Archiv: Forderungen / demands / resuests

20.02.2025 - 20:15 [ CodePink ]

Flood the Israeli Embassy with Letters Demanding Dr. Abu Safiya’s Release! – CODEPINK – Women for Peace

On February 11, Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya’s lawyer confirmed that he is being held in Ofer Prison near Ramallah, where he has been tortured, electrocuted, and denied medical care. The only reason we even have this update is because of international public pressure. Now that we have their attention, we have to keep pushing. Flood the Israeli embassy with letters demanding Dr. Abu Safiya’s release to make it clear that, despite U.S. government support, the American people reject Israel’s genocide and occupation. The facade of Israeli victimhood has crumbled, and we will keep protesting U.S. complicity until Dr. Abu Safiya and every Palestinian in Israeli detention is free.

Send a letter to the DC Israeli Embassy Demanding Dr. Abu Safiya’s Release!

18.02.2025 - 01:10 [ European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) ]

Civil society organisations call for EU-Libya migration funding freeze as mass graves discovered

(February 14, 2025)

In Libya the torture and killing of migrants in detention, their abandonment at sea or in the desert; being held in conditions akin to slavery; being subject to starvation and other serious human rights violations have been documented extensively by the UN’s Independent Fact Finding Mission on Libya and other bodies.

It is clear that European Union migration funding to Libya, as well as migration funding to Libya from EU member states including Italy and France, has not delivered on its promise to improve conditions for people seeking safety.

ASGI – Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration
Borderline-europe – Human Rights without borders e.V:
Border Violence Monitoring Network
CCFD-Terre Solidaire
Community Rights in Greece
Egyptian Human Rights Forum (EHRF)
EgyptWide for Human Rights
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
European Network Against Racism (ENAR)
EuroMed Rights
Greek Council for Refugees (GCR)
Human Rights Watch (HRW)
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Europe
KISA – Action for Equality, Support, Antiracism
La Cimade
MISSION LIFELINE International e.V.
MV Louise Michel
Refugees in Libya
Refugees Platform Egypt (RPE)
Sea-Eye e. V.
Sea Punks e.V.
SOS Humanity e.V.
Transnational Institute
The Tunisian Forum for Social and Economic Rights FTDES
Watch the Med – AlarmPhone

16.02.2025 - 07:44 [ Times of Israel ]

In video address to hostage rallies, freed captive pleads for protests to continue

In his pre-recorded address at Hostages Square, Ben Ami thanked the protesters who have come out week after week to draw attention to the plight of the hostages and ensure that they remain in the public eye.

What keeps you going is that suddenly you see a nation fighting for you,” he said. “You have no idea, no idea how much power that gives to those left behind.”

15.02.2025 - 14:43 [ Freundeskreis Videoclips / Youtube ]

LIVE: Für einen gerechten Frieden in Palästina und Israel – Töten beenden, Waffenexporte stoppen!

Berlin-Mitte, vor dem Bundeskanzleramt , 15.02.2024

13.02.2025 - 22:24 [ ]

Für einen gerechten Frieden in Palästina und Israel: Das Töten endlich beenden, Waffenexporte stoppen!

Die Berliner Kundgebung wird veranstaltet von:

Amnesty International Deutschland • Ärzte der Welt • CARE Deutschland • Deutsch-Palästinensische Gesellschaft • Humanistische Union • IPPNW Deutschland • Israelis für Frieden • medico international • 4neukoellnplusberlin • Oxfam Deutschland • pax christi, Deutsche Sektion • Sea-Watch • Terre des Hommes Deutschland • Weltfriedensdienst

Außerdem rufen dazu auf:

Allianz für Kritische und Solidarische Wissenschaft • Arbeitskreis Internationalismus IG Metall Berlin • Arbeitskreis Palästina Brühl-Battir • Arbeitskreis Palästina der Lokalen Agenda 21 in Stadt und Kreis Neuwied • Berliner Krankenhausbewegung • Bundesweite Arbeitsgruppe Globalisierung und Krieg • Bündnis für Gerechtigkeit zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern (BIP) • ChanceMaker Foundation • Church and Peace • Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft – Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen • Ende Gelände Berlin • EYE4PALESTINE • Föderation Demokratischer Arbeitervereine Berlin • Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung • Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst • Frauen wagen Frieden • Freunde von Sabeel Deutschland • Friends of Standing Together Berlin • Gaza Komitee Berlin • IALANA Deutschland – Vereinigung für Friedensrecht • Informationsbüro Nicaragua • Initiative zur Förderung der Beziehungen zwischen Nablus und Nürnberg (INNA) • Internationale der Kriegsdienstgegner*innen (IDK) • Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit (WILPF Germany) • Internationale Liga für Menschenrechte • Internationaler Versöhnungsbund, Deutscher Zweig • interventionistische Linke Berlin • Israelisches Komitee gegen Hauszerstörungen (ICAHD) • Kairos Palästina Solidaritätsnetz Deutschland • Kölner Friedensforum • Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie • Kooperation für den Frieden • Kulturkosmos Müritz (Fusion-Festival) • KURVE Wustrow – Bildungs- und Begegnungsstätte • Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb – Gemeinschaft für soziale Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und Ökologie • Netzwerk Friedenskooperative • Netzwerk Ökumenisches Begleitprogramm in Palästina und Israel in Deutschland • Nürnberger Evangelisches Forum für den Frieden (NEFF) • Ohne Rüstung Leben • Palästina Initiative Region Hannover • Partnerschaftsverein Bonn-Ramallah • Reiter und Reiterinnen für den Frieden (Friedensritt) • Solidarität International • Städtepartnerschaftsverein Köln-Bethlehem • VVN-VdA (ehemals Westberlin) • Wuppertaler Friedensforum

13.02.2025 - 03:05 [ American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) ]

Re: Urgent Request for Access to and Information Regarding Immigrants Transferred from the United States and Detained at Guantánamo Bay

(February 7, 2025)

Dear Secretary Noem, Secretary Hegseth, and Secretary Rubio:
We write on behalf of the undersigned immigrants‘ rights and civil rights organizations to request immediate access to the noncitizens transferred from immigration detention facilities in the United States and currently detained at the U.S. Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

Since February 4, 2025, the government has transferred nearly two dozen noncitizens to Guantánamo, without providing any information about their circumstances or the government’s legal authority for these unprecedented actions. The government has also announced that it is planning to send tens of thousands of additional immigration detainees to Guantánamo in the near future.

