Archiv: deadlines (en / de)

29.11.2024 - 21:43 [ ]

60-Day withdrawal countdown: Israeli forces continue to engage in South Lebanon

Before the expiration of the 60-day deadline for Israel‘s withdrawal from southern Lebanese border villages, the Israeli military continues its operations under the pretext of self-defense, as outlined in Clause 4 of the ceasefire agreement with Lebanon.

28.11.2024 - 09:31 [ Forbes ]

50,000 Russians Are Poised To Attack 20,000 Ukrainians In Kursk. Ukrainian Brigades Are Bracing For A ‘Massive’ Fight.

(November 24, 2024)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has given his general until early February to eject the Ukrainians from western Russia. But the real deadline, it seems, is the Jan. 20 inauguration of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, who has vowed to end Russia’s wider war on Ukraine but whose offhand proposals hinge on an unenforceable ceasefire that would freeze the front line in place.

22.01.2024 - 07:21 [ ]

Baghdad committed to end presence of US troops in Iraq: Iraqi general


„The end of the US-led coalition mission is a necessity for the security and stability of Iraq. It is also a necessity for preserving constructive bilateral relations between Iraq and the coalition countries,“ Sudani stated during a televised event at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

22.01.2024 - 07:10 [ Reuters ]

Exclusive: Iraq seeks quick exit of US forces but no deadline set, PM says


„There is a need to reorganise this relationship so that it is not a target or justification for any party, internal or foreign, to tamper with stability in Iraq and the region,“ Sudani told Reuters in an interview in Baghdad on Tuesday.
Giving the first details of his thinking about the future of the coalition since his Jan. 5 announcement that Iraq would begin the process of closing it down, Sudani said the exit should be negotiated under „a process of understanding and dialogue“.

30.08.2021 - 09:45 [ Reuters Pictures ]

Civilian evacuees and military personnel begin the final flights out of Kabul airport, ahead of an Aug. 31 deadline for the U.S. military to leave Afghanistan. More photos:

27.08.2021 - 04:24 [ White House ]

Remarks by President Biden on the Terror Attack at Hamid Karzai International Airport

Q And you said that you still — a few days ago, you said you squarely stand by your decision to pull out.

THE PRESIDENT: Yes, I do. Because look at it this way, folks — and I’m going to — I have another meeting, for real. But imagine where we’d be if I had indicated, on May the 1st, I was not going to renegotiate an evacuation date; we were going to stay there.

I’d have only one alternative: Pour thousands of more troops back into Afghanistan to fight a war that we had already won, relative — is why the reason we went in the first place.

I have never been of the view that we should be sacrificing American lives to try to establish a democratic government in Afghanistan — a country that has never once in its entire history been a united country, and is made up — and I don’t mean this in a derogatory — made up of different tribes who have never, ever, ever gotten along with one another.

And so, as I said before — and this is the last comment I’ll make, but we’ll have more chance to talk about this, unfortunately, beyond, because we’re not out yet — if Osama bin Laden, as well as al Qaeda, had chosen to launch an attack — when they left Saudi Arabia — out of Yemen, would we have ever gone to Afghanistan? Even though the Taliban completely controlled Afghanistan at the time, would we have ever gone?

I know it’s not fair to ask you questions. It’s rhetorical. But raise your hand if you think we should have gone and given up thousands of lives and tens of thousands of wounded.

Our interest in going was to prevent al Qaeda from reemerging — first to get bin Laden, wipe out al Qaeda in Afghanistan, and prevent that from happening again.

As I’ve said 100 times: Terrorism has metastasized around the world; we have greater threats coming out of other countries a heck of a lot closer to the United States.

We don’t have military encampments there; we don’t keep people there. We have over-the-horizon capability to keep them from going after us.

Ladies and gentlemen, it was time to end a 20-year war.

27.08.2021 - 04:12 [ Fox News ]

Biden warns ISIS-K after Kabul terror attacks, but sticks to Aug. 31 Afghanistan withdrawal deadline

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are pressuring Biden not to withdraw until evacuations were complete

25.08.2021 - 11:35 [ ]

ARD-Korrespondentin: Ende der Evakuierungsflüge möglicherweise schon heute

Nach Informationen der ARD-Korrespondentin Isabel Schayani sollen die Evakuierungsflüge der Bundeswehr auf der Strecke Taschkent-Kabul-Taschkent wohl noch früher als gedacht beendet werden – nämlich möglicherweise schon heute. Zuvor hatte die ARD Informationen erhalten, dass die Mission am Freitag oder Samstag beendet werden sollte.

