Daily Archives: 22. Dezember 2018

22.12.2018 - 23:22 [ Heike Hänsel MdB / Twitter ]

Die UN hat nun auch reagiert und ihre Forderung nach Freilassung von Julian #Assange erneuert!#FreeAssange #HandsOffAssange

22.12.2018 - 23:13 [ WSWS ]

Demands surge for Britain to free WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

Yesterday, legal experts who comprise the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) made a scathing condemnation of the British government. Its press release, issued by the UN Human Rights Commissioner, noted that the UN Working Group had ruled three years ago that Assange was being “arbitrarily deprived of his freedom and demanded that he be released.”

22.12.2018 - 22:38 [ France 24 ]

Macron in Chad to meet French troops deployed in Sahel

The French government‘s objective is to strengthen its partnership with the new anti-jihadist force of the G5 Sahel supported by Mauritania, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Chad.

22.12.2018 - 22:12 [ Trend.az ]

Iran, Turkey agree on water cooperation

Iran and Turkey have agreed to create joint committees for water affair and other related cooperation on power resources.

Iran‘s Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian held a meeting with Turkey‘s Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli in Ankara, Trend reports citing ILNA.

22.12.2018 - 21:59 [ KBS ]

US-Senat verpflichtet Regierung zu Berichterstattung über Aufhebung von Nordkoreasanktionen

Der US-Senat hat am Freitag das sogenannte ARIA-Gesetz – oder Asia Reassurance Iniatiave Act – gebilligt. Das Gesetz soll den Rahmen der US-Politik zu Nordkorea, Nordkoreas Nuklearproblematik und den Raketenverhandlungen bestimmen.

22.12.2018 - 21:43 [ Rudaw ]

US envoy to anti-ISIS coalition quits over Trump’s Syria move

Taking over for now for McGurk will be his deputy, retired Lt. Gen. Terry Wolff, who served three tours of active duty in Iraq.

Jim Jeffrey, a veteran diplomat who was appointed special representative for Syria engagement in August, is expected to stay in his position, officials said.

22.12.2018 - 21:31 [ Reuters ]

Pakistan plans to relax visa policy in bid to revive tourism

“We are reviewing our visa policies. We are trying to bring 55 countries into a visa-free region, which includes most of the European countries,” Pakistan’s information minister, Fawad Chaudhry, told Reuters.

That comes after Portugal this month declared Pakistan safe for travel, while France has also relaxed its advisory on travel to the South Asian nation

22.12.2018 - 21:19 [ Reuters ]

Iraqi PM discusses U.S. withdrawal from Syria with Pompeo

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo assured Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi that the U.S. is still committed to fighting Islamic State in Iraq and other areas despite its planned troop withdrawal from Syria, Abdul Mahdi’s office said on Saturday.

22.12.2018 - 20:28 [ Space.com ]

High Winds Delay SpaceX Launch of Advanced GPS Navigation Satellite

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket was minutes from launching the new GPS III SV01 satellite, the first of a new breed of U.S. navigation satellites, from a pad at Florida‘s Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (liftoff was set for 9:21 a.m. EST, or 1421 GMT) when the company officially stood down for the day. Flight controllers had been tracking unacceptably high upper winds throughout the otherwise smooth countdown.

22.12.2018 - 19:21 [ spiked ‏/ Twitter ]

“For two years Brexit voters have been called far right, stupid, dangerous. In truth we are just people who want to stand up for national sovereignty and popular democracy. In 2019 let’s not take any more of the elite’s insults”, says Brendan O’Neill

22.12.2018 - 19:19 [ Express.co.uk ]

Brexit live: Jeremy Corbyn says he would push to leave EU if he was PM

Jeremy Corbyn would push ahead with Brexit if he won a snap general election next year, he said in an interview published today – a stance which is likely to anger the confused ranks of Labour MPs and party supporters who are demanding a second referendum.

22.12.2018 - 19:06 [ EL4C ‏/ Twitter ]

Blair: Afghanistan/Iraq, 635 UK military, 210,000 civilians dead. Cameron: Libya/Syria, 1,500 civilians killed, £40 Billion of arms sold. May: Yemen, 5,200 civilians killed, £3.5 Billion of arms to Saudi Arabia. Corbyn: Voted against all of the above


22.12.2018 - 18:56 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Mexiko: Indigene und Umweltschützer gegen Zugprojekt „Tren Maya“

Bisherige Infrastrukturprojekte seien stets über ihren Kopf hinweg entschieden worden und hätten ausschließlich den Kapitalinteressen gedient. Die den Zapatisten nahestehenden Regionalen Indigenen Räte sehen diesbezüglich unter der neuen Regierung keinen Unterschied. Romel González Díaz, Sprecher der Indigenen Räte, kritisierte schon die Zeremonie am Sonntag als „Folklore-Show“. Amlo berufe sich auf eine breite Zustimmung der Bevölkerung für das Megaprojekt, doch die direkt betroffenen indigenen Gemeinden sind bislang weder informiert noch bezüglich ihrer Zustimmung befragt worden.

