Daily Archives: 30. Januar 2020

30.01.2020 - 22:22 [ junge Welt ]

Strapazierter Rechtsstaat

Stelldichein von Sicherheitsfirmen, Rüstungsindustrie, Geheimdiensten und Militärs beim »Europäischen Polizeikongress« in Berlin

30.01.2020 - 22:13 [ junge Welt ]

Leiterin des Berliner Staatsschutzes vor Anschlag kaum mit Amri befasst

Für die Themen, um die es in der Sitzung gehe, sei das so, sagte die Zeugin, Amri sei keine Person gewesen, auf die andere ihr Augenmerk gelenkt hätten. Sie ist nicht mehr im Staatsschutz tätig. Sie wurde befördert

30.01.2020 - 22:04 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Recht auf anonyme Kommunikation: Klage gegen Verbot anonymer Prepaid-SIM-Karten gescheitert

Der EU-Abgeordnete Patrick Breyer (Piratenpartei) hatte schon 2012 Beschwerde beim EGMR erhoben, nachdem seine Verfassungsbeschwerde vom Bundesverfassungsgericht abgewiesen worden war. Er begründete diesen Schritt damit, dass die Zwangsidentifizierung beim Kauf einer Prepaidkarte eine freie und unbefangene Kommunikation und Internetnutzung gefährde.

30.01.2020 - 18:44 [ VoteVets / Twitter ]

HAPPENING TODAY: The House of Representatives will vote on @RepBarbaraLee ‚s bill to repeal the outdated 2002 #AUMF. Repeal is a necessary first step in restoring some measure of balance on war powers. #CongressMustVote

30.01.2020 - 17:55 [ Telegraph ]

WikiLeaks offers $20,000 reward over murder of Democrat staffer Seth Rich


Seth Rich, 27, was shot twice in the head in what appeared to be an attempted robbery near his home in a suburb of the US capital on July 10, but his belongings were not taken.

Two weeks later WikiLeaks, the website, published thousands of embarrassing internal emails which showed Democratic Party officials favouring Hillary Clinton over her rival Bernie Sanders.

The scandal led to the resignation of the party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

30.01.2020 - 17:51 [ ConsortiumNews.com ]

The FBI Has Been Lying About Seth Rich

The opening email, at the bottom, dated 10 August 2016 at 10.32 a.m., precisely, just one month after the murder of Seth Rich, is from the media handling department of the Washington Field Office. It references WikiLeaks’ offer of a reward for information on the murder of Seth Rich, and that Assange seemed to imply Rich was the source of the DNC leaks.

30.01.2020 - 17:42 [ LA Times ]

Sanders’ rise fueling internal fight as some Democrats fear a November wipeout


With Sen. Bernie Sanders gaining traction, his rivals for the presidential nomination and other top Democrats have begun aggressive efforts to slow the favorite of the party’s progressive wing, fearing he may become unstoppable and cost Democrats their shot at retaking the White House in November.

There are risks, however. The attacks may backfire by galvanizing Sanders’ fervent supporters, who embrace him precisely because he is an anti-establishment figure.

30.01.2020 - 17:17 [ Washington Post ]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn’t running for president, but she’s in the race

Sanders is a candidate who presents himself less as a personality than a conduit for a movement. And in the Bernie bubble, Ocasio-Cortez is seen as the future of the movement embodied. What makes her so effective as a surrogate, beyond her star power, is that if you campaign on electing a movement rather that a person, there’s no difference between hearing the message from the 78-year-old white male candidate or his 30-year-old Latina supporter. The perception among her supporters is that a vote for Sanders is also a vote for Ocasio-Cortez to continue her rise.

30.01.2020 - 17:13 [ theHill.com ]

Poll finds Sanders faring best against Trump in Texas

Independent voters are also a strength for Sanders in Texas, Blank said. He was the only one of the four candidates to beat Trump among independents.

“While all three Democrats, aside from Sanders, lost independents to Trump in this poll, basically 60 to 30 or so with the rest of them unsure, Sanders is actually ahead of Trump with independents, 44 to 41,” he added.

30.01.2020 - 16:59 [ Washington Post ]

Document shows Bernie Sanders’s team preparing dozens of potential executive orders

The document reviewed by The Post shows how the Sanders campaign has already begun extensive planning for how the senator would lead the country in his first days as president if he won the Democratic nomination and defeated Trump in November. Many of the proposals Sanders has floated on the campaign trail do not have support from congressional Republicans and are opposed by some Democrats, so a willingness to move forward without congressional approval could determine whether many of his policies are enacted.