25.08.2021 - 11:25 [ Matthias Gebauer, Chief Correspondent Der Spiegel / Twitter ]

Update zur EvakOP #Bundeswehr: Nachdem USA die Deadline 31/8 bestätigt hat, wird das Ende der DEU Luftbrücke geplant. Da die Bw vor den USA #Kabul verlassen muss, wird bereits der kommende Freitag für den letzten A400M Flug angepeilt, um einen sicheren Abzug zu garantieren.

24.08.2021 - 18:46 [ ]

Biden hält an Abzug bis 31. August fest

„Es sind heute keine neuen Daten über das bekannte Datum des 31.8. genannt worden vom Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika“, sagte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel nach einem virtuellen G7-Gipfel zu Afghanistan. Sie betonte, dass auch Deutschland die Evakuierungen ohne die USA nicht fortsetzen könne.

24.08.2021 - 18:32 [ CNN ]

Biden decides to keep August 31 deadline to withdraw from Afghanistan as evacuations accelerate

President Joe Biden has decided, in consultation with his national security team, to stick with the August 31 deadline for withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, according to a senior administration official.

24.08.2021 - 05:45 [ CNN ]

US military gives Biden a deadline to decide on extending Afghanistan evacuations

Military advisers have told the White House that the decision must be made by Tuesday in order to have enough time to withdraw the 5,800 troops currently on the ground, as well as their equipment and weapons. If the President agrees, the military anticipates „a few more days“ of trying to evacuate as many people as possible before the drawdown of US forces begins, possibly at the end of this week.

23.08.2021 - 12:19 [ Jamaal Bowman Congressman for #NY16 / Twitter ]

President Biden made the tough and right decision to end the military occupation in Afghanistan. Blair’s language invokes tropes against Muslims, disrespects @POTUS and pretends to care about Afghans when this is really about Western Imperialism for him.

23.08.2021 - 11:55 [ ]

Boris Johnson will push Joe Biden to delay US withdrawal from Afghanistan

The Telegraph understands that unless Mr Biden relents, UK troops are due to start to withdraw from Kabul airport towards the end of the week as they are expected to step up efforts to evacuate as many as 6,000 people.

23.01.2020 - 03:28 [ Tagesschau ]

Großbritannien: Parlament beschließt Brexit-Gesetz

Das britische Parlament hat das Ratifizierungsgesetz für das Brexit-Abkommen verabschiedet. Nach dem Unterhaus passierte der Gesetzesentwurf nun auch das Oberhaus, das House of Lords.

23.01.2020 - 03:24 [ ]

Brexit Bill set to become law after passing final parliamentary hurdle in House of Lords

Boris Johnson‘s Brexit Bill is set to become law on Thursday after clearing its finally parliamentary hurdle.

29.12.2019 - 15:49 [ Jewish Community ‏/ Twitter ]

A-G refuses to tell High Court his view on PM eligibility – again: On Sunday, the High Court set a hearing for December 31 for Mandelblit to argue before it along with other parties about whether Netanyahu can form a government.

(26.12.2019) JPost

20.12.2019 - 16:41 [ Tagesschau ]

EU-Austritt: Britisches Unterhaus stimmt für Brexit-Gesetz

Nun wird das Gesetz noch in den Ausschüssen beraten. Dafür sind nach den Weihnachtsferien Anfang Januar drei weitere Debattentage vorgesehen, am 7., 8. und 9. Januar. Danach muss auch das Oberhaus noch zustimmen, damit Großbritannien die EU zum 31. Januar tatsächlich geregelt verlassen kann.

20.12.2019 - 15:59 [ ]

BREXIT BEGINS! Britain on way to Brexit as MPs FINALLY back Boris Johnson’s deal just days before Christmas

BRITAIN is officially on its way to leaving the EU on January 31 today after MPs finally backed Boris Johnson‘s Brexit deal by a huge majority of 124.

There were loud cheers across the chamber as MPs opted by 358 – 234 to deliver the new deal after three years of dithering and delay.

