113,542 signatures
Parliament will consider this for a debate
Parliament considers all petitions that get more than 100,000 signatures for a debate
Waiting for 3 days for a debate date
113,542 signatures
Parliament will consider this for a debate
Parliament considers all petitions that get more than 100,000 signatures for a debate
Waiting for 3 days for a debate date
(24. Juni 2016) Jeremy Corbyn has said Article 50 must be invoked immediately and that a Leave vote prevailed because of anger against marginalisation and austerity.
He said the result of the poll means the exit clause – Article 50, which would give a two year period for Britain to leave – must be observed as soon as possible in an interview with the BBC.
“The British people have made their decision. We must respect that result and Article 50 has to be invoked now so that we negotiate an exit from European Union.“
Theresa May has been warned by the Irish government that there is no chance of the backstop being changed or removed from the withdrawal agreement.
Ireland’s foreign minister dealt another Brexit blow to Theresa May today as he insisted the backstop “isn’t going to change” and that it is “already a compromise.”
Mrs May sought to gain backing from MPs on her controversial Brexit deal by telling them last week that she would go back to the EU to seek changes to the backstop which is designed to prevent a hard border in Ireland.
STANDARD: Wagen wir trotz dieser pessimistischen Prognose einen Blick in die Zukunft: Wie könnte sich die Rolle von Physikern ändern, wenn verstärkt künstliche Intelligenz zum Einsatz kommt?
Hossenfelder: Wenn Daten vorhanden sind, können neuronale Netzwerke dafür eingesetzt werden, aus diesen Daten eine Theorie zu generieren. Ich denke, man würde die Theorieentwicklung dadurch auf eine neue Ebene heben.
Wie kriegen wir unsere Wut in den Griff, bevor wir aggressiv werden?
Man kriegt die Wut langfristig nur in den Griff, indem man sich ihr stellt, sie wahrnimmt und sie als das nutzt, was sie auch sein soll: nämlich als Motor für Veränderung, als Motor für Selbstreflexion und für authentische Interaktion.
The former policeman said he faced 34 minutes of phone questions from a police constable after liking the post. The officer, Mr Miller claims, told him he was investigating a report of „hate speech“ after an unnamed complainant contacted the force, reports Grimsby Live.
He spoke out about the probe on his own Twitter page and said: „Cop said he was in possession of 30 tweets by me. I asked if any contained criminal material. He said…No.
„I asked if any came close to being criminal…and he read me a limerick. Honestly. A limerick. A cop read me a limerick over the phone.“
AwesomeRepix 4 years ago:
Why am i writing this?
(17. Juli 2009) After a three-year search for a set of data tapes that promised to offer an improved view of the first moonwalk by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin 40 years ago this month, NASA revealed on Thursday that the tapes were more than likely erased years ago and reused. But the agency then unveiled the next best thing: restored footage based on their best broadcast quality tapes.
(16. Juli 2009) The good news is he found where they went. The bad news is they were part of a batch of 200,000 tapes that were degaussed — magnetically erased — and re-used to save money.
(28. Juni 2009) The Sunday Express can now reveal that the missing tapes containing the original high quality images have been found.
If the visual data can be retrieved, Nasa is set to reveal them to the world as a key plank of celebrations to mark the 40th anniversary of the landings next month.
The tapes show in much more detail than almost anyone has previously seen the surface of the moon beneath the patriotic symbol of the US flag.
Crucially, they could once and for all dispel 40 years of wild conspiracy theories.
(5. August 2005) THE heart-stopping moments when Neil Armstrong took his first tentative steps onto another world are defining images of the 20th century: grainy, fuzzy, unforgettable.
But just 37 years after Apollo 11, it is feared the magnetic tapes that recorded the first moon walk – beamed to the world via three tracking stations, including Parkes‘s famous „Dish“ – have gone missing at NASA‘s Goddard Space Centre in Maryland.
A desperate search has begun amid concerns the tapes will disintegrate to dust before they can be found.
(24. September 2009) The man who led the mission, Dr Mylswamy Annadurai, told the Times today how pleased he was at the discovery, which significantly enhances India‘s position in its space race with China.
„It‘s very satisfying,“ he said. „This was one of the main objectives of Chandrayaan-1, to find evidence of water on the moon.“
The reports from the Indian mission were backed up by the findings of two other studies to be published in the journal Science on Friday, showing that the water may be actively moving around, forming and reforming as particles mixed up in the dust on the surface of the moon.
