Daily Archives: 20. Mai 2019

20.05.2019 - 18:50 [ Kurier.at ]

Live-Ticker: Kickl muss gehen, Misstrauensantrag setzt ÖVP unter Druck

Die Liste Jetzt will bei der kommenden Sondersitzung des Nationalrates einen Misstrauensantrag gegen Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) einbringen

Die SPÖ hat am Vormittag angekündigt, dass sie eine Expertenregierung als Übergangslösung bis zu Neuwahlen unterstützen würde

20.05.2019 - 18:46 [ Sueddeutsche.de ]

Österreichischer Innenminister Kickl muss gehen

Verschiedene Oppositionsparteien, etwa die Partei Jetzt, aber auch die SPÖ haben bereits angekündigt, in diesem Fall ein Misstrauensvotum im Parlament einzubringen, um den Kanzler schon vor der Wahl zu stürzen. Die SPÖ fordert einem Bericht des ORF zufolge, bis zur Wahl die ganze Regierung mit Experten zu besetzten.

20.05.2019 - 18:42 [ derStandart.at ]

Kickl attackiert „Machtbesoffenheit“ in ÖVP, lässt Verbleib offen – Kurz-Stellungnahme jetzt – Oberösterreich: Rücktritt Podgorscheks, doch Arbeitsübereinkommen mit FPÖ bleibt

Kurz wird am frühen Nachmittag noch mit Bundespräsident Van der Bellen konferieren. Im Anschluss ist ein Gespräch mit Kickl geplant. Um 18.30 Uhr will Kickl eine Stellungnahme abgeben.

20.05.2019 - 09:01 [ Radio Utopie ]

Anschläge für die Medien

Ohne Öffentlichkeit – das heisst ohne Publikum – sind Anschläge nutzlos.

20.05.2019 - 08:45 [ theSun.co.uk ]

DOOMED FOR DEFEAT: Cabinet Ministers set to urge Theresa May to scrap her final Brexit Vote

“We can’t just go on using up all the lifelines.”

Another Cabinet source said they couldn’t see the point of holding a vote on the Withdrawal Bill when Labour was against it, and several Tories who backed it in March were now opposed.

“It’s only going to stoke up more anger,” they said.

20.05.2019 - 08:34 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Theresa May‘s ‚bold Brexit offer‘ is just a ‚retread‘ of old ideas, leaked document suggests

Theresa May’s final attempt to get a Brexit deal through Parliament appears doomed after a leaked document suggested it was nothing more than a “retread” of old ideas.

20.05.2019 - 08:33 [ theGuardian.com ]

Google ‚blocks Huawei access to Android updates‘ after blacklisting

Google has suspended Huawei’s access to updates of its Android operating system in a fresh blow to the Chinese technology company that the US government has sought to blacklist around the world.

Google said it was complying with Trump’s executive order and was reviewing the “implications”, after Reuters initially reported the story.

20.05.2019 - 07:22 [ Haaretz ]

A Win for Deniers of the Occupation

But diplomatic “achievements” like the Bundestag decision are not just a distraction from Israel’s real problems that the Netanyahu government continues to ignore. They also remove a nonviolent Palestinian method of protest, and as a result are likely to cause damage to the future relations between the two peoples and to the security of Israeli citizens. Even those who are not convinced of the purity of the political motivations of the BDS movement must understand that the delegitimization of nonviolent Palestinian protest pushes the Palestinians, who are fighting for their national liberation, toward violence.

20.05.2019 - 06:21 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

British spy chiefs were briefed about dossier on Trump‘s ties to Russia that contained lewd allegations about the President and prostitutes – months before he even knew it existed

Mr Steele first approached British intelligence at the £1.7million home of Sir Charles Farr, the chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, in Wimbledon, south-west London.

Mr Farr, who died in February at 59, was one of Mrs May‘s top counter-terrorism advisors at the Home Office.

After leading MI6‘s Russia desk, Mr Steele set up a private firm, and was hired by Fusion GPS, a US research company being paid by Hillary Clinton‘s campaign.

20.05.2019 - 06:19 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Theresa May‘s spy chiefs were briefed on explosive Chistopher Steele dossier before Donald Trump

Theresa May’s spy chiefs were secretly briefed on an explosive dossier of claims about Donald Trump’s ties to Russia before the US president was made aware of its existence, The Telegraph can reveal.

The heads of MI5 and MI6 and one of Mrs May’s most trusted security advisers were told about former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele’s memos on the Trump campaign in the weeks after his November 2016 election victory.

20.05.2019 - 06:04 [ diePresse.com ]

Tal Silberstein? Oder doch ein Geheimdienst?

Dann gibt es noch die Theorie, das für seine Guerilla-Aktionen bekannte und umstrittene Zentrum für Politische Schönheit könnte damit zu tun haben. Dies würde am ehesten auch den Konnex zum deutschen Komiker Jan Böhmermann erklären, der schon vor Wochen vom Video wusste und indirekt auch mit diesem Wissen prahlte.