22.12.2018 - 18:27 [ hdb / Twitter ]

Wir werden es erleben, dass die Bundeswehr nicht weiß wie sie die Soldaten aus #Afghanistan heraus bringen soll! 17 Jahre sinnloser Krieg, für den es nie ein Ziel gab. #spd #DieGrünen

22.12.2018 - 18:09 [ CommonDreams.org ]

Jeremy Scahill‘s Top 10 Takeaways on Mattis Exit and Possible US Withdrawal From Syria and Afghanistan

„This is an opportunity for progressive forces to assert an alternative vision for U.S. foreign policy.“

22.12.2018 - 18:08 [ Cashkurs,com ]

US-Truppenabzug aus Syrien und Afghanistan: Eine gute Entscheidung!

Im Camp der Kriegstrommler herrscht nun erst einmal Ernüchterung vor, doch keine Sorge, es wird zu Gegenvorstößen dieses Lagers kommen, wenn die Wunden erst einmal geleckt und die Narben verheilt sind.

Dass ausgerechnet eine linksgerichtete Publikation James Mattis als letzten „Erwachsenen“ in der Regierung von Donald Trump bezeichnet hatte, spricht mehr als Bände.

22.12.2018 - 18:01 [ The Young Turks / Youtube ]

War In Afghanistan Ending?

Is the war in Afghanistan about to be over? Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

22.12.2018 - 17:55 [ The Young Turks / Youtube ]

Corrupt Democrats Are Dragging The Party Down

This corrupt Democrat got rich from the Yemen War. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

22.12.2018 - 16:53 [ Bloomberg ‏/ Twitter ]

Bill Gross: The Fed will raise rates this year… to save capitalism


22.12.2018 - 16:51 [ Jennifer Jacobs, White House reporter for Bloomberg News / Twitter ]

Scoop: Trump has talked about firing Jerome Powell, a move that would represent an unprecedented challenge to Federal Reserve’s independence. Advisers hope latest bout of anger will dissipate over holidays. Story by me, @SalehaMohsin, @margarettalev.

22.12.2018 - 15:35 [ .INFOS ‏/ Twitter ]

ALERTE INFO – Au moins 10 000 personnes à #Paris. Les #GiletsJaunes sont divisés en plusieurs cortèges : à #Madeleine, sur les #ChampsElysees, sur le boulevard Haussmann, rue de #Rivoli… Ils crient „Macron démission“. #22Decembre

22.12.2018 - 15:24 [ actu.fr ]

VIDÉOS. Acte VI des Gilets jaunes en Seine-Maritime : situation très tendue à Rouen

L‘acte VI des Gilets jaunes en Seine-Maritime est très tendu à Rouen, samedi 22 décembre 2018. Environ un millier de personnes se sont rassemblées dans l‘hyper-centre.

22.12.2018 - 15:20 [ Sotiri Dimpinoudis ‏/ Twitter ]

#Update: Massive Protestors in town of #TOULOUSE are gathering! #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #Acte6

22.12.2018 - 15:18 [ Sotiri Dimpinoudis ‏/ Twitter ]

#Update: Video of an massive protestors gathering of the city #Lille in #France today! #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #Acte6

22.12.2018 - 15:15 [ Tulsi Gabbard, Abgeordnete im US Repräsentantenhauses / Twitter ]

The hysterical reaction to the decision to withdraw troops from Syria is astonishing & shows just how attached to war some are. Lindsey Graham & others want us to continue our regime change war in Syria and to go to war with Iran. That’s why they’re so upset.

22.12.2018 - 15:08 [ Brasco_Aad ‏/ Twitter ]

Wow “All US State Department personnel are being evacuated from Syria within 24 hours.“ | US official. The CIA is also leaving Syria.


22.12.2018 - 14:48 [ Bloomberg ‏/ Twitter ]

Macron and Merkel have hopes to reform the euro area. Here‘s how their plans stack up


22.12.2018 - 13:29 [ Radio Utopie / Twitter ]

@JLMelenchon Vive la république de la France! Vive la république de l’Allemagne! Vive l’amitié française-allemande!


22.12.2018 - 13:28 [ Sotiri Dimpinoudis ‏/ Twitter ]

#Update: First #GilestJaunes arriving at the #champsélysées in #Paris! #YellowVests #Acte6

22.12.2018 - 13:27 [ Sotiri Dimpinoudis ‏/ Twitter ]

#Update: There are 4 to 5 marches across #Paris heading to the #champsélysées to gather at the street! As they protest in the banner of #Macron resign. #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #Acte6

22.12.2018 - 13:22 [ Sotiri Dimpinoudis ‏/ Twitter ]

#Updatye: Some pictures of in #Paris today! #GiletsJeunes #YellowVests #Acte6

22.12.2018 - 13:14 [ Artists for Brexit ‏/ Twitter ]

Well, you can forget the @peoplesvote_uk now! It‘s clearly now time for all democratically minded arts workers + supporters of the arts to get behind Brexit and have a stake in it now. Join @artists4brexit today and have a stake in the Brexit process!

