Daily Archives: 18. November 2018

18.11.2018 - 23:52 [ Indian Defence News ]

Special Representatives of India, China To Hold Boundary Talks

The Special Representatives (SRs) of India and China on the vexed boundary dispute are expected to meet later this month ahead of a meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Argentina on the margins of the G-20 summit.

18.11.2018 - 23:26 [ Kathrin Vogler, MdB / Junge Welt ]

Deutsche Knarren für Bolsonaro

Besonders die 900.000 Ureinwohner Brasiliens sind jetzt von gewaltsamer Enteignung zugunsten von Großgrundbesitzern, Rinderzüchtern und Holzkonzernen bedroht. Mit »schwarzen Listen« machen die Bolsonaristas bereits jetzt mobil zur Jagd auf Oppositionelle aus Kunst, Wissenschaft und Medien.

18.11.2018 - 23:06 [ France24 ]

Jordan MPs approve income tax bill amended after unrest

Stability in Jordan is seen as fundamental to the region and in the wake of protests Amman was offered a $2.5 billion aid package from three Gulf backers.

More than $1 billion has already been deposited in the central bank by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, a Jordanian government source said in October.

18.11.2018 - 22:58 [ France24 ]

Fresh clashes in French ‚yellow vest‘ fuel price protests

Fresh clashes in the „yellow vest“ fuel price protests across France led to more injuries on Sunday, adding to the more than 400 already reported by the government, as some demonstrators vowed to continue their action over the coming days.

18.11.2018 - 21:01 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

The Prime Minister threatens to neutralise Brexit, disable our sovereignty and obliterate the Conservative Party

Confronted by hierarchy, we Righties go a bit peculiar.

18.11.2018 - 20:10 [ Artists for Brexit ]

Become a member of Artists for Brexit: Help us to give artists a stake in the Brexit process

While a section of every demographic and profession in the United Kingdom voted for Brexit, those numbers are ostensibly much lower within the arts sector. Many of those who voted to leave the European Union feel unable to vocalise their support publicly and where they have done so have faced hostility from employers, work colleagues and peers. It is important therefore that we establish a platform for progressive artists who are prepared to raise their heads above the parapet. We also welcome those who wish to lend their support but for personal reasons are unable to do so publicly. We aim to create an environment of civil debate, ideas and discussion to try and heal a divide that has been driven solely by a difference in views as to where we see Britain in the future.

18.11.2018 - 20:02 [ Artists for Brexit ‏/ Twitter ]

If you want to support us, please become a member or consider making a donation to us so that we can keep going with our campaign. We have big, game changing plans, but need your support now to enact them. Please help us to #StandUp4Brexit and #democracy:

18.11.2018 - 20:00 [ Change Britain ‏/ Twitter ]

„There is a point at which we just say, I‘m sorry, this is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, we cannot accept those dictated terms.“

18.11.2018 - 19:45 [ Adrian Hilton ‏/ Twitter ]

And yet, perversely, if anyone takes issue with this, they are routinely smeared as being unpatriotic, xenophobic, racist, anti-European, even anti-democratic. The EU was never created to accommodate democratic nation states: they must become less so the empire may become more.

18.11.2018 - 19:38 [ Michael Lightfoot / Twitter ]

Yesterday footage circulated of an angry @guyverhofstadt, whose words and mannerisms reminded all who saw them of Hitler. Today he‘s mixing it up with a bit of Mao, demanding a ‚leap forward.‘

As we can‘t vote him out of office, we should at least get him onto @bbcquestiontime.

18.11.2018 - 19:33 [ IamSpartacus / Youtube ]

The madman of Brussels

This was posted on Jacob Rees-Mogg`s Twitter page earlier Today (17th November 2018) but strangely disappeared a few hours later. NOT before i posted it on YouTube though. Guy Verhofstadt loses his temper, blows the lid off why he is so angry with Britain and tells the truth about why he wants to destroy our sovereignty.