The Constitution, and federal and international law prohibit the government from using Guantánamo as a legal black hole. We therefore request that the government provide our organizations access to the noncitizens detained at Guantánamo so that those individuals will have access to legal counsel, and so advocates and the public can understand the conditions
under which the government is detaining them. We also request basic information that the public has a right to know regarding the noncitizens being sent to Guantánamo and the government’s plans for them.


American Civil Liberties Union
Americans for Immigrant Justice
Amica Center
American Gateways
Center for Constitutional Rights
Haitian Bridge Alliance
Human Rights First
International Refugee Assistance Project
Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the SF Bay Area
National Immigrant Justice Center
National Immigration Law Center
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services
Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights
Texas Civil Rights Project

12.02.2025 - 13:42 [ Palestinian News and Information Agency – ]

Ministry of Health demands immediate release of Dr. Hussam Abu Safia

The ministry added, „According to Dr. Abu Safiya‘s statement to the center‘s lawyer, he lost about 15 kilograms, suffers from an enlarged heart muscle, and was not presented to a specialist doctor or provided with treatment, despite his repeated requests to the prison administration to do so.

At the beginning of Dr. Abu Safiya‘s detention and during his transfer from the Gaza Strip, he was forced to take off his clothes, his hands were tied, and he sat on sharp pebbles for about 5 hours.

He was subjected to electric shocks and chest beatings. He also stayed in the occupation‘s cells for 25 days in Ofer Prison, including 10 days during which he was subjected to almost continuous interrogation, and fainted in the cell due to feeling suffocated, stressing that he is a doctor who only provides treatment to patients and the wounded, in addition to his position as director of Kamal Adwan Hospital.

12.02.2025 - 13:39 [ Middle East Eye ]

Palestinian health ministry calls for release of doctor tortured in Israeli prison

The Palestinian Ministry of Health called for the immediate release of Dr Hussam Abu Safia, a paediatrician and director of Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza, along with all medical staff detained by Israel, the Wafa news agency reported.

The ministry‘s call came after the Al Mezan Center for Human Rights reported that Abu Safia met his lawyer for the first time on Tuesday evening at Ofer Prison, 47 days after being „abducted“ by Israeli forces.

11.02.2025 - 22:32 [ United Nations ]

Gaza: Return to war must be avoided at all costs, insists UN chief

“We must avoid at all costs the resumption of hostilities in Gaza that would lead to an immense tragedy,” said the UN chief, in a statement relayed to journalists by UN Geneva spokesperson Rolando Gomez.

“I appeal to Hamas to proceed with the planned liberation of hostages next Saturday. Both sides must fully abide by their commitments in the ceasefire agreement and resume serious negotiations in Doha for the second phase.”

The development comes amid reports that Hamas suspended the scheduled release of hostages from Gaza on Saturday, on the grounds that Palestinians continue to be killed in the war-torn enclave and that too little aid is entering the Strip.

11.02.2025 - 18:19 [ ]

Für einen gerechten Frieden in Palästina und Israel: Das Töten endlich beenden, Waffenexporte stoppen!

Die Berliner Kundgebung wird veranstaltet von:

Amnesty International Deutschland • Ärzte der Welt • CARE Deutschland • Deutsch-Palästinensische Gesellschaft • Humanistische Union • IPPNW Deutschland • Israelis für Frieden • medico international • 4neukoellnplusberlin • Oxfam Deutschland • pax christi, Deutsche Sektion • Sea-Watch • Terre des Hommes Deutschland • Weltfriedensdienst

Außerdem rufen dazu auf:

Allianz für Kritische und Solidarische Wissenschaft • Arbeitskreis Internationalismus IG Metall Berlin • Arbeitskreis Palästina Brühl-Battir • Arbeitskreis Palästina der Lokalen Agenda 21 in Stadt und Kreis Neuwied • Berliner Krankenhausbewegung • Bundesweite Arbeitsgruppe Globalisierung und Krieg • Bündnis für Gerechtigkeit zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern (BIP) • ChanceMaker Foundation • Church and Peace • Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft – Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen • Ende Gelände Berlin • EYE4PALESTINE • Föderation Demokratischer Arbeitervereine Berlin • Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung • Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst • Frauen wagen Frieden • Freunde von Sabeel Deutschland • Friends of Standing Together Berlin • Gaza Komitee Berlin • IALANA Deutschland – Vereinigung für Friedensrecht • Informationsbüro Nicaragua • Initiative zur Förderung der Beziehungen zwischen Nablus und Nürnberg (INNA) • Internationale der Kriegsdienstgegner*innen • Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit (WILPF Germany) • Internationale Liga für Menschenrechte • Internationaler Versöhnungsbund, Deutscher Zweig • interventionistische Linke Berlin • Israelisches Komitee gegen Hauszerstörungen (ICAHD) • Kairos Palästina Solidaritätsnetz Deutschland • Kölner Friedensforum • Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie • Kooperation für den Frieden • Kulturkosmos Müritz (Fusion-Festival) • KURVE Wustrow – Bildungs- und Begegnungsstätte • Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb – Gemeinschaft für soziale Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und Ökologie • Netzwerk Friedenskooperative • Netzwerk Ökumenisches Begleitprogramm in Palästina und Israel in Deutschland • Nürnberger Evangelisches Forum für den Frieden (NEFF) • Ohne Rüstung Leben • Palästina Initiative Region Hannover • Partnerschaftsverein Bonn-Ramallah • Reiter und Reiterinnen für den Frieden (Friedensritt) • Solidarität International • Städtepartnerschaftsverein Köln-Bethlehem • VVN-VdA (ehemals Westberlin) • Wuppertaler Friedensforum

11.02.2025 - 18:14 [ Sevim Dagdelen, Mitglied des Bundestages ]

Kundgebung „Für einen gerechten Frieden in Palästina und Israel“ mit MdB Sevim Dagdelen

Ein breites Bündnis aus mehr als 50 Organisationen ruft am 15. Februar 2025 erneut in Berlin, Köln und Nürnberg zu Kundgebungen „Für einen gerechten Frieden in Palästina und Israel“ auf.

