Daily Archives: 7. November 2020

07.11.2020 - 23:18 [ Haaretz ]

Thousands of Israelis Protest Against Netanyahu in Hundreds of Locations Across Country

Hundreds of demonstrations are taking place Saturday night in squares, junctions and on bridges around the country for the 20th week in a row since the anti-Netanyahu protests began in July.

07.11.2020 - 19:47 [ Joe Biden, President-elect / Twitter ]

America, I’m honored that you have chosen me to lead our great country. The work ahead of us will be hard, but I promise you this: I will be a President for all Americans — whether you voted for me or not. I will keep the faith that you have placed in me.

07.11.2020 - 19:10 [ Ruptly / Youtube ]

Live from outside the White House as US media declares Biden winner of presidential

Ruptly is live from the front of the White House in Washington DC on Saturday, November 7 as media outlets called the state of Pennsylvania for Democrat candidate Joe Biden, giving him the 270 college electoral votes needed to win the race.

07.11.2020 - 18:59 [ Haaretz ]

Israelis Want a Stable Government. Netanyahu Only Wants Survival

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s need to control this government’s expiry date is dooming it to complete paralysis in everything pertaining to senior officials’ appointments, and to preparing next year’s state budget.

The damage is piling up daily, and if the public cannot detect it, this is only because people are busy worrying about their physical and financial health.

07.11.2020 - 18:40 [ NPR.org ]

‚Far From Over‘: Trump Refuses To Concede As AP, Others Call Election For Biden

„We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don‘t want the truth to be exposed,“ Trump wrote in a statement. „The simple fact is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor.“

07.11.2020 - 18:36 [ ORF.at ]

Trump will Sieg Bidens derzeit nicht anerkennen

„Die einfache Tatsache ist, dass diese Wahl noch lange nicht vorbei ist“, teilte Trump mit.

07.11.2020 - 18:32 [ Fox News ]

Richard Fowler: Biden wins 2020 election. America has said, ‚You‘re fired,‘ to Trump

Unless one or more of Trump‘s baseless sore-loser lawsuits prevails, we can expect Biden to replace Trump in the Oval Office on Jan. 20, sending Trump into political retirement and restoring stability, competence, integrity and honesty to the White House.

This will be a welcome development after four years of Trump’s chaotic and failed administration that has been like none in modern American history.

07.11.2020 - 18:30 [ NPR.org ]

Biden Wins Presidency, According To AP, Edging Trump In Turbulent Race

The Associated Press called the race for Biden on Saturday when it said that Pennsylvania‘s 20 electoral votes put him over the 270-vote threshold needed to win the Electoral College.

It‘s a fitting tipping point state.

07.11.2020 - 15:15 [ Movement for a People’s Party ]

Volunteer: You can make history as we build a party for US.

get involved

07.11.2020 - 15:13 [ Movement for a People’s Party / Twitter ]

We can no longer trust the @GOP and @DNC to do what‘s right for the American People. Join #PeoplesParty and together we can #BreakTheDuopoly and free The People from the #CorporatePartySystem. Get involved now


07.11.2020 - 14:53 [ University of Oxford ]

The Oxford Vaccine

The University of Oxford’s Jenner Institute and Oxford Vaccine Group have been at the forefront of scientific endeavour to develop vaccines for diseases of major global importance for more than 30 years.

Their ChAdOx1 trials are currently assessing whether the vaccine will be effective in combatting COVID-19.

07.11.2020 - 14:30 [ Indiatoday.in ]

Coronavirus Vaccine Update: India shifts focus on indigenous vaccine as AstraZeneca deliveries run late

India seems to have shifted focus on its indigenous novel coronavirus vaccine soon after AstraZeneca said earlier this week that it was holding back deliveries of its Covid-19 vaccine.

07.11.2020 - 14:26 [ Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom / Twitter ]

Thank you to all of our brilliant scientists at @UniOfOxford , @AstraZeneca & across the UK who are working tirelessly to find a vaccine and to all those who have volunteered to take part in a clinical trial. This government – and the whole country – are backing you 100%


07.11.2020 - 14:21 [ Reuters ]

COVID vaccine deliveries on ice as AstraZeneca awaits trial data


A summer dip in UK coronavirus infections has pushed back test results for AstraZenca’s potential COVID-19 vaccine, leading the drugmaker to delay deliveries of shots to the UK government.

07.11.2020 - 12:20 [ theHill.com ]

Democrats‘ post-election ‚family meeting‘ descends into chaos


The clash between the ideological wings of the caucus reflects the high levels of frustration among Democrats of all stripes following a demoralizing turn at the polls on Tuesday.

