Daily Archives: 24. August 2019

24.08.2019 - 21:50 [ Daily Mail ]

EU leaders try to ‚intimidate‘ Boris Johnson with their body language at the G7… but ‚naughty schoolboy‘ PM is having none of it

– World leaders are signalling power, authority and control at the crucial G7 summit, body language expert said
– Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and Donald Tusk sought presented an air of ‚intimidation‘, Judi James said
– The body language expert told MailOnline Britain‘s representative Boris Johnson had an ‚air of happy oblivion‘
– She said: ‚With his hands clasped behind his back and a big, irreverent grin on his face he looks like the eternal naughty schoolboy who is having fun rather than wilting under the gaze of the others‘

24.08.2019 - 21:42 [ Haaretz ]

Joint List Says It Doesn‘t Outright Reject Joining Government After Arab Israeli Leader‘s Overture

The Joint List slammed the other political parties, made up of Jewish lawmakers, for not taking an interest in the opinions of Arab lawmakers. „It‘s pretty clear that the Zionist parties that make up governments do not acknowledge our natural right to influence decision-making. This was apparent after Ayman Odeh made his declarations and put the political arena to the test.“

Odeh said in an interview with Israeli daily Yedioth Aharonot that he would be willing to recommend Gantz to President Reuven Rivlin as the candidate for making up the coalition, and that he would also be open to joining a center-left governing coalition.

24.08.2019 - 21:37 [ CNN ]

Young couple dies in collision leaving their wedding ceremony

The newlyweds were leaving an Orange County Justice of the Peace precinct after their marriage ceremony, Lt. Gary Keaton, a spokesman for the department said. Behind them were the groom‘s mother and sister, who witnessed the deadly collision.

24.08.2019 - 21:14 [ theHill.com ]

Trump takes aim at media after ‚hereby‘ ordering US businesses out of China

Trump took aim at the press for questioning his authority to order businesses out of China, tweeting, „For all of the Fake News Reporters that don’t have a clue as to what the law is relative to Presidential powers, China, etc., try looking at the Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977. Case closed!“

24.08.2019 - 21:09 [ Washington Post ]

Trump ‘hereby’ orders U.S. business out of China. Can he do that?

President Trump’s extraordinary edict demanding U.S. companies move out of China — delivered in a series of angry tweets Friday — left industries of every stripe scrambling to understand how seriously to take the order, and how the White House might enforce it.

24.08.2019 - 15:40 [ Spiked ]

The strangling of European democracy: The EU is the high point of an anti-democratic project that has been brewing for a hundred years.

So, while the EU might well be the apogee of constrained democracy, constrained democracy has many facets. Moreover, the model of constrained democracy existed on a national level before the EU was created. Indeed, the EU can be seen as the grotesque extension of a flawed system that was first developed within nation states after the First World War. For instance, the model of independent central banking was pioneered in Germany before being transposed to the EU much later on.

24.08.2019 - 13:58 [ Tulsi2020.com ]

Tulsi Gabbard’s Campaign Calls On the DNC to Ensure Transparency in Debate Requirements

The DNC set a threshold that candidates must meet 2% in four DNC-certified polls in order to qualify for the third and fourth Democratic primary debates. However, the DNC has not released their criteria for selecting the sixteen polling organizations they deem “certified.”

Rep. Gabbard has exceeded 2% support in 26 national and early state polls, but only two of them are on the DNC’s “certified” list.

24.08.2019 - 13:49 [ John Iadarola, award-winning progressive host of @thedamagereport, @theyoungturks / Twitter ]

Not sure why the Boston Globe or Economist wouldn‘t qualify as reputable polls.

24.08.2019 - 13:45 [ theHill.com ]

Gabbard hits DNC over poll criteria for debates

The campaign noted that Gabbard has exceeded 2 percent support in 26 national and early state polls but said only two of those are on DNC‘s “certified” list, even as „many of the uncertified polls, including those conducted by highly reputable organizations such as The Economist and the Boston Globe, are ranked by Real Clear Politics and FiveThirtyEight as more accurate than some DNC ‚certified‘ polls.“

24.08.2019 - 13:35 [ Real Clear Politics ]

Gabbard Victimized by DNC‘s Dubious Debate Criteria

Take, for instance, her poll standing in New Hampshire, which currently places Gabbard at 3.3% support, according to the RealClearPolitics average as of Aug. 20. One might suspect that such a figure would merit inclusion in the upcoming debates — especially considering she’s ahead of several candidates who have already been granted entry, including Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, Beto O’Rourke, and Andrew Yang. But the Democratic National Committee has decreed that the polls constituting this average are not sufficiently “qualifying.”

24.08.2019 - 13:29 [ Vice.com ]

Tulsi Gabbard Is The Most Anti-War 2020 Candidate

Service — in particular, her own military experience — shapes much of her worldview. After voluntarily deploying to Iraq, she felt betrayed by the Bush administration’s false claims of weapons of mass destruction. „I went and deployed to Iraq and enlisted in the military believing the lie that was told to so many of us, to the whole country.” Gabbard‘s military focus is attracting a unique cross-section of voters as she campaigns. At the Sweet Corn Parade in Adel, a man approached her to say that he was a Republican but voting for her. „I love your military background…we’ve got to stop these wars,” he said as cars lined up for the annual event.