26.01.2025 - 15:59 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

‘Continue the Deal and Stop the War’, Protests All-Over Israel

Protests calling for a hostage deal, against Netanyahu’s government and for the end of the war, took place on Saturday evening, Jan 25, in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Beer Sheva, Raanana, Ramat Hasharon, Herzliya, Carmiel, Petach Tikva, Nahariya, Umm el-Fahm and dozens of other locations across the country.

During the protests, activists and relatives of hostages hailing the week-old ceasefire that has so far seen the release of seven female hostages and urging the government to keep the ceasefire going through its second phase.


“End this fucking war”, protesters again the war in Gaza at Hemed Junction near Jerusalem, January 25, 2025 (Photo: Black Flag Movement)

13.01.2025 - 23:48 [ Al Jazeera ]

Kamal Adwan’s Hussam Abu Safia held in Ofer Prison, rights group says

An Israeli rights group says Hussam Abu Safia, the director of Kamal Adwan Hospital who was detained by Israeli forces during their raid on the facility in Beit Lahiya last month, is being held in a notorious Israeli military prison in the occupied West Bank.

Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHRI), said the Israeli military confirmed in an email that Abu Safia was at Ofer Prison. A lawyer for Abu Safia’s family was told that he would not be allowed to see him until January 29, said a spokesman for PHRI, Ran Yaron, according to The Associated Press.

11.01.2025 - 12:28 [ Times of Israel ]

No more ‘cannon fodder’: Parents of troops, slain hostages demand Gaza deal

“The IDF has no reason to stay in Gaza, besides fulfilling messianic wishes of settling there,” the letter alleged, pushing back against Netanyahu’s stance that continued military action would free the 98 hostages believed to remain in Gaza, almost all of them kidnapped on October 7.

They charged the fighting in Gaza was “a war without a horizon, unlike anything in our history, solely in the interest of your own political survival.”

11.01.2025 - 12:26 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

850 Parents of Soldiers Accuse Netanyahu: Our Children are Cannon Fodder

n a letter addressed to the premier, the relatives accuse him of leading “a war without a horizon, unlike anything in our history, solely in the interest of your own political survival.” “Our sons and daughters set out on a necessary war brought upon us by your actions. Our children are cannon fodder”, they claim. “They lost many friends and are continuing to die and get injured, mentally and physically.

Now, after more than a year of war, they assert the only way for the returning of the hostages is as part of a deal with Hamas, alleging that the war is being extended aimlessly and that the Israeli army “has no reason to stay in Gaza, besides fulfilling messianic wishes of settling there.” “We accuse you of abandoning the hostages and the soldiers,” the parents write, threatening to launch an “all-out struggle,” beginning in dozens of cities next Saturday.

04.01.2025 - 18:12 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Israeli Govt Pressed to Reveal Location of Detained Gaza Hospital Director

In response to an official request submitted by Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) Israel on behalf of his family to arrange a lawyer’s visit for him, “Mashlat” – the body responsible for coordinating with the army regarding the location of detainees and prisoners from the occupied Gaza Strip – stated that they have no indication of his arrest or detention of the Kamal Adwan Hospital director, Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya. Despite clear documentation of his arrest, the Israeli army officially stated on Thursday, January 3, that “it has no indication of the arrest or detention of the Kamal Adwan Hospital Director.”

04.01.2025 - 14:41 [ ]

The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question – Security Council, 9830th meeting

(January 3, 2024)

The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question – Security Council, 9830th meeting


– Briefer: Mr. Volker Türk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (via video-teleconference)
– Briefer: Dr. Rik Peeperkorn, Representative for the West Bank and Gaza, World Health Organization (via video-teleconference)
– Briefer: Dr. Tanya Haj Hassan, medical practitioner, Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) Charity (via video-teleconference)
– Statements: All Council members
– Statement: Observer State of Palestine
– Statements: Israel, Egypt

04.01.2025 - 14:32 [ Middle East Eye ]

Palestinian UN ambassador calls for release of Dr Hussam Abu Safiyeh

In the first United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting on the Middle East for 2025, Palestinian ambassador to the UN Riyad Mansour asked the international body to show „courage“ in demanding the release of Dr Hussam Abu Safiyeh, the medical director of Kamal Adwan hospital in northern Gaza was detained by Israeli forces last week.

03.01.2025 - 10:32 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel ignores WHO appeals and attacks another hospital in northern Gaza

The Indonesian Hospital, one the biggest health facilities in northern Gaza, has been out of service for weeks due to ongoing Israeli attacks and a debilitating siege put in place since early October.

Earlier this week, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the head of the WHO, called on Israel to cease its attacks on Gaza‘s beleaguered hospitals and medical centres and offer a brief reprieve to exhausted Palestinians.

01.01.2025 - 12:05 [ ]

UN Expert Urges Medical Boycott of Israel After It Detains Hospital Director

UN Special Rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territories Francesca Albanese called on the medical community to act on Monday, as reports emerged that Israeli forces are holding the head of Kamal Adwan Hospital, Hussam Abu Safiya, at a torture camp for Palestinian detainees that’s notorious for its brutality.

I urge medical professionals worldwide to pursue the severance of all ties with Israel as a concrete way to forcefully denounce Israel’s full destruction of the Palestinian healthcare system in Gaza, a critical tool of its ongoing genocide,” Albanese said.

01.01.2025 - 11:22 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

MK Cassif: Hussam Abu Safiya is the Symbol of the Gaza Genocide

According to Hadash-Ta’al MK Ofer Cassif, “We must not allow the Israeli government to kill this noble man [Abu Safiya]. His life and liberty, like those of all Palestinians, must be protected.” “In human history, every genocide has had its own martyrs and symbols. Those who faced barbaric power and humanitarian calamity with resilient, stoic virtue. Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya and his unlawful abduction is the symbol of the Gaza genocide. We must not allow him to perish in captivity. I filed an official query for the Minister of Defense, like habeas corpus, demanding to know of his whereabouts. But this isn’t enough. I urge all to demand his immediate release from Israeli captivity.”