18.11.2018 - 19:29 [ teleSUR ]

Mapuche Nation Gathers for Funeral of Slain Indigenous Man

Hundreds of Indigenous delegations from all over southern Chile gathered Saturday to mourn the murder of Camilo Catrillanca, the young Mapuche killed by Carabineros, the Chilean police on Nov. 14.

18.11.2018 - 19:20 [ Yonhap ]

Seoul, Washington to launch working group on N. Korea this week: sources

Lee, special representative for Korean Peninsula peace and security affairs, will be in Washington from Monday to Wednesday. According to the sources, Lee will be joined by officials from the unification ministry and the presidential office of Cheong Wa Dae who will be part of the working group.

18.11.2018 - 19:18 [ Lawyers For Britain ‏/ Twitter ]

Laws signed away, hands tied on trade: welcome to Mrs May‘s black hole Brexit By Martin Howe QC the chairman of Lawyers for Britain.

18.11.2018 - 19:10 [ Veterans for Britain ‏/ Twitter ]

This is a false claim. The ‘deal’ specifically mentions keeping the UK in rules overseen by the ECJ, eg the EU Defence Directive.

18.11.2018 - 19:05 [ Labour Leave / Twitter ]

‘The Labour Party is an overwhelmingly pro European (Union) party.’ @wesstreeting have you cut out from your memory that 70% of Labour constituencies voted for leave? #sundaypolitics

18.11.2018 - 19:00 [ theTimes.co.uk ]

Sack Theresa May’s advisers for betraying Britain, says former Brexit minister

Steve Baker, a former Brexit minister, accused Oliver Robbins, May’s chief civil service negotiator, and her most senior political aides of conspiring to bind Britain into a customs union with the EU in perpetuity.

Baker, who is now vice-chairman of the hardline European Research Group, led by Jacob Rees-Mogg, said May’s Europe advisers Denzil Davidson and Ed de Minckwitz should be dismissed because they ignored the advice of elected ministers.

18.11.2018 - 18:57 [ Tom Nolan / Twitter ]

@johnredwood: Send your letter to Graham Brady or shut up.

18.11.2018 - 18:35 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Tory MPs lie about submitting no confidence letters, says Sir Graham Brady

He said he personally believed a ballot would not be “helpful” as he refused to be drawn on how close to the magic number of 48 letters he was and insisted he was the only person who knew, with even his wife being kept in the dark.

18.11.2018 - 16:40 [ Harald Neuber / Portal amerika21.de ]

Sohn des neuen Präsidenten: Folter, Inhaftierung und Parteiverbote in Brasilien

Eduardo Bolsonaro erwägt offen Repression gegen soziale Bewegungen und befürwortet Folter. Aufgabe der neuen Geheimdiensteinheit unklar

18.11.2018 - 15:06 [ Junge Welt ]

„Überwachung und Repression dominieren Kurs“

Wir gehen davon aus, dass die neuen Polizeigesetze und die weitere Demontage des Grundrechts auf Asyl diskutiert werden. Wir erleben, dass immer mehr Bundesländer Gesetze verschärfen und die Überwachung des urbanen und digitalen Raums munter voranschreitet. Die »Gefährderhaft« im bayerischen Polizeiaufgabengesetz bedeutet zum Beispiel eine mehrtägige Haft ohne richterliche Anweisung. Menschenrechte werden aufgeweicht – es kann jeden treffen.

18.11.2018 - 14:53 [ Jason Ditz / antikrieg.com ]

USA lehnen UNO-Resolution ab, die Israel zur Rückgabe der Golanhöhen auffordert

Botschafterin Nikki Haley sagte, dass die Gegenstimme darauf zurückzuführen sei, dass man die Resolution als antiisraelisch eingestuft habe. Die Resolution erscheint jedoch identisch mit dem zu sein, was sie immer schon beinhaltet hat. Die Veränderung scheint vollständig innerhalb der US-Administration zu liegen.