24.08.2019 - 13:27 [ Time.com ]

Tulsi Gabbard Pauses 2020 Campaign to Participate in National Guard Training Exercises


Gabbard announced the two-week break in a statement Monday. She will return to the campaign trail on Aug. 25.

Gabbard is a major in the Army National Guard who has served in the military for more than 16 years and deployed to Iraq in 2004 and Kuwait in 2008.

24.08.2019 - 13:21 [ New York Times ]

The Next Democratic Debate Is One Poll Away From Being Split Over Two Nights (Again)

If one more candidate qualifies for the September debate in Houston, it will be spread across two nights. Tom Steyer and Tulsi Gabbard are close.

24.08.2019 - 12:39 [ Time.com ]

After a String of Nuclear Incidents, Russia Just Launched a Floating Nuclear Power Plant. Is It Safe?

Russia’s far east may just be the beginning. ROSATOM has said that it’s in talks with potential customers for the floating power unit, and sees “significant market potential” in Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa.

24.08.2019 - 12:34 [ SpaceNews.com ]

Administration policies seek to promote use of space nuclear power

A revised policy for approving the launch of spacecraft with nuclear power systems is the latest measure intended to support greater use of nuclear power systems in orbit and beyond.

The policy, formally issued by President Trump Aug. 20 to coincide with the latest public meeting of the National Space Council, updates guidelines for how both government and commercial spacecraft carrying space nuclear systems are reviewed and approved for launch.

24.08.2019 - 12:32 [ Weißes Haus ]

Presidential Memorandum on Launch of Spacecraft Containing Space Nuclear Systems

This memorandum establishes processes for Federal Government launches and launches for which the Department of Transportation (DOT) has statutory authority to license as commercial space launch activities (commercial launches). These processes include transparent safety guidelines and are forward-looking and amenable to effective use of space nuclear systems for heating, power, and propulsion.

24.08.2019 - 12:01 [ Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists ]

The false promise of nuclear power in an age of climate change

There are now more than 450 nuclear reactors throughout the world. If nuclear power is embraced as a rescue technology, there would be many times that number, creating a worldwide chain of nuclear danger zones—a planetary system of potential self-annihilation. To be fearful of such a development is rational. What is irrational is to dismiss this concern, and to insist, after the experience of more than a half-century, that a “fourth generation” of nuclear power will change everything.

24.08.2019 - 11:53 [ theSun.co.uk ]

BYE BYE BABY: UK birth rates hit lowest level since World War Two as just 11 in every 1,000 women give birth last year


It is the third year in a row that the number of live births has dropped, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said.

The birth rate has hit a record low, decreasing from 11.6 to 11.1 live births per 1,000 people – the lowest since records began in 1938.

24.08.2019 - 11:50 [ Reason.com ]

U.S. Fertility Falls to Lowest Rate Ever


But why should the number of children that parents choose to have be any business of the state‘s minions? It was only a generation ago that overpopulation alarmist Paul Ehrlich was arguing that a tax penalty of $600 per child should be imposed on families. (This was in 1968, when the U.S. median income stood at $7,700 per household.)

24.08.2019 - 11:41 [ theGuardian.com ]

Falling total fertility rate should be welcomed, population expert says


Having fewer children is also undoubtedly positive from an environmental point of view; recent research has found that having one fewer child reduces a parent’s carbon footprint by 58 tonnes of CO2 a year.

24.08.2019 - 11:37 [ Vox.com ]

We’ve worried about overpopulation for centuries. And we’ve always been wrong.

Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich wrote in his best-selling 1968 book The Population Bomb, “In the 1970’s, hundreds of millions of people will starve to death” because of overpopulation. (Later editions modified the sentence to read “In the 1980’s.”)

None of that ever came to pass.

24.08.2019 - 11:23 [ Radio Utopie ]

Das Ende des Wachsens der Weltbevölkerung

(28. Dezember 2010)

Laut einer Studie der Vereinten Nationen (UNO) hat sich die weltweite Geburtenrate seit den 70er Jahren fast halbiert. Bereits 2001 berichtete eine Studie hochrangiger Wissenschaftler vom „Ende des Wachstums der Weltbevölkerung“. Währenddessen heulen uns imperialistische Menschenfeinde und neokonservative Berufsheuchler des blöden-superblöden Abendlandes über „demographischen Wandel“ und „Überbevölkerung“ die Ohren voll.

24.08.2019 - 11:16 [ Wikipedia ]

Human overpopulation

Human overpopulation (or population overshoot) is when there are too many people for the environment to sustain (with food, drinkable water, breathable air, etc.). In more scientific terms, there is overshoot when the ecological footprint of a human population in a geographical area exceeds that place‘s carrying capacity, damaging the environment faster than nature can repair it, potentially leading to an ecological and societal collapse. Overpopulation could apply to the population of a specific region, or to world population as a whole.