Heading into the elections, party leaders had predicted they would pick up seats, even in deep red districts won soundly by Trump in 2016. Instead, they saw Republicans knock off at least seven Democratic incumbents, most of them first-term lawmakers who had helped deliver the party’s House majority just two years ago.

07.11.2020 - 12:16 [ justthenews.com ]

Rate of rejected mail-in ballots almost 30 times lower in Pennsylvania this year than in 2016

A county-by-county review by Just the News of accepted and rejected mail-in ballots throughout the state of Pennsylvania show that, when added up, the state only rejected 951 of 2,614,011 mail-in ballots this year, or a rate of 0.03%.

07.11.2020 - 10:50 [ Express.co.uk ]

Brexit LIVE: Boris Johnson to issue ‚Australia deal‘ ultimatum to von der Leyen TODAY

The Prime Minister will speak with Ursula von der Leyen later today to discuss the state-of-play in the deadlocked trade talks. The move comes after Lord Frost, Mr Johnson‘s chief negotiator, was in Brussels to speak face-to-face with his European Union counterpart Michel Barnier earlier this week.

07.11.2020 - 10:42 [ theHill.com ]

Supreme Court orders separate count of late-arriving Pa. ballots

The Supreme Court on Friday ordered Pennsylvania election boards to separately count mail ballots that arrived after Election Day, while rejecting a GOP request to stop counting those votes.

The order, signed by conservative Justice Samuel Alito, left open the possibility that the justices could exclude the late-arriving ballots in a subsequent ruling, a move which Alito and at least two other conservative justices have previously signaled they may be inclined to take.

07.11.2020 - 10:10 [ ORF.at ]

FPÖ erstattet Anzeige wegen Amtsmissbrauchs

In der von FPÖ-Generalsekretär Michael Schnedlitz bei der Wirtschafts- und Korruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft (WKStA) eingebrachten Anzeige wird auch erwähnt, dass laut einem Bericht des Nachrichtenportals Zackzack.at diese Informationen an die Abteilungen „Nachrichtendienst“ sowie „Terrorismus und Extremismus“ im Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz und Terrorismusbekämpfung (BVT) ergangen sein sollen. Auch das Wiener Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz und Terrorismusbekämpfung (LVT Wien) sei informiert worden.

07.11.2020 - 09:49 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Nach Wiener Terroranschlag: Verfassungsschutz unter Druck

So wurde bekannt, dass am 3. November, also am Tag nach dem Terrorakt, Razzien gegen Islamisten durchgeführt werden sollten. Das würde auch erklären, dass am Tatabend in vergleichsweise kurzer Zeit starke Polizeikräfte in der Stadt zusammengezogen werden konnten.

07.11.2020 - 09:43 [ Falter.at ]

„Unentschuldbare Ermittlungsfehler“

Was die beiden Deutschen im Sommer bei Kujtim F. wollten und wie eng sie mit ihm in Kontakt standen, muss erst geprüft werden

07.11.2020 - 09:30 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu‘s Party Can’t Fathom Politicians Aren’t Above the Law

: Representatives of the ruling party (in the spirit of the commander, the commander’s wife and their son) long ago crossed the red line that separates the parliamentary freedom to criticize and exercise oversight of the branches of government, and sowing fear, stoking unbridled incitement and making explicit threats against those who displease them.

07.11.2020 - 09:20 [ Haaretz ]

These Israelis Heard Yitzhak Rabin Speak Right Before His Murder- and They‘ll Never Forget It

It was a night that no Israeli old enough to remember it will ever forget. And that’s especially true for those who were there in person.

Many of them would later recall the electricity in the air, the sense of hope, the feeling that Israel was headed to better times. All that ended abruptly when Yigal Amir, a 25-year-old right-wing extremist, fired three shots at Rabin’s back as he descended the stairs of the parking lot near the square and was about to step into his car.

07.11.2020 - 02:35 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Brasilien: Putsch gegen Dilma Rousseff erfolgte nach Absprache mit Militärs

Damaliger Vizepräsident Temer lotete Zerwürfnis der Militärspitze mit der PT-Regierung aus und sicherte sich Rückhalt im Fall der Amtsübernahme
07.11.2020 - 02:15 [ teleSUR ]

Bolivia: Workers Union Commits To Safeguard Arce‘s Swear-in Event

For the past several weeks, right-wing organizations have been encouraging violent actions to create chaos and hinder the presidential change of command.

07.11.2020 - 01:38 [ The Guardian ]

Inquiry into alleged war crimes by Australian special forces in Afghanistan delivers final report

Leaks and whistleblowers have also suggested Afghan civilians were used as “target practice”, that a detainee was shot when there was no room for him on a helicopter, and that special forces troops operated with a sense of impunity, elitism and recklessness, a culture permitted by a weak command structure.