20.05.2019 - 06:01 [ Nachrichten.at ]

Was Böhmermann mit dem Strache-Video zu tun hat


Der deutsche Satiriker Jan Böhmermann hat das Video mit heimlichen Aufnahmen des nun zurückgetretenen Vizekanzlers Heinz-Christian Strache (FPÖ) bereits vor Wochen gekannt. Das bestätigte sein Manager Peter Burtz am Samstag der Nachrichtenagentur dpa.

20.05.2019 - 05:40 [ CNN ]

Trump‘s hardline advisers are weakening his position

Nearly 17 years later, and the Trump administration is still dealing with the fallout of George W. Bush‘s charge to depose Saddam Hussein. And they are still dealing with it, and most other ongoing crises, with a familiar cast of people. The key difference: President Donald Trump has not made his position „eminently clear“ and instead has left foreign policy to be loosely squabbled over by a handful of career Republican hawks.

20.05.2019 - 05:34 [ NewYork Times ]

Deutsche Bank Staff Saw Suspicious Activity in Trump and Kushner Accounts

“You present them with everything, and you give them a recommendation, and nothing happens,” said Tammy McFadden, a former Deutsche Bank anti-money laundering specialist who reviewed some of the transactions. “It’s the D.B. way. They are prone to discounting everything.”

Ms. McFadden said she was terminated last year after she raised concerns about the bank’s practices.

20.05.2019 - 05:23 [ Donald J. Trump, President of the United States ]

If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran. Never threaten the United States again!

20.05.2019 - 05:20 [ New York Times ]

Rocket Hits Green Zone in Baghdad as Tensions Flare Between U.S. and Iran

The heavily guarded compound was already on a heightened state of alert after nonemergency personnel there and at the United States Consulate in the northern city of Erbil were ordered last week to leave.

The order came after the Trump administration announced that new intelligence indicated a heightened risk that Iranian forces or proxies were considering an imminent attack on American forces or interests in the Persian Gulf or Iraq.

20.05.2019 - 05:06 [ New York Times ]

Trump to Open Middle East Peace Drive With Economic Incentives

By most indications, the plan would not involve the creation of a Palestinian state, as the United States has sought for the last quarter-century under presidents of both political parties.

But just as they have done in their sometimes highly leveraged real estate businesses, Mr. Trump and Mr. Kushner hope to use other people’s money to achieve their goals.

20.05.2019 - 03:49 [ Reuters ]

China backs Iran during U.S. tensions

China appreciates Iran’s full implementation of the nuclear deal and intention to stick to it, Wang added.

China has close energy and business ties with Iran, but has to tread carefully as it has also cultivated good relations with Iran’s regional rival, Saudi Arabia.

20.05.2019 - 03:42 [ The Hill ]

Gabbard: US must not go to war with Iran

The veteran, who served two tours in Iraq, released a new video on Thursday slamming top Trump administration officials for ratcheting up tension with the country and arguing that the „U.S. must not go to war with Iran.“

20.05.2019 - 01:06 [ Washington Examiner ]

Trump critic and former CIA chief John Brennan to brief Democrats on Iran

House Democrats have invited former CIA director and frequent Trump critic John Brennan to brief them on the situation in Iran.

Brennan is scheduled to speak at the party‘s weekly caucus meeting Tuesday, according to the Associated Press. Wendy Sherman, a former State Department official who helped negotiate the Iran nuclear deal under President Barack Obama, was also invited.

The meeting will take place the same day Trump administration officials will update lawmakers on escalating tensions between the two countries. Democrats will likely attend both briefings.

20.05.2019 - 00:38 [ Spiegel ]

Wer ist Tal Silberstein?

Und was sagt Tal Siberstein dazu? Gar nichts. Er wurde im August 2017 wegen diverser Korruptionsvorwürfe in Israel verhaftet. Mittlerweile ist er wieder auf freiem Fuß. Gegen ihn und einige Geschäftspartner – darunter Beny Steinmetz, einer der reichsten Männer Israels – wird ermittelt wegen Geldwäsche, Bestechung und Behinderung der Justiz.

20.05.2019 - 00:02 [ ORF ]

FPÖ droht mit Rücktritt aller Minister

Die FPÖ hat die bis zur vorgezogenen Neuwahl im Raum stehende Fortsetzung der Regierungskoalition heute von der Personalie Herbert Kickl anhängig gemacht. „Sollte die ÖVP Herbert Kickl als Bundesminister für Inneres tatsächlich abberufen wollen, werden die freiheitlichen Regierungsmitglieder ihre Rücktritte verbindlich in Aussicht stellen“, heißt es dazu in einer FPÖ-Aussendung.

20.05.2019 - 00:00 [ ORF ]

Kurz wird Kickl-Entlassung vorschlagen

Die Tage von Herbert Kickl (FPÖ) als Innenminister dürften endgültig gezählt sein. Nachdem sich ein freiwilliger Rücktritt weiter nicht abzeichnet, steht nun der Rauswurf aus der Regierung im Raum. Das kündigte Kanzleramts- und Europaminister Gernot Blümel (ÖVP) am Sonntagabend in der ZIB2 an.