Archiv: Treibstoffe / Versorgung / Preise / fuel / supply / prices

28.02.2024 - 22:47 [ Middle East Eye ]

Four children die of dehydration, malnutrition at Gaza hospital, says health ministry

The administration of the Kamal Adwan hospital announced earlier that they were halting operations as the facility had run out of fuel.

16.01.2024 - 00:05 [ Landwirtschaft verbindet Bayern e.V. ]

1. Wer ist diese junge Bewegung?

Unter dem Banner Land schafft Verbindung haben sich im Oktober 2019 viele tausende Bauern zusammengefunden um unter anderem gegen eine undurchdachte Verbotspolitik, für eine faktenbassierte Diskussion unserer Zukunft, bessere Lebensbedingungen und für ein faireres Miteinander ohne Bauernbashing uvm. zu demonstrieren!
Der Landesverein Landwirtschaft verbindet Bayern e.V. gründete sich im Mai 2020 und ist nachfolgend als LSV-Bayern und auch LvB bekannt.

Dabei ist der LSV betont Verbands- und Parteineutral und sieht sich eher als Mediator zwischen den einzelnen Landwirtschaftlichen Verbänden. Wir sprechen und suchen Lösungen für die Landwirte mit allen Parteien der Demokratischen Mitte und lehnen extreme Tendenzen im Rechten und auch Linken Spektrum entschieden ab.

15.01.2024 - 23:48 [ Welt / Youtube ]

BAUERN-PROTESTE: Bauernpräsident Joachim Rukwied hält Rede in Berlin vor dem Brandenburger Tor

Der Bauernpräsident betonte mit Blick auf die bundesweiten Proteste der Landwirte, es sei nicht gelungen, das Anliegen in die rechte Ecke zu drängen. Die Bäuerinnen und Bauern seien aufrechte Demokraten und stünden zum Grundgesetz. Rukwied wies darauf hin, dass weiterhin eine sichere Versorgung mit heimischen Lebensmitteln gewährleistet sein müsse. Das sei auch die Grundlage für eine stabile Demokratie.

15.01.2024 - 23:26 [ Eva Vlaardingerbroek / Twitter ]

Thousands and thousands of farmers, truckers and other hard working citizens took to the streets of Berlin today to remind their government and the globalists of one simple thing: “We are The People and we are taking back control.”

This is just the beginning.

15.01.2024 - 23:21 [ Eva Vlaardingerbroek / Youtube ]

The German firefighters are supporting the farmers’ protests in Berlin. Solidarity!

15.01.2024 - 23:14 [ Welt / Youtube ]

PROTEST IN BERLIN: „Hau ab!“ Wut auf Lindner! Bauern kündigen schon neue Proteste an | WELT Stream

Zu der Kundgebung kamen nach Polizeiangaben 8500 Menschen und rund 6000 Fahrzeuge. Der Bauernverband sprach von rund 30 000 Demonstranten mit fast 10 000 Fahrzeugen.

09.01.2024 - 16:15 [ And I / Twitter ]

„Eine INSA-Umfrage für BILD zeigt: 69 Prozent der Befragten unterstützen die Bauern-Proteste gegen die geplanten Kürzungen der Ampel-Regierung!“

09.01.2024 - 16:00 [ Welt / Youtube ]

BAUERNPROTESTE IN DEUTSCHLAND: Fleischhauer „Die haben den Kanal bis oben hin voll!“ | WELT Meinung

Am Brandenburger Tor in Berlin wurden fast 700 Fahrzeuge gezählt, in Erfurt sprach die Polizei von mehr als 2000 Traktoren und anderen Zugmaschinen. Im VW-Werk Emden wurde die Produktion gestoppt, weil die Beschäftigten nicht zur Arbeit kommen konnten. In einigen Städten erhielten die Bauern Unterstützung – etwa von Lastwagenfahrern und Handwerkern. Nach Angaben des Innenministeriums in Stuttgart nahmen in Baden-Württemberg etwa 25 000 Fahrzeuge an 270 Aktionen teil.

09.01.2024 - 15:57 [ ZDFheute Nachrichten / Youtube ]

Die Wut der Bauern | ZDF spezial

Seit Montag protestieren die Bauern im Rahmen ihrer Aktionswoche gegen die geplanten Kürzungen der Ampelregierung. Deutschlandweit ziehen sich Traktorenkonvois durch Städte.

Sicherheitsbehörden warnen derweil …

09.01.2024 - 15:44 [ Landwirtschaft verbindet Bayern e.V. ]


Diese Liste wird ständig aktuell gehalten solange unsere Aktionen laufen!

Großdemos in Bayern:

08.01.2024 München, Odeonsplatz
10.1.2024 Augsburg, Plärrer
12.1.2024 Nürnberg, Volksfestplatz

Regional gibt es auch viele Aktionen, hier könnt ihr die schauen wo in eurem Regierungsbezirk etwas läuft:

07.01.2024 - 19:55 [ Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung e.V. ]

Landwirtschaft und Transportgewerbe demonstrieren gemeinsam ab 8. Januar

Bundesweit werden in allen Bundesländern über 100 Aktionen stattfinden, um Bevölkerung und Politik davor zu warnen, die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und die Existenz der Landwirte und mittelständischen Transportunternehmen aufs Spiel zu setzen.

