Archiv: Afrikanische Union (AU) / African Union

20.02.2024 - 19:28 [ Government of Brazil - ]

Speech by President Lula at the opening of the 37th African Union Summit

Our paths will meet again at the G20 Summit, in Rio de Janeiro, and at COP 30, in Belém. The presence of the African Union as a full member of the G20 will be of great value—but including more countries from the continent as full members is still also necessary. We have common agendas to defend.

It is unacceptable that a world capable of generating wealth in the order of USD 100 trillion dollars per year still harbors the hunger of more than 735 million people. We are creating the Global Alliance against Hunger at the G20 so as to promote a set of public policies and mobilize resources to finance them.

Around 60 countries—many of them in Africa—are coming close to financial insolvency, allocating more resources to paying external debt than to education or health. This reflects the obsolete nature of financial institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank, which often worsen crises that they should be resolving.

20.02.2024 - 19:13 [ Agencia Brasil ]

Lula meets African presidents, speaks of strong Global South

On a visit to Ethiopia, Brazilian President Luís Inácio Lula da Silva said Sunday (Feb. 18) that Brazil has a historical debt to Africa and advocated that the countries of the Global South step up their relations. He traveled to attend the 37th African Union Summit, which brought together heads of state and members of government from the 54 countries of the African continent. As a guest, President Lula took the opportunity to hold meetings and bolster bilateral ties.

16.02.2024 - 18:35 [ Mwangi / Twitter ]

EXCLUSIVE: #AU Spox @EbbaKalondo informs me that #Israeli officials have not been invited to the African Union summit. Asked if she is aware of the presence of an Israeli delegation in Addis Ababa. „Have no clue, but I hope they know better than to attempt the thuggish behavior of their officials experienced at our last summit.“

Reports suggest that an #Israeli delegation had arrived in #Ethiopia to attend the ongoing summit but was denied participation.

@EbbaKalondo emphasises that the State of #Israel was not invited to last year‘s Summit and it‘s officials entered with fraudulent papers obtained in collaboration with other states.

06.09.2023 - 03:43 [ ]

G20 Likely to Become G21 With Induction of African Union

India, which currently holds the rotating presidency of the G20, had proposed including the African Union as a full member. “No plan for the future of the planet can be successful without the representation and recognition of all voices,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said on the subject.

31.08.2023 - 19:08 [ CNBC ]

African leaders work on response to Gabon military coup ousting President Bongo

Central Africa‘s political bloc, the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), condemned the coup in a statement, saying it planned an „imminent“ meeting of heads of state to determine how to respond. It did not give a date.

The African Union‘s Peace and Security Council will meet on Thursday to discuss the coup, a spokesperson for the African Union Commission chair said.

22.08.2023 - 14:47 [ ]

Afrikanische Union suspendierte Niger nach Militärputsch

Die AU unterstütze zudem die Bemühungen der westafrikanischen Staatengemeinschaft ECOWAS, die verfassungsmäßige Ordnung in Niger wiederherzustellen, hieß es in der Mitteilung.

Die ECOWAS hatte unter anderem beschlossen, eine Bereitschaftstruppe für eine mögliche Militärintervention zu aktivieren

28.07.2023 - 16:55 [ ]

Afrika drängt Russland zu Wiederaufnahme des Getreidedeals

Südafrika und die Republik Kongo drängten zudem darauf, dass der Krieg in der Ukraine beendet und die afrikanische Friedensinitiative beraten wird. Der von afrikanischen Staats- und Regierungschefs vorgelegte Friedensplan verdiene Aufmerksamkeit, sagte der Präsident der Republik Kongo, Denis Sassou Nguesso, auf dem Russland-Afrika-Forum.

28.07.2023 - 16:51 [ BBC ]

Russia urged to renew Ukraine grain deal at Africa summit

African leaders also used the second day of the summit to press Mr Putin to move ahead with a peace plan they are proposing to end the war resulting from Moscow‘s full-scale invasion of its neighbour last year.

The plan calls for Russia and Ukraine‘s sovereignty to be recognised, urgent peace talks and continued unhindered grain exports.

28.07.2023 - 16:49 [ ]

Poor turnout of African leaders expected at Putin’s summit

One of the big questions about the summit is whether any African leaders will urge Putin to rescind his decision of last week to pull out of the Black Sea Grain Initiative (BSGI), and also to stop his bombardment of Ukrainian grain silos in Odesa since then.

