Greek police have found the body of a missing 35-year-old British astrophysicist and peace activist in a ravine on the Greek island of Ikaria, they said on Wednesday.
Daily Archives: 7. August 2019
Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road – New York Town Hall, New York, NY #TulsiGabbard #TULSI2020
I will talk with brutal dictators anywhere in the world if I can prevent one of my brother and sisters in uniform from dying on foreign soil in senseless regime change wars. The only alternative to diplomacy is war. #TULSI2020
Katz says Israel is part of U.S.-led coalition to protect trade routs in Persian Gulf
Katz told a ministers‘ meeting that the two reached „substantial agreements,“ adding that he was working toward „transparent normalization and signed agreements“ with Gulf states. He added: „We do not have a conflict with them.“
Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.
Art. 49. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.
Nevertheless, the Occupying Power may undertake total or partial evacuation of a given area if the security of the population or imperative military reasons so demand. Such evacuations may not involve the displacement of protected persons outside the bounds of the occupied territory except when for material reasons it is impossible to avoid such displacement. Persons thus evacuated shall be transferred back to their homes as soon as hostilities in the area in question have ceased.
The Occupying Power undertaking such transfers or evacuations shall ensure, to the greatest practicable extent, that proper accommodation is provided to receive the protected persons, that the removals are effected in satisfactory conditions of hygiene, health, safety and nutrition, and that members of the same family are not separated.
The Protecting Power shall be informed of any transfers and evacuations as soon as they have taken place.
The Occupying Power shall not detain protected persons in an area particularly exposed to the dangers of war unless the security of the population or imperative military reasons so demand.
The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.
UN Slams Israel‘s ‚Effective Annexation‘ of West Bank After 2,000 Settlement Units Approved
Israel‘s Civil Administration approved the proposed plans this week and construction is currently pending. Among units approved include 537 in Alon Shvut, 18 in Ma’aleh Adumim, 66 in Efrat and 96 in Kiryat Netafim.
Pentagon chief Mark Esper urges Japan to help protect shipping in Persian Gulf
“Any and every country that has an interest in freedom of navigation and freedom of commerce needs to really consider (being) involved in this type of monitoring of the strait,” he told reporters Tuesday, while en route to Tokyo for talks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Defense Minister Takeshi Iwaya.
DROHNEN ÜBER ALLES: Angriff des Bundestages auf die Republik
Glauben Sie, was sie wollen. Aber glauben Sie nicht, daß Ihnen, dem Volk, dem Bürger, irgendjemand hilft bei dem, was sie selbst tun müssen, anstatt des Parlaments, anstatt der Parteien und anstatt der Regierung und ihrer Behörden – nämlich diese Demokratie zu bewahren. Regierung, Parteien, Parlament, Prominenz, sie alle miteinander repräsentieren nur noch eines:
Den Abfall einer Generation.
Drohnen mit Wärmebild-Kamera ab 2250 Euro
Wärmebildkameras sind ein Nischenprodukt, trotzdem gibt es eine ganze Reihe an interessanten Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Eine davon ist die Suche nach vermissten Personen. Hierfür sind Drohnen mit Thermalkamera besonders gut geeignet. Dank der Vogelperspektive in Verbindung mit einer hohen Reichweite ist es möglich, sehr große Areale in kurzer Zeit abzusuchen. Ob die Gegend bewachsen und unzugänglich ist, ist der Drohne völlig egal.
The computer will see you now
“We started 20 years back. I didn’t even know we were doing AI then. It was only three or four years ago when someone said: ‘That’s whatyou’re doing.’”
The El Paso Shooting Revived the Free Speech Debate. Europe Has Limits.
In a broad policy speech earlier this year, the head of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, Thomas Haldenwang, called for increased patrolling of digital communication, including social media. German law permits officials to search through data in the digital sphere in the face of certain threats, including domestic terrorism.
Partly inspired by Germany’s social media hate speech law, France’s Parliament recently started debating a similar bill.
AfDB approves $98 million financing for road transport corridor project in these two East African nations
“The project will enhance trade by significantly reducing transport costs, thereby accelerating the economic growth of Ethiopia and its neighbour Djibouti, as it is part of the main import-export corridor,” the AfDB said in a statement.
Libya, Germany review economic cooperation
The meeting focused on ways to boost economic relations between the two countries with an emphasis on the role of Germany in the implementation of infrastructure projects in Libya.
Brasilien: Bolsonaro besetzt Kommission mit Befürwortern der Diktatur, Klage eingereicht
Bolsonaro und die Ministerin für Frauen, Familie und Menschenrechte, Damares Alves, hatten vier Mitglieder der CEMDP ihres Amtes enthoben und Verteidiger der Diktatur in Brasilien (1964-1985) eingesetzt. Entlassen wurden die Präsidentin des Kollegiums, Staatsanwältin Eugenia Augusta Gonzaga Fáver, die Rechtsanwältin und Universitätsprofessorin Rosa Maria Cardoso da Cunha, der Abgeordnete der Arbeiterpartei Paulo Pimenta und der Militär João Batista da Silva Fagundes, ehemaliger Abgeordneter des Bundesstaates Roraima.