Für eine wettbewerbsfähige Landwirtschaft sind eine Förderung von Agrardiesel sowie die Kfz-Steuerbefreiung unerlässlich. Der Deutsche Bauernverband fordert daher gemeinsam mit den Landesbauernverbänden und LsV Deutschland, die von der Bundesregierung geplanten Steuererhöhungen für die Landwirtschaft zurückzunehmen.

Der Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung (BGL) e.V. fordert die Einhaltung der Koalitionszusage zur Vermeidung einer doppelten CO2-Bepreisung bei Maut plus Diesel, eine Verdopplung der Mautharmonisierungsprogramme auf 900 Mio. Euro sowie mehr Geld für intakte Straßen und Brücken, Lkw-Stellplätze und verlässliche Förderprogramme für einen klimafreundlichen Straßengüterverkehr.

Für den 15. Januar 2024 ist ab 11:30 Uhr eine gemeinsame Großkundgebung in Berlin geplant.

07.01.2024 - 19:12 [ Sevim Dağdelen, MdB, Mitglied des Bundestages / Twitter ]

„Impf-Gegner“, „Putin-Trolle“, „Kartoffel-Mob“ – es ist einfach unerträglich, wie alle, die mit der Regierungspolitik nicht einverstanden sind und deswegen auf die Straße gehen, wüst beschimpft und in die rechte Ecke geschoben werden, um legitimen Protest zu delegitimieren.

Nach den #Corona-Maßnahmenkritikern und den Befürwortern von #Diplomatie statt #Ukraine-Waffengeschenken sind jetzt die Bauern dran, die aus Existenznot gegen Steuererhöhungen protestieren, weil sie sich von den Ampel-Nebelkerzen beim #Agrardiesel nicht blenden lassen.

Wer wie die Bundesregierung meint, bei den anhaltenden Bauernprotesten in ganz Deutschland geht es nur um Agrardiesel und Kfz-Steuer, versteht nicht die existentiellen Nöte vieler landwirtschaftlicher Familienbetriebe. Den #Bauern steht das Wasser bis zum Hals. Sie kämpfen um ihre Zukunft und dagegen, dass die #Ampel ihnen 1 Milliarde Euro wegnehmen will, während die Bundesregierung gleichzeitig Waffengeschenke für die Ukraine locker auf 8 Milliarden Euro in diesem Jahr verdoppelt.

Die halbe Rolle rückwärts der Ampel jetzt bei den geplanten Steuererhöhungen für die Bauern verfängt nicht. Die Landwirte fallen auf den Ablenkungsversuch ganz offensichtlich nicht herein.

Statt gesellschaftliche Spaltung durch Ausgrenzung und Ächtung der Regierungskritiker immer weiter zu forcieren, ist es an der Zeit, die fatale Ampel-Politik zu korrigieren, die mit hohen Energiepreisen infolge unsinniger Wirtschaftssanktionen Bürger belastet, Bauern ruiniert und Deutschland deindustrialisiert.

Es ist die Politik der Ampel, die Deutschland 2023 als einzige Industrienation in die #Rezession geführt hat; 2024 könnte die Wirtschaft bei uns weiter schrumpfen, so die düstere Prognose des Instituts der Deutschen Wirtschaft. Versicherungen rechnen mit zehntausenden Firmenpleiten.

Es ist die Politik der Ampel, die gerade Gering- und Normalverdiener in Deutschland 2024 durch Erhöhung von Steuern und Abgaben stark belastet. Millionen Haushalte müssen mit mehreren Hundert Euro Mehrkosten zurechtkommen.

Wir brauchen wieder eine Politik für wirtschaftliche Vernunft und soziale Gerechtigkeit, die die hart arbeitenden Menschen in den Mittelpunkt stellt, in der Stadt wie auf dem Land, im Betrieb wie auf dem Bauernhof.
#Bauernprotest #Mistgabelmob

07.01.2024 - 18:34 [ ]

Bayerische Staatsregierung steht hinter Forderungen der Bauern – Polizei bereitet sich auf Aktionen und Proteste vor

Wie Herrmann erläuterte, stellen die Versammlungsbehörden im Freistaat ein enormes Mobilisierungspotential fest: Seit Mitte Dezember (14. Dezember 2023 bis 4. Januar 2024, 16 Uhr) fanden in Bayern bereits 71 einschlägige Versammlungen statt, an denen sich insgesamt mehr als 8.000 Personen beteiligten. Weitere 208 Versammlungen wurden zudem allein für die kommende Woche angezeigt (Stand: 4. Januar 2024, 16 Uhr). Der Bayerische Bauernverband organisiert in Abstimmung mit dem Verein ‚Landwirtschaft verbindet Bayern e.V.‘ eine Reihe großer Versammlungen wie am 8. Januar 2024 mit angezeigten 5.000 Teilnehmern in München am Odeonsplatz, am 10. Januar mit angezeigten 3.000 Teilnehmern in Augsburg und am 12. Januar mit angezeigten 5.000 Teilnehmern in Nürnberg.

