Daily Archives: 15. März 2020

15.03.2020 - 22:51 [ Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News - genengnews.com ]

CureVac, Sanofi Pasteur, and In-Cell-Art Collaborate on €33.1M DARPA-Supported Vaccine Program

(November 15, 2011)

The four-year DARPA-supported program will exploit CureVac’s RNActive technology along with In-Cell-Art’s nanoparticle expertise and Sanofi’s vaccine development capabilities.

The option agreement signed between Sanofi and CureVac in parallel with the DARPA collaboration covers pre-agreed license terms for the development of vaccines against a number of predefined pathogens.

15.03.2020 - 22:31 [ CureVac.com ]

CureVac and CEPI extend their Cooperation to Develop a Vaccine against Coronavirus nCoV-2019


The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is one of the founding members of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and has committed a total of 90 million euro to its work. CEPI brings together a range of diverse stakeholders to develop much-needed vaccines for the prevention of future pandemics. Anja Karliczek, Federal Minister of Education and Research, said:

“The Coronavirus is currently the source of concern for many people. The development of a vaccine is an extremely important element in the effort to combat this viral infection. It is encouraging to see that this process now has the support of the international CEPI alliance, which is also making use of German research and development expertise. I hope that good results can soon be achieved for which so many people are waiting at this time.”

15.03.2020 - 22:08 [ ZDF ]

Corona-Medikament – Spahn: Impfstoff wird für ganze Welt entwickelt

„Wir sind in sehr guten Gesprächen übrigens schon seit zwei Wochen mit diesem Unternehmen.“ Die Meldung heute komme insofern „auch ein bischen zeitverzögert“.

15.03.2020 - 21:25 [ theTimes.co.uk ]

Germany and US in tug of war as Donald Trump tries to buy rights to coronavirus vaccine

While more than two dozen pharmaceutical firms are in a race to develop the first effective vaccine against the coronavirus, CureVac may have an edge thanks to an experimental technology that allows it to deliver the prophylactic in extremely small doses.

It appears to have caught Mr Trump’s eye when he met the company’s chief executive during a crisis summit

15.03.2020 - 21:18 [ Richard Grenell, US Botschafter in Berlin / Twitter ]

Not true. The Welt story was wrong. But Business Insider, Reuters and others went with it anyway despite not having their own sources. Now everyone is back peddling.

15.03.2020 - 21:15 [ NBC News ]

Germany tries to stop Trump from luring away firm working on coronavirus vaccine

(March 15, 2020, 4:54 PM CET)

She declined to comment on any takeover possibilities but referred to Germany‘s foreign trade law, under which Berlin can examine takeover bids from non-EU, so-called third countries „if national or European security interests are at stake“.

There was no comment immediately available from the U.S. embassy in Berlin when contacted by Reuters on Sunday over the report, and nobody was available to comment at CureVac. Welt am Sonntag said CureVac declined to comment.

15.03.2020 - 20:50 [ Event201.com ]

Timetable For A Vaccine Against The New Coronavirus? Maybe This Fall: NPR


CEPI is a global partnership of public, private and philanthropic organizations; it’s also supporting efforts at the biotech companies Moderna and CureVac.


Even in the rosiest of scenarios, Hatchett says, once the vaccine is in hand, it still needs to get to the people who need it, and that takes time — at least weeks to months, depending on the urgency.

15.03.2020 - 20:41 [ Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security ]

The Event 201 scenario

(October 2019)

The disease starts in pig farms in Brazil, quietly and slowly at first, but then it starts to spread more rapidly in healthcare settings. When it starts to spread efficiently from person to person in the low-income, densely packed neighborhoods of some of the megacities in South America, the epidemic explodes. It is first exported by air travel to Portugal, the United States, and China and then to many other countries. Although at first some countries are able to control it, it continues to spread and be reintroduced, and eventually no country can maintain control.

There is no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year.

15.03.2020 - 20:36 [ Johns Hopkins University ]

Pandemic simulation exercise spotlights massive preparedness gap

(November 06, 2019)

Event 201, hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, envisions a fast-spreading coronavirus with a devastating impact

15.03.2020 - 20:18 [ Forbes ]

Discovery Of 2 Strains Of COVID-19 Coronavirus Hints At How It Evolved


Researchers at a Chinese university identified two separate strains of the Covid-19 coronavirus that could be sickening people in a new study Wednesday, and have called for further research, as 3,200 have died and 93,000 more have been infected by the disease worldwide.