20.12.2019 - 15:54 [ BBC ]

Brexit: MPs back Johnson‘s bill

MPs have backed Prime Minister Boris Johnson‘s plan for the UK to leave the EU on 31 January.

They voted 358 to 234 in favour of the EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill, which now goes on to further scrutiny in the House of Commons and House of Lords.

17.12.2019 - 16:16 [ Daily Mail ]

Boris Johnson tells Cabinet ‚we will repay the trust‘ of working-class Leave voters in first meeting after landslide victory – with new clause to Brexit bill that rules out delaying departure from EU rules beyond 2020 by LAW

– Boris Johnson has held the first meeting of his new Cabinet since election saying ‚you ain‘t seen nothing yet‘
– The government has revealed that it is amending withdrawal legislation to stop any further delays to Brexit
– The new legislation would rule out any extension of the post-Brexit transition period beyond December 2020
– Officials have also strongly rejected any speculation that Boris Johnson could opt to embrace a softer Brexit
– Mr Johnson last night posed with 109 new Conservative MPs who will help him to deliver Brexit by January 31

26.10.2019 - 11:27 [ Britain elects / Twitter ]

Westminster voting intention… if „the deadline for the UK to leave the EU has been extended beyond the 31st of October 2019“: LAB: 27% CON: 26% BREX: 20% LDEM: 18% GRN: 4% via @ComRes, 16 – 17 Oct


11.10.2019 - 14:09 [ Telegraph ]

Boris Johnson cannot get a majority unless he delivers Brexit on October 31, Tory conference poll shows

The Daily Telegraph has obtained a ComRes survey which was presented last week at a conference fringe event attended by Tory MPs. Mapping voter reaction to five Brexit scenarios, it showed the Tories would only win a majority in the Commons if Britain left the EU on October 31.

However any delay – even if it leads to a no deal Brexit immediately after an election, or Brexit being cancelled altogether, will leave a hung Parliament.

03.10.2019 - 09:09 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Read in Full: Boris’s New Negotiation Position

Boris has finally presented his detailed proposals to abolish the Backstop in a letter to the EU. The ERG and DUP are behind the proposals, now over to Varadkar…

Read the proposals in full below…

03.10.2019 - 08:51 [ ZDF ]

Brexit-Verhandlungen – Juncker sieht „positive Fortschritte“

Der von Brüssel geforderte Schutz des Europäischen Binnenmarkts vor Produkten, die nicht den EU-Standards entsprechen, läge in der Hand des nordirischen Regionalparlaments.

Die Volksvertreter dürften künftig alle vier Jahre darüber entscheiden, ob sich der britische Landesteil an europäischen oder an britischen Standards orientiert. Nach dem Willen Londons soll sich die Europäische Union gleichzeitig verpflichten, in keinem Fall Kontrollen an der Grenze durchzuführen.

03.10.2019 - 08:45 [ ]

Boris Johnson says no to customs union and yes to single market for Northern Ireland, writes Robert Peston

Boris Johnson‘s new Brexit offer to the EU comprehensively rips up the backstop agreed by Theresa May – but it contains one proposal that may upset some Brexiter purists, namely that Northern Ireland should more-or-less remain in the single market for goods, food and agricultural products, subject to rules set by Brussels.

02.10.2019 - 16:28 [ The Telegraph / Youtube ]

Watch Boris Johnson‘s Conservative Party Conference speech in FULL

Boris Johnson has promised to “get Brexit done” and “send Jeremy Corbyn into orbit where he belongs”.

02.10.2019 - 16:10 [ ]

Johnsons Brexit-Pläne: Aus der EU – „komme, was wolle“

Er werde weiterhin mit der EU an einem Abkommen arbeiten. Klar sei aber, dass Großbritannien Ende Oktober austreten müsse – „komme, was wolle“. Dreieinhalb Jahre nach dem Referendum fühlten sich die Briten „als ob sie zum Narren gehalten werden“.

