Archiv: Ärzte / Mediziner / medizinisches Personal / doctors / physicians / medical personnel

30.08.2024 - 12:05 [ Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: Israel‘s killing of Palestinian intellectual leaders is an incalculable

Indeed, the Israeli army’s killing of Palestinian scientists, intellectuals and artists appears to be part of a systematic attempt to destroy Palestinian cultural life. Such voices are essential for educating the next generation of Palestinians. Their loss is incalculable.

29.04.2024 - 23:20 [ National Nurses United ]

Nation’s largest nurses union stands in solidarity with campus protesters facing crackdowns and arrests

Nurses represented by National Nurses United (NNU), the country’s largest union of registered nurses, stand in solidarity with student and faculty protesters at campuses across the United States facing a violent crackdown for speaking out against the mass killings and public health catastrophe in Gaza. Amid the on-going Israeli military campaign that has killed, injured, and displaced tens of thousands of Gazan civilians, nurses remain steadfast in our belief in the human rights to health, safety, free speech, collective action, and protest. NNU has called for and still calls for a permanent and lasting ceasefire in Gaza and the swift delivery of humanitarian aid in Palestine.

16.04.2024 - 19:55 [ Middle East Eye ]

Ghassan Abu Sittah accuses Germany of ‚genocide complicity‘ after being refused entry


„This morning, at 10 o‘clock, I landed in Berlin to attend a conference on Palestine, where I had been asked, along with many others … to give my evidence of the 43 days that I had seen in the hospitals in Gaza, working in both al-Shifa and al-Ahli hospitals,“ he said.

Abu Sittah said he was escorted from the passport office to the basement of the airport, where he was questioned for three-and-a-half hours.

„At the end of three-and-a-half hours, I was told that I woud not be allowed to enter German soil and that this ban will last the whole of April,“ he said.

16.04.2024 - 19:36 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Beweise begraben, Zeugen zum Schweigen bringen

Es ist Freitag gegen Abend, der 12. April 2024. In der Hand hält der Arzt ein Mikrophon von Middle East Eye (MEE), einem in England ansässigen Internetportal, das in englischer und französischer Sprache Nachrichten über den Nahen und Mittleren Osten veröffentlicht. Ruhig und überlegt berichtet der Arzt, was ihm am Berliner Flughafen widerfahren ist, eindringlich blicken seine Augen durch die großen, dunkel gerahmten Brillengläser.

24.03.2024 - 19:18 [ PRCS (Palestine Red Crescent) / Twitter ]

Urgent: Israeli Occupation vehicles are besieging both Al-Amal Hospital and Al-Naser Hospital amidst very intense shelling and heavy gunfire. Occupation vehicles are currently surrounding Al-Amal Hospital and conducting extensive excavation work around the hospital. All of our teams are in extreme danger at the moment and are completely immobilized. Additionally, they are unable to bury the body of our colleague Amir Abu Aisha within the hospital’s backyard.

24.03.2024 - 19:15 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israeli forces demand Palestinians leave Khan Younis hospital ‘naked’ says medical charity

The charity said that Israeli forces had made these demands on Saturday via a drone speaker as it launched smoke bombs to encourage staff to leave the facility.

It added that one of the injured Palestinians left in al-Amal hospital was also shot dead by Israeli forces.

18.03.2024 - 16:26 [ Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization / Twitter ]

Hospitals should never be battlegrounds. We are terribly worried about the situation at Al-Shifa Hospital in northern #Gaza, which is endangering health workers, patients and civilians. The hospital has only recently restored minimal health services. Any hostilities or militarization of the facility jeopardize health services, access for ambulances, and delivery of life-saving supplies. Hospitals must be protected. Ceasefire!

14.03.2024 - 16:25 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israeli bombing of British doctors in Gaza may have used UK and US arms, investigators find

A UN investigation found that US and UK-manufactured weapons or parts may have been used to bomb British doctors working for British and American organisations in Gaza in January, the organisations involved have highlighted.

Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) also said this week that Israeli officials have offered six different explanations about why the residential compound housing their staff was hit.

The compound, which was not close to any other buildings, was struck around 6am on 18 January by an F-16 jet which „most likely'“ fired a 1,000-pound „smart bomb“, the UN investigation found.

08.03.2024 - 22:15 [ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) / Twitter ]

We are deeply concerned about our staff member who was detained at a checkpoint by Israeli forces while trying to leave Nasser hospital in #Gaza on 15 February. Israeli authorities confirmed he is in their custody. We call on them to treat him with dignity & ensure his wellbeing.

02.03.2024 - 19:56 [ Chicago Tribune ]

A Gaza doctor says gunfire accounted for 80% of the wounds at his hospital after aid convoy bloodshed

Dr. Mohammed Salha, the acting director of Al-Awda Hospital, told The Associated Press that of the 176 wounded brought to the facility, 142 had gunshot wounds and the other 34 showed injuries from a stampede.

He couldn’t address the cause of death of those killed, because the bodies were taken to government-run hospitals to be counted.

Dr. Husam Abu Safyia, director of Kamal Adwan Hospital, said the majority of the injured taken there had gunshot wounds in the upper part of their bodies, and many of the deaths were from gunshots to the head, neck or chest.

28.02.2024 - 23:21 [ Palestine Red Crescent / Twitter ]

The Israeli occupation continues to detain seven members of the Palestine Red Crescent teams for the twentieth consecutive day, including ambulance crews, anesthesia technicians, and a doctor. They were arrested during the Israeli occupation’s raid on Al-Amal Hospital, and their fate remains unknown at the moment. PRCS expresses its utmost concern for the safety of the detained teams and demands their immediate release.

17.02.2024 - 22:27 [ Trita Parsi / Twitter ]

According to a US doctor in Gaza, Israeli snipers are executing Palestinian children with single shots to their heads. Biden‘s response is to ACTIVELY PREVENT other countries from seeking to stop Israel‘s massacre.

17.02.2024 - 22:17 [ Irfan Galaria / LA Times ]

Opinion: I’m an American doctor who went to Gaza. What I saw wasn’t war — it was annihilation

I stopped keeping track of how many new orphans I had operated on. After surgery they would be filed somewhere in the hospital, I’m unsure of who will take care of them or how they will survive. On one occasion, a handful of children, all about ages 5 to 8, were carried to the emergency room by their parents. All had single sniper shots to the head.

11.01.2024 - 16:51 [ Saul Staniforth / Twitter ]

Blinne Ni Ghralaigh „I share with you 2 photos. The first is of a whiteboard.. with a handwritten message by a MSF doctor ‚We did what we could. Remember us‘. The second photo is of the same whiteboard after an Israeli strike on the hospital that killed the author of the message“

05.01.2024 - 23:40 [ Muhammad Shehada / Twitter ]

Israel killed 374 Gazan doctors, dentists & nurses (as if destroying hospitals wasn‘t enough).

Becoming a doctor in Gaza is usually the most costly, difficult & time-consuming pursuit.

Only the smartest & top scoring students are accepted into Gaza‘s medical facilities.

19.12.2023 - 23:36 [ Dr. Mads Gilbert / Twitter ]

Yesterday, my good friend and dear colleague, Dr. Hani Al-Haitham, head of Shifa emergency department, was brutally murdered by Israel, along with his beloved wife, Dr. Sameera Ghifari and their five children Shireen, Tia, Sameer, Wafa & Sara. In cold blood, coward Israeli soldiers killed seven more unarmed civilians.