07.01.2024 - 18:20 [ Landwirtschaft verbindet Bayern e.V. ]

Protestwoche ab dem 8. Januar

Hier ein kleiner Auszug der Ereignisse, mit denen die Bauern zusätzlich seit den letzten 2 Jahren zu kämpfen haben:

– Absenkung des Steuersatzes für pauschalierende Betriebe von 10,7% auf 8,4%
– Abschaffung der Gewinnglättung
– Streichung der Investitionsförderung von 195 Mio € für den von der Gesellschaft gewollten schnellen Umbau der Landwirtschaft
– Kürzung der Zuschüsse für die ldw. Sozialversicherung und Berufsgenossenschaft
– Höhere CO2 Abgabe, die bis 2026 auf 19,8 Cent/L steigt
– 4% Flächenstilllegung von ertragreichen Flächen, ohne Ausgleich
– Verschärfung der Geruchsimmissionsrichtlinie (GIRL)
– Ausweitung der Stoffstrombilanz
– Verschärfung des Errosionsschutzkatasters
– Fehlende Investitionsförderung für den Umbau zu mehr Tierwohl, ohne Absicherung der höheren Betriebskosten
– Fehlende Ausschreibungsmengen bei Biogas
– Vermehrte Schäden durch Wolf, Bieber usw. bisher immer noch mit keiner Lösung

Um den Fortbestand der kleinstrukturierten Betriebe in Bayern aufrecht zu erhalten, bestehen wir darauf:

– Dass importierte Waren mindestens den deutschen Anforderungen an Umwelt- Tierschutz- und Sozialstandards entsprechen (Lieferkettengesetz)
– Auf eine klare 100% Herkunftslandkennzeichnung für alle landwirtschaftlichen Produkte, auch in verarbeiteten Lebensmitteln und Restaurants, damit der Verbraucher leicht erkennen kann, woher diese genau kommen.
– Menge, Preis und Lieferzeit für unsere Produkte müssen im Vorfeld geklärt sein. (Marktrahmenbedingungen)

10.12.2023 - 14:18 [ B'Tselem בצלם بتسيلم / Twitter ]

Life in the Gaza Strip right now is an unimaginable nightmare, as the result of a deliberate Israeli policy. Millions of residents are dangerously overcrowded in inhuman conditions – without water, food, medicine or fuel – and hospitals that have collapsed. >

All of this under unprecedented and relentless Israeli bombings. The situation is deteriorating and aid organizations are almost incapable of helping. This isn’t the war’s biproduct, it’s the deliberate outcome of Israel’s policy – a manufactured humanitarian catastrophe. >

Our analysis of the policy over the past two months:

26.11.2023 - 11:05 [ United Nations ]

UN confirms more aid entering Gaza as humanitarian pause holds for second day

(November 25, 2023)

The freight included food, water and emergency medical supplies. Eleven ambulances, 3 coaches and a flatbed were delivered to Al Shifa hospital to be used to assist with evacuations.

Also on Saturday, another 200 trucks were dispatched from Nitzana, with 187 of them successfully entering Gaza by 19:00 local time.

In addition, 129,000 liters of fuel crossed into Gaza, said the UN humanitarian affairs office, known as OCHA.

20.11.2023 - 02:17 [ World Health Organization / Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) ]

WHO-led joint UN and Red Crescent mission evacuates 31 infants from Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza

(19 November 2023)

The evacuation, which was requested by health workers and patients during the joint mission yesterday, became necessary as Al-Shifa Hospital is no longer able to function due to a lack of clean water, fuel, medical supplies, food, other essential items and the intense hostilities. WHO remains deeply concerned about the safety and health needs of patients and health workers who remain at Al-Shifa Hospital, and in the few partially functional hospitals in the north that face imminent closure.

Al-Shifa Hospital, previously the largest and most advanced referral hospital in Gaza, together with other hospitals, must be fully restored to provide urgently needed health services in Gaza

20.11.2023 - 01:20 [ World Health Organization / Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) ]

WHO leads very high-risk joint humanitarian mission to Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza

(18 November 2023)

Earlier in the day, the IDF had issued evacuation orders to the remaining 2500 internally displaced people who had been seeking refuge on the hospital grounds. They, along with a number of mobile patients and hospital staff, had already vacated the facility by the time of the team‘s arrival.

Due to time limits associated with the security situation, the team was able to spend only one hour inside the hospital, which they described as a “death zone,” and the situation as “desperate.” Signs of shelling and gunfire were evident. The team saw a mass grave at the entrance of the hospital and was told more than 80 people were buried there.

Lack of clean water, fuel, medicines, food and other essential aid over the last 6 weeks
have caused Al-Shifa Hospital – once the largest, most advanced and best equipped referral hospital in Gaza – to essentially stop functioning as a medical facility. The team observed that due to the security situation, it has been impossible for the staff to carry out effective waste management in the hospital. Corridors and the hospital grounds were filled with medical and solid waste, increasing the risk of infection. Patients and health staff with whom they spoke were terrified for their safety and health, and pleaded for evacuation.

