Daily Archives: 9. März 2023
NEW: Statement from the Tel Aviv District Commander: ‚While handling the protest, a terrorist arrived and fired at 3 protesters and escaped. Two police officers who were on the scene attempted to contact him and killed him on the spot‘
BREAKING: Terror attack in Tel Aviv. At least 2 Israelis are in serious condition after being shot. Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai: „This is an attack, one of the terrorists has been neutralized or eliminated – I ask all the demonstrators to stop the demonstration and go home.“
Declaration of Independence
(14TH MAY,1948)
THE STATE OF ISRAEL will be open for Jewish immigration and for the Ingathering of the Exiles; it will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
Tel Aviv mayor, displaying Israeli declaration of independence on City Hall: „In a time of darkness there are things important to illuminate.“
#Breaking: Ben Gvir was infuriated at the police for „disobeying“ him & allowing the Ayalon highway to be blocked fir about 90 minutes. He has gotten rid of Tel Aviv police commissioner by appointing him „head of the training department.“
Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv closed in both directions. “Day of Resistance”
Wie Interpreten von Recht das Recht verändern, brechen, stürzen können
(23.Juni 2014)
Nun kommt ein Kreislauf in Gang, der in der Geschichte der Menschheit noch nie anders war, in den Hierarchien aller Gesellschaften. Staaten und Organisationen auftritt und diametral mit der Zeitspanne seines (nicht durch störende Gewaltenteilung oder checks & balances belästigten) Ablaufs eskaliert:
Je mehr und je länger die Praxis der ausführenden Funktionäre / Amtsinhaber und ihrer nach eigenem Ermessen interpretierten Begriffe und Rechtsbegriffe anhält und von der Gesellschaft akzeptiert wird, verändert diese merklich oder unmerklich ihre eigene Auffassung dieser Begriffe bzw Rechtsbegriffe und passt sie der Rechtsauffassung der Ausführenden bzw Amtsträger und Funktionäre an.
Die Gesellschaft akzeptiert also nach und nach eine Umdeutung der (rechtlichen) Standards durch diejenigen, die sie lediglich ausführen müssen oder sogar selbst beschlossen haben, aber nicht versucht haben sie in aller Öffentlichkeit zu verändern.
Nun aber kann der neue Standard, den man durch veränderte Praxis und eigene Auslegung von Begriffen, Rechtsbegriffen und Recht in der Gesellschaft verankert hat, in neue Gesetze gegossen werden.
Die Interpretation der Norm – die bewusst, gezielt und unauffällig eingesetzt auch eine faktisch unbegrenzte Abweichung von der Norm, einen Bruch beinhalten kann – ist so die Norm selbst geworden. Eigentlich Illegales wird legal. Oder umgekehrt.
Die Gesellschaft aber, hat sie die Interpretation der Norm in Form der veränderten Praxis erst lang genug hingenommen, dann als neue Norm akzeptiert und nachfolgend auch deren Umsetzung in neue Gesetze und / oder Bestimmungen zugesehen, müsste nun enorme Aktivkräfte entwickeln um diesen ganzen Prozess wieder zurückzudrehen und (gesamtgesellschaftlich betrachtet) zu ihren Gunsten wieder zu verändern.
Doch im Gegenteil droht nun der Gesellschaft, erst einmal durch die ausführenden kreativen Kunstfreunde und Interpreten ausgetrickst und überwunden, eine weitere Interpretation der neuen Norm, Gesetze oder Vorschriften, abermals zugunsten der Funktionäre, die dann abermals in eine veränderte Norm und schließlich in neuen Rechtsvorschriften, Gesetzen und / oder Recht mündet.
Geht der ganze Prozess unauffällig (z.B. weil im Zeitlupentempo), unbemerkt und gar mehrfach über die Bühne, lässt sich so nicht nur eine Organisation (wie eine Partei), sondern eine Gesellschaft verändern.
Erfolgen diese Prozesse in Absprache oder auf Befehl durch eine Vielzahl von Personen, gerade in Schlüsselpositionen, lässt sich so eine Gesellschaft gezielt nach den Vorstellungen nur einer Handvoll Personen verändern.
Erfolgen diese Prozesse in Absprache und / oder auf Befehl der höchsten staatlichen Ebenen, in Exekutive, Legislative oder Judikative, gar allen zusammen, im Geheimen, in Absprache mit einer ausländischen Macht, oder gleich mit mehreren, nennt man so etwas Hochverrat und einen organisierten Staatsstreich.
This Is Definitely a Coup. Israel Is on Its Way to Becoming a Dictatorship
It can be very confusing when a “coup from above” takes place. On the face of it, everything looks normal. There are no tanks in the streets, and no general with a uniform sagging with medals interrupts the television broadcasts. The coup occurs behind closed doors, with laws being passed and decrees being signed that remove all restraints on the government, and dismantle all checks and balances. Of course, the government does not declare that it is carrying out a coup. It claims only that it is passing some much-needed reforms, “for the good of the people.”