22.12.2018 - 13:12 [ theGuardian.com ]

Corbyn: Brexit would go ahead even if Labour won snap election

Exclusive: opposition leader says he would go to Brussels to secure better deal if he was PM

22.12.2018 - 13:12 [ Tides Of History / Twitter ]

Corbyn on the Maastricht Treaty: „It‘s the establishment of a central bank which is staffed by bankers, independent of national Governments & national economic policies. That will undermine any social objective that any Labour Government—or any other Gov—would wish to carry out”

22.12.2018 - 12:47 [ Spiked ]

A European Spring – Europeans are in revolt against the political and moral order and it’s wonderful.

In a sense, 2018 is less like 1848 itself and more like the decades that preceded that tumultuous year. These were, in the words of Trygve Tholfsen in his 1977 study of working-class radicalism in the run-up to 1848, ‘hungry decades’ – decades in which disgruntlement and radicalism bristled and grew before exploding in firm demands for change. And though many people were alarmingly poor in these ‘hungry decades’, it wasn’t their ‘immediate deprivation’ that drove them to organise and take action, says Tholfsen; rather, their instinct for revolt was built on ‘solid intellectual foundations’ and it expressed a ‘denial of the legitimacy of the social and political order’.

22.12.2018 - 12:37 [ Compact News / Twitter‏ ]

#LIVE from #Acte6: For the sixth Saturday in a row, the #YellowVests are coming out in the streets all over #France to protest against the French government‘s policy #22Decembre #Paris #GJ #FranceProtests #GiletsJaunes

22.12.2018 - 12:30 [ Lucas Burel ‏/ Twitter ]

Les gilets jaunes à Montmartre ! #22Décembre

22.12.2018 - 12:22 [ France24.com ]

France‘s ‘yellow vest‘ protest forces shut down of Versailles despite lower turnout

The protesters had been split Friday on whether to stage another large rally in Paris, or in the nearby town of Versailles, once home to King Louis XVI who lost his head to the revolutionary guillotine.

Fearing possible unrest, authorities said they were closing the Palace of Versailles and its gardens on Saturday.

22.12.2018 - 12:17 [ Heise.de ]

Frankreich will Einsatz in Syrien „für den Moment“ fortsetzen

Die Abzugspläne der USA machen aber eine längere Präsenz der französischen Einheiten wenig wahrscheinlich

22.12.2018 - 12:03 [ Der Spiegel / Twitter ]

Flughafen Stuttgart: Polizei gibt Entwarnung nach Ausspähverdacht

22.12.2018 - 11:59 [ Heise.de ]

Die Aufregung um Claas Relotius ist Heuchelei

Relotius tut nichts anderes als das, was von ihm erwartet wurde: Geschichten zu liefern, die das erwünschte Narrativ bedienen, regelmäßig Klickzahlen zu liefern und unerwünschte Beiträge zu vermeiden.

22.12.2018 - 03:10 [ teleSUR ]

Mapuche Communities Announce Land Recovery in Lake Llau Llau

Eleven Mapuche communities living at Lleu LLeu’s lakeside announced they would “occupy” their ancestral lands that “legitimately belong to them” and take care of the lake by themselves, as Chilean policy in the Mapuche territories aims for militarization.

“The aim of this claim is to protect our Lleu Lleu lake in all aspects -spiritual, cultural and environmental- and be able to autonomously decide which is the development model we want, in pro of our peoples’ well being in communion with our Ñuke Mapu [Mother Earth],” the statement published on Wednesday reads.

22.12.2018 - 02:58 [ teleSUR ]

UN Experts Urge UK To Let Assange Leave Ecuadorean Embassy

“States that are based upon and promote the rule of law do not like to be confronted with their own violations of the law, that is understandable. But when they honestly admit these violations, they do honor the very spirit of the rule of law, earn enhanced respect for doing so, and set worldwide commendable examples,” the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) said.

22.12.2018 - 00:20 [ Tagesschau ]

Terrorwarnung für Flughäfen aufgehoben, Hinweise nicht substanziell

Die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen an deutschen Flughäfen werden wieder zurückgefahren. Hinweise auf eine konkrete Terrorgefahr erwiesen sich als Irrtümer und Übertreibungen.

22.12.2018 - 00:17 [ Sevim Dagdelen / Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages ]

Pressestatement nach Besuch bei Julian Assange

Die friedliebenden und freiheitsliebenden Menschen in Deutschland und der ganzen Welt sind Herrn Assange zu Dank verpflichtet. Er hat dazu beigetragen, die Kriegsverbrechen im Irak und in Afghanistan und illegale Machenschaften der Geheimdienste ans Licht zu bringen, vor allem der CIA. Er hat uns die Augen dafür geöffnet, wie schmutzig und blutig diese Kriege waren und sind, und wie sehr wir von unseren Regierungen getäuscht wurden. Er verdient unsere Solidarität.