Archiv: Michael Gove

14.03.2024 - 17:18 [ Middle East Eye ]

I sued the government over ‚extremism‘ and I know the game Gove is playing

The British public should realise that Muslim scapegoats today, much like the Jewish, Irish or Black scapegoats used by demagogues yesterday, are not their enemies

14.03.2024 - 17:10 [ Middle East Eye ]

UK government targets Muslim groups with new definition of extremism

In an earlier statement, Gove‘s Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities said the definition had been updated to respond to an “increased extremist threat since October 7 terror attacks in Israel”, citing an increase in reported antisemitic and anti-Muslim hate crimes.

It said the new definition would be used by government departments and officials to help them decide which groups they should engage with and fund, and to identify “extremist organisations, individuals and behaviours”.

But it said: “This definition is not statutory and has no effect on the existing criminal law – it applies to the operations of Government itself.”

26.10.2022 - 05:48 [ ]

Rishi Sunak replaces third of Liz Truss‘s Cabinet as he vows to fix mistakes of her premiership

Three were given their old jobs – Dominic Raab, the Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Secretary, Mr Gove, the Communities Secretary, and Steve Barclay, the Health Secretary.

17.09.2021 - 18:18 [ ]

Dominic Raab and Michael Gove lose out as Liz Truss promoted in reshuffle


In all, four ministers were removed from the Cabinet: Mr Williamson, Amanda Milling as party co-chairman, Robert Jenrick as Communities Secretary and Robert Buckland as Justice Secretary.

However, the most high-profile demotion was Mr Raab, who remained in Cabinet but was stripped of one of the great offices of state, the Foreign Office.

05.04.2021 - 15:07 [ ]

Boris ‚wants vaccine passports up and running by JUNE 21‘ but could fail to get legislation past Parliament as he ‚promises Tory rebels they WILL get a vote‘ and Labour says scheme is like using ‚a sledgehammer to crack a nut‘

Boris Johnson wants domestic Covid passports in place by June 21 – but faces the prospect of an embarrassing Commons defeat after promising Tory rebels a vote on their introduction.

Michael Gove is said to have made the offer to furious backbenchers appalled at the idea of forcing Britons to prove their vaccination status to enter pubs and other social hubs.

Boris Johnson wants the scheme to be up and running for June 21, when the last social distancing measures are expected to be swept away.

18.02.2021 - 14:18 [ ]

How Boris Johnson‘s Brexit guru tried to quit after Carrie Symonds pals‘ takeover at No 10: Dramatic Downing St showdown as duo win key posts – before Lord Frost has to be bought off with Cabinet job

The promotion of Lord Frost to the Cabinet Office prompted speculation that Scots born Mr Gove may be put in charge of a new Cabinet drive to stop Scotland breaking away from the UK.

30.11.2020 - 22:17 [ ]

Only FOUR hospitals in the whole of England are busier now than last winter: As top medics blast No10 for ‚brainwashing PR campaign‘ to scare people into lockdown, use our interactive tool to find out how busy YOUR local trust is

Michael Gove sparked fury over the weekend when he claimed that every hospital in England would be ‚physically overwhelmed‘ by Covid-19 without the Government‘s new restrictions, as he tried to persuade MPs and the public to support the brutal curbs.

But NHS England figures paint an entirely different picture, with thousands more hospital beds spare this year than last winter.

01.11.2020 - 18:24 [ ]

Coronavirus latest news: Boris Johnson faces Tory rebellion over national lockdown

Boris Johnson faces a rebellion from his backbenches over the new national lockdown restrictions for England amid warnings that the measures would be „disastrous“ for the economy.

This comes after Cabinet Minister Michael Gove admitted the four-week-long national lockdown could be extended beyond December 2.

07.10.2020 - 19:59 [ ]

Michael Gove puts chance of Brexit deal at 66% but warns UK will not be ‚held hostage‘

Mr Gove said the Internal Market Bill was one of several steps taken „to ensure this country is not held hostage in a negotiation process, but that we honour the vote people made in 2016 and again in 2019 to ensure we are properly independent“.