18.11.2018 - 13:31 [ theGuardian.com ]

Theresa May to visit Brussels this week as she defends Brexit deal – Politics live

Sun 18 Nov 2018 11.02 GMT
First published on Sun 18 Nov 2018 08.39 GMT

PM says she will meet Juncker to discuss future relationships as she says as far as she knows the 48 letter limit for no confidence vote has not been reached

18.11.2018 - 13:27 [ Mirror.co.uk ]

Where‘s Graham Brady? Here‘s what the Tory kingmaker has been doing this weekend

He‘s the chair of the 1922 Committee, and is in charge of counting the number of letters Tory MPs have written calling for a vote of no-confidence in her leadership.

If that figure reaches 48 (or 15% of the Parliamentary party), he‘s expected to visit Number 10 to inform the Prime Minister in person that she‘s facing a challenge to her leadership.

So people are understandably interested in his whereabouts.

18.11.2018 - 13:09 [ Radio Utopie ‏/ Twitter ]

Graham Brady‘s wife doesn‘t know – but the Prime Minister. Hear, hear…

#letters #May #Brady #1922Committee #NoConfidence #Leave #sovereignty #UK #EUEmpire

18.11.2018 - 12:20 [ Alex Wickham, senior political correspondent @BuzzFeedUK / Twitter ]

Graham Brady on @JPonpolitics – letters not at 48 – hasn‘t told his wife the number – the idea he would sit on letters to protect the PM is offensive – some MPs have lied about sending in letters – hasn‘t sent a letter to himself

– but he‘s not happy with May‘s deal

18.11.2018 - 12:16 [ Ridge / Twitter ]

‚The 48 letter limit has not been reached‘ says Theresa May, meaning there are not enough no-confidence letters to trigger a Tory leadership contest #Ridge

Follow live updates and analysis here:

18.11.2018 - 12:01 [ Sky News / Youtube ]

Prime Minister Theresa May and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn grilled on Sky News

Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn interviewed live on Sky News. It is the Prime Minister‘s first broadcast interview after an historic week in politics.

18.11.2018 - 11:54 [ theGuardian.com ]

European Union: Summit to finalise Brexit deal to be held on 25 November

(15.11.2018) In a clear sign of the nervousness felt in Brussels, the European council president said leaders would gather on the morning of Sunday 25 November unless “something extraordinary happens”.

18.11.2018 - 11:46 [ Standard.co.uk ]

Brexit latest: Dominic Raab hits out at Theresa May and says it is time to stand up to ‚EU bullies‘

Amid ongoing talk of a plot to replace Mrs May through a confidence vote, one of her ministers said there is still time for „more to be done“ on the Brexit deal, despite an EU summit scheduled for November 25 to confirm it.

Andrea Leadsom, the Brexiteer Commons‘ leader, said she supports the Prime Minister but …

18.11.2018 - 11:42 [ Express.co.uk ]

Brexit news: EU countries including France want MORE concessions from Britain

FRANCE is looking to turn the screw on Theresa May by pressurising EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier to demand Britain makes even more concessions in next week’s talks to discuss the draft withdrawal agreement.

18.11.2018 - 11:38 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron unite amid Brexit chaos

Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron are set to meet to bolster their alliance and promote European unity as the fallout from the Brexit deal continues.

The German Chancellor and the French President are understood to have made a breakthrough on a new budget for the eurozone ahead of the meeting in Berlin, where Mr Macron will address the Parliament.

18.11.2018 - 11:31 [ itv.com ]

No mercy from Merkel

(13.11.2018) Since the referendum Mrs Merkel has been remarkably strict.

Far from wanting to offer the UK concessions and an easy route to the exit door, she’s urged her fellow leaders to stand firm and, above all, protect the integrity of the EU’s single market and customs union.

She puts European unity way above any sympathy for her counterpart in Downing Street.

18.11.2018 - 11:31 [ Express.co.uk ]

BREXIT BOMBSHELL: May calls Merkel to HELP seal Brexit deal by CHRISTMAS

(8.11.2018) The whole package is likely then to go to an EU summit later this month or in December, and if approved Mrs May will put it to the House of Commons for a vote within days.
Prime Minster Mrs May will attend a working dinner in Belgium on Thursday hosted by Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

18.11.2018 - 11:11 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Nach der Hessen-Wahl: Alles macht einfach weiter wie bisher

(28.10.2018) Bouffier: Ministerpräsident. Merkel: Kanzlerin. Rest: Schnauze halten, weitermachen!

