The BeiDou system began providing services in China in 2000 and surrounding regions in the Asia-Pacific in 2012. When the system is completed in 2020, it will be the fourth largest global satellite navigation system after the U.S. GPS system, Russia‘s GLONASS and the European Union‘s Galileo.
Daily Archives: 23. November 2018
Assanges Verfolgung zeigt die Gefahren für die Pressefreiheit und die freien Medien
Wenn das Scheunentor mit einer Verurteilung geöffnet wird, wird dies zweifellos zu einem großen Schaden für die Meinungsfreiheit und freie Medien führen. Man kann heute die New York Times oder die Washington Post öffnen und eine Reihe von Geschichten lesen, die nicht identifizierten oder vertraulichen Quellen in der Regierung zugeschrieben werden. Wenn Assange verurteilt wird, wäre die Regierung in der Lage, den Präzedenzfall auszunutzen, um im Geheimen auf allen Ebenen zu operieren, während Reporter und die Medien, die sie vertreten, um Geschichten von öffentlichem Interesse zu suchen, Gegenstand rechtlicher Schritte durch das Justizministerium wären. Wenn das geschieht, würde eine freie Presse, so begrenzt sie auch sein mag, wie es derzeit im Mainstream der Fall ist, nicht mehr als eine Erinnerung sein.
Assange’s Persecution Highlights Dangers to the Freedom of Speech and Free Media
If the barn door is opened with a conviction, major damage to freedom of speech and a free media will undoubtedly ensue. One can open The New York Times or Washington Post today and read a number of stories that are attributed to unidentified or confidential sources in the government. If Assange is convicted, the government would be able to exploit the precedent to operate in secret at all levels while reporters and the papers they represent seeking public interest stories would be subject to legal action by the Justice Department. If that happens a free press, even as limited as it currently is in the mainstream, would become nothing more than a memory.
Amazon: Mehr als nur Päckchen
Amazons Rolle in der Militärtechnik und dem Cyber Valley
Amazon kann einpacken
Der US-Monopolist Amazon warb am Freitag auf seiner Homepage: »Nur bis Mitternacht. Alle fünf Minuten neue Angebote. Nur solange der Vorrat reicht.« Die Arbeiter des Onlinekonzerns waren allerdings nicht in Shoppinglaune: An mehreren Standorten in Frankreich, Großbritannien und Spanien traten die Beschäftigten in den Ausstand. In Deutschland rief Verdi die Mitarbeiter im hessischen Bad Hersfeld und im nordrhein-westfälischen Rheinberg zum Streik auf.
Maya Ch‘orti‘ Environmental Leader Found Dead in Guatemala
Perez, 36, was head of the Indigenous Maya Ch’orti’ Council, a member of the New Day Central Indigenous Campesino Ch’orti’ organization, and one of the most visible faces of the legal battle against Cantera Los Manantiales, an antimony mine just 400 meters away from his house in Olopa, Chiquimula, eastern Guatemala.
Rüstungsexporte nach Saudi-Arabien: Lieferstopp offenbar nur für zwei Monate
Denn nach Abstimmung der beteiligten Ministerien habe man sich gegen einen Widerruf von bereits erteilten Genehmigungen für Rüstungsexporte entschieden. In diesem Fall hätten hohe Schadensersatzforderungen der Rüstungsindustrie gedroht, heißt es in dem Bericht.
Der Koreakrieg: der moralische Bankrott des Interventionismus
Sides‘ Ausdruck „Südkorea helfen, als Demokratie auf die Beine zu kommen“ ist interessant. Er ist interessant, weil Südkoreas erster gewählter Präsident, Syngman Rhee, einer der brutalsten Diktatoren auf der Welt war. Unmittelbar nach seinem Amtsantritt schränkte er den politischen Dissens ein und autorisierte seine Schläger, sich mit unbefristeter Haft, Folter, Ermordung, Todesschwadronen und Massakern zu beschäftigen.
The Korean War: The Moral Bankruptcy of Interventionism
Sides and other interventionists are dead wrong about the Korean War and other foreign interventions. No U.S. soldier deserves to be ordered to faraway lands to kill or be killed or maimed, as Franklin Chapman was. If Sides or other interventionists want to go overseas and help out one side or another in some faraway civil war, they are free to do so. Just leave U.S. soldiers out of it. The job of a U.S. soldier is to defend the United States from invasion or attack, not be sent to participate in some bogus fight for “freedom” or “democracy” in some foreign country.
Parteien einigen sich auf Grundgesetzänderung
Das Grundgesetz soll geändert werden, weil Bildung Ländersache ist, der Bund ist eigentlich nicht zuständig. Die Koalition braucht dafür eine Zweidrittelmehrheit im Bundestag und Bundesrat. Für die nötige Mehrheit im Parlament verhandelte sie mit FDP und Grünen.
‘We’re going to see Theresa May down the job centre’: Question Time audience member applauded for calling out Prime Minister’s ‘bad deal’
Speaking on the BBC’s Question Time, which was broadcast in Cannock near Birmingham on Thursday evening, the man expressed his frustration at the PM’s latest Brexit agreement.
