on with the job‘ and focus on cost of living after brutal confidence vote saw 148 Tory MPs try to oust him – worse than Theresa AND Maggie – with loyalists admitting even ministers secretly voted against him

– Boris Johnson is setting out to revive his premiership after a hugely damaging confidence vote last night
– His allies are begging the 148 MPs who voted against the PM to ‚back down‘ after his slim victory yesterday
– One loyalist MP described Monday as ‚the first day of a Tory civil war‘ with a double by-election looming
– The PM‘s allies have insisted he will ‚fight his corner‘ amid warnings that an early general election is possible
– Backbench chief Sir Graham Brady called a full vote after receiving 54 letters from MPs calling for one

06.06.2022 - 16:59 [ ]

Boris Johnson will win the confidence vote – but even so, it’s over for him

Some big names may quit during the day, because many cannot accept the result. If you think Johnson is a disaster on Monday morning, you’re not going to believe he’s a genius on Monday evening, and no one would believe you if you said so.

06.06.2022 - 09:51 [ ]

Boris Johnson latest news: No confidence vote in Prime Minister today

Sir Graham said in a statement: “The threshold of 15 per cent of the parliamentary party seeking a vote of confidence in the leader of the Conservative Party has been exceeded.

“In accordance with the rules, a ballot will be held between 1800 and 2000 TODAY MONDAY 6th JUNE — details to be confirmed.

06.06.2022 - 09:36 [ ]

Boris WILL face vote of no confidence TODAY: Graham Brady reveals 54 Tory MPs have submitted letters – with crunch ballot ‚at 6pm TONIGHT‘

– Boris Johnson is facing a confidence vote at 6pm tonight after Tories wrote letters to the 1922 committee
– The PM‘s allies have insisted he will ‚fight his corner‘ amid warnings that an early general election is possible
– Backbench chief Sir Graham Brady calls a full vote when he receives 54 letters from MPs asking for one

08.05.2022 - 12:44 [ ]

Local elections 2022: Critics turn on Boris Johnson as Tories lose almost 500 council seats

Tory MPs are assessing the fall-out after a „tough night“ for Boris Johnson in his first test at the ballot box since being fined for breaking lockdown rules.

The Conservatives lost nearly 500 seats in England, Wales, and Scotland in Thursday‘s council elections, with partygate and the cost of living crisis cited by local leaders as key issues on the doorstep.

19.04.2022 - 20:46 [ ]

Sorry… now back to the war: Boris offers MPs an apology but STILL refuses to call rule-breaking No10 gathering a party before moving swiftly onto Ukraine – as rebel Tory Mark Harper says he is ‚no longer worthy of the great office that he holds‘

– The Prime Minister said sorry with ‚full humility‘ over the £50 fixed-penalty notice he received last week
– But in the same breath he claimed ignorance of his own Covid rules over June 2020 event in No10
– Told MPs ‚It did not occur to me then or subsequently that gathering … could amount to a breach of the rules‘

13.04.2022 - 07:49 [ ]

Boris Johnson’s ‘partygate’ fine will see him punished at the ballot box

According to a snap poll by YouGov, 57 per cent of British adults think Mr Johnson should resign for breaching the Covid rules. The same proportion also now want his Treasury protege to follow suit.

The Chancellor will be especially disheartened to discover that while 25 per cent of Tory voters want rid of Mr Johnson, the figure rises to 30 per cent when it comes to his own future in the party.

11.02.2022 - 08:47 [ ]

Cressida Dick confirms any Downing Street rulebreakers – including Boris Johnson – would probably only be fined £100 even if they are found guilty over No10 parties – as PM refuses to say whether he will quit if he is among those punished

Cressida Dick appeared to rule out any punishment stronger than a fine for Boris Johnson over Partygate today – as he refused to confirm he would quit if found to have broken the law.

Scotland Yard is sending formal questionnaires to more than 50 people to ask them to give an account of their involvement, with the documents due to start arriving by the end of this week.

07.02.2022 - 06:26 [ ]

More than 100 Conservative MPs are ready to vote against Boris Johnson

More than 100 Conservative MPs could turn against Boris Johnson if his leadership is put to a confidence vote, i has established.

The Prime Minister would still technically win the ballot of 360 Tory MPs as he only needs a majority of one to survive, but he would be severely wounded by the scale of the rebellion, which would go far beyond the current public dissent by backbenchers against his leadership.

04.02.2022 - 06:50 [ ]

The party’s over, Prime Minister – it’s time to resign

Matt Hancock did it. Allegra Stratton did it. Heck, even Priti Patel once did it, and she’s terrifying when cornered.

They’ve all said that magic phrase that makes the worries of the world, the expectation of their paymasters and the weight of public opinion suddenly lift from their slumped shoulders with a shuddering creak and an almighty groan. That phrase being something along the lines of: “I have become a distraction – and for that reason, I will be resigning with immediate effect.”

31.01.2022 - 14:37 [ ]

If Tory MPs allow Boris Johnson to ride out this crisis they will only be inviting defeat

It comes to something when a police investigation into misconduct in No  10 and the danger of war in Europe are seen as helpful developments by supporters of the Prime Minister.

Boris Johnson’s human shield is no longer Sue Gray, but the Metropolitan Police. Gray’s report, used by Downing Street to evade scrutiny about Covid rule breaches and by Conservative MPs to delay moving against the Prime Minister, will soon be published. But her account of the worst transgressions will be redacted, following an edict by the Met commissioner, Cressida Dick.

25.01.2022 - 15:26 [ Andrew Jacobs / Twitter ]

He’s still there because the Conservative party has no obvious credible replacement for him. I wonder if the 1922 committee already has the number of letters required for a no confidence vote but is sitting on it’s hands until the party has decided who they want to get behind?

25.01.2022 - 15:21 [ @FineLineDubai / Twitte ]

What’s the point of the Met Police investigating the No 10 Parties? Everyone knows Cressida Dick is biased in favour of Boris Johnson. We all know the truth won’t be told and justice will not be delivered. Another example of corruption & a waste of everyone’s time.


25.01.2022 - 15:17 [ nicki / Twitter ]

Partygate report to be delayed for WEEKS because of police probe: Met chief announces criminal investigation as ‚upset‘ Cabinet minister refuses to defend Boris‘s birthday party (so has Cressida done PM a FAVOUR?)

25.01.2022 - 14:51 [ BBC ]

Police to investigate Downing Street lockdown parties

Commissioner Cressida Dick said they were looking into „potential breaches of Covid-19 regulations“ in Downing Street and Whitehall since 2020.

25.01.2022 - 14:45 [ ]

Partys in Downing Street: Polizei leitet Ermittlungen ein

So sollen Kollegen von Regierungsmitarbeitern mit der Veröffentlichung kompromittierenden Materials in der Presse bedroht und eingeschüchtert worden sein, sagte Wragg dem „Telegraph“. Damit solle ein parteiinternes Misstrauensvotum verhindert werden. Die Parteimitglieder hätten erklärtermaßen oder mutmaßlich eine Abstimmung über die Parteiführung des Premierministers angestrebt.

24.01.2022 - 15:43 [ ]

No 10 police give ‚extremely damning‘ evidence to Sue Gray over ‚partygate‘

The statements, described by one source as “extremely damning”, are expected to form a key part of Ms Gray’s report, which is due to be published within days.

The senior civil servant has also spoken to the Prime Minister, civil servants and political advisers, and accessed security pass logs and even Boris Johnson’s official diary.

Dominic Cummings, Mr Johnson’s former chief aide turned hostile adversary, will be interviewed by Ms Gray on Monday, according to report