MK Ahmed Tibi (Hadash-Ta’al) called in the Knesset plenum on Monday, December 30, for the release of the director of Kamal Adwan Hospital. Tibi stated that “Dr. Abu Safiya has become an international icon in the last 24 hours. With a systematic destruction of hospitals in Gaza, and all health infrastructure, to render life impossible after the conflict – Israel is the country that has destroyed the most hospitals globally.” “This brave doctor, Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya, whose 15-year-old child was killed, and later had his hospital shot at and was wounded, remained with his team and patients – it’s a brave decision.” He added: “Ultimately, he came out to the tank and was arrested. Today, he’s in the detention facility at Sde Teiman and there is an international demand to release him. Why? Because doctors are killed in Sde Teiman. Dr. Albatsh, an orthopedist, was detained, tortured, and died. I called on the Defense Minister to release him today.”

According to Hadash-Ta’al MK Aida Touma-Sliman, “Dozens of Palestinians who were held at some point by the Israeli Army are nowhere to be found. The fact is extremely concerning given that according to Bt’selem, more than 60 Palestinians have died while imprisoned by Israel since the beginning of the war – some with clear indications of violence and torture. Like the darkest regimes, Israel is creating, under the cover of war, a parallel world of torture and violence where people are being disappeared.”

01.01.2025 - 10:40 [ ]

Doctors launch campaign calling for release of Gaza hospital director Hussam Abu Safiya

Hundreds of medical professionals are using the hashtag #FreeDrHussamAbuSafiyeh to decry Israel‘s capture and detention of him as well as calling for Israel to be held accountable for attacks on hospital facilities and medics.

01.01.2025 - 09:53 [ Washington Post ]

WHO, family call for release of detained Gaza hospital director

The head of the World Health Organization called for the immediate release of Hussam Abu Safiya, the director of Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza, who was detained as Israeli forces raided the facility last week. Other human rights organizations, along with Abu Safiya’s family, have made the same demand.

31.12.2024 - 04:01 [ Middle East Eye ]

Amnesty International demands immediate release of Dr Hussam Abu Safiya following Israeli abduction

Amnesty also highlighted the broader issue of Israeli detention practices, noting that since the onset of its military onslought in Gaza, Israel has detained hundreds of Palestinian healthcare workers without charge or trial. These workers, the organisation stated, have been subjected to torture, ill-treatment, and incommunicado detention.

„The international community, especially Israel’s allies, must act to end Israel’s genocide against Palestinians in Gaza,“ Amnesty concluded, demanding the immediate release of all Palestinians arbitrarily detained, including healthcare workers. Hospitals and health workers, the organisation reiterated, are not legitimate targets.

04.12.2024 - 18:30 [ Business Insider ]

South Korea‘s largest labor union launches an indefinite strike and calls for the president‘s resignation

The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions issued the call in a Facebook post to its 1.1 million members, saying the strike would start Wednesday at 9 a.m. local time and would last until the president‘s „regime“ abolished martial law and the president stepped down.

04.12.2024 - 01:43 [ Korean Broadcasting System ]

Umbrella Labor Union Calls for End of Yoon Administration, Declares General Strike until Then

An umbrella labor union has announced a general strike of indeterminate length, saying the strike will continue until President Yoon Suk Yeol resigns.

The central executive committee of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions(KCTU) announced the decision Wednesday morning in a press conference at its office in Seoul, saying the labor union will fight alongside the people for the end of the Yoon administration.

04.12.2024 - 01:34 [ Korean Broadcasting System ]

Politics PPP Chair Demands Yoon‘s Explanation, Dismissal of Defense Chief

After a surprise declaration of martial law by President Yoon Suk Yeol and its repeal a few hours later, ruling People Power Party(PPP) leader Han Dong-hoon has urged Yoon to personally explain the situation and immediately dismiss the defense minister, who suggested imposing martial law.

04.12.2024 - 01:25 [ Korean Broadcasting System ]

Politics Main Opposition to Begin Impeachment Proceedings unless Yoon Steps Down Immediately

The main opposition Democratic Party has called on President Yoon Suk Yeol to step down immediately, saying it will begin impeachment procedures unless he resigns voluntarily.

01.12.2024 - 22:29 [ Middle East Eye ]

Gulf Cooperation Council summit‘s points on Gaza

– The council condemned Israel‘s aggression in Gaza, and said it reaffirmed its stance demanding an „immediate and permanent cessation of Israeli military operations“ and lifting the blockade on Gaza.

– The council said Israel bears „full responsibility“ for its targeting and assault on civilians in Gaza, and said these attacks were war crimes and crimes against humanity.

– The council welcomed the International Criminal Court‘s decision to issue arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former defence minister Yoav Gallant.

– The council said Israel‘s ongoing war on Gaza is a part of „a genocide and ethnic cleansing agenda“, and condemned Israel‘s attacks on hospitals and on aid workers in Gaza.

01.12.2024 - 22:18 [ ]

GCC Summit in Kuwait urges immediate ceasefire, aid for Gaza

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) leaders convened in Kuwait on Sunday, issuing a unified call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza amid „Israel‘s“ ongoing genocidal campaign.

The summit‘s final statement urged a complete halt to military operations, the delivery of humanitarian aid, and the establishment of safe corridors for civilians in the beleaguered Palestinian territory.

28.11.2024 - 12:25 [ Associated Press ]

White House pressing Ukraine to draft 18-year-olds so it has enough troops to battle Russia

(November 28, 2024)

A senior Biden administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private consultations, said Wednesday that the outgoing Democratic administration wants Ukraine to lower the mobilization age to 18 from the current age of 25 to expand the pool of fighting-age men available to help a badly outnumbered Ukraine in its nearly three-year-old war with Russia.

The official said “the pure math” of Ukraine’s situation now is that it needs more troops in the fight

28.11.2024 - 12:21 [ ]

White House Pressing Ukraine To Draft 18-Year-Olds for War

(November 27, 2024)

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan recently hinted that the US was pressuring Ukraine to expand conscription, saying Ukraine’s biggest problem in the war was the lack of manpower.

“Our view has been that there’s not one weapon system that makes a difference in this battle. It’s about manpower, and Ukraine needs to do more, in our view, to firm up its lines in terms of the number of forces it has on the front lines,” Sullivan said on PBS News Hour last week.