24.08.2019 - 10:38 [ Nuclear warfare Documentary Films / Youtube ]

THERMONUCLEAR WARFARE Physics of a Nuclear Blast ✪ Nuclear warfare Documentary Films

We always have to keep in mind that a Documentary, after all, can tell lies and it can tell lies because it lays claim to a form of veracity which fiction doesn‘t. Some of the documentaries are made just to discredit some particular person, party, organization, system etc, but most of them here on TDF are non biased, without prejudice and worth watching.

24.08.2019 - 10:24 [ derStandard.at ]

Was bei einem globalen Atomkrieg passieren würde

Die neueste Modellrechnung stammt von einer Gruppe um Joshua Coupe (Rutgers University), die sich ebenfalls ganz auf die Klimafolgen aufgrund eines Atomkriegs beschränken. (Würden etwas mehr als die Hälfte der Atombomben in Großstädten detonieren, dürften allein dadurch rund drei Milliarden Menschen sofort getötet werden.)

24.08.2019 - 10:20 [ Haaretz ]

Fascists‘ Terrifying Solution to the Climate Crisis

At the same time, the combination of racist ideology and fear of environmental destruction is particularly volatile and dangerous, because it stirs primal fears that haunt many on our warming planet, especially young people in the West. It attaches itself to an array of conspiracy theories and philosophies drawing on social Darwinism. The result is that the climate emergency is taking on a harrowing interpretation.

24.08.2019 - 09:29 [ New York Times ]

How David Koch and His Brother Shaped American Politics

The billionaire, who died Friday, understood the power of changing ‘hearts and minds.’ He spent almost unlimited money on behalf of limited government.

24.08.2019 - 08:58 [ New York Times ]

David Koch, Billionaire Who Fueled Right-Wing Movement, Dies at 79

Since the 1970s, the Kochs have spent at least $100 million — some estimates put it at much more — to transform a fringe movement into a formidable political force aimed at moving America to the far right by influencing the outcome of elections, undoing limits on campaign contributions and promoting conservative candidacies, think tanks and policies.

24.08.2019 - 08:31 [ Oilprice.com ]

Oil Plunges On Trade War Escalation

Oil plunged on Friday after China announced new tariffs on U.S. goods, including crude oil.

24.08.2019 - 08:29 [ Oilprice.com ]

New Trade War Escalation Sends Shockwaves Through Oil Markets

Helping to support the market are simmering tensions between the United States and Iran, with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani cautioning Washington against tightening pressure on Tehran.

24.08.2019 - 08:07 [ Daily Mail ]

Boris Johnson will tell Donald Trump that the NHS is off the table in post-Brexit US-UK trade deal as he makes his debut on the world stage at the G7 summit in France

– Johnson will tell Trump the NHS is off the table for trade talks when they meet
– The pair will have breakfast on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Biarritz, France
– US officials suggested series of mini trade deals post-Brexit, but Johnson said to prefer one comprehensive agreement
– The PM will also meet Donald Tusk and tell him to reopen backstop negotiations

24.08.2019 - 08:01 [ Forbes.com ]

What To Expect At The Upcoming G7 Summit

Key background: The meeting will be Boris Johnson’s first major appearance on the international stage since he became prime minister in July. It will be a chance for him to discuss the U.K.’s exit from the European Union. He is also expected to meet with U.S. President Donald Trump to discuss trade between their two countries.

24.08.2019 - 04:47 [ Shingetsu News Agency ]

The Outliers and the Crazies

“The art community in Japan has always been the outliers of society, the crazies,” said Robin Rastenberger, the organizer of the art collaboration event Tokyo Lovehotel. These multi-artistic musical events bring together an eclectic audience from diverse backgrounds. Art is brought to the forefront in changing Japanese youth.

24.08.2019 - 03:33 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Überwachung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Sachverständige kritisieren geplantes Polizeigesetz

Weil die Anhörung des Innenausschuss nicht livegestreamt wurde, hat das zivilgesellschaftliche Bündnis „SOGenannte Sicherheit“ gestern live von der mündlichen Anhörung im Landtag getwittert. Die schriftlichen Stellungnahmen der geladenen Sachverständigen sind allesamt öffentlich.

24.08.2019 - 02:10 [ Trend.az ]

Britain unlikely to change Iran stance at G7 despite Trump meeting

“We are strong supporters of the JCPOA (Iran deal). We think that it is very important that Iran doesn’t get the nuclear weapons,” said the diplomat speaking ahead of the G7 leaders summit in Biarritz, where Johnson and Trump will meet.

24.08.2019 - 00:42 [ Shingetsu News Agency ]

Why Are Japanese Millennials Voting Against Their Own Interests?

Progressive parties such as the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, the Japan Communist Party, and Reiwa Shinsengumi can present a truly credible alternative for Japanese millennials, if they work together in a way that is effective and captures the public imagination.