29.09.2019 - 10:33 [ ]

Boris Johnson MP: We are leaving the European Union on 31st October – come what may

The United Kingdom can reclaim its natural and historic role as an enterprising, outward-looking and truly global country. But first we must restore trust in our precious democracy by leaving the EU on the 31st October, writes Boris Johnson

26.09.2019 - 15:44 [ ]

Johnson: Brexit will happen on October 31 and I won‘t resign over Supreme Court ruling

When asked how he could both obey the law and ensure Brexit by October 31, Mr Johnson said: „If you’ll forgive me, I don’t want to tip the hand of the UK government more than Parliament has already required us to do so.“

26.09.2019 - 15:22 [ ]

WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER: Boris Johnson refuses to apologise for calling Brexit delay a ‘surrender’ as Remainer MPs accuse him of inciting violence with his ‘horrendous, divisive’ language

He‘s repeatedly referred to the new law as the „Surrender Bill“, arguing it means the EU won‘t give us a good deal as they think we‘ll be forced to delay.

A No10 source said today: „If the question is ‚is he going to stop talking about the Surrender Bill‘ the answer is ‚absolutely no he‘s not‘.“

04.09.2019 - 07:22 [ Linda Yueh, Economist @UniofOxford / Twitter ]

Backbench MPs will bring forward a bill today that would force PM Johnson to request a 3-month Brexit extension if he had failed to negotiate a new deal by Oct 19; bill must pass both Commons & Lords by Monday when parliament will be prorogued until Oct 14

04.09.2019 - 06:31 [ Jonathan Lis, Dep Director @britinfluence / Twitter ]

On the other side, only Kate Hoey and John Mann spoilt the party for Labour (plus ex-Labour MPs Ian Austin and Ivan Lewis). Big thanks to the Labour Leavers who, despite their misgivings, decided to put their constituents first.

04.09.2019 - 06:13 [ ]

Voters will take ballot box revenge on Remainers trying to stop Brexit being enacted

When MPs who once vowed to honour the referendum result vote instead to proceed with a dodgy Bill, enabled by their puppet Speaker, surrendering power to the EU to determine a delay of its choosing — to be rubber-stamped by our Remainer-dominated Parliament.

Will three months suit Brussels? Six, maybe? How about ten years?

Remainers will, have no doubt, sign off whatever the EU decides.

04.09.2019 - 06:03 [ Daily Mail ]

Jeremy Corbyn is accused of running scared of an election after he says Labour will BLOCK PM‘s call for snap poll unless law passes against No Deal

– Boris Johnson called for snap election after being defeated by Remainer MPs
– The PM needs to secure a two-thirds vote in the Commons to hold an early poll
– Jeremy Corbyn has said he will block poll unless law is passed against No Deal

04.09.2019 - 05:43 [ BBC ]

Brexit: ‚Get the bill through first‘ – Corbyn

The leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn has said that there is no consent to leave the EU without a deal and no majority for no-deal in the country.

He added that if Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants to table a motion for a general election he should „get the bill passed first in order to take no-deal off the table“.

04.09.2019 - 05:39 [ ]

NOW LET BRITAIN DECIDE: Furious Boris Johnson demands election as rebels take step to block No Deal Brexit

BORIS Johnson tonight demanded a snap general election after rebel MPs pulled off an extraordinary coup to allow a block on Brexit until next year plunging Westminster into outright chaos.

Twenty one Conservative MPs – including NINE ex-Cabinet ministers – were sacked minutes after siding with Labour to seize control of Parliament’s agenda from 3pm tomorrow.

04.09.2019 - 05:36 [ ]

Brexit votes: Whip removed from 21 senior Tories who rebelled against Boris Johnson in crunch Commons vote

Removing the whip effectively means expelling the MPs from their party.

The list of rebelling MPs included ex-Cabinet ministers Greg Clark, David Gauke, Rory Stewart, Oliver Letwin, Justine Greening as well as Mr Hammond and Father of the House Mr Clarke.

04.09.2019 - 05:24 [ Spiked ]

Today was a very dark day for British democracy

The political class has taken back control – from the people.

03.09.2019 - 23:41 [ ORF ]

Johnson verliert Votum gegen „No Deal“-Gegner

Damit können sie morgen über einen von Premierminister Boris Johnson abgelehnten Gesetzesentwurf abstimmen.

03.09.2019 - 23:24 [ Axios ]

Parliament defeats Boris Johnson to take control of Brexit process

The lawmakers who voted in favor of the motion include a number of high-profile rebels in Johnson‘s own Conservative Party, who now risk being stripped of their affiliation. Parliament on Wednesday will vote on a bill to force Johnson to seek a Brexit extension from the European Union.