28.11.2024 - 11:41 [ Gallup ]

Half of Ukrainians Want Quick, Negotiated End to War

(November 19, 2024)

In Gallup’s latest surveys of Ukraine, conducted in August and October 2024, an average of 52% of Ukrainians would like to see their country negotiate an end to the war as soon as possible. Nearly four in 10 Ukrainians (38%) believe their country should keep fighting until victory.

Ukrainians’ current attitudes toward the war represent a decisive shift from where they stood after it began in late February 2022. Surveyed in the months after Russia launched its full-scale invasion, Ukrainians were defiant, with 73% preferring fighting until victory.

28.11.2024 - 11:33 [ ]

Poll: Majority of Ukrainians Want Peace Talks To End War With Russia

(November 19, 2024)

A poll released by Gallup on Tuesday found that the majority of Ukrainians want peace talks to end the war with Russia.

The poll, conducted in August and October, found that 52% of respondents wanted talks with Russia to end the conflict as soon as possible, while 38% believed Ukraine should keep fighting, and 9% said they didn’t know or refused to answer.

16.11.2024 - 13:15 [ ]

Indonesian parliament asks UN to revoke Israel membership

The Committee for Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) has urged the United Nations to revoke Israel‘s membership over Tel Aviv‘s military maneuvers that have claimed many victims.

„Expel Israel from the UN because the genocide carried out by the Israeli military continues, and more and more victims are falling,“ the committee‘s chairperson, Mardani Ali Sera, said in a statement released on Thursday.

16.11.2024 - 12:34 [ International Federation for Human Rights ]

Suspend the EU-Israel Association Agreement

Paris, 12 March 2024. Respect for human rights is an essential element of the EU’s association agreements with partner countries. Article 2 states that „relations between the Parties, as well as all the provisions of the Agreement itself, shall be based on respect for human rights and democratic principles, which guides their internal and international policy and constitutes an essential element of this Agreement“. Violation of the so-called „essential elements“ clauses allows the EU to denounce or suspend the agreements in whole or in part under Article 60 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. In the light of the deaths and suffering endured by the Palestinian people, the European Union has the duty and the means to act to prevent Israel’s crimes in Gaza and to reduce the extent of human suffering.

15.11.2024 - 13:32 [ Middle East Eye ]

UK urged to share Gaza spy planes footage with ICC war crimes probe

(October 30, 2024)

The defence ministry told Middle East Eye: “As a matter of principle, we only provide intelligence to our allies where we are satisfied that it will be used in accordance with International Humanitarian Law, and in this instance, only information relating to hostage rescue is passed to the Israeli authorities.”
Brendan O’Hara, the Scottish National Party’s spokesperson for the Middle East, told MEE it was “inconceivable”, given the scale of the destruction and death in Gaza, that the flights “do not contain footage which would be of significant interest to the investigators from the International Criminal Court”.
Labour MP Rachael Maskell told MEE: “It is crucial that any intelligence of breaches of international law are shared with the courts so they can assess the evidence and secure justice.”

“I trust that the UK government is working with the international courts to aid them in their work.”

11.11.2024 - 16:32 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Tens of Thousands Across Israel Protest Far-Right Govt and for the Release of Hostages

(November 10, 2024)

Protests calling against Netanyhau’s government and for the release of hostages were also held Saturday evening in Jerusalem, Beersheba, Haifa, Kfar Sava, Raanana Junction, Nes Ziona, Ashkelon, Kiryat Gat, Rehovot, Karkur Junction, the southern Shaar HaNegev crossroad, Zikhron Yaacov and other localities. Five people were arrested in Jerusalem, Haifa and Karkur. At Haifa the police attacked again a protest vigil at Central Carmel, Activists from the Anti-Occupation Bloc, among them Hadash activists, demanded the end of the deadly war in Gaza and Lebanon and during the protest cops confiscated signs against the massacre in Gaza

10.11.2024 - 18:33 [ ]

Petition to the UN General Assembly: unseating Israel is the only way to preserve the integrity of the international legal system.

Israel systematically infringes its duties towards the UN repeatedly violating the protections afforded to UN bodies such as the UNRWA and UNIFIL. This includes causing the death of UN workers, and bombing UN facilities. Furthermore, it resolutely refuses to engage with UN Mechanisms by not allowing visits from the UN Secretary-General, UN Special Rapporteurs, and the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry, among others. Within the halls of the UN, Israel also repeatedly issues defamatory statements against the organisation. These actions reflect a complete disregard for UN systems and are in breach of international law.

Israel’s systematic denial of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and relentless appropriation of Palestinian land have led to a critical, historical juncture in which the Israeli state is pursuing genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians with ruthless, unprecedented force and determination. The very existence of the Palestinian people hinges on ending Israeli impunity and, at long last, realizing their right to control their own political, social, and economic destiny. Additionally, the gravity of the illegalities caused by Israel has raised serious questions about the legitimacy of the international legal system as a whole, threatening its continued integrity.

The General Assembly and its Member States can and must take meaningful action on both fronts —the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the integrity of the international legal system—without delay by unseating the Israeli government from the Assembly, in accordance with the Assembly’s authority to approve the credentials of Member State delegations.

Unseating a state government’s delegation is an exceptional action, but , in this case, it is grounded in precedent—specifically, the unseating of South Africa’s apartheid government from the General Assembly in 1974—and in law. Fifty years ago, the General Assembly exercised its authority under the credentialing rules to unseat South Africa’s delegation, concluding that the government was unrepresentative and therefore illegitimate due to its failure to provide representation to its indigenous Black population. Even though South Africa’s apartheid practices were central to this decision, the removal of the South African delegation was also implicitly grounded in the right of self-determination, which was denied to the country’s Black population by the very nature of apartheid.

As demonstrated by the ICJ’s July 19, 2024 advisory opinion on the legal consequences of Israel’s policies and practices in the OPT, the case for unseating Israel’s government for lack of representativeness is just as strong as it was in the case of South Africa, if not stronger.

10.11.2024 - 18:25 [ Middle East Eye ]

Why more than 500 scholars think Israel should be unseated from UN

)November 8, 2024)

More than 500 scholars and practitioners of international law, international relations, conflict studies, politics, and genocide studies have called on the UN General Assembly and its member states to unseat Israel from the assembly.