18.11.2018 - 11:08 [ Florian Rötzer / Heise.de ]

Nix mit „Merkel muss weg“

(16.11.2018) Wie die Umfrage klar macht, gibt es auch in der Bevölkerung keine „Merkel-muss-weg“-Stimmung. 56 Prozent sagen, sie soll die volle Zeit im Amt bleiben, das sind sogar wieder 7 Prozent mehr als einen Monat zuvor, das Anti-Merkel-Lager ist dagegen um 4 Punkte auf 41 Prozent geschrumpft. Merkel hat sich mit der Politik der Alternativenlosigkeit hervorgetan und sich anscheinend selbst noch anhaltend alternativlos gemacht.

18.11.2018 - 10:53 [ hdb / Twitter ]

#Schröder „Deutschland darf sich von #USA nicht wie ein besetztes Land behandeln lassen“ Ach, der Genosse #Schröder. Weshalb ist Deutschland noch mal seit 17 Jahren in #Afghanistan im Krieg? #spd #DieGrünen #Bush

18.11.2018 - 10:07 [ Harald Freiberger / Sueddeutsche.de ]

CDU-Vorsitz: Mehr Merz wagen

In Deutschland stoßen Wechsel von der Wirtschaft in die Politik grundsätzlich auf große Skepsis – wegen der Gefahr des Lobbyismus.
Allerdings proftiert die Politik oft genug von der Erfahrung und der Effizienz der Praktiker.
Viel problematischer sind dagegen Wechsel von der Politik in die Wirtschaft.

18.11.2018 - 10:06 [ Zeit.de ]

CDU-Parteitag: Spahn fordert Abstimmung über UN-Migrationspakt

Der Bundesgesundheitsminister verlangt eine Entscheidung über den umstrittenen Flüchtlingspakt auf dem CDU-Parteitag. Die Unterzeichnung solle notfalls verschoben werden.

18.11.2018 - 10:05 [ Spiegel.de ]

CDU: Kramp-Karrenbauer will alle Ämter niederlegen, falls sie nicht gewählt wird

CDU-Generalsekretärin Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer will für die Partei nach eigenen Angaben nur noch ehrenamtlich arbeiten, sollte sie die Wahl um den Vorsitz verlieren. Das sei aber keine Erpressung.

18.11.2018 - 02:35 [ Jordan Times ]

Lawmakers plan Syria visit Monday

Meanwhile, MP Taani has been quoted in local news websites as saying that a meeting might be arranged for the visiting delegation with Syrian President Bashar Assad. Taani added that the delegation is expected to meet with the president of the People’s Council of Syria and Foreign Minister Walid Muallem over “means to enhance economic and trade cooperation between the two countries”.

18.11.2018 - 02:12 [ SBS ]

APEC 2018: Mike Pence announces US-Australia military pact to expand PNG naval base

The United States will join forces with Australia in the development of a new naval base to be built in Papua New Guinea, US Vice President Mike Pence has announced.

Mr Pence told an Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting the US will contribute to the expansion of the Manus Island facility.

18.11.2018 - 02:07 [ White House ]

Joint Statement of the Governments of the United States of America, Australia, and Japan

Through the MOU, we intend to work together to mobilize and support the deployment of private sector investment capital to deliver major new infrastructure projects, enhance digital connectivity and energy infrastructure, and achieve mutual development goals in the Indo-Pacific.

18.11.2018 - 02:01 [ Samoa Observer ]

P.M. Tuilaepa and President Xi in talks

Twenty-four hours after the meeting between the Chinese president and the Pacific leaders, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence told the 2018 APEC CEO Summit in Port Moresby that America does not want countries in the Indo-Pacific region to fall into the Chinese debt diplomacy, and instead choose U.S. development financing.

“We don’t drown our partners in a sea of debt. We don’t coerce or compromise your independence. We do not offer a constricting belt or a one-way road,” he said, before announcing that the U.S. will partner with Australia and P.N.G. to build a naval base on Manus Island IN P.N.G.