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Daily Archives: 15. Dezember 2018
Auch der Innenminister wird gehen
Das Problem für Trump: Er hat Mühe, neue Leute zu finden. Seine erste Wahl für den Job des Stabschefs sagte ab, jetzt soll Haushaltsdirektor Mick Mulvaney das Amt erst einmal kommissarisch übernehmen.
Canadian military to launch 3-satellite system to track vessels
Canada is preparing to launch a group of three satellites to track ships near the nation’s coast and also track vessels in parts of the world where Canada conducts military operations with allied nations, the Department of National Defense (DND) announced in a press release, Trend reports citing Sputnik.
Russia against West‘s plans to hold UNSC session on Kosovo behind closed doors — source
Russia against West‘s plans to hold UNSC session on Kosovo behind closed doors — source
Iran discloses number of trucks loaded in Imam Khomeini Port daily
Daily 2,000 trucks are loaded with 50,000 tons of the main products in Iran’s Imam Khomeini Port, Director General of Imam Khomeini Port Customs Office Rahmatali Fallah Khoshdel said.
Communication channels between Russian, EU military established to coordinate activities
Direct communication channels have been established between Russian military and defense ministries of the UK, France, Finland and Sweden to prevent dangerous military activity and decrease the likelihood of incidents in the Baltic Sea region, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Lt. Col. Alexander Fomin said on Friday at the meeting with military attaches
Su-27 fighter crashes in Ukraine, pilot dies
It was the second accident with Su-27 jets in Ukraine in the past two months. On October 16, another Su-27 crashed in Ukraine’s Vinnitsa region during the Clear Sky 2018 international military drills. Two pilots were killed in the crash.
Amir inaugurates Doha Forum 2018
President of Ecuador Lenin Moreno Garces, Prime Minister of Somalia Hassan Ali Khairi, President of UN General Assembly Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garces, and a number of their excellencies ministers from different Arab and foreign countries attended the opening
Thousands of ‘yellow vests’ demonstrate in France in fifth weekend of protests
The interior minister said around 69,000 police were active on Saturday with a reinforced presence in the cities of Toulouse, Bordeaux and Saint-Etienne.
A police source told Reuters some 16,000 protesters had been counted in France, excluding Paris, by 11am Irish time, compared to 22,000 at the same time on December 8th.
Boeing opens first 737 plant in China amid U.S.-Sino trade war
Boeing Co opened its first 737 completion plant in China on Saturday, a strategic investment aimed at building a sales lead over arch-rival Airbus in one of the world’s top travel markets that has been overshadowed by the U.S-China trade war, Trend reports referring to Reuters.
Polizei in Brasilien vereitelt Mordanschlag an Politiker der Sozialistischen Partei
Marcelo Freixo sollte bei Diskussionsveranstaltung „exekutiert“ werden. Verdächtige aus Milizen-Umfeld. Erste Festnahmen im Mordfall Marielle Franco
Man konstatiere..da haben sie im Bundestag keine Ahnung von nichts, vorher nicht, nachher schon gar nicht, sagen das auch noch, aber bestätigen SCHON WIEDER jeden Scheiss den der internationale geheimdienstliche Komplex über den Medienkomplex rauswirft. #Amri
Es ist unfassbar, dass man von den weiteren Anschlagsplänen von #Amri jetzt en passant erfährt. #Breitscheidplatz #UA1BT
Welche Rolle spielte der V-Mann im Umfeld von Anis #Amri? Und wussten Amris engste Freunde, dass er einen Anschlag in Berlin plante? Ein Team von @DIEZEIT hat sämtliche Akten ausgewertet. Hier sind fünf Fragen und unsere Antworten:
2016 tötete er zwölf Menschen – Italienische Polizei: Breitscheidplatz-Attentäter Amri war Teil einer Terrorzelle
Bundesrat lehnt Massenüberwachung von Autofahrern ab
Der Gesetzentwurf geht jetzt mit diesem Votum an den Bundestag, wo er abgestimmt wird. Damit ist das geplante Gesetz aus dem Verkehrministerium noch nicht vom Tisch.
ALBA‘s 16th Summit: Towards A Democratic International Order
“We reaffirm the need to strengthen the community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) as a mechanism of regional political concentration based on respect of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and non-intervention in the internal affairs of each country.”
Hafenarbeiter in Chile streiken für bessere Arbeitsbedingungen
Seit fast einem Monat haben die Arbeiter des Hafens in Valparaíso die Arbeit stillgelegt. Sie fordern mehr Arbeitssicherheit, bessere Schichteinteilung und höhere Löhne. Es geht dabei hauptsächlich um Arbeiter der Hafenbetriebsgesellschaft Terminal Pacífico Sur (TPS). Auch Arbeiter der Agencia Marítima Aconcagua (Agmac) haben sich dem Streik angeschlossen.