03.11.2024 - 16:29 [ Anadolu ]

Türkiye leads joint call to UN Security Council to halt arms shipments to Israe

The letter, led by Türkiye‘s initiative, was signed by 52 countries and two international organizations, and submitted to the UN on Nov. 1, calling for a cessation of arms supplies to Israel.

“We must reiterate at every opportunity that selling weapons to Israel amounts to complicity in genocide,” Fidan said at a news conference in Djibouti, where he attended the third Ministerial Review Conference of Türkiye-Africa Partnership.

23.10.2024 - 10:55 [ ]

EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Lawyers Press Merrick Garland to Investigate Israel’s Killing of American Citizens

The attorneys highlight three categories of potential US code violations the DOJ could investigate:

– The killing of US citizens by Israeli citizens and soldiers in recent years (including Ayşenur Eygi, Kamel Ahmad Jawad, Jacob Flickinger, Tawfiq Abdel Jabbar, Mohammad Khdour, Omar Assad, and Shireen Abu Akleh).

– Israel’s illegal settlement activity in the occupied West Bank, assisted by US citizens and organizations.

– Evidence that Israeli forces may have committed war crimes and engaged in torture – including killing thousands of civilians, forcibly displacement and starvation, unlawful confinement, torture and inhumane treatment of detainees, and mass destruction of civilian property and infrastructure.

“Of‬‭ course,” the attorneys note,‬‭ “U.S.‬‭ courts‬‭ have‬‭ jurisdiction‬‭ over‬‭ the‬‭ more‬‭ than‬‭ 23,000‬‭ U.S.‬‭ citizens‬‭ currently‬‭ serving‬‭ in‬‭ Israel’s‬‭ armed‬‭ forces,‬‭ along‬‭ with‬‭ IDF‬‭ members‬‭ or‬‭ other‬‭ Israeli‬ officials‬‭ that‬‭ travel‬‭ to‬‭ the‬‭ United‬‭ States.

23.10.2024 - 09:44 [ U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders ]

Dear President Biden, Secretary Blinken, and Attorney General Garland

We write regarding the case of Dylan Collins, a U.S. citizen and journalist for Agence France-Presse (AFP) injured by Israeli tank fire on October 13, 2023. It has now been more than one year since Mr. Collins was injured in a targeted Israeli strike while on assignment for AFP. To date, Mr. Collins has received no explanation for the attack, and there have been no steps toward accountability. Given the inaction of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, the United States must open an independent investigation into this incident.

We previously wrote to the State Department regarding Mr. Collins’ case. On October 13th, Collins was part of a group of journalists covering the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. The group was clearly marked as press and had selected an open and highly visible position on a hilltop near the Blue Line to minimize the risk of misidentification. The group was clearly visible to several Israeli military positions, as well as to an Israeli Apache helicopter and drone circling overhead. There were no Hezbollah positions in the vicinity. The group had been filming from the position for close to an hour when, despite these precautions, they were struck twice by Israeli tank rounds, followed by a sustained burst of .50 caliber heavy machine gun fire. Issam Abdallah, a Reuters journalist, was killed and six other journalists (from Reuters, AFP, and Al Jazeera) were wounded, one severely. Collins was the only American involved in the incident. The first tank round largely missed him, but he sustained shrapnel wounds to his face, arms, and back when a second tank round hit as he was applying a tourniquet to his colleague’s leg (despite Mr. Collins’ efforts, Ms. Assi lost her leg in the attack).

23.10.2024 - 09:41 [ Common Dreams ]

Sanders Leads Call for DOJ Probe of Israel Targeting US Journalist

The U.S. attorney general is also facing internal pressure to investigate Israel‘s killing of Americans.

22.10.2024 - 11:43 [ Middle East Eye ]

‚Genocide must be our red line‘: Black Muslim leaders shun Harris for US president

A group of approximately 50 Black Muslim leaders have signed a statement urging Black and Muslim American voters to shun Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris in her bid for the White House and instead back candidates who support a ceasefire in Gaza and an arms embargo on Israel.

The new statement, first reported by Middle East Eye, is the latest effort from Muslim community leaders – from imams to scholars, to activists to politicians – telling voters not to choose Vice President Harris in the upcoming November election over her unwillingness to commit to policy changes that would hold Israel accountable for its ongoing war on Gaza and now Lebanon, which has killed tens of thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese people.

21.10.2024 - 10:29 [ Palestinian News and Information Agency – ]

Palestine calls for convening of emergency Arab League meeting amid intensifying Israeli aggression

CAIRO, October 20, 2024 (WAFA) – Ambassador Muhannad Al-Aklouk, the Permanent Representative of Palestine to the Arab League, said that Palestine has urgently requested an emergency meeting of the Arab League Council at the level of permanent representatives, as soon as possible.

20.10.2024 - 13:12 [ Palestinian News and Information Agency – ]

Global protests erupt against Israeli aggression on Gaza

RAMALLAH, October 19, 2024 (WAFA) – Major cities and capitals around the world witnessed massive demonstrations today in condemnation of the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza.

Thousands participated in protests organized in Copenhagen, Denmark; Bremen and Berlin, Germany; Milan, Italy; Birmingham and London, UK; Istanbul, Turkey; Rotterdam, Netherlands; and Helsingborg, Sweden, showing solidarity with the Palestinian people and calling for a ceasefire and the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

19.10.2024 - 08:21 [ Common Dreams ]

Dems Are Afraid Gaza Will Cost Them the Election. They‘re Not Afraid Enough.

The ‘Gaza Effect’ may be much larger than anyone expects. Unless they change course, the Democrats are much likelier to lose in November than most people seem to realize.

It should be self-evident that genocide is bad because it’s genocide, but apparently it isn’t—at least, not to everyone.

19.10.2024 - 07:06 [ Labour Muslim Network ]

Muslim Labour Councillors Letter to the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Sir Keir Starmer MP,

Dear Prime Minister,

We, the undersigned, are writing to you as Muslim Labour Councillors representing communities all across Britain to call for an immediate and complete suspension of arms sales to Israel.

The tragic human toll we have seen over the past year has been unimaginable.