He added: „No one will be happier than me if we can conclude an agreement but we have an absolute obligation to ensure the country is ready in the event that we don‘t.“

28.09.2020 - 17:10 [ ]

Brexit-Ultimatum verpufft – Verhandungen gehen weiter

Die EU will trotz britischer Verstöße gegen das gültige Brexit-Abkommen weiter mit London am geplanten Handelspakt arbeiten. Das machte EU-Kommissionsvizepräsident Maros Sefcovic heute in Brüssel deutlich. Ein von der EU gesetztes Ultimatum zur Abkehr von der Vertragsverletzung läuft offenbar ins Leere: Die britische Regierung habe keine Absicht zum Einlenken erkennen lassen, räumte Sefcovic ein.

28.09.2020 - 16:26 [ BBC ]

Brexit: Gove in Brussels as EU trade talks resume

Mr Gove is meeting European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic to discuss implementation of the Brexit divorce deal.

And on Tuesday formal negotiations will resume as the two sides attempt to agree a post-Brexit trade deal.

10.09.2020 - 08:40 [ BBC ]

Brexit: UK and EU set for emergency talks as tensions rise

Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove will meet EU official Maros Sefcovic in London to discuss how the development could affect the island of Ireland.

17.05.2020 - 17:00 [ S.C. / Twitter ]

UK – We now have an army of snitches – Michael Gove reveals 17,000 coronavirus contact tracers recruited …

17.05.2020 - 16:42 [ ]

Michael Gove heaps praise on under-fire Matt Hancock and reveals 17,000 coronavirus contact tracers now recruited

A senior government source told the Mail on Sunday last week that Mr Hancock was on “borrowed time” and had “fallen out with the most powerful figures in the Government”, including Mr Johnson.

But Mr Gove, who revealed that “just over 17,000 of the contact tracers” had now been recruited – told Sky News’ Niall Paterson: “Here I have to praise the work of the Health Secretary Matt Hancock.”

13.02.2020 - 15:41 [ ]

BBC‘s Laura Kuenssberg reveals next person set to get top Brexit role in Boris‘ reshuffle

Speaking to BBC Radio 4‘s Today Programme, Laura Kuenssberg claimed Michael Gove could be given the role to look after the last leg of the Brexit trade negotiations in Boris Johnson‘s cabinet reshuffle today.

28.07.2019 - 09:59 [ Tagesschau ]

Großbritannien Regierung stellt sich auf No Deal ein

Der neue Kurs findet bei Wählern offenbar Zuspruch. Die britischen Konservativen haben unter ihrem neuen Premierminister Johnson in Umfragen zugelegt. Der Zeitung „Sunday Times“ zufolge liegen die Tories nun laut einer YouGov-Erhebung bei 31 Prozent. Das seien sechs Prozentpunkte mehr als bei der vorherigen Umfrage und zehn Punkte vor der Labour-Partei.

08.06.2019 - 06:03 [ #StandUp4Brexit ‏/ Twitter ]

Michael Gove has probably torpedoed his hopes of winning the Tory leadership election by admitting he was prepared to delay Brexit again in order to clinch a deal, @WorldofDinah has said. #StandUp4Brexit

08.06.2019 - 05:55 [ ]

Michael Gove‘s cocaine confession: Leading contender in race to be PM reveals his ‚deep regret‘ at taking Class A drug on ‚several occasions‘

He told the Daily Mail: ‘I took drugs on several occasions at social events more than 20 years ago. At the time I was a young journalist. It was a mistake. I look back and I think, I wish I hadn’t done that.’

Mr Gove, 51, insisted his past mistakes should not be held against him as he battles to replace Theresa May as prime minister. She stepped down as Tory leader yesterday.

02.06.2019 - 09:21 [ Telegraph ]

Michael Gove tells Cabinet ministers he is prepared to delay Brexit until late 2020

The Environment Secretary has told colleagues that a no-deal Brexit in October risks triggering a General Election that will put Jeremy Corbyn in Downing Street.

His position puts him directly at odds with other Brexiteer leadership candidates including Boris Johnson, the former foreign secretary, who have committed to leaving on time with or without a deal.