Another attack on all of us, on all humankind. You will never be forgotten, we pledge: we will rebuild Shifa, Gaza, Palestine!
Dr. Mads
Shifa 2019, Dr. Hani to the right

18.12.2023 - 17:27 [ World Health Organization ]

WHO delivers health supplies to Al-Shifa Hospital, appeals for continued access to address urgent needs in north Gaza


Once the most important and largest referral hospital in Gaza, Al-Shifa now houses only a handful of doctors and a few nurses, together with 70 volunteers, working under what WHO staff described as “unbelievably challenging circumstances,” and calling it a “hospital in need of resuscitation.” The operating theatres and other major services remain nonfunctional due to lack of fuel, oxygen, specialized medical staff, and supplies. The hospital is only able to provide basic trauma stabilization, has no blood for transfusion, and hardly any staff to care for the constant flow of patients. Dialysis is being provided to approximately 30 patients a day, with the dialysis machines operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, using a small generator.

The team described the emergency department as a “bloodbath”, with hundreds of injured patients inside, and new patients arriving every minute. Patients with trauma injuries were being sutured on the floor, and limited to no pain management is available at the hospital. WHO staff said that the emergency department is so full that care must be exercised to not step on patients on the floor.

18.12.2023 - 16:59 [ United Nations ]

UN workers delivering aid to Gaza hospital describe ‘bloodbath’ in overflowing emergency department


UN workers delivering medical supplies to the Al-Shifa Hospital in north Gaza on 16 December have described the emergency department as a “bloodbath”, with hundreds of injured people inside, and a constant flow of new patients.

18.12.2023 - 16:32 [ Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization / Twitter ]

.@WHO is appalled by the effective destruction of Kamal Adwan hospital in northern #Gaza over the last several days, rendering it non-functional and resulting in the death of at least 8 patients. Many health workers were reportedly detained, and WHO and partners are urgently seeking information on their status.

We learned that many patients had to self-evacuate at great risk to their health and safety, with ambulances unable to reach the facility. Of the deceased patients, several died due to lack of adequate health care, including a 9-year-old child.

We are extremely concerned for the well-being of the internally displaced people who are reportedly sheltering in the hospital building.

Gaza’s health system was already on its knees, and the loss of another even minimally functioning hospital is a severe blow.

Attacks on hospitals, health personnel and patients must end. Ceasefire NOW.

17.12.2023 - 18:20 [ @Timesofgaza / Nitter ]

The IOF opens fire during a Ministry of Health press conference in an attempt to silence medical professionals‘ testimonials of the war crimes committed at the vicinity of Kamal Adwan hospital.

17.12.2023 - 18:16 [ @Timesofgaza / Twitter ]

The IOF opens fire during a Ministry of Health press conference in an attempt to silence medical professionals‘ testimonials of the war crimes committed at the vicinity of Kamal Adwan hospital.

17.12.2023 - 18:14 [ Al Jazeera English / Twitter ]

Palestinian health officials have come under fire while holding a press conference outside Gaza‘s Kamal Adwan Hospital, a day after Israeli forces are accused of using bulldozers to crush Palestinian patients in the hospital‘s courtyard

12.12.2023 - 17:36 [ Democracy Now ]

Israeli Troops Storm Kamal Adwan Hospital as Gaza’s Humanitarian Crisis Deepens

Israeli troops backed by tanks and heavy artillery have stormed the besieged Kamal Adwan Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip, where 3,000 displaced people are sheltering from Israeli’s unrelenting assault. Al Jazeera reports medical staff inside the hospital were among those shot and killed, as were two mothers killed Monday when Israel’s military bombarded the hospital’s maternity ward. The hospital’s remaining patients include a dozen children in an intensive care unit and six newborns in incubators.

12.12.2023 - 16:54 [ @SaveSJarrah / Twitter ]

Israel stormed into the Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza. The Israeli army is assembling the Palestinian men, including the health staff, in the hospital’s square. There is fear that they will be arrested or executed. The lives of patients at the hospital are at risk.

12.12.2023 - 16:42 [ World Health Organization ]

WHO calls for protection of humanitarian space in Gaza following serious incidents in high-risk mission to transfer patients, deliver health supplies

On 9 December 2023, a WHO team, in collaboration with the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), and with support from the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS), completed a high-risk mission to Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City to deliver medical supplies, assess the situation in the hospital, and transfer critically-injured patients to a hospital in the south. The mission delivered trauma and surgical supplies, enough to treat 1500 patients, to the hospital, and transferred 19 critical patients with 14 companions to Nasser Medical Complex in south Gaza, where they can receive a higher level of care.