20.11.2023 - 01:06 [ Mehdi Hasan, @mehdihasanshow on @MSNBC & NBC's @peacockTV / Twitter ]

The WHO team visiting the Shifa hospital described it as a „death zone“.

18.11.2023 - 05:34 [ UN humanitarian affairs coordination office (OCHA) ]

Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel | Flash Update #42

– The World Food Programme (WFP) has reported an increase in cases of dehydration and malnutrition and warned about the threat of starvation due to the collapsed food supply chain and insufficient aid delivery. Only 10 per cent of necessary food supplies have entered Gaza since the beginning of the hostilities.

– On 17 November, for the third consecutive day, Israeli troops, accompanied by tanks, operated within the Shifa hospital compound in Gaza city. According to hospital administrators , since 11 November, 40 patients, including four premature babies, have died in the hospital due to the lack of electricity.

17.11.2023 - 07:00 [ UNRWA, @UN Agency for Palestine Refugees / Twitter ]

„It‘s been 5 and a half weeks of hell in #Gaza“ @JulietteTouma tells @BBCNews that there needs to be a ceasefire as soon as possible, a huge shipment of fuel and an increase of humanitarian aid. The siege on the #GazaStrip needs to be lifted.

16.11.2023 - 22:48 [ UNRWA, @UN Agency for Palestine Refugees / Twitter ]

From our #Gaza team @TomWhite: There will NOT be a cross-border aid operation at the Rafah Crossing tomorrow.

The communications network in #Gaza is down because there is NO fuel.

This makes it impossible to manage or coordinate humanitarian aid convoys.

16.11.2023 - 21:44 [ United Nations ]

Gaza: Lack of fuel threatening to shut down ‘entire’ humanitarian operation

In a wide-ranging briefing to journalists in Geneva, UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini reiterated calls for a ceasefire and addressed misinformation targeting the agency, including claims that aid is being diverted.

He said he has also received reports of UN schools being used “for military purposes”.

During the briefing, Mr. Lazzarini said he had received reports that Gaza was under a communications blackout due to the lack of fuel.

He repeated his earlier warning that UNRWA is running out of fuel, thus putting lifesaving support to 2.2 million in Gaza at risk. Everything from aid delivery, to water supply, to even accessing cash from ATM machines will be impacted. (…)

While the agency received a “tiny shipment” of fuel – half a truck – on Wednesday, he said “it was delivered with conditionalities”. The fuel can only be used for trucks collecting goods arriving at the Rafah crossing with Egypt, meaning that water desalination plants, sewage pumping systems or bakeries will go without.

“As from yesterday 70 per cent of the population just in the south has no access anymore to clean water, and as of today, we have raw sewage starting to flow in the streets,” he said.

16.11.2023 - 19:40 [ New York Times ]

U.N. Security Council Calls for Dayslong Humanitarian Pauses in Gaza

The resolution put forth by Malta passed after weeks of division and inaction over the Israel-Gaza war. It stopped short of calling for a cease-fire, and it did not spell out the number of days for a humanitarian pause, instead calling for “a sufficient number of days” for “the full, rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access.”

The resolution is legally binding and called for all parties to comply with international laws of conflict that demand that civilians, especially children, be protected. It also called for the immediate and unconditional release of hostages held by Hamas.

15.11.2023 - 23:30 [ ]

UNSC adopts Malta’s resolution on Gaza

Approved resolution

The Security Council,

Reaffirming the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,

Reaffirming that all parties to conflicts must adhere to their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law,

Stressing that international humanitarian law provides general protection for children as persons taking no part in hostilities, and special protection as persons who are particularly vulnerable, and recalling that the taking of hostages is prohibited under international law,

Recalling that all parties to armed conflict must comply strictly with the obligations applicable to them under international law for the protection of children in armed conflict, including those contained in the Geneva Conventions of 12th August 1949 and the Additional Protocols of 1977, as well as the relevant conventions regarding the involvement of children in conflict situations,

Expressing deep concern at the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and its grave impact on the civilian population, especially the disproportionate effect on children, underlining the urgent need for full, rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access, and stressing the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence and the obligation to respect and protect humanitarian relief personnel,

Rejecting forced displacement of the civilian population, including children, in violation of international law, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law,

Expressing deep concern that the disruption of access to education has a dramatic impact on children, and that conflict has lifelong effects on their physical and mental health,

Commending the ongoing efforts of several regional and international actors as well as of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to address the hostage and humanitarian crises.