30.05.2019 - 11:27 [ ]

‚There‘s a deep pit in Hell reserved for you, Michael! Boris Johnson allies react with fury as Gove stabs ex-mayor in the back saying he is not up to being PM – and insists HE should get the job instead


– Boris Johnson abandons ambitions of becoming PM after Michael Gove drops him and launches own campaign
– Justice Secretary says Johnson was not up to job and questions if his ‚heart and soul‘ were in pushing through Brexit
– Boris aide said to have vented anger at Gove in expletive-laden text accusing him of plotting to win keys to No10
– Furious Conservative MP Jake Berry says on Twitter that there is a ‚very deep pit reserved in Hell‘ for Gove
– Alliance between Leave campaigners ripped up as Treasury minister Andrea Leadsom enters Tory contest
– Home Secretary Theresa May installed as favourite after delivering bravura performance at her launch

30.05.2019 - 11:19 [ ]

STEPHEN GLOVER: Putting Boris in the dock over his EU claims isn‘t just dotty. It‘s a deeply sinister attack on our freedoms

This time next year, will Boris Johnson be installed in No 10 as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and First Lord of the Treasury?

Or will he be detained at Her Majesty‘s pleasure, dispensing coffee in the prison canteen and running journalism lessons for fellow jailbirds while waiting for his next visit from the ever-loyal Jacob Rees-Mogg?

I suppose the first outcome is rather more likely.

26.05.2019 - 12:10 [ ]

Tory Leadership MP Backers : Who‘s Backing Who

26.05.2019 - 12:09 [ John Rentoul ‏/ Twitter ]

Updated numbers of Tory MPs publicly backing candidates from @GuidoFawkes

Michael Gove 18
Dominic Raab 15
Boris Johnson 14
Jeremy Hunt 13
Sajid Javid 8
Matt Hancock 6
Esther McVey 5
Mark Harper 4
Andrea Leadsom 2

26.05.2019 - 11:50 [ ]

Boris Johnson‘s allies accuse Michael Gove of ‚systematic and calculated plot‘ to destroy his leadership hopes


Until Wednesday night, Mr Johnson had appeared the firm favourite to take over from David Cameron as Tory leader, and therefore prime minister. But shortly after 9am on Thursday, he learnt that he was the victim of the most spectacular political assassination in a generation.

26.05.2019 - 11:45 [ ]

Gove leads Operation Stop Boris in race to be the next PM: Johnson‘s old foe launches attack on the Tory leadership front-runner as Hunt, Hancock and Stewart all join the criticism – but Liz Truss bows out of the race

In what has been perceived as a stab at the former London Mayor, the Environment Secretary claimed that he is more ‚capable‘ and said the next leader cannot just ‚respect‘ the Brexit vote but must have the ‚wherewithal to deliver it‘.

This echoes the 2016 Conservative contest when Gove famously sank Johnson‘s campaign by quitting as its chairman and insisting he was unfit to be leader.

26.05.2019 - 11:39 [ ]

Michael Gove delivered the biggest blow to Boris Johnson’s career yet


Michael Gove’s sensational entry to the Tory leadership race has electrified a contest that had hitherto been proceeding predictably enough towards a final round between Theresa May and Boris Johnson. The justice secretary’s statement tore up the script and, extraordinarily, persuaded the former London mayor not to run.

26.05.2019 - 11:30 [ ITV News ]

Michael Gove officially enters leadership race for Number 10

Environment Secretary Michael Gove has officially entered the race to be the next Prime Minister, as the fight for the Tory crown showed signs of turning increasingly bitter.

26.05.2019 - 07:13 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Gove & Raab Getting Ahead in Getting Supporters Out in Open

Guido’s co-conspirators have now identified the given allegiances of some 91 Tory MPs, which is 29% of the parliamentary party. Gove and Raab are in front with 14 MPs each, Boris has 13,

25.03.2019 - 07:31 [ ]

Ruthless. Radical. Obdurate. Is this the new face of Michael Gove?

(7. Jan 2012)

Ever since he started in the job Gove has set a scorching pace, removing obstacles in his way with a ruthless determination. In the summer of 2010 he faced criticism from both Labour and Tory MPs for using parliamentary procedures normally reserved for emergency counter-terror laws to rush through legislation to create more academy schools.

17.01.2019 - 05:57 [ ]

Watch: ‘Shame on you’: Labour MPs shout down Michael Gove

Michael Gove ended the no confidence debate in the Commons by denouncing Jeremy Corbyn. But perhaps unsurprisingly his criticism of the Labour leader did not go down well with those on the opposite benches.