On the way north, the UN convoy was inspected at the Wadi Gaza checkpoint, and ambulance crew members had to leave the vehicles for identification. Two PRCS staff were detained for over an hour, further delaying the mission. WHO staff saw one of them being made to kneel at gunpoint and then taken out of sight, where he was reportedly harassed, beaten, stripped and searched.

09.12.2023 - 16:49 [ Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders / Ärzte ohne Grenzen ]

MSF calls US veto of Gaza ceasefire resolution “a vote against humanity”

Avril Benoît, executive director of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) USA gave the following statement:

“As bombs continue to rain down on Palestinian civilians and cause widespread destruction, the US has once again used its power to block an attempt by the UN Security Council to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. By vetoing this resolution, the US stands alone in casting its vote against humanity.

The US veto stands in sharp contrast to the values it professes to uphold. By continuing to provide diplomatic cover for the ongoing atrocities in Gaza, the US is signaling that international humanitarian law can be applied selectively—and that the lives of some people matter less than the lives of others.

07.12.2023 - 22:27 [ Bel Trew / Twitter ]

A double amputee toddler his limbs in a box, a burned child screaming for his mum-he doesn‘t know is dead- as there‘s no pain relief, an 8-yr-old his brain exposed. @ICRC surgeon describes treating the wounded in Israel‘s assault on Khan Younis, Gaza

06.12.2023 - 09:24 [ Open Source Intel / Twitter ]

#Breaking: 21 medical staff members, including doctors, paramedics, and hospital workers in southern Gaza, have been arrested on suspicion of aiding the Gaza leadership in the war.

29.11.2023 - 13:16 [ Christos Christou, Int'l President of @MSF. Surgeon. / Twitter ]

Two Palestinians died of wounds while ambulances could not reach them. This must stop now. Patients should have access to healthcare at all times.

29.11.2023 - 13:03 [ Tran Dinh Hoanh / Twitter ]

Hamas has given Israel list of hostages to be released Wed 2 Palestinians died after Jenin hospital was blocked by Israeli forces, charity care agency official says. „For two hours, we were not able to leave to provide care and people could not reach us“

29.11.2023 - 12:59 [ Al Jazeera ]

Two Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in Jenin

At least 160 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank since the beginning of the year. (…)

Israeli forces have shot and killed two Palestinian men, including a physician, during a raid on the city of Jenin in the northern occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian health ministry identified the doctor as Abdullah al-Ahmad, in his 40s, and said he was shot in the head by Israeli forces on Friday morning in front of the Jenin public hospital.

23.11.2023 - 09:35 [ Amichai Stein, Correspondent at the @kann Diplomatic desk / Twitter ]

#BREAKING: Israel has arrested the director of Shifa hospital, Muhammad Abu Salmiya, and have taken him to an interrogation – @ItayBlumental reports. In recent days, @IDFSpokesperson showed evidance Hamas HQ and tunnels were operating in the hospital, hostages were brought to the hospital on the 7/10

22.11.2023 - 08:06 [ Palestine Deep Dive / Twitter ]

MUST WATCH | Israel is Targeting Gaza‘s Brightest and Best

15.11.2023 - 04:02 [ Al Jazeera / Twitter ]

Israeli tanks and bulldozers on hospital campus but information remains scarce, reports al-Shifa hospital‘s Dr. Mokhallalati.

14.11.2023 - 18:51 [ Human Rights Watch ]

Gaza: Unlawful Israeli Hospital Strikes Worsen Health Crisis

– The Israeli military’s repeated, apparently unlawful attacks on medical facilities, personnel, and transport are further destroying Gaza’s healthcare system and should be investigated as war crimes.

– Concerns about disproportionate attacks are magnified for hospitals. Even the threat of an attack or minor damage can have massive life-or-death implications for patients and caregivers.

