Daily Archives: 11. August 2020

11.08.2020 - 21:54 [ Times of Israel ]

Gantz: ‘If I emerge from partnership with Netanyahu a sucker, so be it’


Gantz sat down for a lengthy and, at times, combative interview with Channel 12’s Dana Weiss, reacting in frustration at her suggestions that he was out of his depth and being outmaneuvered by Netanyahu at every turn. According to their coalition deal, Gantz is set to become PM in November 2021 as part of the power-sharing agreement between his party and Netanyahu’s, but Israel’s longest-serving premier is said to be seeking ways to avoid having to hand over the post, including by triggering new elections.

11.08.2020 - 21:40 [ i24news.tv ]

Netanyahu demanding changes to coalition deal to prevent elections: report

The Israeli premier reportedly wants immediate elections in case the High Court of Justice disqualifies him from serving as alternate prime minister, after his rotation with Gantz commences in November 2021, due to the indictments filed against him.

His second demand is to dissolve a public committee slated to appoint the state prosecutor and police commissioner and transfer the procedure to the government instead.

The report suggested that Gantz’s Blue and White party will find it „difficult“ to approve Netanyahu’s first request.

11.08.2020 - 21:36 [ Haaretz ]

Kahol Lavan Says Won‘t Back Bill Preventing Netanyahu From Forming Future Government

The bill, brought forward by Kahol Lavan‘s former political allies Yesh Atid, is aimed at preventing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from running for office in the next election. Netanyahu currently stands trial for suspected bribery, fraud and breach of trust.

11.08.2020 - 21:21 [ Politicshome.com ]

Boris Johnson warns UK of ‘bumpy months ahead’ after biggest drop in employment for over a decade

The Prime Minister vowed to make “colossal investments” in infrastructure and skills as the latest Office for National Statistics data showed 730,000 fewer people were in paid employment in July than in March, when the UK’s coronavirus lockdown began.

11.08.2020 - 21:16 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Maas in Moskau: „Das offene Wort suchen“

Auf der Tagesordnung standen die großen Krisen und Konflikte – von Syrien über Libyen bis hin zur Ostukraine.

11.08.2020 - 21:12 [ theWire.in ]

UNSC: US Looks to Extend Iran Arms Embargo, Threatens ‚Snapback‘

A last-minute attempt by Britain, France and Germany to broker a compromise with Russia and China on an arms embargo extension appeared unsuccessful so far, diplomats said. Russia and China, allies of Iran, have long-signalled opposition to the US measure.

11.08.2020 - 11:47 [ Arte TV ]

USA wollen Zahl ihrer Soldaten in Afghanistan bis November auf unter 5000 senken

Derzeit haben die USA noch 8600 Soldaten in Afghanistan. US-Präsident Donald Trump hatte in der vergangenen Woche in einem Interview des Nachrichtenportals „Axios“ als Zielmarke genannt, die Truppenpräsenz in Afghanistan bis zur US-Präsidentschaftswahl am 3. November auf „4000 bis 5000“ zu reduzieren.

11.08.2020 - 10:06 [ VOA News ]

Pompeo Heads to Central Europe as US Looks to Confront Russian, Chinese Influence

The top U.S. diplomat is traveling to Prague and Pilsen in the Czech Republic; Ljubljana, Slovenia; Vienna, Austria; and Warsaw, Poland, from August 11 to 15.

11.08.2020 - 09:10 [ Reuters ]

U.S. nuclear arsenal to cost $1.2 trillion over next 30 years: CBO

(October 31, 2017)

The CBO study reviewed the Obama’s Administration’s plans for modernization of the nuclear arsenal.

11.08.2020 - 09:03 [ Mieke Eoyang / Twitter ]

None of the four Republican Senators old enough to remember Hiroshima voted in support of New START, the signature nuclear arms control agreement between the US and Russia. New START is up for renewal in the beginning of 2021, and the negotiations are taking place right now.


11.08.2020 - 08:32 [ Yenisafak.com ]

Watching that ‘mushroom cloud’ over Beirut on Hiroshima‘s anniversary…Is someone sending us a message?

A total of 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate was kept at the harbor for six years. Who kept it there, why, whose was the secret hand that kept it there, what was the purpose for keeping it there? The resulting blast, the explosion that was felt 250 kilometers away, even from the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus (TRNC).

Hiroshima’s anniversary, similar mushroom cloud: Does this mean ‘Watch your step’?

11.08.2020 - 08:25 [ New York Times ]

U.S. Contractor Knew of Explosive Material in Beirut Since at Least 2016

It is not clear when he conveyed the information; however, several current and former American officials who have worked in the Middle East say that the consultant would normally have conveyed his findings immediately to the American officials who oversaw the contract, in this case the embassy, State Department or Pentagon.

11.08.2020 - 07:53 [ ZDF ]

Dürfen Arbeitgeber Corona-Leugner entlassen?

Basketballer Joshiko Saibou wurde gefeuert. Von seinem Club, den „Baskets Bonn“. Der Grund: Auf der großen Corona-Demo kürzlich in Berlin hatte sich Saibou ohne Maske öffentlich gezeigt. Für seinen bisherigen Arbeitgeber ein „Verstoß gegen Vorgaben des laufenden Arbeitsvertrages“ als Profisportler.

11.08.2020 - 07:40 [ United States Secret Service ]

U.S. Secret Service Statement on Officer Involved Shooting

At approximately 5:53 PM today, a 51 year old male approached a U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division officer who was standing at his post on the corner of 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. near the White House Complex. The suspect approached the officer and told the officer he had a weapon. The suspect then turned around, ran aggressively towards the officer, and in a drawing motion, withdrew an object from his clothing. He then crouched into a shooter’s stance as if about to fire a weapon. The Secret Service officer discharged his weapon striking the individual in the torso. Officers immediately rendered first aid to the suspect and D.C. Fire and EMS were called to the scene. Both the suspect and the officer were transported to local hospitals.

11.08.2020 - 07:37 [ ORF.at ]

Schüsse vor Weißem Haus in Washington

Trump führte die Begegnung mit Journalisten kurze Zeit später fort. „Sie waren überrascht, ich war überrascht, und ich denke auch, dass das ziemlich ungewöhnlich war“, sagte Trump weiter. Journalistinnen und Journalisten wollten wissen, ob er in den Bunker unter dem Weißen Haus gebracht wurde. Trump sagte, Sicherheitsleute hätten ihn lediglich zurück in sein Büro ins Oval Office gebracht, bis die Lage nach knapp zehn Minuten bereinigt gewesen sei.