Archiv: Feuerwehren / firefighters

15.01.2024 - 23:21 [ Eva Vlaardingerbroek / Youtube ]

The German firefighters are supporting the farmers’ protests in Berlin. Solidarity!

07.02.2023 - 04:56 [ ]

Upcoming strikes in Edinburgh as firefighters and teaching staff take industrial action

Here are the main public service strikes planned for the coming months, and the dates that these unions will be staging industrial action across Edinburgh.

28.11.2022 - 03:58 [ CNN ]

China’s Urumqi to ease Covid lockdown amid public anger over deadly fire

Speaking at a press conference on Saturday, local government officials promised they would ease lockdown measures in neighborhoods categorized as “low risk” by authorities “in stages.”

Residents in these areas will be allowed to leave their buildings in staggered periods of a day, but they won’t be allowed to leave their residential compounds until all compounds in the neighborhood are categorized as “low risk” areas.

28.11.2022 - 03:44 [ Last World News Channel / ]

Now-censored videos appear to show China‘s zero-Covid measures delaying response to deadly fire


At least ten people are dead and nine others injured after a fire at a residential building in China‘s Xinjiang Region, according to the local fire department‘s statement. The lockdown measures appeared to delay firefighters from getting through to the scene, based on videos circulating on social media reviewed by CNN. CNN‘s Selina Wang reports.

04.03.2022 - 14:07 [ ]

Fire out at large Ukraine nuclear plant, no radiation released

This image made from a video released by Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant shows bright flaring object landing in grounds of the nuclear plant in Enerhodar, Ukraine Friday, March 4, 2022. Russian forces shelled Europe’s largest nuclear plant early Friday, sparking a fire as they pressed their attack on a crucial energy-producing Ukrainian city and gained ground in their bid to cut off the country from the sea.

15.02.2022 - 16:55 [ ]

450 Feuerwehrmänner aus Berlin warnen in einem offenen Brief vor den Folgen einer Impfpflicht

„Sollten die von der Behördenleitung insinuierten Folgen eintreten, ist nach unserer Einschätzung die Sicherheit der Stadt massiv gefährdet. Eine Vielzahl von uns wird gemäß der kommunizierten Lesart der Behörde schlagartig nicht mehr zur Verfügung stehen und den Dienst nicht mehr wie gewohnt verrichten dürfen. Wie bereits in unserer Aktion #BerlinBrennt bekannt gemacht wurde, war die Personalsituation schon weit vor der aktuellen Krise bis zum Reißen angespannt gewesen und würde nach unserer Einschätzung durch unseren Wegfall ab dem 16. März 2022 zu einer dramatischen und nicht beherrschbaren Sicherheitslage führen.

Zusätzlich zu den einhergehenden Belastungen unserer eigenen persönlichen Situation wären wir dann der Verzweiflung nahe, unsere Profession „zu helfen“ untersagt bekommen zu haben und somit gezwungen zu werden, die Bevölkerung in Teilen sich selbst überlassen zu müssen.“

01.11.2021 - 10:15 [ NBC New York ]

FDNY: 2,000 Firefighters on Medical Leave in Apparent Protest of Vaccine Mandate

The FDNY said its vaccination rate for firefighters has climbed to 75% as of around 5 p.m. on Sunday. The overall vaccination rate for the department is 80%.

More than 1,000 FDNY members have applied for religious exemptions and will be able to continue on the job with weekly COVID testing in place as their respective Equal Employment Opportunity offices review the claims, a spokesperson told News 4 Friday.

30.10.2021 - 10:17 [ Google News USA ]

firefighters, shortage, US, mandate

(search results)

30.10.2021 - 09:59 [ ]

LAFD‘s staff shortage during fire season causing firefighters to worry

The Los Angeles City Council voted to enact a city-wide vaccination mandate, requiring all city workers to be vaccinated or file medical or religious exemptions by December 18. The deadline was extended to December 18 after a plan was approved by City Council Tuesday.

According to Escobar, 74% of LAFD members are vaccinated, including him, but if it does not change to 100% by the December 18 deadline, the department could lose 800 to 900 firefighters. He said though he is vaccinated, he believes it is morally and ethically wrong to base employment on vaccinations.

30.10.2021 - 08:42 [ CBS Chicago ]

Chicago Firefighters’ Union Says City’s COVID Vaccine Mandate Has 28 Firefighters, Paramedics Sitting Out, And It Could Mean Staffing Shortages And Safety Concerns

As CBS 2’s Marie Saavedra reported, there has been a lot of attention on the fight by the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police over the city’s vaccine mandate. But the city is facing another lawsuit – brought by firefighters and workers with the Chicago Department of Water Management.

30.10.2021 - 07:56 [ Yahoo News ]

As vaccination mandate looms, New York prepares for shortage of firefighters, police

Leaders of unions representing firefighters and police officers have said the city could put more than one-third of their members on unpaid leave when enforcement of the vaccine mandate takes effect on Monday.

30.10.2021 - 07:38 [ NY Teachers for Choice ]

Organized Labor in New York Opposes COVID Vaccine Mandates


Organized labor in NYC is 100% against vaccine mandates to keep our jobs. Now the lame-duck mayor Bill De Blasio is implementing a policy designed to coerce all city employees to get the COVID vaccine without going through collective bargaining. TEACHERS FOR CHOICE is planning legal action.

Here is a list of labor unions that oppose forced vaccination to maintain employment:

30.10.2021 - 07:02 [ ]

NYC Firefighters And Police Officers Join Thousands In Brooklyn Bridge March Against City Vaccine Mandate

(October 25, 2021)

The policy covering some 50,000 workers comes after similar measures for health-care and education employees and takes effect on Friday afternoon. Anyone who does not comply with the mandate will be placed on unpaid leave starting next Monday, November 1. As an additional incentive, the city has offered $500 to workers who decide to get vaccinated.

Police and fire personnel joined sanitation workers, paramedics, teachers and a range of supporters in what was dubbed the “Anti-Mandate March For Choice.”

06.07.2019 - 18:17 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Munition liegen lassen und als Helfer wiederkommen

Wenn die Not allerdings so groß ist, dass der Bundeswehr das Feld geräumt wird, scheint der Verstand bei einigen auszusetzen.

04.06.2019 - 04:45 [ Radio Utopie ]

Waldbrände Brandenburg: „Anti-Terror-Übung“ bei Waldbrandgefahrenstufe 5 in Lehnin

Das Manöver hat noch nicht begonnen und am gestrigen Tag mit einer Temperatur von über 30 Grad Celsius kam es zu einem nicht vorgesehenen Waldbrand auf dem Gelände des Truppenübungsplatzes Lehnin, der von Bundeswehr und mehreren örtlichen Feuerwehren gelöscht werden muss.

17.04.2019 - 14:17 [ ]

War Drama vermeidbar? Brand erst 23 Minuten nach erstem Alarm entdeckt

Der französische Innenminister Laurent Nunez lobte die Arbeit der Feuerwehrleute, die ihr Leben bei dem Großeinsatz riskierten. Die Rettung der Kathedrale sei auf einen entscheidenden Zeitrahmen von 15 bis 30 Minuten zurückzuführen, berichtete der Politiker.