– The Israeli government should end attacks on hospitals. The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory and the ICC should investigate.

14.11.2023 - 10:17 [ Younis Tirawi | يونس / Twitter ]

Medical teams demonstrated at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younes, expressing solidarity with their colleagues in northern Gaza, a plea emerges: „Today, we witness our colleagues facing a siege to death in Shifa, Indonesi & Quds Hospital. We urgently call upon the world to intervene”

12.11.2023 - 05:30 [ Al Jazeera English / Twitter ]

„This has to stop!” Tanya Haj-Hassan, Co-founder of Gaza Medic Voices reacts strongly to news of the attacks on al-Shifa and other hospitals in Gaza


12.11.2023 - 04:29 [ Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization / Twitter ]

Deeply worrisome and frightening: @WHO has lost contact with its focal points in Al-Shifa Hospital in #Gaza, amid horrifying reports of the hospital facing repeated attacks. There are reports that some of those who fled the hospital have been shot at, wounded, or killed. The latest reports say the hospital was surrounded by tanks.

(2 hours ago)

WHO is gravely concerned about the safety of health workers, hundreds of sick and injured patients, including babies on life support, and displaced people who remain inside the hospital.

WHO again calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza as the only way to save lives and reduce the horrific levels of suffering.

12.11.2023 - 04:21 [ WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean / Twitter ]

.@WHO has lost communication with its contacts in Al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza. As horrifying reports of the hospital facing repeated attacks continue to emerge, we assume our contacts joined tens of thousands of displaced people and are fleeing the area.

(2 hours ago)

There are reports that some people who fled the hospital have been shot at, wounded and even killed.

Over the past 48 hours, Al-Shifa Hospital–which is the largest medical complex in Gaza–has been reportedly attacked multiple times, leaving several people dead and many others injured.

The intensive care unit suffered damage from bombardment, while areas of the hospital where displaced people were sheltering have also been damaged. An intubated patient reportedly died when electricity was at one point cut.

The last reports said that the hospital was surrounded by tanks.

12.11.2023 - 03:30 [ World Medical Association ]


MY COLLEAGUES will be my brothers;

I WILL NOT PERMIT considerations of religion, nationality, race, party
politics or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient;

I WILL MAINTAIN the utmost respect for human life from the time of conception; even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity.

I MAKE THESE PROMISSES solemnly, freely and upon my honor.

12.11.2023 - 03:26 [ Physicians for Human Rights Israel ]

The Letter that Outraged Us: The Physicians‘ Letter Calling for the Destruction of Shifa Hospital in Gaza


Dozens of Israeli physicians signed a letter urging the military to destroy the “hornet nests and the hospitals shielding them” in the Gaza Strip. The letter indicates that its authors consider the civilians in these hospitals to be legitimate targets – as if they can choose to leave; as if there’s a safe way out and another hospital able to take them in.

Following their appeal, we drafted the response letter below, undersigned by physicians and health professionals working in hospitals and in the community: (…)

No person with a conscience can remain indifferent to the massacre of civilians, including men, women, and children, carried out on October 7, 2023, by Hamas militants – the scale of which has yet to be fully revealed. However, our deep outrage must not be transformed into a carte blanche for killing civilians in the Gaza Strip, where residents are also counting the wounded and dead – certainly not when physicians are the ones demanding this. Fortunately, the letter’s signatories represent only a small minority of the health community, while the vast majority remains busy saving lives – no matter whose lives it may be.

02.11.2023 - 17:29 [ Al Jazeera English / Twitter ]

Watch the moment Palestinian doctor Ghada Abu Eida recognised her daughter among those injured in an Israeli attack while working in Gaza’s Indonesian hospital

17.10.2023 - 18:25 [ Physicians for Human Rights Israel ]

We are Acting on Numerous Fronts around the Clock. We Need Your Support Now

Eight days have passed since our world turned upside down and we found ourselves in the most destructive round of fighting we have witnessed in decades. Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHRI) is acting on numerous fronts around the clock. We need your support now.