30.01.2020 - 16:55 [ ABC News / Twitter ]

Trump attorney Alan Dershowitz: „If a president does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment.“

30.01.2020 - 16:53 [ MSNBC ]

Trump lawyers make shocking claim of monarchical executive powers

Rachel Maddow and an MSNBC panel react to the argument by Donald Trump‘s lawyers that as long as Trump believes his reelection is good for the country, anything he does in furtherance of that goal is not impeachable.

30.01.2020 - 15:43 [ The Hill ]

Poll finds Sanders faring best against Trump in Texas

So, while the other three Democrats tested — Biden, Warren and Buttigieg — split that vote about 60-40 in their favor, Sanders beats Trump 70 to 30 among voters 18 to 29 years old.”

Independent voters are also a strength for Sanders in Texas, Blank said. He was the only one of the four candidates to beat Trump among independents.

“[W]hile all three Democrats, aside from Sanders, lost independents to Trump in this poll, basically 60 to 30 or so with the rest of them unsure, Sanders is actually ahead of Trump with independents, 44 to 41,” he added.

30.01.2020 - 15:28 [ teleSUR ]

Mexico: Activist Protector of Monarch Butterflies Found Dead

His brother, Amado Gomez asked the authorities for a DNA test because although he considers that the dimensions of the body match, the clothes do not correspond with the ones Homero wore the last time he was seen. Experts from the State Prosecutor‘s Office keep on conducting the corresponding forensic studies.

30.01.2020 - 07:08 [ NDR ]

Manöver: Bald rollen Militärkolonnen über A2

Bald rollen Hunderte Militärfahrzeuge in langen Kolonnen durchs Land. Wie NDR 1 Niedersachsen berichtet, werden ab Mitte Februar rund 37.000 Soldaten aus 19 Nationen und Kriegsgerät im Rahmen des Manövers „US Defender Europe 2020“ nach Polen und ins Baltikum verlegt – ein großer Teil der Truppen über Niedersachsens Schnellstraßen.

30.01.2020 - 06:19 [ Truthout.org ]

Bipartisan Pressure Is Mounting to Rein In Trump’s War Powers

„One important thing to highlight: The Trump administration was briefing the Republican conference today, and several people told me that the administration made it clear that if Senator Sanders’s and my amendment passed, then it would have prevented the Suleimani strike. Well, Senator Sanders’s and my amendment had passed two months ago and was part of the national defense authorization, until it was stripped. And the lesson is that we should have fought harder to make sure it wasn’t stripped. It would have literally prevented this entire crisis.“

30.01.2020 - 06:16 [ Tsarizm.com ]

Netanyahu To Meet Putin In Moscow On January 30th To Explain ‘Deal Of The Century’

“On January 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who will be in Russia on a short working visit,” the message informs, reported Russian state news agency TASS.

Earlier, Netanyahu’s spokesperson Anna Jonathan-Leus informed that the Israeli PM plans to head for Moscow after visiting Washington in order to inform Putin of the details of the US plan for Middle Eastern regulation, the so-called “deal of the century.”

30.01.2020 - 05:53 [ The Hill ]

Trump urges lawmakers to vote their heart on war authority repeal after White House threatens veto

It’s unclear how many Republicans will support the bills on Thursday. Just three GOP lawmakers supported a war powers resolution the House passed earlier this month that was also aimed at limiting Trump’s ability to strike Iran.

30.01.2020 - 05:51 [ ORF ]

Beschlossen: Bahn in Nordengland wird verstaatlicht

Das Bahnunternehmen Northern, hinter dem der Konzern Arriva und damit die Deutsche Bahn steht, verliert per 1. März die Lizenz, gab Verkehrsminister Grant Shapps von der konservativen Regierung bekannt.

30.01.2020 - 05:50 [ ORF ]

Zurück zum Staat Briten mit überraschenden Bahnplänen

Die neue britische Regierung will zudem einige Bahnstrecken wiedereröffnen, die in den 60er Jahren durch die große Beeching-Reform geschlossen worden waren. Damals wurden nach Plänen des Bahnchefs Richard Beeching Tausende Bahnkilometer und bis zu zwei Drittel aller Bahnhöfe stillgelegt. Rund 70.000 Menschen verloren durch die „Beeching-Axt“ ihren Job.