(21.8.2018) As that statement indicates, scientists already knew that the lunar underground isn‘t bone-dry. For example, in 2009, an impactor released by NASA‘s Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) blasted a bunch of water into space after slamming into a permanently shadowed region of Cabeus Crater, which lies near the moon‘s south pole.
But it wasn‘t clear from the LCROSS data where, exactly, that excavated ice originally lay — how much gray dirt once sat atop it. And, while several instruments have spotted tantalizing hints of exposed lunar ice over the years, these detections had remained unconfirmed until now.
This rock was formed between 4 and 4.1 billion years ago, about 12.4 miles beneath the Earth’s crust, yet the most curious thing about it that it was found far beyond our planet’s surface – on the Moon.
The rock was among the samples discovered by the Apollo 14 crew. The Apollo missions brought back a whole bunch of rock samples, and scientists have been methodically analyzing them ever since.
Kinder lernen schnell, und vieles können sie bald besser als ihre Eltern. Womit hat Ihr Kind Sie überrascht?
CNN‘s Frederik Pleitgen sat down with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov to discuss President Trump and the situation in Venezuela.
Russia‘s deputy foreign minister told CNN Friday that Russia and Iran are not allies in Syria and that Moscow is committed to Israel‘s safety.
Asked whether Moscow and Tehran are allies in Syria, Sergei Ryabkov said: „I wouldn‘t use this type of words to describe where we are with Iran.“
Der Finanzdialog mit Saudiarabien soll laut Auskunft des Eidgenössischen Finanzdepartements (EFD) bereits diesen Frühling stattfinden, und zwar in Bern. Ziel der Gespräche ist es unter anderem, den Zugang der Schweizer Banken zum saudiarabischen Markt zu erleichtern. Ausserdem sei die Reise von Ueli Maurer nach Riad nach wie vor in Planung, sagt EFD-Sprecher Roland Meier.
Der offensichtliche Alleingang des Amerika-Chefs im EDA ist besonders brisant, da Bénédict de Cerjat bis Februar 2016 Geschäftsträger der Schweizer Botschaft in Caracas war. Wegen Äußerungen auf Twitter, die als Einmischung in die inneren Angelegenheiten des Landes aufgefasst wurden, erklärte Venezuelas Regierung damals den Diplomaten zur unerwünschten Person und verwies ihn des Landes.
(22.1.2019) Over the last few days there has been a serious overreach by Luis Almagro of the authority he has as secretary-general of the Organisation of American States (OAS).
If Mr Almagro continues to exceed his authority, plainly set out in the Charter of the OAS, the already fragmented organisation will be headed for grave fracture.
(25.1.2019) Das internationale Signal zugunsten des „Interimspräsidenten“ Venezuelas Guaidó aus 16 Delegationen – Argentinien, Bahamas, Brasilien, Kanada, Chile, Kolumbien, Costa Rica, Ecuador, die Vereinigten Staaten, Honduras, Guatemala, Haiti, Panama, Paraguay, Peru und die Dominikanische Republik –
(25.1.2019) Only 16 out of the 34 countries that are members of the OAS supported the U.S.-sponsored statement. Pompeo gave an interventionist speech alleging that „the time of debate is done,“ and called „illegitimate“ the presidency of democratically and constitutionally elected President Nicolas Maduro.
In the meeting, „the scene was that of Secretary of State (U.S.), Mike Pompeo, at the head of all alongside the Secretary-General, Luis Almagro, dictating practically the policies that the rest of the allied governments were dedicated to repeating,“ said teleSUR correspondent in Washington, Alina Duarte.
(24.1.2019) SECRETARY POMPEO: Thank you very much. The United States is a friend of Venezuela and of the Venezuelan people. We have watched Venezuelans suffer for far too long. We know what they know, that the tyranny of the now defunct Maduro regime has far too long – for far too long choked the country and its citizens.
Yesterday, in solidarity with the Venezuelan people, and out of respect for Venezuelan democracy, the United States proudly recognized National Assembly President Juan Guaido as the interim president of Venezuela. You’ve seen the statements from President Trump and from myself.
Many other countries, including a number of OAS states, have also recognized the interim president. We thank them for their support.
It’s now time for the OAS as an institution as a whole to do the same. All OAS member states must align themselves with democracy and respect for the rule of law. All member states who have committed to uphold the Inter-American Democratic Charter must now recognize the interim president.