19.10.2024 - 07:02 [ Middle East Eye ]

UK: More than 100 Muslim Labour councillors demand complete arms embargo on Israel

The letter by the Muslim councillors adds to pressure mounting on the British government from within the Labour Party to take stronger action against Israel.

Last week, 51 British MPs from seven political parties backed a parliamentary motion calling for the Labour government to take measures against Israel.

19.10.2024 - 06:46 [ Anadolu ]

US lawmaker slams Biden administration over ‚horrors‘ in Gaza from ‚unrestrained‘ Israel

(October 15, 2024)

US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Monday criticized the Biden administration over the “horrors” seen in Gaza due to the actions of an „unrestrained“ Israel.

„The horrors unfolding in northern Gaza are the result of a completely unrestrained Netanyahu gov, fully armed by the Biden admin while food aid is blocked and patients are bombed in hospitals. This is a genocide of Palestinians,” she wrote on X.

„The US must stop enabling it. Arms embargo now,” added Ocasio-Cortez, a high-profile progressive lawmaker.

19.10.2024 - 06:36 [ Daily Sabah ]

Erdoğan urges Arab League to impose arms embargo against Israel

(October 16, 2024)

The president told the Arab League chief that Israel is trying to spread the flames of conflict across the region as it aims to occupy Palestinian lands to leave them without a homeland.

He continued by saying that Türkiye continues its initiatives to hold Israel accountable for its crimes, as he highlighted the importance of an extensive arms embargo to increase pressure on Tel Aviv.

15.10.2024 - 21:22 [ Council on American-Islamic Relations ]

BREAKING: CAIR Says ‘No Need to Wait 30 Days’ After Biden Admin Threatens to Limit Arms for Israel in Response to Gaza Aid Blockade

In a statement, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said:

“Although we welcome the Biden administration’s long overdue threat to withhold weapons from the Israeli government, waiting 30 days to do so is unacceptable. The Israeli government is starving and killing the Palestinian people today, right this very moment, in violation of U.S. law. The Palestinian people cannot wait another month for the Biden administration to uphold the law and end its complicity in the Israeli government’s campaign of slaughter and starvation.”

15.10.2024 - 20:53 [ Medical Aid for Palestinians - ]

Northern Gaza is being erased – Global leaders must act now to end Israel’s atrocities

The Israeli forces’ assault on Gaza has escalated to a horrifying level of atrocity. Northern Gaza is being wiped off the map. Under the guise of “evacuation,” Israeli forces have ordered the forced displacement of an estimated 400,000 Palestinians trapped in northern Gaza, including Gaza City. This is not an evacuation – this is forced displacement under gunfire. Since 1 October, no food has been allowed into the area, and civilians are being starved and bombed in their homes and their tents.



– ActionAid

– Action For Humanity

– Afri (Action from Ireland)

– Amos Trust

– Bloody Sunday Trust

– Centre for Global Education


– Children Not Numbers

– Christian Aid

– Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP)

– Comhlamh Justice for Palestine

– Council for Arab-British Understanding (Caabu)

– Embrace the Middle East

– Feminist Humanitarian Network (FHN)

– Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS)

– Global Justice Now

– HelpAge International

– Interpal

– Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign

– Islamic Relief

– KinderUSA

– Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)

– Médecins du Monde Spain

– Middle East Children‘s Alliance

– Muslim Aid

– Novact Institute for Nonviolence

– Oxfam

– Plan International Jordan

– Sabeel-Kairos UK

– Sadaka-The Ireland Palestine Alliance

– TDH Italy

– Trócaire

– Trinity College Dublin Students‘ Union/ Aontas Mac Léinn Choláiste na Tríonóide (TCDSU/AMLCT)

– Vento di Terra

– War Child

– War on Want

– WeWorld

– Welfare Association

15.10.2024 - 04:16 [ Democracy Now ]

Harris Vows to Create Bipartisan Advisory Council as DNC Runs Ad Attacking Jill Stein

In other campaign news, the Democratic National Committee has released an ad attacking Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein, claiming a vote for Stein is a vote for Trump. Democrats are planning to run the ad in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. In August, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, CAIR, published a survey that showed Stein is leading Harris among Muslim voters in Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin. Stein has criticized Harris for refusing to cut off arms sales to Israel.

15.10.2024 - 00:05 [ ]

Spanish PM calls to suspend EU-Israel free trade agreement

Spain and Ireland are asking EU countries to suspend the EU–Israel Association Agreement on the basis that Israel may be breaching the agreement’s human rights clause.

“The European Commission must respond once and for all to the formal request made by two European countries to suspend the association agreement with Israel if it is found, as everything suggests, that human rights are being violated,” Sanchez told an event on Monday in Barcelona.

The agreement stipulates that free trade between the EU and Israel must be “based on respect for human rights and democratic principles.”

14.10.2024 - 19:39 [ ZDF ]

Deutsche Geheimdienste warnen vor Russland

Auch Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) warnte vor den zunehmenden Gefahren durch russische Geheimdienst-Aktivitäten in Deutschland. „Wir sehen, dass Putins Regime immer aggressiver agiert“, sagte Faeser dem „Handelsblatt“. Der CDU-Politiker Roderich Kiesewetter warnte in diesem Zusammenhang auch vor Gewalttaten: „Sabotage und gezielte Mordanschläge sind deshalb wahrscheinlich“, sagte er ebenfalls dem „Handelsblatt“.

14.10.2024 - 19:38 [ ]

Warnung deutscher Geheimdienste: „Russische Spionage und Sabotage nehmen zu“

Nach Informationen der Nachrichtenagentur dpa bestand der glückliche Zufall darin, dass der Weiterflug des aus dem Baltikum stammenden Frachtpakets sich in Leipzig verzögerte. Das Paket hatte einen Brandsatz enthalten, der dort zündete und einen Frachtcontainer in Brand setzte. In Sicherheitskreisen wird davon ausgegangen, dass der Vorfall im Zusammenhang mit russischer Sabotage steht.

Der Kreml sieht den Westen und damit auch Deutschland als Gegner“, warnte auch Bruno Kahl, Präsident des Bundesnachrichtendienstes (BND), mit Hinweis auf den Ukraine-Krieg.