03.09.2019 - 18:18 [ Daily Mail ]

What is happening with Brexit? When will there be an election? Will the Queen be involved? And what happened to suspending Parliament? Your questions about a baffling week answered

But there are a myriad of scenarios that could frustrate the plans of both sides. Read on to find out how.

03.09.2019 - 17:59 [ talkRADIO ‏ ‏/ Twitter ]

Susan has travelled from Yorkshire to protest at Westminster: „I am disgusted parliament is not implementing our decision… I want to go without a deal. I never thought I‘d say that. I want out.“

03.09.2019 - 17:49 [ Lexit Allegiance ‏/ Twitter ]

Corbyn now reminds of a captain, solemnly going down on his sinking ship. His loyal crew, other deckhands, and the captain of the ship that skuttled his is cheering him on. It‘s all desperately sad to witness.

03.09.2019 - 17:44 [ DSG / Twitter ]

If a General Election is called, Labour MPs are about to be in for the shock of their political lives. Behind all the nonsense you’ve tried to pull, there are voters. They might not protest as much as your lot do. But, trust me, they’ll turn out & do the business when it counts.

03.09.2019 - 17:36 [ Paul Embery , Blue Labour / Twitter ]

Anti-Brexiteers: „Stop the coup! Defend democracy! Let the people decide.“ Prime minister: „Okay, have a general election.“ Anti-Brexiteers: „Er, no, that‘s a diversion.“

03.09.2019 - 17:25 [ BBC Politics / Twitter ]

The moment defecting Tory MP Phillip Lee takes his seat with the Liberal Democrats, leaving Boris Johnson‘s government with no working majority

03.09.2019 - 16:38 [ John Mann, Member of Parliament / Twitter ]

It is my judgement that sufficient Labour MPs will vote to respect the referendum and stop Parliament from revoking.


03.09.2019 - 16:35 [ Kate Hoey, Member of Parliament / Twitter ]

Any MP who votes for this Bill will be showing more loyalty to the European Union than to the United Kingdom

03.09.2019 - 16:31 [ Spectator ]

Prepare for Brexit history to be made tonight

Brexit history and constitutional history may be made at 10 tonight.

Because the number of Tory rebels is holding firm at around 20.

And that means Sir Oliver Letwin’s motion under Standing Order 24, which would have the effect of handing control of business in the Commons to backbenchers tomorrow, could well pass by around five votes.

03.09.2019 - 16:19 [ ]

CIVIL WAR: Boris Johnson’s last ditch peace talks FAIL and break into furious row as Philip Hammond ‘admits’ working with EU on rebel law

The meeting was said to be courteous but the ex-Chancellor repeatedly interrupted the discussion and spoke over colleagues.

And Government sources claimed that he let slip that the rebel bill – which will be put to MPs tomorrow to try and stop a No Deal – was drawn up with assistance from the EU‘s legal team.

03.09.2019 - 16:14 [ UK Parliament / Youtube ]

LIVE from the House of Commons: statement from the Prime Minister and the SO24 application

Follow events in the House of Commons Chamber as MPs meet for the first time after the summer recess.

You can follow @HouseofCommons on Twitter for official news and information for the UK House of Commons Chamber.

03.09.2019 - 16:06 [ ]

.@BorisJohnson will address the House Of Commons @ 15:30 on the G7 Summit

03.09.2019 - 06:27 [ Basler Zeitung ]

«Ich will keine Wahl und Sie wollen keine Wahl»

Der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson will unter «keinen Umständen» eine weitere Verlängerung der EU-Austrittsfrist beantragen. Das sagte Johnson am Montagabend in einer Erklärung vor dem Regierungssitz Downing Street in London.

«Wir werden die Europäische Union am 31. Oktober verlassen, ohne Wenn und Aber.»

03.09.2019 - 06:13 [ CNN ]

Johnson threatens election to stop rebels from blocking no-deal Brexit

In a statement delivered outside Downing Street, Johnson said he would not ask Brussels for an extension to the Brexit process, even if Parliament forces him to.
Urging lawmakers to reject a proposal to take no-deal off the table, Johnson made it clear that he would prefer an election over another „pointless“ Brexit delay. „I don‘t want an election, you don‘t want an election,“ Johnson said — with the unsaid implication that a new vote would be the only alternative.