“I find it extremely ironic that we had Theresa May saying ‘no deal is better than a bad deal,‘” he told the panel.
“Yet here she is parading this bad deal that – let’s be honest – is getting nowhere fast.”
Theresa May refuses to say if she‘ll quit if MPs reject Brexit deal
Asked twice more if she would quit if parliament rejects her deal, Mrs May added: „As I‘m sitting here, I‘m not thinking about me.
„I‘m thinking about getting a deal through that delivers on the people of this country.
„That‘s what drives me and that is what is at the forefront of my mind.
Theresa May squirms over Brexit in radio phone-in – 5 most cringeworthy moments
She refused to say her deal beats cancelling Brexit, hinted she could resign – and that‘s before you get to the personal questions. Here are the best moments
Theresa May accused of delivering ‚blindfold Brexit‘ after admitting her deal leaves key questions unanswered
MPs of all parties accused Theresa May of delivering a “blindfold Brexit” after she admitted her deal left the public in the dark on a range of vital questions about Britain’s future.
Decisions about future trade, the Irish border backstop, fisheries and whether the UK will remain tied to EU rules until after the next general election have all been shelved, a 26-page “political declaration” struck with the EU revealed.
Why would she humiliate Britain like this? Lawyer savages Theresa May’s Brexit deal
But her claims rang hollow for Mr Howe, a specialist in EU law who let loose in a caustic column for The Sun. He wrote: “Politicians who claim this is just a bad treaty – one we can get out of later – are being ignorant or disingenuous.”
With respect to the backstop for Northern Ireland, for example, he said once it was in force, the UK would not be able to leave it without a joint decision with the EU which he said amounted to a veto over the UK’s exit.
Visa-free travel between EU-UK even with no-deal Brexit
Britons travelling to EU nations after Brexit should not have to get an entry visa even if Britain leaves without a deal, the European Commission has said.
Spain still ready to vote against Brexit unless it sees changes on Gibraltar
“Following my conversation with Theresa May, our positions remain distant. My Government will always defend the interests of Spain. If there are no changes, we will veto Brexit,” he tweeted as he landed in Havana for a two-day visit to Cuba.
Here Are All The Tory MPs Who Have Indicated So Far That They Won’t Vote For Theresa May’s Brexit Deal
By BuzzFeed News‘ count, there are currently 90 Tory MPs who have already publicly indicated that they won‘t vote for May‘s Brexit deal.
Stephen Metcalfe MP EU Negotiations Statement
The British people voted in a free and fair referendum to leave the EU. Turnout was larger than at any election since 1992 and no Prime Minister or party in British history has ever received as many votes as the vote to leave did. The Government must deliver the referendum result and it is my duty to see that it does.
The Withdrawal Agreement’s Northern Ireland Protocol is neither a “backstop” nor temporary
Most of its provisions do not come into force until the end of the transition period. However, at that point and in the absence of an agreement between the UK and the EU to the contrary, the whole Protocol will come into force and will require the whole of the UK to stay in a Customs Union with the EU – a Customs Union in which the UK has no vote on the tariffs to be charged, or on with whom to do or not do trade deals, but will be obliged to follow the EU’s tariffs at all times. Further, it obliges the UK not to deviate from EU rules on a wide range of so-called “level playing field” areas of policy, including environment, workplace rights, state aids and competition law.
Brexit: May says EU will not offer ‚better deal‘ if agreement rejected
She told a BBC phone-in that there would be just „more division and uncertainty“ if Parliament voted against the agreement next month.
But she declined to say whether the UK would be better off outside the EU, saying only it would be „different“.
„Neue #Berlin-Umfrage: #SPD im Rekordtief“. #Müller hat von den Verlusten den größten Anteil verursacht – aber immer dicke Backen machen.
Sonntagsfrage zur Bundestagswahl • Forschungsgruppe Wahlen / ZDF (Projektion): CDU/CSU 27 % | GRÜNE 22 % | AfD 16 % | SPD 14 % | DIE LINKE 9 % | FDP 8 % | Sonstige 4 %
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer baut ihren Vorsprung aus. Laut dem @ZDF-„Politbarometer“ liegt sie vor allem bei den Punkten „glaubwürdig“ und „sympathisch“ deutlich vor Merz. Diesem werden andere Fähigkeiten angerechnet:
Passports to riches: Semlex’s dubious dealings with African governments
Despite these surprisingly powerful connections, Karaziwan is neither a citizen of Comoros, DRC or of any other African nation with which he has been able to secure incredible financial footholds and political appointments. He is a Syria-born Belgian citizen who for close to two decades has used Semlex and its various partners, as well as political clout and connections on the continent, to secure multiple hundred-million-dollar deals to provide passports and other identification documents to African countries at exorbitant prices and sometimes without going through open tender processes.
Ya’alon: I would prefer Islamic State to Iran in Syria
(19.1.2016) Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said Tuesday that Iran poses a greater threat than the Islamic State, and that if the Syrian regime were to fall, Israel would prefer that IS was in control of the territory than an Iranian proxy.