Alle drei Geheimdienst-Spitzen mahnten, dass die Sicherheitsdienste mit den nötigen Kompetenzen ausgestattet werden müssten, um die Gefahren abwehren zu können. Rosenberg sagte, sie hoffe auf „eine Realitätsanpassung der Gesetzeslage, um unseren Auftrag bestmöglich erfüllen zu können“.

14.10.2024 - 10:19 [ Newsweek ]

Jill Stein: How and Why I Will Stop Kamala Harris Winning the White House

(September 30, 2024)

„The Democrats cannot win without the support of the Muslim American community. And that community has left the station and is not coming back unless the Democrats decide that it‘s more important to them to win the election than it is to conduct the genocide,“ Stein said in an interview with Newsweek.

„So they have to do a 180 on the genocide and they don‘t appear willing to do that. They could win those votes back, but it doesn‘t look like that‘s on the cards. So it looks like they are sacrificing several swing states.“ Israel denies it is conducting genocide.

14.10.2024 - 07:00 [ ]

Sonntagsfrage Bundestagswahl

Wenn am nächsten Sonntag Bundestagswahl wäre …

13.10.2024 - 02:00 [ Democracy Now! / Youtube ]

Green Pres. & VP Candidates Jill Stein, Butch Ware on Gaza & Fighting „Two Zombie Political Parties“

(September 25, 2024)

Democracy Now! speaks with the Green Party‘s presidential ticket, Jill Stein and her running mate Butch Ware, after the Green Party suffered a setback Friday when the U.S. Supreme Court declined a request to put Stein on the ballot in Nevada. The Democratic Party had sued to keep Stein off the ballot for failing to submit the proper forms. In this campaign cycle,

11.10.2024 - 04:42 [ ]

Palestinians in Gaza are facing an imminent existential threat, warn 15 organisations

The UK is failing to stand up for international law, as Israeli forces are forcibly transferring civilians from northern Gaza to the south and relentlessly bombarding the area, making it uninhabitable and stripping away the essential conditions that sustain life. The Government must demand that Israel end its heinous attacks, and take action to oppose any annexation or shrinking of Gaza. Its current silence is tantamount to complicity.



– Action For Humanity
– Amos Trust
– Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)
– Welfare Association
– Caabu
– Sabeel-Kairos UK
– Amnesty International UK
– Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS)
– Islamic Relief UK
– Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights (LPHR)
– Trócaire
– War on Want
– Action Aid UK
– Global Justice Now
– Oxfam GB

01.10.2024 - 14:01 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Iraq requests urgent Arab League meeting on Lebanon

Qahtan Al-Janabi, Iraq’s permanent representative to the League, told the official Iraqi News Agency (INA) yesterday: “Iraq has requested an urgent meeting at the level of permanent representatives in the Arab League.”

“The meeting will address the situation in Lebanon, particularly concerning the displaced and refugees, and providing assistance to the country.”

Earlier yesterday, the Ministry of Migration announced that 144 Lebanese citizens had entered Iraq via the Al-Qa’im border crossing with Syria, including some wounded.

21.09.2024 - 11:35 [ ]

Karim Khan urges ICC judges not to delay arrest warrant for Netanyahu

(August 24, 2024)

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan, stressed that the court has jurisdiction to investigate Israelis, urging judges to decide on arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Security Minister Yoav Gallant, which he had requested months ago.

16.09.2024 - 18:40 [ Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie ]

This news agency is on strike – until one of the most important UN resolutions of the last 57 years is public available!

Anadolu has seen it.
Reuters has seen it.

A resolution, the so-called „Palestine Authority“ would „likely“ bring into the United Nations General Assembly. Alleged content: the Israeli occupation force has to leave Palestine within a year (and therefor 58 years too late).

Now – where is the resolution?

15.09.2024 - 13:50 [ Times of Israel ]

Rocket warning sirens sound in Tel Aviv and surrounding areas

Today, 6:37 am

Rocket warning sirens sound in Tel Aviv and the surrounding areas.

15.09.2024 - 13:43 [ Al Jazeera ]

Thousands of Israelis rally in Tel Aviv, urging Gaza captives deal

“This deal-sabotaging government is forsaking the captives and abandoning them to die,” said Yotam Cohen, the brother of Nimrod Cohen, an Israeli soldier held captive in Gaza.

“As long as Netanyahu is in power, this war will go on indefinitely and there will be no hostage deal. To save the hostages lives, Netanyahu must be replaced,” Cohen told The Associated Press news agency.

15.09.2024 - 01:15 [ SAG-AFTRA & Sister Guild Members for Ceasefire / ]


To Our Guild Leadership and Staff:

We are proud rank-and-file union and trade association members from every corner of our industry — working on screen, stage, set, and in the field — united in solidarity with the global call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and a just, lasting peace. As artists and storytellers, we cannot stand idly by as our industry refuses to tell the story of Palestinian humanity.

Following SAG-AFTRA’s statement in sympathy with Israel regarding October 7, many SAG-AFTRA and sister guild members have watched in horror as the Israeli government wages a war of collective punishment on the civilian population of Gaza — killing over 40,000 Palestinians, injuring over 90,000 more, forcibly displacing 2 million people, and openly targeting members of the press and their families. As the IDF continues its assault on “safe zones,” schools, and hospitals, and as civilians in Gaza die from starvation, dehydration, and lack of medical supplies and fuel, major human rights groups have labeled these acts as war crimes, human rights atrocities, and even genocide. The UN has described Gaza as a “graveyard for children” — and estimate that by mid-July “half of the population — more than a million people — could face death and starvation.” As of now, there is no end in sight — only escalation, death, and destruction.

15.09.2024 - 01:06 [ Hollywood Reporter ]

Mark Ruffalo, Ramy Youssef and More Call on SAG-AFTRA Leaders to Protect Pro-Palestine Members From Being Blacklisted (Exclusive)

SAG-AFTRA members Mark Ruffalo, Ramy Youssef, Susan Sarandon, Melissa Barrera and Cynthia Nixon are among the hundreds of union members calling on their organization’s leadership to keep people from being blacklisted for their views on Palestine.

In a statement provided with an open letter from organization SAG-AFTRA and Sister Guild Members for Ceasefire, members claim their numerous attempts to communicate with leadership about their concerns and work on a ceasefire statement together have been consistently ignored. When asked, SAG-AFTRA declined to comment on the claim or the letter.