Demands that all parties comply with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law, notably with regard to the protection of civilians, especially children;

Calls for urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip for a sufficient number of days to enable, consistent with international humanitarian law, the full, rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access for United Nations humanitarian agencies and their implementing partners, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other impartial humanitarian organizations, to facilitate the continuous, sufficient and unhindered provision of essential goods and services important to the well-being of civilians, especially children, throughout the Gaza Strip, including water, electricity, fuel, food, and medical supplies, as well as emergency repairs to essential infrastructure, and to enable urgent rescue and recovery efforts, including for missing children in damaged and destroyed buildings, and including the medical evacuation of sick or injured children and their care givers;

Calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages held by Hamas and other groups, especially children, as well as ensuring immediate humanitarian access;

Calls on all parties to refrain from depriving the civilian population in the Gaza Strip of basic services and humanitarian assistance indispensable to their survival, consistent with international humanitarian law, which has a disproportionate impact on children, welcomes the initial, although limited, provision of humanitarian supplies to civilians in the Gaza Strip and calls for the scaling up of the provision of such supplies to meet the humanitarian needs of the civilian population, especially children;

Underscores the importance of coordination, humanitarian notification, and deconfliction mechanisms, to protect all medical and humanitarian staff, vehicles including ambulances, humanitarian sites, and critical infrastructure, including UN facilities, and to help facilitate the movement of aid convoys and patients, in particular sick and injured children and their care givers;

Requests the Secretary-General to report orally to the Security Council on the implementation of this resolution at the next mandated meeting of the Security Council on the situation in the Middle East, and further requests the Secretary-General to identify options to effectively monitor the implementation of this resolution as a matter of prime concern;

Decides to remain seized of the matter.

15.11.2023 - 23:18 [ United Nations ]

Israel-Palestine crisis: Security Council calls for urgent and extended humanitarian pauses in Gaza

3:40 PM

The Security Council voted on the Malta resolution, with 12 members in favour, none against, and three countries abstaining, Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom.

15.11.2023 - 23:15 [ Times of Israel ]

UN Security Council set to vote today on Israel-Hamas war resolution calling for ‘pauses’

The Security Council launched new talks on a resolution, but those negotiations got bogged down on the wording to be used to call for a stop, however brief, to the fighting.

The United States opposed any use of the term “ceasefire,” diplomats say. Other terms floated were “truce” and “pause.”

15.11.2023 - 23:02 [ Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of @UNRWA ]

Our entire operation is now on the verge of collapse. By the end of today, around 70 % of the population in #Gaza won’t have access to clean water. To have fuel for trucks only will not save lives anymore. Waiting longer will cost lives.

(9 hours ago)

08.11.2023 - 00:05 [ Jewish Voice for Peace / Twitter ]

HAPPENING NOW AT THE STATUE OF LIBERTY: Hundreds of Jews and allies are holding an emergency sit-in, taking over the island to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. We refuse to allow a genocide to be carried out in our names. Ceasefire now to save lives! Never again for anyone!

(Nov 6, 2023)

07.11.2023 - 20:06 [ Reuters ]

Gaza death toll tops 10,000; UN calls it a children‘s graveyard


A Reuters journalist in Gaza said Israel‘s overnight bombardment by air, ground and sea was one of its most intense since the Oct. 7 attack in which Hamas killed 1,400 people in Israel and seized more than 240 hostages.

The health ministry in the Hamas-controlled enclave said at least 10,022 people in Gaza have since been killed, including 4,104 children.

07.11.2023 - 19:52 [ @TweetNotPost / Twitter ]

US Veto a Ceasefire at the UN Security Council AGAIN!

07.11.2023 - 19:50 [ Fox News ]

UN Security Council fails once again to pass Israel-Hamas resolution

„We talked about humanitarian pauses, and we’re interested in pursuing language on that score,“ said U.S. Deputy Ambassador Robert Wood following the meeting.

07.11.2023 - 19:48 [ ABC News ]

Netanyahu to ABC‘s Muir: ‚No cease-fire‘ without release of hostages


„Well, there‘ll be no cease-fire, general cease-fire, in Gaza without the release of our hostages,“ Netanyahu responded. „As far as tactical little pauses, an hour here, an hour there. We‘ve had them before, I suppose, will check the circumstances in order to enable goods, humanitarian goods to come in, or our hostages, individual hostages to leave. But I don‘t think there‘s going to be a general cease-fire.“

07.11.2023 - 16:17 [ Abdalhadi Alijla عبد الهادي العجلة / Twitter ]

I had the opportunity to communicate with some members of my family. The situation is unbelievable. Hungry dogs are eating the remains of bodies buried under the rubble in Gaza City. The smell of decay pervades the city. There will be catastrophic health consequences. Food and clean water are scarce…

…One of my nieces was taken to the hospital because of lack of food two days ago. People are beginning to experience starvation in its most literal sense. They spend 7 hours in line to receive a single piece of bread for each member of the family. When food is found, it‘s exorbitantly expensive. If this continues before our very eyes, it will turn into a horrendous BLACK MOMENT IN HUMAN HISTORY.

25.10.2023 - 20:04 [ Democracy Now ]

UNRWA Is Hours Away from Running Out of Fuel as Gaza Hospitals Shut, Sickness Spreads

The U.N. agency serving Palestinians warned it would have to stop its life-saving operations in Gaza by tonight unless it receives more fuel. The humanitarian situation in Gaza has reached catastrophic levels, with hospitals shutting down and others cutting back critical services amid the lack of fuel and supplies. At the Indonesian Hospital in northern Gaza, staff have resorted to using smartphone lights to see in the darkness, as the hospital was forced to switch off power in all but a few parts of the building.