16.10.2023 - 10:35 [ World Health Organization / Weltgesundheitsorganisation ]

Evacuation orders by Israel to hospitals in northern Gaza are a death sentence for the sick and injured

(14 October 2023)

As the United Nation’s agency responsible for public health, the World Health Organization (WHO) strongly condemns Israel‘s repeated orders for the evacuation of 22 hospitals treating more than 2000 inpatients in northern Gaza. The forced evacuation of patients and health workers will further worsen the current humanitarian and public health catastrophe.

16.10.2023 - 10:31 [ New York Times ]

Gaza’s Hospitals Face ‘Impossible’ Choices With Israel Evacuation Order

“There is nowhere in Gaza that can accept the number of patients in our intensive care unit or neonatal intensive care unit or even the operating rooms.”

“If someone doesn’t die from the bombardment, then he’ll die from the lack of medical service,” he said.

At Al Shifa Hospital, patients included 70 people on ventilators, 200 receiving dialysis and many babies in incubators. Moving them elsewhere is logistically impossible, said. Dr. Abu Salima.

15.10.2023 - 23:19 [ Palestinian Ministry of Health ]

Ministry of Health in Gaza launches an urgent distress appeal to the countries of the world in order to send volunteer medical delegations

Ministry of Health in Gaza launches an urgent distress appeal to the countries of the world in order to send volunteer medical delegations from all specialties to rescue the wounded of the Israeli aggression in the hospitals of the Gaza Strip, whose medical crews have either killed or displaced

Dr.Ashraf Alqudra
Spokesperson of the Ministry of Health

25.08.2023 - 20:40 [ Norbert Häring ]

Corona soll offenbar noch einmal zu einem großen Ding gemacht werden

Sie versuchen es allen Ernstes mit genau den gleichen Sätzen und Propagandamethoden noch einmal. Und der Spiegel ist wieder vorne mit dabei. Vielleicht läuft da gerade ein heimlicher Sentinel-Test auf geistige Bevölkerungsgesundheit.

25.08.2023 - 20:16 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Liebe Mainstream-Journalisten: Wollen Sie wirklich eine Wiederkehr der Corona-Politik?

Es mag im Moment unwahrscheinlich erscheinen, dass es gelingt, die Corona-Politik in der erlebten radikalen Form wiederzubeleben. Wenn aber erst einmal eine neue Paniksituation installiert ist mit den entsprechenden „Sachzwängen“ und den „rasant in die Höhe schnellenden Zahlen“, dann wird es wieder leicht sein, eine Sphäre der angeblichen „Unwissenheit“ zu kreieren, in der auch harte „Maßnahmen“ nicht mehr seriös begründet werden müssen und in der skrupellos mit Emotionen gearbeitet wird. Und dann wird es zu spät sein, um noch rational durchzudringen.

Dieser Zustand muss verhindert werden. Darum erfolgt hier nicht nur der Appell an die lieben Mainstream-Journalisten, sondern auch an verantwortungsvolle Politiker, Gewerkschafter, Kirchenvertreter, Lehrer, Künstler, Ärzte und so weiter: Bitte lassen Sie das nicht noch einmal zu!

19.08.2023 - 21:21 [ Times of Israel ]

Head of doctors’ protests says Israel in a ‘dystopic reality’

“Health workers in Israel oppose discrimination in treatment. We are currently in a dystopic reality. The Israeli government is controlled by dangerous extremists that support discrimination against women, the elderly, Arabs, secular people and homosexuals,” Levine who is also chairman of the country’s Association of Public Health Physicians, says.

25.07.2023 - 13:27 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Medical Association Begins 24-hour Strike Over Judicial Overhaul

Israel‘s Medical Association began a 24-hour strike on Tuesday, after the Netanyahu-led coalition passed a controversial bill revoking the Supreme Court‘s authority to overturn government decisions deemed unreasonable on Monday afternoon.

As a result of the strike, hospitals across Israel are operating in „Shabbat mode,“ or on a weekend schedule, which includes emergency care only.