Für die CDU-Politikerin stimmten in geheimer Wahl in Straßburg 383 Abgeordnete. Die notwendige absolute Mehrheit lag bei 374. Insgesamt 327 Parlamentarier stimmten gegen sie.
Daily Archives: 16. Juli 2019
House in Session: Live Floor Proceedings
This president would love nothing more than to divide our country based on race, religion, gender, orientation, ability, or immigration status. This is the only way he thinks he can prevent the solidarity of working people. We’re not falling for it.
Our opposition to our socialist colleagues isn’t because of their race, religion, or gender. It’s because their policies are dangerous, wrong, and would destroy America.
Watch live: House GOP leaders react to Trump‘s tweets about progressive Democratic lawmakers
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and other GOP leaders responded to clash between Trump and Democrats‘ ‚the Squad.‘
House GOP leaders refuse to condemn Donald Trump‘s racist tweets, say the uproar is ‚all about politics‘
GOP minority leader Kevin McCarthy of California told reporters he doesn’t consider Trump’s comments racist and slammed Democrats for planning to bring a resolution to the floor later Tuesday condemning the president’s remarks.
“Let’s not be false about what is happening here today,” McCarthy said. “This is all about politics and beliefs of ideologies.
Those Tweets were NOT Racist. I don’t have a Racist bone in my body! The so-called vote to be taken is a Democrat con game. Republicans should not show “weakness” and fall into their trap. This should be a vote on the filthy language, statements and lies told by the Democrat…..
Trump Rallies G.O.P. to Oppose Resolution Against Racist Language
The measure is a chance for Democrats to go on offense, and put Republicans on the record either rejecting or endorsing what the president said.
While some Democrats are pressing for a stronger resolution of censure, House leaders have opted instead for a narrower measure based on Mr. Trump’s latest remarks, in an effort to generate a unanimous vote in their party.
President Trump vs. The Squad – The Day That Was | MSNBC
Four progressive congresswomen of color responded to attacks by President Donald Trump, saying his “blatantly racist” assault on them is nothing more than a distraction.
US-Atomwaffen sorgen für Kontroverse in Belgien
Der belgische Parlamentsabgeordnete der Grünen, Samuel Cogolati, sieht darin einen Bruch Belgiens mit dem 1968 unterzeichneten Atomwaffensperrvertrag. Zwar sei es schon lange ein offenes Geheimnis gewesen, dass derartige Waffen in Kleine Brogel stationiert seien, sagte Cogolati. Aber jetzt liege ein „offizieller Bericht der NATO“ vor, der dies bestätige.
Beyond Brexit: A programme for democratic reform – 1. For democracy – against the EU
In the first piece in our five-part programme for democratic reform, Mick Hume remakes the case for leaving the EU. Read Brendan O’Neill’s introduction to the series here.
Türkei erhält deutsche Kriegswaffen im Wert von 180 Millionen Euro
Bei den Waffen für die Türkei handelt es sich den Angaben zufolge ausschließlich um „Ware für den maritimen Bereich“. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass es um Material für sechs U-Boote der Klasse 214 geht, die in der Türkei unter maßgeblicher Beteiligung des deutschen Konzerns ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) gebaut werden. Die Bundesregierung hatte die Lieferung von Bauteilen bereits 2009 genehmigt und den Export mit einer sogenannten Hermes-Bürgschaft in Höhe von 2,49 Milliarden Euro abgesichert.
Israel‘s Do-over Election Gives Arab Parties an Opportunity – One They‘re Refusing to Seize
There is only one reason behind all of this: A lack of agreement over who will get the 11th through 14th places on the Knesset slate
Boris Johnson: Trump’s ‘go home’ attack was ‘totally inappropriate’
Boris Johnson, the former U.K. foreign secretary, said Donald Trump‘s Twitter attack on Democratic congresswomen of color was „totally unacceptable,“ adding that he could not understand why the U.S. president had made them.
„It is totally unacceptable in a modern multi-racial country which you’re trying to lead,“ he said of U.S. president‘s remarks at a Conservative party leadership debate hosted by the Sun newspaper and Talk Radio, although he refused to condemn the tweets as „racist.“
116TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION H. RES. Condemning President Trump’s racist comments directed at Members of Congress.
Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives—
(1) believes that immigrants and their descendants have made America stronger, and that those who take the oath of citizenship are every bit as American as those whose families have lived in the United States for many generations;
(2) is committed to keeping America open to those lawfully seeking refuge and asylum from violence and oppression, and those who are willing to work hard to live the American Dream, no matter their race, ethnicity, faith, or country of origin; and
(3) strongly condemns President Donald Trump’s racist comments that have legitimized and increased fear and hatred of new Americans and people of color by saying that our fellow Americans who are immigrants, and those who may look to the President like immigrants, should ‘‘go back’’ to other countries, by referring to immigrants and asylum seekers as ‘‘invaders,’’ and by saying that Members of Congress who are immigrants (or those of our colleagues who are wrongly assumed to be immigrants) do not belong in Congress or in the United States of America.
House to vote on resolution condemning Trump‘s ‚racist comments‘
The House on Tuesday will vote on a disapproval resolution condemning President Donald Trump‘s ‚racist comments‘ in which he said that a group of freshmen congresswomen of color should „go back“ where „they came“ from.
The resolution twice refers to ‚racist comments‘ from Trump but it does not call the president a racist.
Two GOP lawmakers back Trump‘s comments on Democratic lawmakers: ‚I‘ll pay for their tickets out of this country‘
Multiple GOP lawmakers criticized President Trump on Monday after he tweeted that four Democratic congresswomen of color should “go back” to their home countries, but at least two congressional Republicans backed up his comments.
Ocasio-Cortez condemns congressional Republicans for ‚spineless complicity‘
„For hours, we waited for a single Republican in Congress to condemn Trump’s brazenly racist comments, but all we heard was a deafening silence — complicity,“ Ocasio-Cortez wrote in an email to supporters.
„Not a single Republican in Congress unequivocally disavowed Trump telling four American Congresswoman to go back to their countries, displaying tacit approval for Trump’s naked racism,“ she added.
Trump lashes out at as progressive Democrats blast him in press conference
The president tweeted before, during and immediately after the press conference, which was carried on cable news networks.
Full ‚Squad‘ Press Conference In Response To President Donald Trump’s Attacks | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Representatives Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) respond to President Trump saying they should “go back” to the counties they came from.
US-Demokratinnen verurteilen Trumps verbalen Angriffe
After Trump Accuses Four Democratic Congresswomen of Hating U.S., They Fire Back
WASHINGTON — President Trump, under fire for comments that even members of his own party called racist, amplified his attacks on four Democratic congresswomen of color on Monday, saying that they hated America and that one of the first two Muslim women elected to Congress sympathized with Al Qaeda.
Todesstrafe: London will Assange nicht ausliefern
Diese Absprache zwischen London und Quito habe weiter Bestand, sagte der britische Außenstaatssekretär Alan Duncan heute bei einem Besuch in Ecuador.
Kim Darroch: Johnson joins defence of press over cables publication
“It cannot conceivably be right that newspapers or any other media organisation publishing such material face prosecution,” he added.
“In my view there is no threat to national security implied in the release of this material. It is embarrassing, but it is not a threat to national security. It is the duty of media organisations to bring new and interesting facts into the public domain. That is what they are there for.”
EU-Spitzenbeamter Selmayr gibt Posten auf
Der 48-jährige Vertraute des scheidenden EU-Kommissionspräsidenten Jean-Claude Juncker war 2018 unter umstrittenen Umständen zum höchsten EU-Beamten befördert worden. Die EU-Bürgerbeauftragte hatte das kritisiert und das Europaparlament seinen Rücktritt gefordert.
Von der Leyens Ankündigung gilt als Zugeständnis an die kritischen Abgeordneten.
Nachfolge gesucht für von der Leyen: Schade, dass er ein Mann ist
Peter Tauber, als Staatssekretär ohnehin schon im Ministerium, ist in der Armee extrem beliebt. Viele in der Bundeswehr wünschen sich den Hessen als neuen Chef – vor allem deshalb, weil er einer von ihnen ist. Tauber hat selbst gedient, ist Hauptmann der Reserve und gelegentlich in Uniform unterwegs: Unter SoldatInnen gilt das als Qualitätsmerkmal.
