Archiv: Kinder / Jugend / Jugendliche / children / youth

22.01.2025 - 20:13 [ ]

Zwei Tote in Aschaffenburg: Entsetzen nach Angriff auf Kindergartengruppe

Der Angreifer habe sich in psychiatrischer Behandlung befunden, sagte Herrmann. Er sei in der Vergangenheit mindestens dreimal wegen Gewalttaten aufgefallen, jeweils in psychiatrische Behandlung gekommen und wieder entlassen worden. Im Dezember sei seine Betreuung angeordnet worden.

Nach Deutschland eingereist sei der Mann Mitte November 2022. Vor rund anderthalb Monaten habe er seine freiwillige Ausreise schriftlich angekündigt. Sein Asylverfahren sei daraufhin abgeschlossen worden.

30.11.2024 - 00:31 [ Save The Children ]

Northern Gaza: 130,000 children under 10 deprived of food and medicine during 50 days of siege

GAZA, 25 November 2024 – About 130,000 children aged under 10 have been trapped for 50 days in areas in northern Gaza that are almost entirely inaccessible to aid workers and not receiving food or medical supplies despite warnings of famine, said Save the Children [1].

Children living in North Gaza and Gaza governates have been almost completely cut off from supplies of food, water, and medicine since 6 October 2024 when Israeli forces declared the area to be a closed military zone, with the independent Famine Review Committee (FRC) saying that famine is either imminent or likely already occurring in the area [2].

The UN also warned nearly a month ago that the entire population of North Gaza governorate was at risk of dying yet attempts by aid groups to access the area have been repeatedly denied by Israeli forces.

28.11.2024 - 12:25 [ Associated Press ]

White House pressing Ukraine to draft 18-year-olds so it has enough troops to battle Russia

(November 28, 2024)

A senior Biden administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private consultations, said Wednesday that the outgoing Democratic administration wants Ukraine to lower the mobilization age to 18 from the current age of 25 to expand the pool of fighting-age men available to help a badly outnumbered Ukraine in its nearly three-year-old war with Russia.

The official said “the pure math” of Ukraine’s situation now is that it needs more troops in the fight

28.11.2024 - 12:21 [ ]

White House Pressing Ukraine To Draft 18-Year-Olds for War

(November 27, 2024)

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan recently hinted that the US was pressuring Ukraine to expand conscription, saying Ukraine’s biggest problem in the war was the lack of manpower.

“Our view has been that there’s not one weapon system that makes a difference in this battle. It’s about manpower, and Ukraine needs to do more, in our view, to firm up its lines in terms of the number of forces it has on the front lines,” Sullivan said on PBS News Hour last week.

16.11.2024 - 11:35 [ ]

Libanon: Bisher 220 Minderjährige bei Angriffen Israels getötet

Insgesamt sind den Angaben zufolge im Libanon durch israelische Angriffe 3.386 Menschen getötet und 14.417 verletzt worden. Unter den Todesopfern waren demnach auch 658 Frauen.

13.11.2024 - 12:20 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israeli drones shooting children in Gaza deliberately ‚day after day‘, UK surgeon tells MPs

A retired NHS surgeon who recently returned from working at a hospital in Gaza said he treated children „day after day after day“ who had been deliberately targeted by Israeli drones following bomb attacks.

In harrowing testimony to British MPs on Tuesday, Nizam Mamode said of all the conflicts he had worked in, including the genocide in Rwanda, he and other experienced colleagues in Gaza had „never seen anything on this scale ever“.

He said at least once or twice daily, there were „mass casualty incidents,“ meaning that 10 to 20 people were killed and up to 40 seriously injured. He estimated that at least 60 percent of the people treated at these times were women and children.

09.11.2024 - 00:20 [ Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights ]

Six-month update report on the human rights situation in Gaza: 1 November 2023 to 30 April 2024

1. This report presents grave concerns regarding the human rights situation in occupied Gaza since the last report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to the UN Human Rights Council, and covers a period of six months, from 1 November 2023, when the last Human Rights Council report covered the events on the ground,1 up to 30 April 2024.2 The report is based on monitoring and documentation by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). The High Commissioner has asked Israel for access to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) in order to investigate human rights violations on and since 7 October 2023, pursuant to its mandate, which so far has not been granted.