The nonstop Israeli bombardment of Gaza continues. On Tuesday, a father in Khan Younis carried the body of his young daughter in his arms after she was killed in an Israeli airstrike on their home.

25.10.2023 - 19:36 [ UNRWA, @UN Agency for Palestine Refugees / Twitter ]

One @UNRWA school in Rafah, sheltering 4,600 people, sustained severe collateral damage from close proximity strike ?If fuel does not enter?#Gaza, @UNRWA will be forced to significantly reduce and in some cases bring humanitarian operations to a halt

19.08.2023 - 16:15 [ CNN ]

Saudi Arabia extends oil production cut even as US gas prices hit nine-month highs

(August 3, 2023)

It’s the second time the kingdom has extended the cut, which was first announced in June after a meeting of the alliance between Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, Russia and other smaller producers.

At almost the same time, Russia announced plans to cut oil exports by 300,000 barrels per day, in September according to Reuters.

US oil prices rose 1.6% on Thursday to $81.05 a barrel. Brent crude, the world benchmark, jumped 1.5% to $84.50 a barrel.

04.08.2023 - 19:06 [ Reuters ]

Oil rises 2% as Saudi Arabia and Russia keep supplies tight

(August 3, 2023)

Oil prices gained about 2% on Thursday as Saudi Arabia and Russia took steps to keep supplies tight into September and possibly beyond.

21.07.2023 - 03:25 [ Bloomberg ]

Kenya Proposes Additional Taxes Amid Protests Over High Living Cost

New excise and value-added taxes are among the proposals that will be included in a supplementary budget to be tabled in parliament for approval, according to a report published on International Monetary Fund’s website following a review of the East African nation’s finances.

21.07.2023 - 03:10 [ ]

Kenya Kwanza defends police on alleged brutality in demos

„We want to ask ICC to be alert because what is happening are acts of criminality,“ he said.

Kiambu Senator Karungo Wathangwa asked the President to lock the country and deal with the opposition if that is what it will take to restore peace and order in the country.

„If it takes three, four or five days to lock down this country and deal with these people, let it be,“ he said.

21.07.2023 - 03:01 [ ]

Kenya police are told not to report deaths during protests. A watchdog says they killed 6 this week

Police in Kenya say they have been ordered not to report deaths during a crackdown on protests over tax increases amid the rising cost of living, but an independent watchdog said Thursday that police shot dead at least six people this week and 27 in previous weeks.

It wasn’t clear who issued the unusual order.

21.07.2023 - 02:24 [ ]

Painful cost of living hikes spark violent protests across Kenya

Kenyans are preparing for tough times after lawmakers approved tax increases that are unpopular even with supporters of the president, who once vowed to reduce the cost of living. William Ruto’s election win was attributed to his appeal to voters as a fellow “hustler” who rose from a humble background to senior roles in government, including as Jomo Kenyatta’s vice president. (…)

Kenya’s High Court suspended the tax hike pending a legal challenge, but the government raised gas prices anyway.

23.02.2023 - 20:22 [ New York Times ]

What Exxon and Chevron Are Doing With Those Big Profits

(Feb. 1, 2023)

The variables that will determine oil companies’ profitability this year are largely out of their control — in both supply and demand. The war in Ukraine could expand or not; a recession in the United States and Europe could be deep or averted entirely. Prices for fuels, and inflation generally, will largely depend on how events play out.

23.02.2023 - 19:48 [ Forbes ]

Shell Reports Record Profits As Oil Giants—Including Exxon, Chevron—Cash In On Sky-High Prices After Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

(Feb 2, 2023)

Shell reported an annual profit of nearly $40 billion in 2022, the highest in the firm’s 115-year history.

The figure is more than double the $19.3 billion the firm reported in 2021 and far greater than its previous record of $31 billion in 2008.

14.02.2023 - 07:48 [ Forbes ]

Shell Reports Record Profits As Oil Giants—Including Exxon, Chevron—Cash In On Sky-High Prices After Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

(Feb 2, 2023)

Shell reported an annual profit of nearly $40 billion in 2022, the highest in the firm’s 115-year history.

The figure is more than double the $19.3 billion the firm reported in 2021 and far greater than its previous record of $31 billion in 2008.

30.09.2022 - 09:13 [ ]

Oil Prices Could Be Set For Another Sharp Rise

OPEC and its sometime collaborator when interests align, Russia have fallen short of producing up to full quota levels by a significant amount. (…)

The Dallas Fed put out a report documenting the OPEC shortfall as well that points to key source of underperformance at the feet of none-other than Saudi Arabia.

28.09.2022 - 06:58 [ ]

Taliban unterzeichnen Handelsabkommen mit Russland

Russland solle nun jährlich etwa eine Million Tonnen Benzin, eine Million Tonnen Diesel, 500.000 Tonnen Flüssiggas (LPG) und zwei Millionen Tonnen Weizen an Afghanistan liefern.

01.09.2022 - 16:50 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Granholm to Europe: Tough Luck – The Energy Secretary bullies U.S. companies to reduce fuel exports.

America’s allies in Europe are desperate for alternative supplies of fuel amid the Ukraine war, and U.S. producers are happy to provide what they can. So wouldn’t you know the Biden Administration now wants to limit fuel exports.