15.03.2020 - 20:09 [ Yonhap (Südkorea) ]

S. Korea adds 76 new virus cases, first time in 23 days increase falls below 100

The total number of confirmed cases in Daegu and North Gyeongsang, the two epicenters of the virus outbreak here, stood at 6,031 and 1,157, respectively.

The two regions accounted for roughly 88 percent of the total confirmed cases here.

15.03.2020 - 20:03 [ Copenhagen Post ]

Coronavirus Update in Denmark: SAS to significantly reduce number of flights

According to the latest figures from the State Serum Institute, the number of COVID-19 coronavirus cases in Denmark is now at 864.

The figure has increased by 37 since the previous update yesterday morning.

And while the number of new cases seems to be tailing off, experts estimate that there are a significant number of unregistered cases across the country.

Denmark also experienced its first coronavirus-related death yesterday – and 81-year-old who was already admitted to hospital with other serious health issues.

15.03.2020 - 19:56 [ Portugal News ]

Number of infected in Portugal rises to 245 – DGS

The number of confirmed cases in Portugal of infection by the new coronavirus, which causes Covid-19 disease, rose today to 245, 76 more than those recorded on Friday, and the number of suspected cases is now 2,271.

15.03.2020 - 19:55 [ Hurriyet ]

Turkey confirms sixth coronavirus case, halts flights with nine European countries

Turkey said on March 13 it was halting flights to and from nine European countries including Germany and France until April 17 as it ramped up measures to halt the spread of coronavirus and reported three more cases, bringing the total to six.

15.03.2020 - 19:48 [ El Pais ]

Coronavirus deaths in Spain double in a day to reach 288, with more than 7,750 infections

Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez holds video conference call with regional premiers, after state of alarm gives central government powers across the entire Spanish territory

15.03.2020 - 19:41 [ NZZ.ch ]

Session wird unterbrochen – die Schweiz rast immer schneller auf den absoluten Notbetrieb zu

Am Sonntagnachmittag folgten mit dem Kanton Basel-Landschaft und dem Jura zwei weitere Kantone: Der Regierungsrat rief nach einer dringlichen Sitzung den Notstand aus und beschloss weitreichende Einschränkungen. Inzwischen haben die Ratsbüros der eidgenössischen Räte beschlossen, dass auch die Session wegen der sich rapide verschlechternden Situation aufgrund des Coronavirus abgebrochen wird.

15.03.2020 - 19:39 [ LuzernerZeitung.ch ]

Norditaliens Spitäler stehen kurz vor dem Kollaps

Besonders dramatisch ist die Situation in den Provinzen Bergamo und Brescia, die inzwischen als die beiden wichtigsten Infektionsherde des Landes gelten. Aus Bergamo werden täglich rund 300 neue Fälle gemeldet, in Brescia sind es etwa 250; etwa jeder zehnte von ihnen benötigt Intensivpflege oder muss zumindest mit zusätzlichem Sauerstoff versorgt werden.

15.03.2020 - 19:25 [ Ansa.it ]

Coronavirus: deaths in Italy up to 1,441

The number of people to have died in Italy after contracting the coronavirus is up to 1,441 people, a rise of 175 in a single day, Emergency Commissioner and Civil Protection Chief Angelo Borrelli said Saturday. Borrelli said there were 2,795 new cases in 24 hours, while 2,000 people have recovered from COVID-19 here.

15.03.2020 - 19:23 [ France24.com ]

Lockdown: France orders closure of restaurants and all ‚non-essential‘ commerce to stem coronavirus

France has gone on lockdown after French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe ordered the closure of restaurants, cafés and all other „non-essential“ commerce beginning at midnight on Saturday. Groceries, pharmacies, tobacconists and petrol stations will remain open.

15.03.2020 - 19:19 [ Daily Mail ]

Health Secretary Matt Hancock confirms the elderly WILL be told to stay at home for FOUR MONTHS amid coronavirus crisis – and admits the NHS does not have enough ventilators to cope as death toll hits 35

– Mr Hancock said the government is also not ruling out closing bars, restaurants and non-essential shops
– British government is now effectively on a war footing as it tries to combat the spread of the deadly disease
– Whole families will soon be told to stay at home if one member has symptoms as ministers step up response
– Ministers buying up beds in private hospitals to help NHS, army could guard hospitals and supermarkets
– Latest official statistics showed as of 9am today 1,372 people in UK tested positive and 35 people have died

15.03.2020 - 18:55 [ New York Times ]

Coronavirus Live Updates: Chaos at U.S. Airports, New Restrictions on International Travel Around the World

A top U.S. health official urges personal sacrifices to avert a ‘worst-case scenario.’ Passengers returning from Europe are waiting hours at U.S. airports for health screening.