09.11.2024 - 00:05 [ ]

Nearly 70 percent of people killed in Gaza women and children, UN finds

The majority of civilians killed in the Gaza Strip have been women and children, a UN report found Friday. The UN also found that 80 percent of all verified deaths in Gaza had occurred in Israeli attacks on residential buildings or similar housing, and that children aged five to nine made up the largest group of victims.
The report also tackled the contentious issue of the proportion of civilians among the nearly 43,500 people killed in Gaza so far, according to the health ministry in the Palestinian territory.

25.10.2024 - 11:40 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel attacks north Gaza‘s only working hospital, killing children in ICU

Israeli forces stormed the last operational hospital in besieged northern Gaza on Friday after bombing it and killing children inside, according to doctors and media reports.

The attack on the Kamal Adwan hospital, located in Beit Lahia northwest of Jabalia, was launched around 2am local time, shortly after a World Health Organisation delegation left the hospital.

19.10.2024 - 20:06 [ United Nations Children‘s Fund (UNICEF) ]

Gaza‘s children: „Trapped in a cycle of pain“

GENEVA, 18 October 2024 -“Gaza is the real-world embodiment of hell on earth for its one million children. And it’s getting worse, day-by-day, as we see the horrific impact of the daily airstrikes and military operations on Palestinian children.

“Let me try and share what that looks like, via one child: A seven-year-old little girl, Qamar. During an attack on Jabalia camp, Qamar was struck in the foot. The only hospital she could be taken to – a maternity hospital – was then under siege for 20 days, by which time the shrapnel in Qamar’s foot had led to infection. Because she couldn’t be moved, and because the hospital didn’t have the resources to cope with all the trauma cases, doctors had to amputate Qamar’s leg……

20.09.2024 - 05:32 [ ]

Israel violating global child rights treaty in Gaza, UN body rules

Israel‘s delegation argued in a series of UN hearings earlier this month that the treaty did not apply in Gaza or the occupied West Bank and claimed that it was committed to respecting international humanitarian law.

The four-member UN Committee monitors countries‘ compliance with the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child – a widely adopted treaty that protects under 18s from violence and other abuses.

20.09.2024 - 04:42 [ Reuters ]

Israel violated global child rights treaty in Gaza, UN committee says

Of those killed in Gaza, at least 11,355 are children, Palestinian data shows, and thousands more are injured.
„The outrageous death of children is almost historically unique. This is an extremely dark place in history,“ Bragi Gudbrandsson, vice chair of the committee, told reporters.

20.09.2024 - 00:10 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israeli killings of Palestinian children unprecedented, says UN committee

„The outrageous death of children is almost historically unique. This is an extremely dark place in history,“ Bragi Gudbrandsson, vice chair of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), told reporters.

„I don‘t think we have seen before a violation that is so massive as we’ve seen in Gaza. These are extremely grave violations that we do not often see.“

The CRC, which monitors compliance of state parties to the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, on Thursday released its findings on six state parties to the treaty, including Israel, after a review during its latest session.

18.09.2024 - 13:19 [ Middle East Eye ]

Lebanon mourns the loss of leading novelist Elias Khoury

“Never in my life have I felt that life gives you more than you deserve more than at that moment, where literature transforms into reality,” Khoury said in an interview at the time.

Khoury’s well-known love for Palestine meant even more to Itani when he was falsely accused of collaborating with Israel in Lebanon in 2017.

At the time, Khoury wrote a fierce piece defending Itani, and expressed his disgust towards those pursuing him.

When Itani went to thank Khoury, the latter told him, “Are you serious? I raised you!”

