Archiv: people / population

10.08.2021 - 19:03 [ Xinhuanet ]

Indian gov‘t says forthcoming census to be held digitally

Census in India is a decadal exercise to enumerate the country‘s population. It is one of the largest administrative and statistical exercises in the world. The exercise requires visiting every household across the country for the purpose of enumeration and involves the services of 3 million employees.

17.07.2020 - 15:47 [ Haaretz ]

Which Part of ‚The State Is Against the People‘ Don‘t You Get?

Just like a jealous spouse who feels that his partner no longer loves him, the state will employ more and more violence, more and more attempts to dominate, shut down and suffocate. This is what it means to be at the end of a political era, a sobering up from the grand, enveloping vision of a nation-state that takes care of everyone, a shattering of the old paradigm that put the state at the center of existence. It’s the end of an era, the end of a warped relationship.

30.04.2020 - 17:20 [ Haaretz ]

Israelis Visiting Malls, Markets Will Have to Download Mandatory Coronavirus Tracking App


Shopping malls and markets across Israel, shut due to the coronavirus outbreak, will only be allowed to reopen after the development of a tracking system that would monitor all visitors, Health Ministry Director General Moshe Bar Siman Tov said at a Monday meeting.

All customers will be required to install a tracking app on their phone to enter shopping malls and markets, once these reopen.

30.04.2020 - 17:17 [ ]

1.5 million Israelis using voluntary coronavirus monitoring app


Around 1.5 million Israelis have downloaded a mobile app in the past week that alerts users who have crossed paths with a coronavirus patient, according to the Health Ministry, helping to improve tracking of the pandemic.T he app “HaMagen” – Hebrew for The Shield – is sparking interest from abroad with approaches from Germany, Italy, Britain, Australia and Chile so far, ministry deputy director general Morris Dorfman said Wednesday.

26.04.2020 - 21:56 [ Ruptly / Twitter ]

Building sealed off for #COVID-19 tests after residents violate restrictions #Germany #Grevenbroich

07.02.2020 - 16:13 [ Le Monde ]

Washington and Tehran’s dance over Iraq: Iraqis want both countries out

Choreographed sword fights, such as those traditionally performed in Gulf Arab countries, may look like clashes between deadly enemies but in fact require close coordination between the participants.Many Arabs believe the conflict between the US and Iran in Iraq is similar.

24.01.2020 - 10:09 [ New York Times ]

DNA Collection at the Border Threatens the Privacy of All Americans

What if the United States government took the DNA of vast numbers of Americans for use without their consent? The Trump administration has just brought us one step closer to that dystopia.

20.01.2020 - 06:08 [ CBS News ]

World‘s billionaires have more wealth than 4.6 billion people

The richest 22 men in the world — including Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates — own more wealth than all the women in Africa, Oxfam found.

20.01.2020 - 06:01 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Capitalism Draws Fire, Despite Strong Global Economy

Worries about income inequality, jobs disappearing due to automation and environmental sustainability are all feeding wide-scale distrust in capitalism as the world knows it, according to a new study released Sunday.

Edelman, a public-relations firm, conducted its 20th annual analysis of public trust in major institutions, surveying 34,000 people in 27 countries and Hong Kong. The data reveal both skepticism about those institutions—including government, business, the media and nongovernmental organizations …

12.10.2019 - 03:50 [ teleSUR ]

Ecuador: Riot Police Fire Tear Gas, Live Ammo at Protesters

Ecuadorean social scientist, Aquiles Hervas, said over social media from the scene: “We have just witnessed a vile betrayal. [Authorities] accepted the crowd’s arrival outside the assembly in order to talk shortly after the president’s announcement. Once they had approached [the building], the police fired at close range while people were eating soup. Several children were trampled by the terrified crowd. It is a war scene with unarmed people, several were injured.”

Video capturing the attacks show hundreds of people running eastward from the assembly, trying to escape the tear gas grenades and armored vehicles.

„Let‘s sit down to talk, let‘s sit down and talk about decree 883, let‘s talk about where your resources should go, and make sure they go to those who need it most,“ Moreno said in a 20 second message to the nation at 3:00 p.m. local time. The violent incident outside the National Assembly occurred at around 4:30 p.m.​​​​​​​

24.08.2019 - 11:53 [ ]

BYE BYE BABY: UK birth rates hit lowest level since World War Two as just 11 in every 1,000 women give birth last year


It is the third year in a row that the number of live births has dropped, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said.

The birth rate has hit a record low, decreasing from 11.6 to 11.1 live births per 1,000 people – the lowest since records began in 1938.

24.08.2019 - 11:50 [ ]

U.S. Fertility Falls to Lowest Rate Ever


But why should the number of children that parents choose to have be any business of the state‘s minions? It was only a generation ago that overpopulation alarmist Paul Ehrlich was arguing that a tax penalty of $600 per child should be imposed on families. (This was in 1968, when the U.S. median income stood at $7,700 per household.)

24.08.2019 - 11:41 [ ]

Falling total fertility rate should be welcomed, population expert says


Having fewer children is also undoubtedly positive from an environmental point of view; recent research has found that having one fewer child reduces a parent’s carbon footprint by 58 tonnes of CO2 a year.

