Archiv: search engines / function / Suchmaschinen / Suchfunktion

02.05.2024 - 04:02 [ ]

SearXNG instances: 75 online instances

See the About section to know how to edit this list or look for the meta SearXNG instances

02.05.2024 - 03:56 [ SearXNG / ]


Search for…

30.04.2024 - 04:25 [ ]

SearXNG instances: 75 online instances

See the About section to know how to edit this list or look for the meta SearXNG instances

30.04.2024 - 04:20 [ SearXNG / ]


Tiem kien ve

21.04.2024 - 00:10 [ ]

SearXNG instances: 75 online instances

See the About section to know how to edit this list or look for the meta SearXNG instances

20.04.2024 - 21:00 [ SearXNG / ]


search for…

12.04.2024 - 01:15 [ ]

SearXNG instances: 75 online instances

See the About section to know how to edit this list or look for the meta SearXNG instances

12.04.2024 - 01:00 [ SearXNG / ]


search for…

22.02.2024 - 19:35 [ ]

Mastodon #Explore


21.02.2024 - 15:55 [ ]

Mastodon Search Results


21.02.2024 - 15:44 [ ]

A search function, you dummies, is not a tool where you fill in an „URL of a Bluesky post“.


21.02.2024 - 15:40 [ ]

How to Browse Bluesky without Login or Account

(December 28, 2023)

All you would need is to know the particular profile name to navigate to their handle and see all posts or have a direct link to any particular post.

Now if you do not have the posts’ link and still want to view it on Bluesky, there are some third-party portals that can help you with the same.

– Skyview: This web app offers a simple interface to browse Bluesky posts, threads, and profiles without logging in.

21.02.2024 - 15:15 [ ]

Privacy-oriented X front-end Nitter is shutting down following changes to guest accounts


Although some Nitter instances are currently still operational, it is anticipated they will cease functioning shortly as they expire. This development leaves those who were using Nitter to monitor or follow X/Twitter users without an account with fewer options.

18.02.2024 - 11:30 [ ]

Threads, Bluesky und Mastodon: Die Chance ist jetzt

Von sozialen Netzwerken und einer digitalen Öffentlichkeit erhoffe ich mir aktuelle Informationen aller Art, nicht nur als Journalist. Ich möchte wissen, was Politiker:innen schreiben, was Regierungen verlautbaren, was NGOs veröffentlichen und was spannende Menschen zu sagen haben. Ich möchte mir selbst ein weitverteiltes Informationsnetzwerk zusammenstellen, (…)

Wenn ich diesen Wunsch nach einem globalen Netzwerk im Mastodon-Umfeld äußere, sind die Reaktionen oft ablehnend bis aggressiv. Ich bekomme Dinge wie „Geh doch zu Twitter“ an den Kopf geworfen. Oder: „Ihr mit euren kurzfristigen, journalistischen Bedürfnissen!“, „Ihr wollt doch nur Aufmerksamkeit“, „Ihr mit Eurer Twitter-Kultur“, „Wir machen das hier aber anders und ihr müsst euch anpassen“.

Das macht mich wütend.

11.02.2024 - 17:03 [ Netzwerk Kritische Richter und Staatsanwälte (KRiSTA) ]

Meinungsfreiheit – ein Auslaufmodell: Der Digital Services Act (DSA)


Am 16.11.2022 ist die Verordnung (EU) 2022/2065 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 19.10.2022 über den Binnenmarkt für digitale Dienste (Digital Services Act – im Folgenden DSA genannt) in Kraft getreten.

Sie gilt spätestens ab dem 17.02.2024 unmittelbar in jedem EU-Mitgliedstaat in erster Linie für „sehr große Online-Plattformen und sehr große Online-Suchmaschinen“ (Art. 33 Abs. 4, Art. 92, 93 Abs. 2 DSA).

Diese werden unter Androhung empfindlicher finanzieller Sanktionen verpflichtet, alle ihre Inhalte zu kontrollieren und gegebenenfalls zu löschen. Und sie werden dabei kontrolliert von der EU-Kommission, von staatlichen Koordinatoren und von zivilgesellschaftlichen Hinweisgebern.

Trotz seiner unmittelbaren Geltung im deutschen Recht bedarf der DSA eines konkretisierenden nationalen Ausführungsgesetzes. Ein Entwurf dieses Digitale-Dienste-Gesetzes (DDG-Entwurf) wurde von der Bundesregierung am 20.12.2023 verabschiedet.

Beraten und beschlossen werden soll er im Bundestag vor dem 17.02.2024.

