In El-Sisi’s Egypt, dissent can carry deadlier consequences. Human-rights groups have documented tens of thousands of abuses by authorities, ranging from intimidation and beatings to torture in the country’s notorious prison system and extrajudicial killings.
Daily Archives: 25. September 2019
Mubarak 2.0 (II)
So hat die Bundesregierung bestätigt, dass es eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit Ägyptens Geheimdienst GIS (General Intelligence Service) gibt, der sogar offiziell eine Verbindungsbeamtin in die deutsche Hauptstadt entsandt hat. Nicht zuletzt gehörte Ägypten in den Jahren 2016 und 2017 zu den größten Kunden der deutschen Rüstungsindustrie.
3 Things Scientists Need to Know About the IPCC
The bottom line is that this is a week of naked political horse trading that goes on behind closed doors. Journalists are not allowed to witness what takes place, which is why we’ve been looking at official IPCC photos here. This is what they permit us to see.
It’s only after the diplomats have haggled over this Summary – paragraph by paragraph – that the final version gets officially released at a press conference.
The world is then told that science has spoken. But what’s just happened has nothing to do with science. Scientific truth is not determined in the dead of night by UN-level negotiations. On what planet would such an approach make scientific sense?
But the bad news doesn’t stop there. There’s actually a step in the IPCC process in which the original, lengthy report gets amended so that it conforms to the politically-negotiated Summary. I am not making this up.
Magnetic effect on CO 2 solubility in seawater: A possible link between geomagnetic field variations and climate
(August 2008)
Correlations between geomagnetic-field and climate parameters have been suggested repeatedly, but possible links are controversially discussed. Here we test if weak (Earth-strength) magnetic fields can affect climatically relevant properties of seawater. We found the solubility of air in seawater to be by 15% lower under reduced magneticfield (20 mT) compared to normal field conditions (50 mT). The magnetic-field effect on CO2 solubility is twice as large, from which we surmise that geomagnetic field variations modulate the carbon exchange between atmosphere and ocean. A 1% reduction in magnetic dipole moment may release up to ten times more CO2 from the surface ocean than is emitted by subaerial volcanism.
Wenn ein Treibhausgas baden geht: Wie das Erdmagnetfeld unser Klima beeinflusst
(6. Oktober 2008)
Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass selbst kleine Veränderungen des Magnetfelds die Löslichkeit von Gasen im Wasser verändern. „Wenn das Magnetfeld schwächer war, löste sich 15 Prozent weniger Luft im Wasser als bei einem stärkeren Magnetfeld“, erläutert Winklhofer. „Für Kohlendioxid war der beobachtete Effekt sogar doppelt so stark.“
Is Earth’s Magnetic Shield Eroding?
The strength of Earth’s main magnetic field is currently about 29.5 microteslas, down 5 microteslas, or 14 percent from its strength three centuries ago.
We know this. There is no question of this.
Strong planetary magnetic fields like Earth‘s may protect oceans from stellar storms
„Magnetic fields appear to play an essential role in making planets habitable, so I wanted to find out how Earth‘s magnetic field compared to those of other potentially habitable planets,“ she said.
Ms McIntyre said Earth‘s strong magnetic field had probably played an important role in protecting the atmosphere from the solar wind and keeping the planet wet and habitable.
„Venus and Mars have negligible magnetic fields and do not support life, while Earth‘s magnetic field is relatively strong and does,“ she said.
Unlike Earth, Mars does not have a magnetic field to shield its atmosphere from solar wind:
Rewind the Red Planet: See the Surprising Ways Mars Has Changed in 3 Billion Years
Mars today is a chilly desert. But ancient landscapes reveal a times when water may have flowed freely. Scroll to see how the red planet has evolved
Why doesn‘t Venus have a magnetic field ?
Current theories of the formation and evolution of the terrestrial planets do support an Earth scale magnetic dipole (magnetic field) on Venus for perhaps the first billion years or so after formation.
A view to the possible habitability of ancient Venus over three billion years
The long-term evolutionary history of Venus’ climate largely remains a mystery.
Save Greta: Forget saving the planet – we need to save Greta from the death cult of environmentalism.
With each nightmarish word, with each unhinged dystopian prediction of doom, her voice wobbled and her emotions span out of control. It was a public meltdown. And of course the politicians applauded it – perversely, they love nothing more than being told how awful they are by a petrified, disorientated girl.
Who did this to Greta? Who turned a bright and curious 16-year-old schoolgirl into a prophet of horror, into a young woman who admits to feeling terror and who believes the Earth is on fire?
Rivlin, President of the Jews – Not Israelis
Yes, this initiative of yours, Mr. President, is very grave indeed! You are dividing the country on an ethnic basis, you are placing one people above another, one public above another, one group above another, when your job is to say loud and clear: They are all my sons. And for this you do not have a mandate. You do not have a mandate to divide the country between Jews and Arabs. You do not have a mandate to exclude a fifth of the population.
READ: Transcript of Trump‘s call with Ukrainian president
The Trump administration on Wednesday released a five-page transcript of President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
The White House had faced mounting pressure to release the transcript amid scrutiny over reports that Trump urged Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.
How the U.K. Supreme Court’s Rebuke to Boris Johnson Remakes British Law
Not only did the court declare the prime minister’s action unlawful, it also declared the order itself, which Queen Elizabeth II issued at Mr. Johnson’s request, “unlawful, void, and of no effect.” The request, said the court’s president, Baroness Brenda Hale, might as well have been a “blank sheet of paper.”