25.04.2024 - 07:55 [ Xinhua ]

Junge Deutsche unzufrieden mit Politik und sozioökonomischer Entwicklung: Erhebung

Zwei von drei jungen Deutschen zwischen 14 und 29 Jahren sind besorgt über die Verbraucherpreise, die in den letzten Jahren stark gestiegen sind. Etwa die Hälfte macht sich Sorgen um teuren Wohnraum und hat Angst vor Altersarmut, so die Trendstudie „Jugend in Deutschland“.

„Die Aussicht auf ein gutes Leben schwindet“, sagte Simon Schnetzer, Autor und Herausgeber der Umfrage unter 2.042 Personen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen „eine tiefsitzende mentale Verunsicherung mit Verlust des Vertrauens in die Beeinflussbarkeit der persönlichen und gesellschaftlichen Lebensbedingungen“, betonte er.

21.04.2024 - 06:50 [ ]

Flughafen Berlin (BER) Kosten

Wieviel der neue Berliner Flughafen (BER) den Steuerzahler bis zur Eröffnung gekostet hat
7.079.900.000 Euro


≈ umgerechnet…

8.697.665 Kita-Plätze

21.04.2024 - 06:26 [ ]

Wahl für neue Berliner SPD-Parteispitze: Landeschef Saleh ist aus dem Rennen

Saleh hat die Politik der SPD in den vergangenen Jahren maßgeblich gestaltet und die Partei auch in das schwarz-rote Bündnis geführt.

Die SPD-Mitglieder hätten gegen eine „Weiter so“ entschieden, kommentierte Hikel das Ergebnis am Samstag. Das Ergebnis sei ein Einschnitt und bringe die Partei in eine „neue Ära der Sozialdemokratie“. Ähnlich äußerte sich seine Co-Bewerberin Böcker-Giannini, die an die Einigkeit der Partei appellierte. (…)

So stellten Hikel und Böcker-Giannini etwa das kostenlose Kita-Essen für alle Kinder infrage, Niroomand und Bertels sprachen sich hier gegen Änderungen aus.

20.04.2024 - 18:35 [ Middle East Eye ]

In photos: Aftermath of deadly Israeli strikes in Rafah

Israeli fighter jets have bombed two homes in Rafah in overnight strikes, killing a total of 10 people, including six children and women.

20.04.2024 - 18:22 [ ]

An Israeli airstrike in Gaza‘s south kills at least 9 Palestinians in Rafah, including 6 children


An Israeli airstrike on a house in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah killed at least nine people, six of them children, hospital authorities said Saturday, as Israel pursued its nearly seven-month offensive in the besieged Palestinian territory.

16.03.2024 - 19:15 [ Middle East Eye ]

A third of children under two in northern Gaza are acutely malnourished, says UN

„Children‘s malnutrition is spreading fast and reaching unprecedented levels in Gaza. Famine is looming. There is no time to waste,“ Unrwa said in a social media post on Saturday.

In recent days, several children have died in Gaza of malnutrition and dehydration.

01.03.2024 - 06:35 [ Medical Aid for Palestinians / Twitter ]

„This is the fastest decline in a population‘s nutrition status ever recorded. That means children are being starved at the fastest rate the world has ever seen.“ @melanie_ward speaks with @IsaCNN about the catastrophic levels of hunger that Israel‘s blockade is causing in Gaza

28.02.2024 - 22:47 [ Middle East Eye ]

Four children die of dehydration, malnutrition at Gaza hospital, says health ministry

The administration of the Kamal Adwan hospital announced earlier that they were halting operations as the facility had run out of fuel.

25.02.2024 - 02:00 [ Middle East Eye ]

Sexual abuse and beatings: A Palestinian mother‘s ordeal in Israeli custody

The group of women spent 11 days in this facility, during which Hussain was taken for interrogation twice, an experience no less traumatising.

„They asked me many questions about my family, my husband and my siblings,“ Hussain recalled.

„The soldiers kept threatening to hurt my children, shouting at me that if I don‘t tell the truth, they will torture and kill my kids.