15.03.2020 - 18:39 [ Reuters ]

Israel‘s president to tap Netanyahu rival Gantz to form government -statement

“Tomorrow, around midday, the president will assign the task of forming the government to head of (centrist Blue and White party) Benny Gantz,” President Reuven Rivlin’s office said in a statement.

15.03.2020 - 17:48 [ PhysiciansWeekly.com ]

Germany tries to stop U.S. from luring away firm seeking coronavirus vaccine

German government sources told Reuters on Sunday that the U.S. administration was looking into how it could gain access to a potential vaccine being developed by a German firm, CureVac.

Earlier, the Welt am Sonntag German newspaper reported that U.S. President Donald Trump had offered funds to lure CureVac to the United States, and the German government was making counter-offers to tempt it to stay.

15.03.2020 - 17:43 [ Yahoo.com ]

Germany‘s CureVac says low-dose coronavirus vaccine could allow for mass production


Privately held Curevac, which was granted up to $8.3 million by CEPI in January, is working to draw on its low-dose vaccine technology, which has showed promise in an early-stage rabies trial, for use against the coronavirus.

The Tuebingen, Germany, based company hopes to have an experimental vaccine ready by June or July to then seek the go-ahead from regulators for testing on humans.

15.03.2020 - 17:33 [ biopharmadive.com ]

CureVac CEO replaced in midst of biotech‘s coronavirus push


Last Monday, Menichella was among the top executives of nearly a dozen biotech and pharmaceutical companies briefing President Trump on their respective coronavirus drug development plans. Just over a week later, he was out as CEO, replaced by CureVac founder and former CEO Hoerr.

It‘s a rapid transition in leadership at a time when the company is in the global spotlight for its efforts to quickly advance a coronavirus vaccine into human testing.

15.03.2020 - 17:21 [ ZDF ]

Kampf um Corona-Medikamente – USA wollen deutsche Impfstoffe aufkaufen

Die US-Regierung sei an einer exklusiven Nutzung des Impfstoffes für die USA interessiert. Das Unternehmen CureVac selbst war nicht für eine Stellungnahme erreichbar, ebenso wenig der Hauptinvestor der Firma. Dies ist dievini, die Biotechholding des SAP-Gründers Dietmar Hopp.

15.03.2020 - 17:17 [ Tagesschau ]

+++ Deutschland schließt Grenzen +++

Wegen der Corona-Pandemie schließt nun auch Deutschland ab Montag seine Grenzen zu Frankreich, Österreich und der Schweiz. Ausnahmen soll es für Pendler und den Warenverkehr geben. Schleswig-Holstein sperrt Inseln für Touristen. Alle Entwicklungen im Liveblog.

15.03.2020 - 14:32 [ Haaretz ]

The Coronavirus Pandemic Serves Netanyahu’s Political Interests

His subjects, thanks to the terrifying television broadcasts, have become a hysterical herd. They have gone into war mode. It’s as if this war fell out of the sky as a gift to Netanyahu. But it’s not just luck. It’s also brains. Netanyahu refused to resign and refused to give up. Campaign after campaign, he grasps at his seat like a drowning person grasps at driftwood floating in the middle of the sea. He grasps and grasps and refuses to let go, until the ship comes along to carry him to safe haven, the corona ship.

15.03.2020 - 14:04 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz Party Open to Unity Government With Netanyahu as First PM to Counter Virus

The party has rejected this option in the past on principle that Netanyahu should not serve as premier because of his indictment in corruption cases.

15.03.2020 - 14:00 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Trial Postponed as Justice Minister Freezes Courts Over Coronavirus Emergency

The trial was set to begin on Tuesday. It has now been pushed back to May 24.

15.03.2020 - 13:52 [ Beth Oppenheim / Twitter ]

Could coronavirus be the miracle @Netanyahu was praying for? Netanyahu‘s corruption trial now delayed until May, as Israel‘s courts declare a state of emergency. @GantzBe considering forming an emergency national unity government with Bibi.