“In Syria, if the choice is between Iran and the Islamic State, I choose the Islamic State. They don’t have the capabilities that Iran has,” Ya’alon told a conference held by the Institute of National Security Studies in Tel Aviv.
Israeli Defense Chief Met With Syrian Operatives During Civil War, Top Retired IDF General Says
Maj. Gen. Gershon Hacohen, a former IDF General Staff Corps commander, said this week that former Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon met during his tenure with Syrian operatives during the war between the Assad regime and the rebels. Since the civil war in Syria broke out, Israel has denied any connection to what was going on there or that it had taken a side. Hacohen says he was present during the meeting.
#BREAKING: #Hamas announced on November 11, 2018 that it has deciphered members of the #Israel|i Special Forces which involved in the assassinate of the commander of the Al-#Qassam Brigades Hamas published photographs of #Israeli agents
Hamas publishes photos of raid „fugitives“; Israeli censor warns media
Israel‘s military censor, without commenting on the credibility of Hamas‘s information, urged the media not to disseminate any details about the Nov. 11 incident in which an Israeli colonel, a Hamas commander and six other Palestinian militants were killed.
Theresa May’s deal isn’t going to pass. So what’s going to happen?
It’s official: the withdrawal agreement is not going to pass parliament. Theresa May’s last hope was that the revised political declaration – the rhetorical boilerplate about the future that accompanies the binding accord about the divorce deal – would win enough Conservative MPs round to, at the least, bring the number of rebels down to a point where Labour MPs worried about no deal might consider voting for the deal again.
But it swiftly became clear that, on that metric, the revised declaration is a failure from beginning to end.
Yanis Varoufakis: “The EU declared war and Theresa May played along”
In 2016, shortly before the EU referendum, Yanis Varoufakis warned that the UK was destined for a “Hotel California Brexit”: it could check out but it could never leave. The former Greek finance minister spoke from experience. In 2015, his efforts to end austerity – “fiscal waterboarding” – were thwarted by the EU (a struggle recorded in his memoir Adults in the Room: My Battle With Europe’s Deep Establishment).
Die Linke unterstützt Macrons Forderung nach einer europäischen Armee
Es ist offensichtlich, dass sich der Aufbau einer europäischen Militär- und Kriegsunion auch gegen die wachsende soziale und politische Opposition im Inneren richtet. Bezeichnenderweise warb Macron in Berlin um die Unterstützung der deutschen Bourgeoisie, während in Frankreich Hunderttausende gegen höhere Benzinsteuern protestierten, Straßen blockierten und den Rücktritt des „Präsidenten der Reichen” forderten.
Dass Macron ausgerechnet in der Linkspartei einen lautstarken Unterstützer findet, spricht Bände über den pro-imperialistischen und arbeiterfeindlichen Charakter dieser Partei. „Eins müssen wir zur Kenntnis nehmen: hier gibt es jemanden, der zum Gespräch, zur Auseinandersetzung um die Perspektive Europas aufruft, für den Europa als Friedensunion ganz weit oben steht“, erklärte Bartsch. Das sei „etwas, was wir als Linke ausdrücklich begrüßen“.
Berliner Terroranschlag: Grüne im Abgeordnetenhaus dämpfen Erwartungen an Untersuchungsausschuss
Wozu gibt es eigentlich parlamentarische Untersuchungsausschüsse, wenn wichtige Behördenakten nicht einmal von den Abgeordneten ungeschwärzt gelesen werden dürfen? Diese Frage warfen am Mittwoch abend zwei Betroffene des Terroranschlags am Berliner Breitscheidplatz auf. Zu einer Podiumsdiskussion über den Stand der Aufklärung des Lkw-Attentats vom 19. Dezember 2016 hatte die Fraktion der Grünen im Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus eingeladen.
FDP und Grüne tragen den Vorschlag Harbarth mit.
Der #CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete Stephan #Harbarth soll neuer Präsident des Bundesverfassungsgerichts werden. Kann das die Gewaltenteilung untergraben? #Bundesverfassungsgericht
Große Koalition verabschiedet Kriegshaushalt
Mit den Stimmen der Großen Koalition beschloss der Bundestag am Mittwoch eine massive Aufstockung des Militärhaushalts um 12 Prozent. In konkreten Zahlen werden die deutschen Verteidigungsausgaben damit im kommenden Jahr um 4,71 Milliarden auf 43,23 Milliarden Euro steigen. Der Etat markiert eine Zäsur in der deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte und ist Bestandteil einer umfassenden Rüstungsoffensive.
Sonntagsfrage zur Landtagswahl in Niedersachsen • Infratest dimap für den NDR: CDU 28 % | SPD 26 % | GRÜNE 24 % | AfD 9 % | FDP 6 % | DIE LINKE 4 % | Sonstige 3 %
Vertrauensabstimmung über tschechischen Regierungschef
Sein Sohn Andrej Babis Jr. erklärte gegenüberJournalisten und Journalistinnen, Mitarbeiter seines Vaters hätten ihn 2017 gegen seinen Willen auf die von Russland annektierte ukrainische Halbinsel Krim gebracht. Damit habe seine Befragung durch die tschechische Polizei zu den Betrugsvorwürfen verhindert werden sollen.