In Erwägungsgrund Nr. 5 wird schon zwischen der „Vermittlung und Verbreitung rechtswidriger oder anderweitig schädlicher Informationen und Tätigkeiten“ unterschieden (Hervorhebung d. Verf.). Auch Art. 34 Abs. 1 DSA spricht in Abs. 1 a von der „Verbreitung rechtswidriger Inhalte über ihre Dienste“, in Abs. 1 b-d allerdings nur noch von Informationen mit „nachteiligen Auswirkungen“, die nicht rechtswidrig sein müssen.


Im Zentrum, jedenfalls des nationalstaatlichen Geschehens, steht der von jedem Mitgliedstaat bis zum 17.02.2024 zu ernennende „Koordinator für digitale Dienste“ (KdD).

04.02.2024 - 12:38 [ ]

Nitter: A Lightweight Alternative Interface To Twitter


Nitter’s advantages are:

– No JavaScript or ads
– All requests go through the backend — the client never talks to Twitter
– Prevents Twitter from tracking your IP or JavaScript fingerprint
– Lightweight (profiles pages tend be 60 KB instead of 600 KB)
– RSS feeds

There are also many other instances of Nitter.

04.02.2024 - 12:22 [ ]

Nitter Instance Uptime & Health

Last Updated 2024.02.04 09:37 UTC.

05.01.2024 - 17:11 [ ]

Enter search….

Enter search….

31.12.2023 - 16:59 [ ]

Enter search….

Enter search….

26.12.2023 - 23:05 [ ]

Gibiru – uncensored private search

Zero retargeting

You’ll never be solicited to buy item you have already purchased. We don’t log your searches, IP address or place cookies on your computer. This means there is not data to sell to advertisers or to use to retarget you.

26.12.2023 - 22:55 [ ]

Swisscows – Anonymous Search Engine

Why is the private search engine Swisscows against surveillance?

Our vision is that every user can be online without fear of surveillance, annoying advertising and unwanted data storage. We have been working towards this goal for over 20 years. Fortunately, data security has now become a relevant topic and many people have understood what all happens to their data completely without their knowledge.

20.12.2023 - 20:14 [ ]

Enter search….

Enter search….

11.12.2023 - 00:05 [ ]

Enter search….

Enter search….

27.11.2023 - 18:00 [ ]

Enter search….

Enter search….

25.11.2023 - 02:50 [ ]

Gibiru – uncensored private search

Zero retargeting

You’ll never be solicited to buy item you have already purchased. We don’t log your searches, IP address or place cookies on your computer. This means there is not data to sell to advertisers or to use to retarget you.

25.11.2023 - 00:50 [ ]

Swisscows – Anonymous Search Engine

Why is the private search engine Swisscows against surveillance?

Our vision is that every user can be online without fear of surveillance, annoying advertising and unwanted data storage. We have been working towards this goal for over 20 years. Fortunately, data security has now become a relevant topic and many people have understood what all happens to their data completely without their knowledge.

15.11.2023 - 03:35 [ ]

Enter search….

Enter search….

12.11.2023 - 04:31 [ ]

Enter search….

Tweets / Users

01.11.2023 - 12:30 [ ]

UN security council, ceasefire

(search results)

30.10.2023 - 02:22 [ ]

Enter search….

Tweets / Users

28.10.2023 - 08:53 [ ]

Swisscows – Anonymous Search Engine

Why is the private search engine Swisscows against surveillance?

Our vision is that every user can be online without fear of surveillance, annoying advertising and unwanted data storage. We have been working towards this goal for over 20 years. Fortunately, data security has now become a relevant topic and many people have understood what all happens to their data completely without their knowledge.

28.10.2023 - 06:36 [ ]

Gibiru – uncensored private search

Zero retargeting

You’ll never be solicited to buy item you have already purchased. We don’t log your searches, IP address or place cookies on your computer. This means there is not data to sell to advertisers or to use to retarget you.

09.10.2023 - 00:52 [ ]

Gibiru – uncensored private search

Zero retargeting

You’ll never be solicited to buy item you have already purchased. We don’t log your searches, IP address or place cookies on your computer. This means there is not data to sell to advertisers or to use to retarget you.

08.10.2023 - 20:48 [ ]

Swisscows – Anonymous Search Engine

Why is the private search engine Swisscows against surveillance?

Our vision is that every user can be online without fear of surveillance, annoying advertising and unwanted data storage. We have been working towards this goal for over 20 years. Fortunately, data security has now become a relevant topic and many people have understood what all happens to their data completely without their knowledge.

08.10.2023 - 19:45 [ ]

Enter search….

Tweets / Users

06.10.2023 - 02:07 [ ]

Gibiru – uncensored private search

Zero retargeting

You’ll never be solicited to buy item you have already purchased. We don’t log your searches, IP address or place cookies on your computer. This means there is not data to sell to advertisers or to use to retarget you.