„They kept asking about my brothers and sisters. One of my brothers is a lawyer and two others are professors and one is a doctor and one barber. They are working people, they have no connection to anything else. They kept insisting that they were ‚activists‘, and when I asked what they meant, they said I knew the answer.

„During the interrogations, they tied me to a chair and a female soldier stood next to me, kicking me and shoving me with her weapon to answer properly.

„They also asked about my social media accounts and I told them I only had Facebook. They threatened they would keep watching me on it.“

After suffering in this undisclosed detention facility for 11 days, Hussain was then moved again, this time to a prison…….

25.02.2024 - 01:46 [ Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights ]

Israel/oPt: UN experts appalled by reported human rights violations against Palestinian women and girls


Palestinian women and girls have reportedly been arbitrarily executed in Gaza, often together with family members, including their children, according to information received. “We are shocked by reports of the deliberate targeting and extrajudicial killing of Palestinian women and children in places where they sought refuge, or while fleeing. Some of them were reportedly holding white pieces of cloth when they were killed by the Israeli army or affiliated forces,” the experts said.

The experts expressed serious concern about the arbitrary detention of hundreds of Palestinian women and girls, including human rights defenders, journalists and humanitarian workers, in Gaza and the West Bank since 7 October. Many have reportedly been subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment, denied menstruation pads, food and medicine, and severely beaten. On at least one occasion, Palestinian women detained in Gaza were allegedly kept in a cage in the rain and cold, without food.

“We are particularly distressed by reports that Palestinian women and girls in detention have also been subjected to multiple forms of sexual assault, such as being stripped naked and searched by male Israeli army officers. At least two female Palestinian detainees were reportedly raped while others were reportedly threatened with rape and sexual violence,” the experts said. They also noted that photos of female detainees in degrading circumstances were also reportedly taken by the Israeli army and uploaded online.

17.02.2024 - 22:27 [ Trita Parsi / Twitter ]

According to a US doctor in Gaza, Israeli snipers are executing Palestinian children with single shots to their heads. Biden‘s response is to ACTIVELY PREVENT other countries from seeking to stop Israel‘s massacre.

17.02.2024 - 22:17 [ Irfan Galaria / LA Times ]

Opinion: I’m an American doctor who went to Gaza. What I saw wasn’t war — it was annihilation

I stopped keeping track of how many new orphans I had operated on. After surgery they would be filed somewhere in the hospital, I’m unsure of who will take care of them or how they will survive. On one occasion, a handful of children, all about ages 5 to 8, were carried to the emergency room by their parents. All had single sniper shots to the head.

17.02.2024 - 10:32 [ Middle East Eye ]

State Department ‘discrimination’ traps relatives of Palestinian Americans in Gaza

„The most annoying thing is when they start talking about how they are against the displacement of people. It means that in that context, you are okay with them dying. Because if they are not displaced right now, they can die at any minute,“ Dawoud said.

The current process for getting the families of US citizens as well as legal permanent residents out of Gaza begins with those individuals applying to the State Department on their relatives‘ behalf by using an online crisis intake form.

The State Department then reviews that form, and if approved, it sends that list to Egypt and Israel for further review.

Once that review is completed and approved, the list is sent over to Palestinian authorities in Gaza, who publish a daily list of the individuals approved to leave via the Rafah border crossing.

22.01.2024 - 14:20 [ United Nations ]

Gaza crisis: Babies being born ‘into hell’ amid desperate aid shortages


“Mothers face unimaginable challenges in accessing adequate medical care, nutrition and protection before, during and after giving birth,” said UNICEF Communications Specialist Tess Ingram.

“Becoming a mother should be a time for celebration. In Gaza, it‘s another child delivered into hell.”

Echoing deep concerns about the deteriorating humanitarian situation, UN World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus expressed alarm that hepatitis A infections had been confirmed in Gaza.