03.09.2019 - 06:11 [ ITV News / Youtube ]

Prime Minister Boris Johnson gives Brexit statement after emergency Cabinet meeting | ITV News

Prime Minister Boris Johnson gives Brexit statement after emergency Cabinet meeting

03.09.2019 - 06:06 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Read the Rebels’ New Anti-Brexit Bill

Section 3, Paragraph 1 has already caught the attention of Brexiteers, as it would mean the EU can choose the length of the extension – without a limit – and the Prime Minister must agree to it.

03.09.2019 - 06:01 [ Spiked ]

Frenemies of the people: Remainers desperate to overturn Brexit are now posing as democracy’s champions.

Those who have been quite happy to see power drip from Westminster to Brussels are now enthusiastic converts to parliamentary sovereignty. Of course, the brand of democracy that’s fashionable with EU-loving protesters is of a very specific variety. It’s the type that places the votes of a few hundred MPs above the 17.4million members of the public who voted for the UK to leave the EU. It’s the type of democracy that demands we bend the knee to our representatives in parliament, who are expected to think and act on our behalf.

02.09.2019 - 17:48 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Election Speculation Summary

– The PM has convened a last-minute cabinet meeting for 5 pm, with the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg saying Boris will discuss calling an election this week
– This is well-timed to be followed by a previously-arranged garden party with all Tory MPs. Great way to get all his MPs in one place for any announcements…
– No. 10 have publicly said they are treating tomorrow’s Remainer plot to take over the House of Commons Order Paper as an implicit vote of confidence in the Government’s negotiation strategy – many are reading into this as a vote of confidence in the government as a whole.
– In the event of a government defeat on Tuesday or Wednesday, Boris would seek an election.

02.09.2019 - 17:41 [ BBC ]

Brexit: Election discussions in No 10 amid Brexit battle

They are expected to put forward legislation on Tuesday to stop no deal under „SO24“ or Standing Order 24 – the rule allowing MPs to ask for a debate on a „specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration“.

Sources have told the BBC the bill would force the prime minister to seek a three-month extension until 31 January if no withdrawal deal has been passed by 19 October – the day after the next EU leaders‘ summit.

02.09.2019 - 17:37 [ ]

DO-OR-DIE: Boris Johnson wants snap election BEFORE October 31 Brexit date if he loses to rebels this week

BORIS Johnson is planning a snap general election in five weeks‘ time if he loses to rebel Tories this week, The Sun can reveal.

The dramatic move is a significant change of thinking in No10 as it would see a nationwide poll take place before Brexit is due on October 31.

31.08.2019 - 10:35 [ Spiked ]

How Boris Johnson boxed his Brexit opponents in

This makes it clear that the Government is working within the legal stipulations set by Dominic Grieve’s political chicanery, and is responding in kind. So there is nothing unconstitutional or improper here. And if the Commons does not like the move, then it is free to pass a motion of no confidence in the Government. As long as a majority of MPs have confidence in the Government, but disapprove of its Brexit policy, they cannot complain about any legal and constitutional means the Government employs to achieve its objectives.

31.08.2019 - 10:24 [ Guido Fawkes ]

John Bercow’s Next Job?

As Britain’s EU membership finally comes to an end next month, so (hopefully) will John Bercow’s miserable time as Speaker. Luckily, however, the St Helena Tourism Board have posted a job vacancy perfect for him should he be looking for a new job over the coming weeks.

31.08.2019 - 10:22 [ ]

Boris Johnson will take on Remainer Tories by sacking MPs who vote to block No Deal Brexit

TORY MPs who vote to block a No Deal next week will be sacked from the party, we can reveal.

No10 will bar Remainer rebels from standing at the next general election.

31.08.2019 - 09:57 [ Daily Mail ]

Boris Johnson‘s gamble is paying off: Tory lead over Labour nearly DOUBLES in three weeks and most voters think the Queen was RIGHT to approve his request to suspend Parliament in his drive to deliver Brexit

– Even a fifth of Labour supporters believe Mr Johnson is doing a good job so far
– They think he has more of the ‚common touch‘ than Jeremy Corbyn
– Only a month into the job, Jo Swinson is seen as a more suitable PM to Corbyn
– The survey puts the Tories on 31 per cent, Labour on 24 and Lib Dems on 21