17.01.2019 - 05:52 [ ]

Transcript: Michael Gove’s barnstorming speech in no-confidence debate

„He wants to leave NATO. He wants to get rid of our nuclear deterrent. And recently in a speech he said: why do countries boast about the size of their armies? Why don’t we emulate Costa Rica that has no army at all?

No allies, no deterrent, no army – no way can this country ever allow that man to be our Prime Minister in charge of our security.

If he can’t support our fighting men and women, who does he support? Who does he stand beside? Well, it was fascinating to discover that that he was there when a wreath was laid to commemorate those who were involved in the massacre at the Munich Olympics of Israeli. Now, he says he was “present, but not involved”.

“Present but not involved” sums him up when it comes to national security. When this House voted to bomb the fascists of ISIS after an inspirational speech by the Member for Leeds Central in which 66 people voted with this government in order to defeat fascism. I’m afraid that the honourable gentleman the Leader of the Opposition was not with us. In fighting fascism, he was present but not involved.“

17.01.2019 - 05:45 [ Jo W / Twitter ]

The fact they’re trying to smear Corbyn just shows how bad the infighting is. Wannabe PM Gove is the worst for this

17.01.2019 - 05:41 [ Sky News ‏/ Twitter ]

„No way can this country ever allow this man to be our prime minister“ – @michaelgove accuses @jeremycorbyn of not being fit to replace @theresa_may as the head of government.

16.01.2019 - 20:15 [ Sue Marsh ‏/ Twitter ]

Can I just say I‘ve had more centrist friends RTs in the last 5 minutes than 2 years. I‘m taking it as a great sign of hope. We can unite in Gove shame.

16.01.2019 - 20:13 [ Chris ‏/ Twitter ]

He’s now starting to tell lies about Corbyn. The tone of this is shocking, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if Tory backbenchers look at Gove and start thinking about what they will do at the next confidence motion. This is truly disgusting.

16.01.2019 - 20:09 [ Steven Clements JC4PM2019 ‏/ Twitter ]

Shame-faced bullshit from Michael Gove #NoConfidenceVote He knows that parliamentary Privilege will protect him no matter what lies he tells. All the smears & lies have resulted in this

02.12.2018 - 16:44 [ ]

„Brexit“: Gove optimistisch zu Zustimmung im Parlament

Der britische Umweltminister Michael Gove hat sich zuversichtlich geäußert, dass das „Brexit“-Abkommen trotz aller Kritik vom britischen Parlament verabschiedet wird. Alle Alternativen zu der von Premierministerin Theresa May angestrebten Vereinbarung mit der EU seien viel schlechter, sagte Gove heute der BBC.

02.12.2018 - 16:35 [ ]

Michael Gove warns Tories to back deal or Commons could back a second referendum

The Environment Secretary insisted the Government can win the crucial Commons vote on Theresa May‘s Brexit deal, despite scores of Tory MPs threatening to vote against it.

MPs prepare to begin five days of debate ahead of the vote on December 11.

24.11.2018 - 09:15 [ ]

Cabinet Brexiteers are gambling on a managed No Deal – and there‘s a good chance their bet will pay off

Jeremy Hunt, Geoffrey Cox, Liam Fox, Andrea Leadsom, Chris Grayling, Michael Gove: all are known to be in despair about the fate of Brexit – but none have resigned. To their critics, they embody the Tory spinelessness that led to this mess; the “pizza plotters” who can eat together, but not much more.

16.11.2018 - 15:43 [ Reuters ]

UK‘s Gove says he has confidence in PM May

Senior Eurosceptic minister Michael Gove said on Friday he had confidence in Prime Minister Theresa May and was focused on working for a good deal for Britain as it leaves the European Union.

16.11.2018 - 06:51 [ BBC ]

Theresa May under pressure after Gove rejects Brexit secretary job

Theresa May will continue to sell her Brexit withdrawal deal on Friday, as cabinet minister Michael Gove is understood to be considering quitting.

BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said she understood Mr Gove had rejected the PM‘s offer to make him Brexit secretary, because Mrs May would not let him renegotiate the deal.

14.11.2018 - 05:08 [ Reuters ]

UK PM May‘s five senior ministers will back Brexit deal: The Sun‘s political editor

The British cabinet will meet at 1400 GMT on Wednesday to consider the draft withdrawal agreement after Britain struck a draft divorce deal with the European Union.