That’s the message Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm sent last week in a letter imploring seven major refiners to limit fuel exports. We obtained a copy of the letter, which the Administration didn’t release publicly.

01.09.2022 - 16:23 [ ]

Putin has pulled off a shock win that could destroy the free world

We risk ending up with calamitous poverty, civil disobedience, a new socialist government by next year, a break-up of the UK, nationalisations, price and incomes policies, punitive wealth taxes and eventually a complete economic and financial meltdown and IMF bailout. The situation in the EU is, if anything, worse.

This is not a plea for pacifism, for looking away when Ukraine is being illegally invaded by a savage regime. Britain was – and remains – morally right to back Ukraine in a carefully calibrated way. Instead, this is a plea for an economic counter-offensive, for Liz Truss, the next PM, to tackle Putin’s economic and energy war head-on.

01.09.2022 - 16:01 [ ]

Sinkende Reallöhne: Jedem fünften Briten droht Armut

„Großbritannien erlebt bereits den größten Rückgang der Reallöhne seit 1977, und ein harter Winter droht, da die Energierechnungen auf 500 Pfund im Monat schnellen werden“, sagte RF-Expertin Lalitha Try.

01.09.2022 - 15:53 [ ]

‚Everything has gone up!‘ Britons struggle to make ends meet as wages stagnate

Rising food prices, soaring petrol prices and sky high energy bills are pushing households into poverty as wages fail to keep up with demand.

Bristol residents have been telling how they are struggling to find the extra money to pay for increasing rents and bills.

30.08.2022 - 20:07 [ ]

Von der Gaskrise zur Regierungskrise

Aktuell negative Effekte werden vermutlich erst im kommenden Monat ihre Wirkung entfalten, prognostiziert Jörg Krämer, der Chefvolkswirt der Commerzbank: „Allein deshalb sollte die Inflation dann im September einen Sprung um ungefähr einen Prozentpunkt nach oben machen.“ Deutschland läge dann bei einer Teuerungsrate „vermutlich deutlich über 8,5 Prozent“.

Wladimir Putin kann sich diese Entwicklung in Moskau in Ruhe ansehen und den Gashahn drosseln. Nach Ungarn ist ja nun schon Bulgarien aus der Phalanx der Russland-Sanktionierer ausgeschert. Es wird nicht der letzte EU-Staat sein, wie man aus Brüssel hört.

12.07.2022 - 10:31 [ ]

Why Is The U.S. Sending Its Emergency Oil Reserves To China?


What is most notable is that a third cargo headed to US arch-enemy, China, which is now directly benefiting at the expense of US consumers as a result of Biden‘s escalating panic to undo the consequences of his catastrophic green policies by selling the most valuable US assets directly to Beijing!

But what is even scarier is the following exchange, in which the White House simply had no response when asked if the US is selling its emergency reserve oil to China.

12.07.2022 - 10:22 [ ]

Saudis Unwilling To Upset Putin As Biden Begs For More Crude

(Jul 03, 2022)

The world’s largest crude oil exporter, Saudi Arabia, continues to keep close ties with Russia while the top oil consumer, the United States, pleads with major producers—including the Kingdom—to boost supply to the market and help ease consumers’ pain at the pump. While the U.S. and its Western allies are sanctioning Moscow and banning oil imports from Russia, U.S. President Joe Biden is also turning to Saudi Arabia to ask it to pump more oil as Americans pay on average $5 a gallon for gasoline.

12.07.2022 - 08:06 [ ]

Regierung gibt nach Raffinerieunfall weitere Ölreserven frei

Die Regierung gibt nach dem OMV-Raffinerieunfall in Schwechat weitere Erdölreserven frei. Gestern Abend beschloss der Hauptausschuss des Nationalrats, weitere 100.000 Tonnen Diesel und 45.000 Tonnen an Halbfertigfabrikaten freizugeben. „Die Versorgungssicherheit der Menschen in Österreich hat absolute Priorität“, so Energieministerin Leonore Gewessler (Grüne).

30.05.2022 - 13:01 [ ]

Ausnahmezustand in Ungarn: Orban regiert am liebsten mit Notrecht


Die Eile, mit der die jüngste Verfassungsänderung durch- und umgesetzt wurde, ist Teil der Logik des ungarischen Konzepts der illiberalen Demokratie: Orban ist zwar seit dem Sieg bei der Parlamentswahl so stark, dass er durchregieren könnte. Allerdings managt Orban das Land ohnehin schon seit zwei Jahren de facto im Ausnahmezustand. Dieser war im Frühjahr 2020 verhängt, mit «Sicherheitsinteressen des Staates» in der Pandemie begründet und mehrmals verlängert worden.

Der Pandemie-Ausnahmezustand aber wäre in wenigen Tagen ausgelaufen.

30.05.2022 - 12:40 [ ]

Geschlossene Tankstellen, unterbrochene Kraftstoffversorgung nach Entscheidung der Regierung

Nach Angaben von Blikk hat Shell mehrere seiner Tankstellen in Ungarn geschlossen und begründet dies mit Versorgungsproblemen.