Ursula von der Leyen: Verlieren ist heute verboten
Fehlt der 60-jährigen deutschen Verteidigungsministerin hingegen auch nur eine Stimme zur Mehrheit, wäre nicht nur ihr Traum zu Ende, ehe er noch begonnen hat. Auch die gesamte EU würde ein in dieser Form noch nie da gewesenes Debakel erleben.
The African American museum founder who was found dead in the trunk of her car had been suffocated, coroner says
The 75-year-old did not die by strangulation, coroner Beau Clark told CNN, saying without elaboration that her nose and mouth were blocked. Asked if he found any wounds on her body, Clark said he is not releasing any such details at this time. A toxicology report will be available in three weeks, he said.
Peru: Farmers Launch Indefinite Strike Against Major Open-Pit Mining Project
Peruvian farmers from the Tambo Valley in the central region of Arequipa began an indefinite strike Monday to protest the government‘s approval to initiate construction of a major open-pit mining project known as ‘Tia Maria’, granted to United States mining corporation, Southern Copper.
Ecuador: Workers, Farmers Launch National Strike Against Moreno’s Gov’t
Ecuador’s National Campesino Movement (Fecaol) and workers’ unions have launched a five-day national strike Monday to protest President Lenin Moreno’s neoliberal government, as massive manifestations in the country’s capital and major cities are expected on Tuesday.
Adani Group
Adani Group ist ein multinationaler Mischkonzern mit Hauptsitz in Ahmedabad in Indien, das 1988 als Rohstoffhandelsunternehmen von dem heutigen Chairman Gautam Adani gegründet wurde.
Adani demands names of CSIRO scientists reviewing groundwater plans
Adani demanded the names of all federal agency scientists reviewing its contentious groundwater plans so it could check if they were „anti-coal“ activists, emails obtained under freedom of information show.
Key points:
The revelation has alarmed CSIRO staff representatives, who said it indicated Adani had „a deliberate strategy“ to pressure scientists by searching for personal information it could use to try to „discredit their work“.
Boris Johnson tells UK leaders‘ debate he would not back military action against Iran
But Israel‘s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Europe‘s handling of Iran was similar to the appeasement of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.
Europäischer Türöffner
n ihrem Koalitionsvertrag hatten sich CDU/CSU und SPD darauf verständigt, die aus dem Jahr 2000 stammenden „Politischen Grundsätze der Bundesregierung für den Export von Kriegswaffen und sonstigen Rüstungsgütern“ bis Ende 2018 zu aktualisieren. Auf den ersten Blick suggerierte die betreffende Passage, es gehe darum, die Richtlinien restriktiver zu gestalten. Näher betrachtet war darin aber – augenscheinlich bewusst – lediglich die Rede davon, man beabsichtige die Ausfuhrbestimmungen zu „schärfen“. Tunlichst wurde es vermieden, von einer „Verschärfung“ zu sprechen, wodurch der Rücken für Veränderungen in alle denkbaren Richtungen frei blieb.
U.S., Russia to discuss nuclear arms limits in Geneva on Wednesday: officials
U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan will lead the delegation, which will include Tim Morrison, a top aide at the White House National Security Council, and representatives from the Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the National Security Agency, the U.S. officials said.
Abschied vom INF-Vertrag (III)
Auf der Suche nach Möglichkeiten, die chinesischen Abwehrraketen auszuschalten, um eigene Angriffe durchsetzen zu können, wird in Washington zunehmend der Rückgriff auf landgestützte Mittelstreckenwaffen diskutiert, die auf dem Territorium verbündeter Staaten wie etwa Japan stationiert werden sollen, um China von dort aus unter Feuer nehmen zu können. Das setzt freilich den Ausstieg aus dem INF-Vertrag voraus.
The ‘Squad’ is big. If you share the values and believe in working for a more equitable and just world, you are part of the ‘Squad.’
Please split a contribution between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and our campaign for president.
Your contribution will send a message that Trump’s racism will not stand.
NOTE: Your contribution will be divided evenly between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and 3 other groups. Click here to allocate amounts differently or view all recipients.