22.01.2024 - 12:23 [ UN News / Twitter ]

#Gaza: „Humanity cannot allow this warped version of normal to persist any longer“-Tess Ingram, @UNICEF Communication Specialist

20.01.2024 - 04:10 [ Muhammad Shehada / Twitter ]

Israeli students chase their history teacher & yell at him „cancer“ & „son of a whore“ b/c he dared to humanize Gazan & Palestinian civilians Meir Baruchin was fired from his job & jailed in solitary confinement last November for this, but was just reinstated by a labour court

20.01.2024 - 03:22 [ @ireallyhateyou / Twitter ]

Israeli teacher posted on social media, expressing sympathy with Gazans. School fired him and made a police complaint. He was jailed for a few days & media depicted him as Hamas supporter. After charges were dropped, court ordered to take him back to work. This was his welcome:

20.01.2024 - 02:38 [ UN Humanitarian / ]

Gaza: Children Under Attack

„The nightmare in Gaza is more than a humanitarian crisis, it is a crisis of humanity.“

– United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres

The images and stories below are unbearable. But they must be seen and shared. The world needs to know what the people of Gaza are enduring, and political leaders must bring this war to an end.

06.01.2024 - 20:21 [ Lord Bebo / Twitter ]

INHUMANE: Israeli army shoots teens in West Bank, leaves them without help after they find nothing! The IDF didn’t provide medical help and let the 17 year old Osaid Rimawi lie wounded on the ground. He succumbed to his wounds.

Rest in peace.

06.01.2024 - 19:57 [ Doc Jazz / Twitter ]

Genocidal horror in the West Bank, Occupied Palestine: an unarmed 17-year old Palestinian youth gets EXECUTED at point blank range in Beit Rima, Ramallah. Four other youths were injured in this horrific attack. WATCH and SHARE.

28.12.2023 - 15:32 [ Times of Israel ]

Thousands of teens march to the Knesset to demand return of remaining hostages in Gaza

The teens set out from Hostages Square in Tel Aviv on Sunday and will reach the Knesset later today, where they will stage a protest calling for a new deal to return the remaining hostages still held in Gaza.

22.12.2023 - 22:22 [ Wall Street Journal ]

How Three Babies Were Left Behind at an Evacuated Gaza Hospital

The intensive-care unit at Gaza City’s Al-Nasr Children’s Hospital was on the brink of collapse on Nov. 10, as the staff tried to keep oxygen flowing to three fragile babies, according to staff who were there that day. Then Israel’s military called on everyone in the medical center to leave….

22.12.2023 - 22:12 [ jeremy scahill / Twitter ]

This was a pernicious lie that was promoted by Biden and his administration to justify Israel’s attacking of hospitals. Those of us who warned that this was a lie at the time were accused of being Hamas propagandists.

22.12.2023 - 21:58 [ Washington Post ]

The case of al-Shifa: Investigating the assault on Gaza’s largest hospital

The Post’s analysis shows:

– The rooms connected to the tunnel network discovered by IDF troops showed no immediate evidence of military use by Hamas.
– None of the five hospital buildings identified by Hagari appeared to be connected to the tunnel network.
– There is no evidence that the tunnels could be accessed from inside hospital wards.

Hours before IDF troops entered the complex, the Biden administration declassified U.S. intelligence assessments that it said bolstered Israel’s claims. In the aftermath of the raid, Israeli and U.S. officials have stood firm behind their initial statements.

22.12.2023 - 21:52 [ Rolling Stone / Twitter ]

A Washington Post investigation has found no proof of a Hamas command center under al-Shifa Hospital following Israel’s attack on the medical complex

22.12.2023 - 21:44 [ Huffington Post ]

Evidence Doesn‘t Support Israeli Claims That Hospital Was Hamas Command Center: Report

The Israeli raid on al-Shifa Hospital last month, which was preceded by an evacuation order aimed at thousands of people sheltering at the hospital and hundreds of sick patients, produced one of the grisliest scenes in the country’s ground invasion of the Gaza Strip: a “death zone” that included a mass grave at the entrance of the hospital and dozens of desperate patients inside, according to the World Health Organization, whose aid workers arrived at the facility on Nov. 18 as part of a humanitarian mission.