27.08.2021 - 15:30 [ Portal ]

Venezuela legt in Den Haag weiteren Bericht über Folgen der US-Sanktionen vor

Präsident Joe Biden hat Trumps harten Kurs gegenüber Venezuela beibehalten, einschließlich des Verbots von Erdöl-gegen-Diesel-Swaps, über die Venezuela importierten Dieselkraftstoff gegen Rohöl tauschte. Das Abschneiden dieser Lebensader hat die schwere Treibstoffknappheit in dem karibischen Land weiter verschlimmert.

27.07.2021 - 07:04 [ ]

Let‘s give pingdemic the boot: Boss of High Street chemist Boots calls for scheme to be scrapped as he reveals one in five stores now have half the usual staff

Sebastian James is one of the most prominent business leaders so far to speak out in support of the Daily Mail campaign to stop vital workers being compelled to isolate unnecessarily.

In an interview with the Mail, he revealed that staff absence rates have increased by 50 per cent throughout his chain‘s 2,330 stores, which offer important pharmacy services to the public.

24.07.2021 - 07:48 [ ]

Boris is Ping-nocchio: PM‘s claim being pinged meant you were five times more likely to have virus was based on data BEFORE vaccine… now he‘s blasted as ‚deeply misleading‘

But the Public Health England research he cited was six months old and carried out before the vast majority of the public had been vaccinated against Covid.

It also involved only those who had been alerted by NHS Test and Trace as close contacts of positive cases.

The Prime Minister implied it covered the NHS Covid app, which had not been rolled out at the time. The app tends to be less reliable at identifying close contacts than Test and Trace and can ‚ping‘ people through walls.

24.07.2021 - 07:44 [ The Sun / Youtube ]

Covid-19 UK: 20% of Britain‘s UK‘s food sector hit by self-isolating Pingdemic as army on standby


Coronavirus latest: THE ARMY is on standby to step in and help secure the nation‘s food supplies if the Pingdemic worsens, a Cabinet minister said today.

23.07.2021 - 05:44 [ ]

UK ministers urge public not to delete Covid app

According to the health department, the number of people using the NHS Test and Trace app to register at pubs, shops and other venues fell 10 per cent compared with the previous week — which has been seen as another sign of deletions.

23.07.2021 - 05:40 [ ]

Just over a fifth of people have the NHS Covid app and are using it properly, poll finds


Forty per cent of respondents say they never had the app in the first place

23.07.2021 - 05:32 [ ]

Ausfälle durch Quarantäne: Britische „Pingdemic“ sorgt für Chaos

Schätzungen zufolge befinden sich derzeit rund 1,7 Millionen Briten in Selbstisolation, da sie entweder an Covid-19 erkrankt sind oder als enge Kontakte von Infizierten „gepingt“ – also von der englischen Corona-App oder vom Gesundheitsdienst – benachrichtigt wurden.

22.07.2021 - 12:25 [ ]

Supermarket bosses beg shoppers not to panic buy as bottled water, bread, meat and frozen food runs low – while minister U-turns by saying ‚key worker‘ exemption list WILL be issued TODAY and firms tell staff to ‚ignore app‘ amid ‚pingdemic‘ mayhem

– Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng admits he can‘t guarantee ‚pingdemic‘ won‘t continue beyond August 16
– Iceland said it closed ‚a number of stores‘ due to staff having to self-isolate after being notified by NHS app
– The frozen food chain revealed 1,000 employees – four per cent of its workforce – have had to stay at home
– It said that in the next few days it will start to draft in another 2,000 people to fill temporary roles in stores
– Meanwhile BP said it has had to temporarily close some of its stations due to petrol and diesel supply issues
– The oil company said the problems were being caused by a shortage of lorry drivers that had been ‚pinged‘

11.04.2020 - 11:47 [ Hurriyet ]

Putin, Trump discuss oil prices, coronavirus over phone

Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump on April 10 the situation at globals oil markets, and the coronavirus outbreak over phone.

„An exchange of views was held on the situation at the global oil market, including the agreement being worked out within the framework of OPEC on reducing production in order to stabilize world oil prices,“ the Kremlin press service said in a statement.

11.04.2020 - 11:06 [ Who? / Twitter ]

Benzin kavgasi…#cokusdonemi

19.11.2019 - 09:06 [ ]

Demonstrationen in Teheran: Wie umgehen mit den Protesten im Iran?

Im Iran gehen die Menschen auf die Straße – aus Wut über die teuren Spritpreise, aber auch aus Ärger über die Regierung. Die internationale Politik wäre jetzt gut beraten, die Proteste nicht für eigene Zwecke auszunutzen.

18.11.2019 - 13:51 [ ]

US trying to hijack fuel hike protests in Iran: Analyst

He emphasized that people in Iran enjoy the right to protest, referring to remarks by President Hassan Rouhani’s chief of staff in which he stressed that all officials should be listening to the protesters’ views.

“Whenever there is some legitimate and legal protests, the United States, the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) as well as people outside the country, the opposition, the son of the past shah step forward in order to hijack the protests, in order to stage violent actions and sabotage,” he said.