Under the deal, Russia agreed to lift its blockade of Ukraine’s Black Sea ports to allow Ukraine’s grain to be shipped to international markets, including in Africa. In a year, nearly 33 million tonnes have been exported from Ukraine under the deal, which African countries considered critical to reducing high food prices and insecurity caused by Russia’s war against Ukraine.

18.06.2023 - 13:12 [ ]

Key points of Vladimir Putin’s meeting with African peace mission

Putin pointed out that the Russian side has never rejected negotiations with Ukraine. It was Ukraine that declared its unwillingness, which was cemented by Zelensky’s decree.

Putin also pointed out that the Ukrainian authorities have preliminarily signed the draft agreement with Moscow, prepared in March, 2022, in Istanbul; however, after Russian forces were withdrawn, Ukraine disregarded the document. The President presented the document, which includes 18 articles and appendixes, to the African leaders. The document included clauses on neutrality and guarantees of security.

„It also touches upon armed forces and other things. It was all written down – up to numbers of vehicles and personnel,“ Putin disclosed.

18.06.2023 - 13:02 [ ]

Ramaphosa meets Putin and presents 10-point plan to end war between Ukraine and Russia

Ramaphosa went on to outline a proposal that has been agreed upon by the seven countries involved in the mission:

– Both leaders must listen to one another;
– The war must be settled through negotiations and diplomatic means;
– There must be a de-escalation of conflict on both sides;
– The sovereignty of countries in terms of the UN Charter and internationally recognised principles should be recognised;
– There needs to be a guarantee of security for all the countries involved. This issue has been raised by all sides;
– The movement of grains across the Black Sea must be opened up to remove blockages so that commodities can reach markets;
– humanitarian efforts must be set up for those affected by the war;
– Prisoners of war must be released and children returned to Ukraine;
– There must be reconstruction of the destruction caused by the war; and
– Further engagements should be held to encourage more dialogue through the Africa Peace Mission.

08.05.2023 - 15:49 [ Human Rights Watch ]

Burkina Faso: Army Linked to Massacre of 156 Civilians

African Union, United Nations Should Press for Credible, Independent Inquiry

27.01.2023 - 19:07 [ ]

Germany forced to apologise to the African Union

GERMANY was forced to apologise on Thursday for using a leopard emoji in a childish jibe at Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Twitter that ended up offending some Africans.

The German foreign ministry poked fun at Russia’s top diplomat during his tour of Africa when it tweeted that he wasn’t there looking for leopards, but using the trip to try and justify Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

27.01.2023 - 18:59 [ Ebba Kalondo, Porte-parole du Président de la Commission de l'Union africaine / Twitter ]

Hi @GermanyDiplo .Your boss @ABaerbock visited the @_AfricanUnion based in one of the more than 20 African countries that Germany enjoys reciprocal diplomatic relations with. Did she come to see animals? Or is the Continent of Africa, its people & wildlife just a joke to you?


06.02.2022 - 18:31 [ ]

Afrika plant kontinentale Gesundheitsorganisation

Einen entsprechenden Entwurf billigten die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Afrikanischen Union (AU) an diesem Wochenende auf ihrem Gipfeltreffen in Äthiopiens Haupstadt Addis Abeba.

Basis soll die vor fünf Jahren gegründete panafrikanische Gesundheitsorganisation Africa CDC sein, gab deren Leiter John Nkengasong heute bekannt.

12.07.2021 - 22:27 [ Xinhuanet ]

AU, UN seek to boost peace support operation in Somalia

Francisco Madeira, head of AMISOM said Atul Khare, UN Under-Secretary-General for Operational Support met with the AU mission‘s leadership to discuss logistical and financial support to the mission, including modalities to support the upcoming electoral process in Somalia.

14.04.2021 - 18:26 [ Manlio Dinucci / Global Research ]

Why NATO Destroyed Libya Ten Years Ago

Ten years ago, on March 19, 2011, US/NATO forces began their bombardment of Libya by air and by sea. The war was initiated directly by the United States, first through Africa Command (AFRICOM), and then through NATO under US command. Over the course of seven months, US/NATO airplanes carried out 30,000 missions, including 10,000 strikes involving over 40,000 bombs and missiles.