Forty patients, including four premature babies, died in the hospital due to a lack of electricity in the days surrounding the raid, hospital administrators told the United Nations.

20.12.2023 - 14:42 [ Newsweek ]

Donald Trump Gets Some of the Best News of His Year

Young voters who have shifted away from Biden are not necessarily voting for Trump, who is also staunchly pro-Israel and opposes student loan relief. A November New York Times/Siena College poll found that 34 percent of young voters plan to back Robert F. Kennedy Jr, an independent. That poll surveyed 3,662 registered voters across six battleground states from October 22 to November 3.

20.12.2023 - 14:32 [ New York Times ]

How Much Is Biden’s Support of Israel Hurting Him With Young Voters?

As recently as this summer, a poll with Donald J. Trump leading among young voters would have been eye-popping.

Now, it’s increasingly familiar — and our new New York Times/Siena College national survey released Tuesday morning is no exception.

For the first time, Mr. Trump leads President Biden among young voters in a Times/Siena national survey, 49 percent to 43 percent. It’s enough to give him a narrow 46-44 lead among registered voters overall.

18.12.2023 - 19:11 [ The Spectator Index / Twitter ]

BREAKING: Health ministry in Gaza says death toll has risen to 19,453, including 7,729 children.

14.12.2023 - 19:27 [ MSF International, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) / Twitter ]

Jenin, West Bank: Israeli forces just shot and killed an unarmed teenage boy inside Khalil Suleiman hospital compound. Efforts to save his life from MSF and Ministry of Health doctors were in vain…

This morning, Israeli forces stopped ambulances taking discharged patients home outside Khalil Suleiman hospital. Paramedics and ambulance drivers were ordered out of the ambulances, stripped and made to kneel in the street. The patients were left in the ambulances…

All of this happened in full view of our team. Since 7 October, we have seen Israeli forces fire live bullets at the hospital, tear gas the hospital, block ambulances, humiliate and harass medical staff, and now – shoot and kill someone in the hospital compound…

Hospitals are supposed to be safe spaces. Hospitals must be respected. These attacks must stop. #MustStopNow

14.12.2023 - 19:24 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel-Palestine war: Israeli strike on Rafah kills 27 as Jenin raid continues

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said in a post on X that Israeli forces shot and killed the unarmed boy, Musa Ahmed Musa Khatib, inside Khalil Suleiman hospital compound in Jenin on Thursday.

„Israeli forces stopped ambulances taking discharged patients home outside Khalil Suleiman hospital. Paramedics and ambulance drivers were ordered out of the ambulances, stripped and made to kneel in the street. The patients were left in the ambulances,“ said MSF.

„All of this happened in full view of our team. Since 7 October, we have seen Israeli forces fire live bullets at the hospital, tear gas the hospital, block ambulances, humiliate and harass medical staff, and now – shoot and kill someone in the hospital compound.

13.12.2023 - 12:55 [ Save the Children UK / Twitter ]

It is with profound sadness we confirm that a staff member of Save the Children and his family have been killed by an Israeli airstrike in Gaza. Sameh Ewaida, 39, had been with Save the Children since 2019. He was the proud father of four children, Mohammad (12), Heba (11), Zeina (3), and Zein (2). All of his children, his wife Fatima, and many other members of his extended family of 28 are also believed to have been killed following an Israeli airstrike.

Sameh will be remembered by his colleagues for spreading such joy and kindness, dancing at staff workshops, and always stepping in to make breakfast and coffee for everyone.

Sameh and his family will be deeply mourned and will never be forgotten.

Too many lives have been lost. Too many families have been torn apart. We need a ceasefire NOW.

13.12.2023 - 12:20 [ Mariam from Gaza / Twitter ]

Poor souls .. This is what happens to the children when they hear israeli bombings, now imagine when they hear it 100 times a day, it‘s just crazy.


13.12.2023 - 11:12 [ Ashok Swain / Twitter ]

How can Netanyahu and Biden justify this? Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor says Israel has killed more than 10,000 children in Gaza since 7 October.