Stephen Tierney, a professor of constitutional theory at Edinburgh University, said it was “astonishing” that the court had ruled decisively that it “can review something as fundamental as that, done by Her Majesty, as unlawful.”
The Supreme Court 2009
The last hearings and judgments in the House of Lords took place on 30 July and the new Supreme Court opened on 1 October 2009.
The Supreme Court comprises of 12 judges, known as „Justices of the Supreme Court“, they include a President and Deputy President, appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Judicial Appointments Commission.
The first members of the Supreme Court were the existing 12 Law Lords (Lords of Appeal in Ordinary) who now sit in the new Court which occupies the former Middlesex Guildhall, opposite the Houses of Parliament.
Cypriot, Turkish Foreign Ministers Clash in Public Over Reunification Talks (video)
Earlier that day, Christodoulides had met with his Greek counterpart Nikos Dendias so that they could brief each other on developments on the Cyprus problem and coordinate their efforts ahead of crucial meetings they will both hold later this week.
The Supreme Court’s decision is a constitutional outrage
What that means is that prorogation can be limited by statute and the courts would enforce that statute. I doubt anyone disputes that. What it does not mean, yet what has happened, is that in the absence of such a statute, the ‘Supreme’ Court can step in and invent one. So lawyers and judges have, step by step, decided to give themselves more and more power.
No one expected them to do what they did today. No one expected it to be unanimous – which perhaps hurts the most.
‚This is a DEAD Parliament‘: Furious Attorney General Geoffrey Cox dismisses calls to quit over his advice that prorogation was legal as he rages that ‚turkey‘ Jeremy Corbyn won‘t be able to prevent election forever
– Boris Johnson has cut short trip to New York in wake of Supreme Court ruling
– Speaker John Bercow has reopened Parliament saying prorogation ‚expunged‘
– Attorney General Geoffrey Cox has been defending his advice on the suspension
– He accused MPs of ‚immorally‘ blocking an election to resolve the Brexit crisis
– The PM has demanded election after Parliament suspension was declared illegal
– MPs are back in Westminster plotting to sabotage government‘s Brexit strategy
Cox: This Parliament is a Disgrace!
“This parliament is a dead parliament. It should no longer sit. It has no moral right to sit on these benches… This parliament is a disgrace. They could vote ‘no confidence’ at any time, but they’re too cowardly.”
Parliament: Government ‚acted in good faith‘ over suspension, says Cox
Attorney General Geoffrey Cox told MPs he was „disappointed“ at the landmark ruling by the Supreme Court that the suspension was unlawful, but respected the judgement.
He then launched a blistering attack on MPs for being „too cowardly“ to hold an election, calling them a „disgrace“.
Krisenprävention (II)
Allen Mitgliedern des „Beirats Zivile Krisenprävention und Friedensförderung“ ist gemein, dass sie sich in keiner Weise von den weltweiten Kriegsoperationen des deutschen Militärs distanzieren – und sich gleichzeitig des hohen ideologischen Stellenwerts vermeintlich ziviler und friedensfördernder internationaler Aktivitäten bewusst sind
EU-Staaten diskutieren Überwachung von Schiffs- und Zugreisenden
Bei den Reisedaten geht es nicht nur um bloße Sammlungen und Abgleiche mit Fahndungslisten. Es geht auch darum, Profile über die Reisenden zu bilden. Die EU-Grenzagentur Frontex arbeitet dafür an der „Reisendenanalyse für Grenzmanagementzwecke“, um Risikoprofile und – indikatoren zu erstellen.
Hamburg: Juristinnen kritisieren „Palantir-Paragraf“ im geplanten Polizeigesetz
„Es liegt darin die Möglichkeit, anlasslos Persönlichkeitsprofile zu erstellen oder bestehende Beziehungen zwischen verschiedenen Gruppen von Bürger*innen auszuwerten. Dies ist mit dem Menschenbild des Grundgesetzes nicht zu vereinbaren…
Evo Morales: The Root of the Problem Is the Capitalist System
„Let‘s say it very clearly: the root of the problem is in capitalism,“ said the Bolivian president in his speech at the 74th General Assembly of the United Nations, which began work on Tuesday.
Konzerne finanzieren Militär und Justiz in Kolumbien
Cepeda verwies darauf, dass 20 Bataillone für die Sicherheit des Bergbau- und Energiesektors sowie des Straßenbaus (BAEEV) geschaffen wurden, die auf Grundstücken von Unternehmen eingerichtet worden sind.
»Solidarität mit Saudi-Arabien«: Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien schwenken auf Anti-Iran-Kurs Washingtons ein
Das EU-Trio macht den Iran für die militärische Operation vom 14. September gegen Anlagen zur Förderung und Verarbeitung von Erdöl in Saudi-Arabien verantwortlich. Damit haben sich Frankreich, Deutschland und Großbritannien der Haltung der US-Regierung angeschlossen.
Angriff auf Ölanlagen: War es der Iran?
Satellitenaufnahmen, auf denen die Ausrichtung der Eintrittslöcher in Abkaik und Churais zu erkennen sind, sollen dies belegen.
PM Imran Khan Press Conference at United Nations Headquarter | 24 Sep 2019
Erdbeben in Pakistan: 19 Tote und Hunderte Verletzte
(24.9.2019) Es sei wahrscheinlich, dass die Zahl der Opfer steige.
Highlights of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Talks With President Trump
(24.9.2019) During the meeting, Khan successfully advocated Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir, which prompted President Trump to make another mediation offer on Kashmir.
Joint U.S.-Afghan raid on Taliban hideout allegedly kills dozens of civilians at wedding
AMERICA FIRST: President Trump FULL United Nations General Assembly Speech – 2019