Daily Archives: 28. Januar 2021

28.01.2021 - 18:41 [ Desmond Swayne, Member of Parliament ]

Demoralising the NHS?


I have been criticised by a family doctor on the grounds that a question I put to the PM in Parliament was ‘demoralising for NHS staff’.
I am at a loss as to how this could be the case.
The question to the PM was this:
“Pubs cannot compete with supermarkets for off-sales. Even within a household, people cannot play tennis or golf. Notwithstanding the assault on liberty and livelihoods, why are the regulations pervaded by a pettifogging malice?”

28.01.2021 - 18:30 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Breaking…a sweat! Moment fitness instructor‘s online class is interrupted by three police officers who were wrongly tipped off she was breaching Covid rules at gym

A fitness instructor‘s online class was interrupted by three police officers who were given an incorrect tip off saying she was breaking coronavirus restrictions.

28.01.2021 - 18:25 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Cut and run! Moment beauty salon customers including woman wearing towel with hair dye still on her head flee as it‘s raided by police for staying open during lockdown

CCTV footage shows eight people making a run for it after escaping through the fire exit. One woman can be seen with a towel covering her shoulders and treatment still on her roots.

Gwent Police found the tanning beds had recently been used and beauty treatments had been taking place.

28.01.2021 - 17:09 [ Sky.com ]

COVID-19: Tory MP Sir Desmond Swayne urged anti-vaxxers to ‚persist‘ against COVID restrictions

A senior Conservative MP urged anti-vaccination campaigners to keep going with their fight against government restrictions and told them NHS capacity figures were being „manipulated“ to exaggerate the scale of coronavirus, Sky News can reveal.

28.01.2021 - 16:21 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Vaccines WILL limit the spread of coronavirus – but we won’t know by how much until mid-February, experts say

Another burning question which will determine how gung-ho ministers can be with easing restriction is to what extent the vaccines stop people from spreading Covid.

The Government has commissioned a study to investigate the vaccines and their role on transmission, which is being overseen by Public Health England. It is focused on frontline healthcare workers who‘ve been jabbed.

28.01.2021 - 16:19 [ Sky News ]

COVID-19: PM criticised for being too secretive about scientific advice that led to tiers and lockdowns in England


The MPs also express concern about the government presenting statistics in a misleading way, and urge ministers to take care to maintain public confidence in them.

„There is nothing to fear from openness,“ said Tory MP Greg Clark, who chairs the committee.

28.01.2021 - 15:37 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Streit über AstraZeneca-Impfstoff: Hoffen auf einen Kompromiss

Die EU sieht das anders: Man habe dem Unternehmen einen Vorschuss gewährt, um auf Halde zu produzieren. Vor der erwarteten Zulassung des Impfstoffs am Freitag durch die Europäische Arzneimittelbehörde hätte AstraZeneca also längst Impfdosen zurückstellen müssen. Stattdessen habe das Unternehmen die für Europa bestimmten Ampullen nach Großbritannien ausgeliefert.

28.01.2021 - 15:31 [ theHindu.com ]

Vaccine factory in Belgium inspected amid European Union dispute with AstraZeneca

The Novasep’s factory in the town of Seneffe is part of the European production chain for the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine.

28.01.2021 - 15:27 [ .puls24.at ]

Belgien entsendet Ermittler in AstraZenecas Impfstofffabrik

Beamte der belgischen Arzneimittelbehörde statteten dem AstraZeneca-Standort in Seneffe einen Besuch ab. Die EU-Kommission hatte die Untersuchung angefordert. Sie will wissen, ob auf EU-Gebiet produzierte Dosen nach Großbritannien umgeleitet wurden.

28.01.2021 - 15:07 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Germany blocks Oxford jab for over-65s: Panel says data on older people is insufficient – but does not support ‚8% effectiveness‘ claim – amid EU row with Britain over AstraZeneca supplies

AstraZeneca‘s vaccine has not been granted approval yet for general use in the European Union, but the bloc‘s medicines regulator EMA is poised to authorise it on Friday.

The German panel, STIKO did not detail the data from clinical trials on the vaccine on older people, but two prominent German media outlets had reported that the efficacy on above-65s was below 10 per cent.

28.01.2021 - 13:52 [ ZDF ]

Hanau im Innenausschuss – Fünf Stunden vom ersten Schuss bis zum Zugriff


Tobias R. litt offensichtlich unter Wahnvorstellungen. Er hatte im November 2019 ein Schreiben an den Generalbundesanwalt geschickt, in dem er erklärte, er werde illegal überwacht.

28.01.2021 - 13:30 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Terroranschlag von Hanau: Tödliche Versäumnisse beim Notruf?

Eine Rufumleitung zu einer Leitstelle war nicht eingerichtet. Zudem wurden zahlreiche erfolglose Anrufversuche in der Tatnacht nicht einmal registriert oder aufgezeichnet. So wurde im unmittelbaren Anschluss an den Terroranschlag im Zeitraum von über einer Stunde nicht ein einziger Anruf mit Tatbezug registriert.

28.01.2021 - 11:33 [ Jerusalem Post ]

CENTCOM chief arriving in Israel for talks with Kochavi on Iran

McKenzie’s arrival – he is scheduled to spend one day in Israel – is the first high-level visit by a top American official since Joe Biden was sworn in as president last week.

28.01.2021 - 10:59 [ Reuters ]

Israel‘s top general says its military is refreshing operational plans against Iran


Israel’s top general said on Tuesday that its military was refreshing its operational plans against Iran and that any U.S. return to a 2015 nuclear accord with Tehran would be “wrong.”

28.01.2021 - 10:54 [ Kreml ]

Telephone conversation with US President Joseph Biden


The presidents expressed satisfaction over today’s exchange of diplomatic notes on the agreement to extend the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. In the next few days, the parties will complete the necessary procedures that ensure the functioning of this important mechanism of international law on the mutual limitation of their nuclear missile arsenals.

28.01.2021 - 10:51 [ White House ]

Readout of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Call with President Vladimir Putin of Russia


President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke today with President Vladimir Putin of Russia. They discussed both countries’ willingness to extend New START for five years, agreeing to have their teams work urgently to complete the extension by February 5.

28.01.2021 - 10:38 [ FAZ Politik / Twitter ]

Während die Bundesregierung den Beitritt zum UN-Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag weiterhin ablehnt, hoffen die Grünen mit der neuen Regierung in Washington auf neue weltweite Abrüstungsbemühungen. Diese stellt nun Bedingungen an Iran.


28.01.2021 - 10:25 [ Österreichisches Außenministerium / Youtube ]

Folgen eines Atombombenabwurfs auf Wien


28.01.2021 - 10:06 [ tt.com ]

Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag in Kraft: Schallenberg würdigt Verbot als „historisch“

Atomwaffen sind seit dem heutigen Freitag international verboten. Außenminister Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP) würdigte das Inkrafttreten des Atomwaffenverbotsvertrags als „historisch“. „Die Gefahr hat nicht abgenommen“, mahnte er bei einer Pressekonferenz in Wien vor den nuklearen Risiken. Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP), der den Vertrag 2017 als damaliger Außenminister unterzeichnet hat, sprach von einem „wichtigen Schritt in Richtung einer sicheren Welt“.

28.01.2021 - 09:59 [ ORF.at ]

Atomangriff-Video: Bundesrat befragt Schallenberg

Das vom Außenministerium anlässlich des Inkrafttretens des Atomwaffenverbotsvertrags veröffentlichte Video, in dem die Folgen eines Atombombenangriffs auf Wien simuliert werden, beschäftigt heute den Bundesrat.