Reichstagsbrand: Geschichtspolitik für Fortgeschrittene
Hett hatte bei der Niederschrift seines Buches noch die Erfahrung gemacht, dass jüngere deutsche Historiker ihm zwar hinter vorgehaltener Hand zustimmten, das aber nicht laut zu sagen wagten, weil sie in der »sehr kleinen Welt« der deutschen akademischen Geschichtswissenschaft »um ihre Karrieren fürchteten«. Auch Hett wurde nachdrücklich zur Ordnung gerufen: In einem Beitrag für die London Review of Books deutete der einflussreiche Zeithistoriker Richard J.
Land Grabbing: Land zu verkaufen
Ukraine will Bodenmärkte für ausländische Investoren öffnen. Langjährige Forderung des Internationalen Währungsfonds vor Erfüllung
China May Consider Sending Navy To Protect Oil Tankers In Gulf
“If there happens to be a very unsafe situation we will consider having our navy escort our commercial vessels,” Ni told Reuters, while the Chinese Embassy in the United Arab Emirates said later in a text message to Reuters that China was studying the U.S. proposal on escorting commercial ships in the Gulf.
China‘s Iran oil imports plunge as U.S. sanctions bite
Saudi Arabia overtook Russia to become the country’s top supplier in June with 7.72 million tonnes, or 1.88 million bpd, up 84.1% from a year earlier and compared with 1.11 million bpd in May.
Arrivals from Russia reached 7.15 million tonnes, or 1.74 million bpd, up 45.5% from a year earlier and compared with 6.36 million bpd in May.
Iran crisis: Britain could ask Russia and China to join fight as tensions rocket in Gulf
The move was suggested after a summit on Thursday between military chiefs from the US, UK, Europe and the UAE in Florida, where US admirals failed to persuade Britain to join its Sentinel operation.
China welcomes Russian concept of collective security in Persian Gulf
On July 23, the Russian Foreign Ministry introduced the concept of collective security in the Persian Gulf. It stipulates creating an initiative group to organize an international conference on security and cooperation in the Persian Gulf, which will later lead to creating a security and cooperation organization in the region.
China Curiously Says It May Join U.S. Persian Gulf Maritime Coalition Despite Trade War
Chinese Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates Ni Jian informed Reuters of his country‘s positions on regional maritime security in Abu Dhabi on Aug. 6, 2019. China‘s embassy in the country subsequently provided additional details to the wire service via text message.
Saudi Arabia deposits $250 million in Sudan central bank
The deposit is part of a package with the United Arab Emirates worth $500 million announced in April. Both countries pledged an overall $3 billion in aid, with the rest going toward fuel, wheat and medicine.
East Africa: Top U.S. Official to Tour Horn of Africa
Under Secretary for Political Affairs David Hale will travel to Somalia, Kenya, and Sudan from today through Wednesday . His trip will advance America‘s commitment to peace and security in the Horn of Africa and commercial interests in the region.
Foreign visitors to Iran will not have passports stamped
US Congress ratified a bill in 2016 for 38 countries with US visa waivers to limit their travel to the US if they travel to Iran and a number of other countries…. Now that the decision has been implemented by the Iranian government, the citizens of these 38 countries can travel freely to Iran with no more concerns for traveling to the US.
Turkey’s Preveze submarines getting SERO 400 periscopes
Turkish defense technology company STM has contracted Germany’s Hensoldt to deliver SERO 400 periscopes for the Turkish Navy’s four Preveze-class submarines… The contract awarded to Hensoldt is worth some 40 million euros, the company said, adding that this was the first time that two SERO 400 systems would be combined.
Dominica ist Mitglied im Wirtschaftsbündnis Petrocaribe, wodurch die Insel venezolanisches Erdöl zu Vorzugspreisen erhält und Mitglied im Bündnis ALBA. Dominica will gemeinsam mit Venezuela auf der Insel eine Raffinerie errichten und im Bereich der geothermischen Energiegewinnung sowie der Wasserkraftnutzung zusammenarbeiten.
Joint delegation from CARICOM, The OAS, and the Commonwealth Secretariat arrives here today to discuss the Electoral Reform process in Dominica
A statement issued by the Guyana based CARICOM Secretariat said Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit made the request to the regional and international organizations to assist in the country’s efforts with various aspects of electoral reform.
Thousands protest against Honduran president after drug link surfaces
The demonstration against Hernandez was called by the Platform for the Defense of Education and Public Health, a coalition of trade unionists and public workers that have sought the president’s ouster over his plans for public services.
A conservative ally of the United States, Hernandez has come under increasing pressure since his younger brother Tony was arrested in Miami in November on drug trafficking charges.