Netanyahu‘s pre-trip interview with La Repubblica contains interesting language before meeting ‚post-fascist‘ Meloni: History ‚favors the strong,‘ he opines, trashing the idea that the far-right is dangerous. The true threat comes from the „extreme left“
Israel’s ‘Day of Resisting Dictatorship’: Thousands Block Roads, Airport as Netanyahu Departs to Rome
– Protesters in Tel Aviv march towards city‘s busiest highway, recent flash point for confrontations with police
– Protesters block access road to Ben-Gurion Airport as Netanyahu delays Italy visit
– Gantz calls on Attorney General to ban Ben-Gvir from police HQ during demonstrations
– U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to meet with Israel‘s defense minister inside airport to avoid nationwide protests
– Ben-Gvir arrives at Ben-Gurion airport: ‚I came to strengthen our forces, we won‘t allow anarchy‘
– Protest flotilla of dozens of vessels set out from Haifa
– ‚No academy without democracy‘: Hundreds of students and professors demonstrate at Tel Aviv University
– IDF reservists demonstrate and block the entry to the Kohelet Forum building and offices in Jerusalem
– PM Netanyahu to travel to Italy Thursday in the midst of nation-wide demonstrations
IN PICTURES – International Women‘s Day: tributes and demonstrations all over the world
On the occasion of International Women‘s Rights Day, many rallies took place around the world, including in territories where these rights are violated on a daily basis. Several symbolic actions were also undertaken. Back in pictures on this Wednesday of mobilization.
Russia fires barrage of hypersonic missiles, piercing Ukrainian air defenses
Russia has a limited supply of such missiles and has never sent so many toward Ukraine in a single attack. Ukraine’s defense minister, Oleksii Reznikov, claimed in November that Russia had used 16 Kinzhal missiles over the course of the war and retained stocks of 42 missiles after replacing those it had fired.
Ukrainian officials have pleaded for their Western supporters, including the United States, to share stronger air defense systems, including the Patriot system, to help stop attacks that are undetectable with their existing hardware.
Hundreds of Thousands Protest in Greece Demanding Justice for the Dead of Train Crash
With demands for a full inquiry and an end to privatization, protestors marched toward Syntagma Square and the Greek Parliament, where the main body of demonstrators reached the square at around 15:00.
At the same time, the left-wing trade union faction PAME organised a separate rally and march to Parliament over the rail accident at Propylea, attended by labor organizations, federations, unions, students and pupils.
Anger boils over train crash in Greece, as audio released of driver being told to ignore red light
After a train station manager in Larissa was arrested in connection to the collision, Greek authorities on Thursday made public striking dispatch recordings that show one of the train drivers receiving instructions to ignore a red light.
More than 40,000 people marched in Athens according to the police
The Hellenic Police estimates that more than 40,000 people marched in central Athens on Wednesday to protest the rail collision at Tempe last week that left 57 people dead. Sources from the Citizen Protection Ministry also pointed out that the march was a mostly peaceful affair.
The Eight Ways Herzog Is Damaging Israeli Democracy
Ever since the coup against our system of government – and the sweeping opposition to it – began, President Isaac Herzog has been doing damage to Israel’s democracy. Even if his intentions are good, at this point we have to call a spade a spade and urge him to stop.
Republicans say new tax bill is DOA. It would raise Medicare$ from 3.8% to 5% for income greater than $400K. Also tax wealthy >$100 million and families 20% on income & stocks.
I guess this would be bad for @GOP next taxes on bribes.
President Biden plans new taxes on the rich to help save Medicare
President Joe Biden on Tuesday proposed new taxes on the rich to help fund Medicare, saying the plan would help to extend the insurance program‘s solvency by 25 years and provide a degree of middle-class stability to millions of older adults.
Biden Is Set to Detail Nearly $3 Trillion in Measures to Reduce Deficits
Mr. Biden’s plans to trim the deficit are unlikely to mollify Republicans. He has refused to negotiate over the debt limit and has said he will not cut benefits for Social Security or Medicare, two popular safety net programs. But he has said repeatedly that he is open to reducing deficits by raising taxes on corporations and the rich.
Biden Wants a Wealth Tax: Should Billionaires Pay More?
For example, in 2021, a ProPublica report indicated that the richest twenty-five Americans had an effective zero percent tax rate. When the ProPublica analysis was first released, it generated controversy over confidentiality of taxpayer information. But the data made some people aware of how the very wealthy can sometimes avoid paying federal taxes.
So, why does all of this matter? Well, there’s a wealth distribution gap in America.