(25.1.2019) „So it’s important for the left in the United States to stand up, not to say we love Maduro, but to say we’re against U.S. intervention. It’s important to call on our members of Congress. Where are they? Where are the progressive leaders? We’ve only had a handful, like Congressman Ro Khanna; Tulsi Gabbard; one of the new ones, Ilhan Omar; Bernie Sanders. But the rest of them have been silent.“
Damit übernimmt die Bundesregierung die Rolle eines Scharfmachers, nachdem es die EU-Außenbeauftragte Federica Mogherini am Vortag vermieden hatte, eine solche Anerkennung auszusprechen. Auch die spanische Regierung hat sich inzwischen der deutschen Linie angeschlossen. Wie das Onlineportal eldiario.es am Freitag meldete, will Madrid der EU vorschlagen, Maduro eine Frist zu setzen, in der er Neuwahlen durchführen solle. Ansonsten werde man »weitere Maßnahmen« ergreifen, zu denen auch die Anerkennung Guaidós gehöre.
«Das Volk Venezuelas muss frei und in Sicherheit über seine Zukunft entscheiden können», liess Kanzlerin Angela Merkel die stellvertretende Regierungssprecherin Martina Fietz in Berlin im Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter fordern. Würden nicht binnen acht Tagen Wahlen angekündigt, «sind wir bereit, Juan Guaidó als Interimspräsidenten anzuerkennen.»
An den Protesten, die landesweit mittlerweile rund 20 Städte erreicht haben, nehmen auch Oppositionspolitiker und Oppositionspolitikerinnen teil, allerdings haben sie von den Organisatoren bisher nie die Gelegenheit bekommen, sich an die Demonstrierenden zu wenden. Bei der Kundgebung in Belgrad vorige Woche waren die Oppositionsparteien aufgefordert worden, den Demonstranten und Demonstrantinnen ihre Pläne für eine „gesunde Staatsverwaltung“ zu präsentieren.
Die Bewegung der „Gelbwesten“ hatte den elften Samstag in Folge zu Demonstrationen gegen den Reformkurs Macrons aufgerufen. Im Vergleich zum vorherigen Samstag gingen die Teilnehmerzahlen leicht zurück. Am vergangenen Wochenende hatten sich landesweit 84.000 Menschen beteiligt, in Paris waren es 7000 gewesen.
A longtime associate of President Trump is maintaining his innocence. Roger Stone insists he is not guilty of charges outlined in a federal indictment and he‘s blasting an early-morning FBI raid on his Florida home. Stone spoke to CBS News justice and homeland security correspondent Jeff Pegues.
Filmmaterial analysiert… Ich kann im Nachhinein theoretisch Einzelbilder manuell rausnehmen und nachzählen – und mit der künstlichen Intelligenz vergleichen.“
Mehrere tausend Menschen haben in Dresden trotz Regenwetters gegen das geplante neue Polizeigesetz demonstriert. Aufgerufen hatte ein breites Bündnis aus Bürgerrechtsgruppen, Parteien und politischen Initiativen. Dem Protest schlossen sich auch Fußballfans aus Dresden und Zwickau an.
His latest trick: trying to gin up a new #Iran crisis by claiming Iran has lied to international atomic watchdog IAEA. But it‘s fallen flat. Neither the IAEA nor the Europeans took his antics seriously.
Nicht nur seine Rolle in der Iran-Contra-Affäre macht Elliott Abrams in Lateinamerika zu einer umstrittenen Figur. Er soll vorab vom Putschversuch im Jahr 2002 gegen Venezuelas damaligen Staatschef Hugo Chávez gewusst und diesen abgenickt haben, wie damals der britische «Observer» recherchiert hatte.
During the 2016 Republican primary, he opposed the nomination of Donald Trump, and stated that Trump wasn’t worthy of leading the party of Reagan and Abraham Lincoln. These statements led Trump to veto an attempt by the previous Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, to appoint Abrams to a senior State Department position in 2017.
(10.2.2017) Mr. Tillerson had argued strongly for Mr. Abrams. So had Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law and a senior adviser. Senator Tom Cotton, Republican of Arkansas who is closely aligned with friends of Mr. Abrams’, and some members of the pro-Israel lobbying group Aipac, had been reaching out to Democratic senators to impress upon them the importance of Mr. Abrams receiving Senate confirmation.