14.04.2021 - 18:17 [ Manlio Dinucci / Global Research ]

Warum die NATO vor zehn Jahren Libyen zerstörte

Vor zehn Jahren, am 19. März 2011, begannen die US/NATO-Streitkräfte mit der Bombardierung Libyens aus der Luft und von der See aus. Der Krieg wurde direkt von den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika initiiert, zunächst durch das Afrika-Kommando (AFRICOM), und dann durch die NATO unter US-Kommando.

13.03.2021 - 12:00 [ United Nation ]

Security Council Reauthorizes African Union Mission in Somalia, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2568 (2021)

The Security Council announced today its adoption of a resolution reauthorizing the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) until 31 December and maintaining its overall 19,626 uniformed personnel level ahead of the phased handover of responsibilities to Somali security forces, planned for later in 2021.

13.03.2021 - 11:51 [ France24 ]

UN urges Somalia elections, extends peacekeeping mission

Somalia missed a deadline to hold an election by February 8, when President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, better known by his nickname Farmajo, was due to step down, sparking a constitutional crisis in the already-fragile state.

03.10.2020 - 21:15 [ Xinhuanet ]

Sudanese gov‘t, armed groups sign peace deal to end conflicts

The signing ceremony, which was broadcast live by Sudan‘s official TV, was attended by South Sudan‘s President Salva Kiir, Chairman of Sudan‘s Sovereign Council Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and Sudan‘s Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok.

The participants also included representatives from Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Chad and Egypt in addition to regional and international organizations such as the United Nations, the African Union, the Arab League and the European Union.

20.08.2020 - 00:59 [ France24 ]

African Union suspends Mali‘s membership as international community condemns coup

The mutinous soldiers who staged the coup, who have called themselves the National Committee for the Salvation of the People, have promised a transition to civil political rule with elections to be held in a “reasonable amount of time“. In the meantime they have closed the country‘s borders and announced a curfew.

08.10.2019 - 19:25 [ The Sudan Tribune ]

AU, UN officials in Sudan to discuss UNAMID future in Darfur

Jean-Pierre Lacroix, the head of the Department for Peace Operations and the African Union’s Commissioner for Peace and Security, Smail Chergui, arrived on Monday to take part in a tripartite meeting to discuss the future of the UN- AU Mission in Darfur on Tuesday…
The 15 member body extended the mandate of the UNAMID, until Oct. 31, and asked the U.N. and AU to make recommendations by Sept. 30 on what the council should do about continuing the withdrawal.

05.10.2019 - 03:16 [ NewBusinessEthiopia ]

Guinea to host AU’s Africa Mining Development Center

He says experts and officials from AU member states, from business, artisan miners and from civil societies, among others, will be conferring from November 5-7, 2019 to refine and strategize the future engagement of AMDC.

10.05.2019 - 01:46 [ Sudan Tribune ]

UN envoy for Sudan meets transitional council

On the same day, the head of the military council received the African Union Special Envoy for Sudan Mohamed El Hacen Lebatt to discuss the Council efforts to transfer power to civilians as he has to brief the Peace and Security Council next week.

04.05.2019 - 18:41 [ WSWS ]

Politicians celebrate “World Press Freedom Day” as Julian Assange languishes in prison

The “right honourable” Mr. Hunt was one of the British government officials responsible for the brutal seizure and incarceration of Assange April 11. Following the WikiLeaks publisher’s arrest, Hunt said in a statement, “What we’ve shown today is that no one is above the law. Julian Assange is no hero. He has hidden from the truth for years and years and it is right that his future should be decided in the British judicial system.”

26.04.2019 - 06:05 [ The New Arab ]

Sisi regime extends repressive state of emergency whilst hosting African Union human rights session

The 64th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights began on April 24 and will continue in Sharm al-Sheikh until May 14.

11.02.2019 - 03:32 [ The Sudan Tribune ]

Sudan’s al-Bashir to participate in African Union summit in Addis Ababa

His delegation will include Foreign Minister Mohamed Ahmed El-Dirdeiry, Interior Minister Ahmed Bilal, Presidential Affairs Minister Fadl Abdallah Fadl, and the Head of National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) Salah Gosh…

Also, the 36 African groups requested the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights to investigate into the excessive use of force and killings of peaceful demonstrators, torture and ill-treatment of detainees by the government of Sudan and to file a report about its findings to the AU Peace and Security Council.