24.08.2019 - 11:37 [ ]

We’ve worried about overpopulation for centuries. And we’ve always been wrong.

Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich wrote in his best-selling 1968 book The Population Bomb, “In the 1970’s, hundreds of millions of people will starve to death” because of overpopulation. (Later editions modified the sentence to read “In the 1980’s.”)

None of that ever came to pass.

24.08.2019 - 11:16 [ Wikipedia ]

Human overpopulation

Human overpopulation (or population overshoot) is when there are too many people for the environment to sustain (with food, drinkable water, breathable air, etc.). In more scientific terms, there is overshoot when the ecological footprint of a human population in a geographical area exceeds that place‘s carrying capacity, damaging the environment faster than nature can repair it, potentially leading to an ecological and societal collapse. Overpopulation could apply to the population of a specific region, or to world population as a whole.

21.07.2019 - 14:21 [ CNN ]

An entire nation just got hacked


Asen Genov is pretty furious. His personal data was made public this week after records of more than 5 million Bulgarians got stolen by hackers from the country‘s tax revenue office.
In a country of just 7 million people, the scale of the hack means that just about every working adult has been affected.

03.03.2019 - 17:00 [ ]

FBI Gains Access to Popular Home DNA Kit Database

(1.2.2019) As BuzzFeed reports, this week FamilyTreeDNA confirmed that it is working with the FBI and allowing local law enforcement access to its genealogy database. The number of DNA profiles stored in that database is thought to total over a million.

03.03.2019 - 16:18 [ ]

CODIS – The World’s Largest DNA Database

(13. April 2016) 23andMe has about 1.2 million customers. Ancestry DNA was aiming for 1.3 million by the end of 2015 and we can only assume they’ve reached that number by now. The Family Tree DNA database has just over 783,000 records. Assuming there is no overlap between these 3 databases, this means that if all 3 of these companies combined their databases we would have around 3.28 million DNA profiles, or just 1% of the U.S. population. This means that with all the hype around DNA testing companies, they have only managed to achieve a 1% market share combined in the USA alone.

So are these the biggest DNA databases? The answer is no. The U.S. government actually owns the biggest DNA database by far.

01.12.2018 - 15:32 [ Paul Embery / ]

The fake patriotism of the liberal Left – How many truly understand the depth of the Left‘s hatred for the nation state?

Something needs to stand in the way of, on the one hand, global corporations, responsible through their ever-increasing hegemony of devaluing national democracy and deracinating communities, and, on the other, liberal internationalists, responsible for the growing sense of cultural and political detachment felt by millions in their own homeland.

The independent self-governing nation state isn’t dead. Not yet. In fact, it may be on its way back.


30.11.2018 - 10:42 [ Spiked ]

Authoritarianism, powered by the Cloud

A low credit rating could do serious harm, not only to your career but also to your family’s life chances. And this will all be made possible by monitoring cameras, intelligence records, data-mining and other forms of surveillance that ensure that justice is swift. When I was travelling in a car in Jiangsu Province recently, my driver ran a red light and immediately received a message on his phone telling him that the fine had been deducted from his bank account.

29.09.2018 - 11:18 [ The Labour Party ‏/ Twitter ]

This is how our cities, towns and villages could look under a Labour government. #RebuildingBritain

29.09.2018 - 11:06 [ ]

We‘re Rebuilding Britain

We have a plan to rebuild Britain.

Rebuilding industry. Rebuilding opportunity for workers. Rebuilding our communities. Rebuilding our economy. Rebuilding our public services. Rebuilding for people, not for profit. Rebuilding for families, not for investors.

21.07.2018 - 10:20 [ Microsoft ]

Facial recognition technology: The need for public regulation and corporate responsibility

Imagine finding a young missing child by recognizing her as she is being walked down the street. Imagine helping the police to identify a terrorist bent on destruction as he walks into the arena where you’re attending a sporting event. Imagine a smartphone camera and app that tells a person who is blind the name of the individual who has just walked into a room to join a meeting.

29.06.2018 - 09:25 [ ]

Military Bases To Start Building Tents After July 4 To House Migrant Families

The Pentagon said in a statement that the Department of Homeland Security asked the Defense Department to house and care for an „alien family population“ of up to 12,000 people.

25.06.2018 - 09:14 [ Japan Times ]

Japan considers crime prediction system using big data and AI

Street crime prediction “has already achieved results in Europe and the United States,” said Mami Kajita, who established the data-analysis company Singular Perturbations Inc. last year in hopes of developing a Japanese version of the methods used in the United States.

19.06.2018 - 11:34 [ ]

The 20 Most Crowded Cities in the World

We all know these cities have giant populations, but do you know just how crowded they are? The United Nations data booklet, “The World’s Cities in 2016,” details the world’s most populated cities as well as population growth projections for 2030.

Tokyo, Japan, for example, is the most populated city in the world as of 2016 with nearly 39 million residents. Keep reading for the rest of the top 20 most populated cities all over the globe.

07.05.2018 - 08:45 [ CNN ]

Number of children in Japan shrinks to new record low

The number of children in Japan has fallen for the 37th straight year in a row, a sign the country‘s attempts to offset the country‘s severely aging population are failing.