A Second Referendum: just what the wreckers want #brexit #LosersVote
Once upon a time there was prominent support for #lexit But some of us are easily scared. #justleave
TORIES AT WAR: Hammond‘s second referendum call as Hunt URGES prepare for no deal Brexit
THERESA May’s Cabinet has plunged into a civil war, with high-profile ministers clashing over holding another Brexit vote and making no deal preparations, as they brand the Prime Minister’s Brexit deal dead.
Just before the Maastricht vote in the Commons #LeaveMeansLeave
Tony Benn: Ask the powerful five questions
(14.3.2014) Ask the powerful five questions:
Tony Benn and the Five Essential Questions of Democracy
(14.3.2014) Tony Benn met Mahatma Gandhi when he was 12, knew and defended Nelson Mandela when the embrace of the anti-apartheid struggle was seen as a radical act, began his fifty years of service in the British Parliament when Winston Churchill was the leader of the conservative opposition and left after Tony Blair became prime minister, renounced his inherited title as the 2nd Viscount Stansgate so that he could continue to serve in the people‘s parliament (declaring “I am not a reluctant peer but a persistent commoner”), ushered in a new age of popular communications and connectivity as Britain’s pioneering Minister of Technology in the 1960s and 1970s, championed cooperatives and worker ownership as Britain’s Minister of Industry in the 1970s, battled not just Margaret Thatcher but the compromising leaders of his own Labour Party on behalf of the working class in the 1980s and finished his almost 60 years of public life as an international leader of the opposition to the wars of whim and folly that have stolen so much of the promise of our time.
DIRECT – Gilets jaunes : tensions sur les Champs-Élysées, à Paris
EU won’t give the PM the deal she wants — we must be dignified & change our course of action NOW
Do they have any inkling how much goodwill between our nations they have destroyed with their parlour games over the past 2½ years? How many once pro-EU Brits they convert into Leavers with every new salvo?
Do they not grasp how mistrustful, obstructive and even hostile we would become as an EU member if, God forbid, Remain won a second referendum?
“Stop Brexit.” Let’s be real about what this means — it means stopping the largest democratic vote in British history; it means stopping democracy itself. Sturgeon and others hold the British demos in open, shameless contempt.
Brexit: Cabinet split over Plan B to ‚dead‘ EU withdrawal deal
Five ministers, including Chancellor Philip Hammond and Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd, are „leaning reluctantly“ towards supporting a second referendum, The Times said.
But another group, including Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, Liz Truss, the chief secretary to the Treasury, and Leader of the Commons Andrea Leadsom, is said to be willing to leave without a deal.
Brexit news latest: Amber Rudd urges MPs across parties to ‚forge a consensus‘ to avoid no-deal…. as five Cabinet ministers ‚consider second referendum‘
Senior Tories tell Theresa May to work with Jeremy Corbyn as only hope to save her Brexit deal
Nicky Morgan, the former education secretary, told The Independent that “cross-party support and proper discussions” were now essential, while Nick Boles, another former minister, said Ms May “must open cross-party discussions”.
The calls came after EU leaders dealt a devastating blow by scrapping written commitments, designed to help Ms May pass her deal through parliament, after disastrous talks failed to achieve a breakthrough.
This is astonishing. Blair, a former British prime minister, openly admitting to having private talks with EU leaders in an attempt to overturn the democratic decision of his own country. How the hell is he getting away with this?
Christmas Agatha Christie will reflect parallels between fascism and Brexit Britain, show‘s writer says
Viewers of the BBC’s new Agatha Christie drama will find many familiar elements: a killer on the loose, a mystery to solve and Hercule Poirot piecing together the clues.
But the adaptation of The ABC Murders will also bring Brexit into the mix, inviting audiences to draw parallels between the rise of fascism in 1930s Britain and the state of the nation today.
If I had a pound for every time someone claims I am taking Koch money, I wouldn‘t need the Koch money I am currently not getting.
There is hope where there‘s humour. Tuesday night‘s audience response to @KonstantinKisin is hilarious #FreeComedy #FreeSpeech
Comedian refused to sign ‚behavioural agreement‘ before gig
(12.12.2018) He was asked to perform at a gig at the School of African and Oriental Studies (SOAS) in London, organised by university society Unicef on Campus.
The group has since apologised and the Students‘ Union says it „believes fully in freedom of speech“.
Konstantin told Radio 1 Newsbeat the experience reflects a growing trend of free speech becoming stifled on university campuses across the UK.
He shared the „behavioural agreement form“ online, saying the title „nearly made me puke“.