15.03.2020 - 13:49 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Netanyahu, Gantz Discuss Possible Creation of Emergency Government


Both Netanyahu and Gantz have repeatedly spoken of winning a “Jewish majority” in the election, a deeply controversial notion that in spirit delegitimizes the votes of Arab citizens of Israel. However senior lawmakers from Blue & White met with their counterparts from the Joint List on Wednesday to discuss the possibility of the latter’s recommending Gantz as prime minister during consultations with President Reuven Rivlin tomorrow (Sunday, March 15). Gantz, the head of Blue & White, needs the support of the Joint List to show he has enough backing to form a government. Before the Corona crisis, Gantz had adamantly refused to join a government headed by Netanyahu as long as he is under indictment.

Next Tuesday, March 17, Netanyahu’s trial will commence in the Jerusalem District Court.

15.03.2020 - 10:46 [ Deutsche Kommunistische Partei ]

Defender 2020 stoppen – Verbreitung des Coronavirus eindämmen!

Patrik Köbele, Vorsitzender der DKP: „Ich finde es skandalös, dass sich die Sicherheitsbedenken der deutschen Regierung wegen des Coronavirus nicht auf das Militär beziehen. Großveranstaltungen aller Art werden abgesagt, um die Ausbreitung des Virus zu behindern und zu verlangsamen. Das Großmanöver Defender 2020 soll aber wie geplant stattfinden. 37.000 Soldaten werden quer durch Europa transportiert – ist das keine Großveranstaltung?

15.03.2020 - 09:09 [ Contra Magazin / Twitter ]

Deutschland soll 10 Prozent der NATO-Fähigkeiten stellen – -Die Bundeswehr brauche mehr Geld, so Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Man habe der NATO Zusagen gemacht.

15.03.2020 - 09:03 [ Holger Ewald / Twitter ]

Kramp-Karrenbauer fordert mehr Geld für Bundeswehr

via @Pressecop24com

15.03.2020 - 09:01 [ @285xwq / Twitter ]

#Coronavirus – #AKK: #Bundeswehr leistet Unterstützungsarbeit. Verteidigungsministerin Kramp-Karrenbauer hat Hilfen der Streitkräfte bei der Bekämpfung der Pandemie angekündigt.

15.03.2020 - 08:40 [ Tagesschau ]

Aufgeblähter Bundestag: Vertagen, vergessen, verschleppen

Das Ganze ist dermaßen kompliziert, dass über 100 namenhafte Staatsrechtsexperten Ende vergangenen Jahres einen Appell an den Bundestag gerichtet haben, das zu ändern. Es beeinträchtige seine Funktion und „kaum noch ein Wähler versteht, was seine beiden Stimmen letztlich bewirken“,

15.03.2020 - 07:56 [ taz.de ]

Notstand und Corona: Bis zum Einsatz der Bundeswehr

Die Bundeswehr kann im Inland allerdings auch eingesetzt werden, um (gemeinsam mit der Polizei) die öffentliche Ordnung zu bewahren oder wiederherzustellen, etwa wenn geplündert oder Krankenhäuser belagert werden. Dies ist in den Artikeln 35, 87a und 91 des Grundgesetzes geregelt. Die Vorschriften gehören zu den „Notstandsgesetzen“, die 1968 gegen den Widerstand der Außerparlamentarischen Opposition (APO) beschlossen wurden.

15.03.2020 - 07:35 [ New York Times ]

Coronavirus Tests Europe’s Cohesion, Alliances and Even Democracy

For the European Union and the new team at its executive arm, the European Commission, led by Ursula von der Leyen, this pandemic is a challenge to her intention to have a “geopolitical commission,’’ Ms. Stelzenmüller said — ‘‘if the member states let her.”

15.03.2020 - 07:13 [ Courthouse News Service ]

Environmental Groups Claim U.S. Army Base is Threatening River

A U.S. Army base nestled at the foot of a southern Arizona mountain range is threatening a sensitive desert waterway sometimes called America’s most endangered river, two environmental groups said in a federal lawsuit Friday.

15.03.2020 - 00:33 [ Reuters ]

Israel to use anti-terror tech to counter coronavirus ‚invisible enemy‘

Avner Pinchuk, a privacy expert with the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, said such capabilities could include real-time tracking of infected persons’ mobile phones to spot quarantine breaches and backtracking through meta-data to figure out where they had been and who they had contacted.

15.03.2020 - 00:16 [ The Hill ]

Sanders wins Northern Mariana Islands caucus

The win will allocate four delegates to Sanders, with Biden garnering two delegates from the contest.

The Northern Mariana Islands have been a United States territory since 1975 and in 2016, Hillary Clinton won the group of islands‘ caucus.