30.01.2020 - 05:22 [ German Foreign Policy ]

McKinseys Klientenprojekte

Der Beraterfilz, der unter von der Leyens Amtsführung in Berlin entstand, betrifft auch die EU. Zum einen hat die neue Kommissionspräsidentin ihre engsten Mitarbeiter, die bisher alle Vorwürfe gegen sie konsequent abgewehrt haben, nach Brüssel mitgenommen. Zum anderen unterstützt McKinsey laut dem Leiter der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz, Wolfgang Ischinger, seit vielen Jahren dessen Bemühungen, „Analysen“ zur „europäischen Verteidigungskooperation“ auf EU-Ebene „einzuspeisen“ – mit Erfolg.

30.01.2020 - 05:05 [ Jason Ditz / Antiwar.com ]

House Plans Votes to Rein in Iran War on Thursday

Two measures aimed at preventing President Trump from unilaterally attacking Iran without Congressional authorization are to be considered Thursday by the House of Representatives. The measures had their start in the 2020 NDAA, though both were stripped out of that by the Senate.

30.01.2020 - 04:38 [ The Hill ]

Trump criticizes House Democrats over war powers bill after telling lawmakers to vote their heart

President Trump criticized House Democrats on Wednesday over an impending vote on legislation to repeal the 2002 authorization for the use of military force (AUMF), claiming Democrats “want to make it harder for Presidents to defend America” hours after urging lawmakers to vote their conscience on the bill.

30.01.2020 - 04:19 [ Congresswoman Barbara Lee ]

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Slams Trump’s So-Called Middle East „Peace Plan“

“Make no mistake – this is not a peace plan; it’s a one-sided annexation plan that harms the goal of a two-state solution. If we truly want to achieve peace in the Middle East, we must actively engage both Israelis and Palestinian leaders, something the Trump Administration has consistently failed to do.

“Trump’s destructive annexation plan does not represent the bipartisan foreign policy of the United States, and I will continue to work to reverse the damage this administration has done to lasting peace in the Middle East.

30.01.2020 - 03:55 [ J.D. Maddox / The New York Times Magazine ]

The Day I Realized I Would Never Find Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq

I couldn’t know it that morning, but the interview would entirely change my perspective on America’s involvement in Iraq, and set me on a decades-long course of struggling with the false narratives used to persuade us to march into that conflict and other ones.

30.01.2020 - 03:23 [ ORF ]

Irak: Ultimatum für Nominierung von Regierungschef

Der irakische Präsident Barham Saleh hat dem Parlament ein Ultimatum für die Nominierung eines neuen Regierungschefs gesetzt. Sollte es den „betroffenen Kräften“ im Parlament bis zum Samstag nicht gelingen, einen geeigneten Kandidaten zu benennen, werde er jenen mit der Regierungsbildung zu beauftragen, „den ich am akzeptabelsten für das Parlament und die Bevölkerung halte“, schrieb Saleh heute in einem Brief, den AFP einsehen konnte.

30.01.2020 - 02:36 [ ITV / Youtube ]

MEPs sing Auld Lang Syne after EU Parliament approves Brexit Withdrawal Bill

Of the 684 MEPs who took part in the vote, 621 voted in favour of the bill while 49 against.

30.01.2020 - 02:22 [ European Parliament ]

Brexit deal approved by the European Parliament

Qualified majority vote in the Council to conclude the process, Brexit set to take place on 31 January 2020.

The Withdrawal Agreement was approved by the European Parliament on Wednesday evening by 621 votes in favour, 49 against and 13 abstentions.

30.01.2020 - 01:26 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Reaktionen auf die Hackback-Pläne des Innenministeriums (Update)

Update 16:12 Uhr: Ein Sprecher des Bundesinnenministeriums teilte uns inzwischen mit, dass der hier diskutierte Paragraf nicht mehr im Gesetzentwurf sei: „In dem aktuell im Ressortverfahren befindlichen Gesetzesvorschlag ist eine solche Regelung nicht enthalten.“ Unsere Fassung ist offenbar eine frühere. Wann genau oder aus welchen Gründen der Paragraph entfernt wurde, dazu will das Ministerium nicht Stellung nehmen. Damit könnte das gleiche passiert sein, wie bei der automatisierten Gesichtserkennung: Sie ruht.