While wearing my coat on the tube, a stranger brazenly sat on the bottom of it as it had accidentally encroached onto his seat. I had to travel eight stops further than intended to retrieve it. #pettycrime
The replies. Some days I really love you, London. #pettycrime
PARIS #15Decembre – Minute de silence de plusieurs centaines de #GiletsJaunes en hommage aux victimes de #Strasbourg
Sur les marches de l‘Opéra de Paris, un des #GiletsJaunes prend la parole au mégaphone : „Nous exigeons une baisse sérieuse de toutes taxes et impôts, sur les produits de première nécessité, de l‘énergie, logement, transports, produits alimentaires, vêtements…“
„Le mouvement persiste parce que Mr #Macron de fiche complètement de ce que vivent de nombreuses personnes“ Le témoignage de Maurine, une #GiletJaune sur #La26
#Acte5 Première action de cette journée, des #Mariannes dénudées se tiennent devant les forces mobiles. Action symbolique. #giletsjaunes #Paris #15Decembre
Unions call strike as protests continue across France
For today (Friday December 14) and Tuesday December 18, unions called for strikes across several industries, including air traffic control, transport, and education. The call read: “We must act for an immediate increase in salaries, pensions and social protection.”
The unions the FSU, Solidaires, SUD and UNEF have also joined the movement.
Israel strengthens its ties with the West’s far right
(12.12.2018) They all seem united in their apparent support for Netanyahu’s government, one that is constantly battling against international isolation in the face of its ongoing occupation of the Palestinian territories.
In recent years, as the governing coalition under Netanyahu drifted further and further to the right, the once-unquestioned bipartisan support for Israel in Washington has started to crack.
VOX LUX [Official Trailer] – December 7
Directed by BRADY CORBET
Natalie Portman: Israel‘s Nation-state Law Is ‚Racist‘ and a ‚Mistake‘
„I am not part of the BDS movement and do not endorse it. Like many Israelis and Jews around the world, I can be critical of of the leadership in Israel without wanting to boycott the entire nation.“ Portman added that she treasures „Israeli friends and family, Israeli food, books, art, cinema and dance.“
She went on to say that Israel „was created exactly 70 years ago as a haven for refugees from the Holocaust. But the mistreatment of those suffering from today‘s atrocities is simply not in line with my Jewish values. Because I care about Israel, I must stand up against violence, corruption, inequality and abuse of power.“
#Paris Une partie des gilets jaunes est nassėe sur les Champs Élysées. Situation calme. #GiletsJaunes #ActeV #Acte5 #ChampsElysees #15Decembre
Gladio in Straßburg?
(13.12.2018) Heute früh kurz nach 7:00 Uhr habe ich mir die Pressestimmen im Deutschlandfunk angehört, darunter ein Teil über den Mordanschlag in Straßburg. Der Täter ist verschwunden. Die Kommentatoren rätseln. Aber keiner fragt oder untersucht, ob alles stimmig ist, ob jemand dahinterstecken könnte, oder wem das nützt, was da in Straßburg passiert ist.
VIDEO⚡️Sonia (#GiletsJaunes #Senlis) dit qu‘ils n‘arrêteront pas tant qu‘il n‘y aura pas de Référendum d‘Initiative Citoyenne (#RIC) ou la démission d‘@EmmanuelMacron. Une partie de ses collègues manifesteront à Paris le #15Decembre, l‘autre continuera à occuper les rond-points.
#GiletsJaunes se rassemblent à Opéra et rendent hommage aux victimes de #Strasbourg. #Paris.#15Decembre #ActeV
France‘s Yellow Vests gather for a fifth week of protests
Yellow Vest demonstrators began gathering on the Champs-Elysees in Paris on Saturday morning for a fifth weekend of protests in defiance of calls by the French government to stay home.
Ex-Studentenführer Cohn-Bendit verurteilt französische „Gelbwesten“
Die Manifestation von politischem Widerstand in der Arbeiterklasse in Form der „Gelbwesten“-Proteste enthüllt die erbitterte Feindschaft, die den Arbeitern vonseiten der Kräfte entgegenschlägt, welche bisher fälschlicherweise als „Linke“ galten. Diese Leute lehnen die Forderungen nach sozialer Gleichheit und nach Internationalismus ab, die bei den „Gelbwesten“ an erster Stelle stehen.
Daniel Cohn-Bendit, der führende Kopf der französischen Studentenproteste vom Mai 1968, attackiert die „Gelbwesten“ ausdrücklich, weil sie Steuersenkungen für Reiche ablehnen, und verunglimpft sie als Faschisten.
Cohn-Bendits grenzenlose politische Korruption verdeutlicht den drastischen Rechtsruck einer ganzen kleinbürgerlichen Schicht, die in den 1960er-Jahren jung war und heute die offizielle „Linken“ übermäßig dominiert.
Tories need to prepare the country now for potential ‘No Deal’ Brexit and its consequences
As Theresa May‘s tour of Berlin and Brussels ended in failure, it is more important than ever for the government to prepare for the potential damages of a ‚No Deal‘ Brexit