Archiv: Kyriakos Mitsotakis

09.03.2023 - 06:51 [ Greek Reporter ]

Hundreds of Thousands Protest in Greece Demanding Justice for the Dead of Train Crash

With demands for a full inquiry and an end to privatization, protestors marched toward Syntagma Square and the Greek Parliament, where the main body of demonstrators reached the square at around 15:00.

At the same time, the left-wing trade union faction PAME organised a separate rally and march to Parliament over the rail accident at Propylea, attended by labor organizations, federations, unions, students and pupils.

09.03.2023 - 06:44 [ CNN ]

Anger boils over train crash in Greece, as audio released of driver being told to ignore red light


After a train station manager in Larissa was arrested in connection to the collision, Greek authorities on Thursday made public striking dispatch recordings that show one of the train drivers receiving instructions to ignore a red light.

09.03.2023 - 06:27 [ Kathimerini ]

More than 40,000 people marched in Athens according to the police

The Hellenic Police estimates that more than 40,000 people marched in central Athens on Wednesday to protest the rail collision at Tempe last week that left 57 people dead. Sources from the Citizen Protection Ministry also pointed out that the march was a mostly peaceful affair.

14.09.2022 - 09:51 [ ]

The Greek Watergate


A wall of silence both invisible yet highly-effective, that stonewalls, and continues to stop, annoying news stories before reaching their rightful spots in the largest and most influential media.

A wall of silence, always working on behalf of the „truth“ — as viewed by the centre-right New Democracy government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

13.09.2022 - 09:37 [ ]

European Parliament Probes Wiretapping Scandal in Greece


Triantafillou reportedly observed that official investigations into privacy breaches seem to move slowly while investigations into media leaks move much faster.

MEPs agreed on the need to urgently investigate spyware companies, pointing to the risk of evidence destruction.

They highlighted the negative consequences for democracy, media freedom, and freedom of expression.

13.09.2022 - 09:28 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli-made Spyware Was Used to Hack Phone of Greek Ex-minister


Intellexa is run by a former Israeli military intelligence official Tal Dilian. The company was based in Cyprus until a year and a half ago, when it moved to Greece.

Predator is very similar to the infamous Pegasus spyware made by the competing and more famous cyber firm NSO Group. Like Pegasus, it allows the operator to access the entire contents of the target’s phone, as well as secretly activating its camera and phone and recording.

13.09.2022 - 09:24 [ ]

Another Greek opposition lawmaker victim of Predator


A parliamentary inquiry committee set up to investigate the scandal has not brought any results considering that the former secret services chief and the prime minister’s secretary general, who both resigned after the scandal, refused to explain the reasons for spying on the Greek opposition leader.

Main opposition leader Alexis Tsipras warned on Thursday that those who invoke “confidentiality” to cover up crimes “face criminal charges”.

09.08.2022 - 19:47 [ Kathimerini ]

EU Commission calls for investigation of phone tapping scandal

Hipper said it is the responsibility of each member state to investigate such matters, adding that “the Commission expects national authorities to thoroughly investigate any such allegation in order to restore public confidence.”

09.08.2022 - 19:43 [ Kathimerini ]

Greek president calls for investigation of phone tapping scandal

The government has said it will back a request by the opposition for a parliamentary investigating committee on the issue.

The European Commission is also monitoring the case. Cypriot MEP George Georgiou, vice-chair of the EU’s PEGA committee investigating malware surveillance software, has also sent a letter to the committee proposing a mission to Greece to investigate the allegations.

08.08.2022 - 19:33 [ Xinhua ]

Israel, Greece sign cooperation agreement on cyber security


It was signed in the presence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the visit of Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to Israel.

The agreement includes conducting joint projects for enhancing national cyber platforms and cooperating on workforce training initiatives.

It also includes increasing cyber resilience by sharing government cyber security know-how, best practices, legal and regulatory frameworks, methodologies and strategic insights.

08.08.2022 - 19:06 [ ]

Athener Abhörskandal: Premier weist Schuld von sich

„Das, was passiert ist, mag gesetzmäßig gewesen sein, aber es war falsch. Ich wusste davon nichts, und offensichtlich hätte ich so etwas auch nie genehmigt“, sagte der Regierungschef heute in einer Ansprache, die vom griechischen Rundfunk ERT übertragen wurde.

08.08.2022 - 18:36 [ Kathimerini ]

PM says espionage a mistake, pledges EYP overhaul

“Although everything was done lawfully, the National Intelligence Service (EYP) underestimated the political dimension of that particular action. It was formally legitimate, but politically unacceptable. It should not have happened [and it] undermined citizens’ confidence in national intelligence,” Mitsotakis said.

08.08.2022 - 13:33 [ Kathimerini ]

Greek PM apologizes to opposition party leader over surveillance, report says

The conservative premier is expected to make a public address over the case on Monday, the semi-state Athens News Agency reported on Saturday.

Androulakis, who was elected PASOK leader in December 2021, said on Friday evening that he had learned EYP listened to his conversations in late 2021. He did not disclose the source of the information.

07.08.2022 - 20:05 [ ]

Predator von Cytrox: Rücktritte nach Trojaner-Skandal in Griechenland

Der Netzwerk von Investigativjournalist:innen Reporters United hatte zuvor berichtet, wie ein Firmengeflecht unter Beteiligung von Dimitriadis an staatlichen Einsätzen des Trojaners mitverdient. Daran beteiligt ist die Firma Intellexa, die Predator in Griechenland vertreibt.

Weitere Brisanz erhält die Enthüllung auch dadurch, dass Dimitriadis und Mitsotakis verwandt sind: Der Generalsekretär ist der Neffe des Ministerpräsidenten, dem wiederum der Geheimdienst als Nutzer von Predator direkt untersteht.

Hersteller von Predator ist die von israelischen und ungarischen Staatsangehörigen als Aktiengesellschaft in Nordmazedonien gegründete Firma Cytrox. Sie soll in beiden Ländern Büros zur Herstellung der Cyberwaffen unterhalten. Cytrox gehört inzwischen zu einer Gesellschaft in Ungarn, als Eigentümer gilt der 70-jährige Luftwaffenveteran Meir Shamir aus Israel.

26.07.2022 - 14:18 [ Kathimerini ]

PM speaks with Netanyahu about regional developments

Mitsotakis noted Greece’s will to further strengthen and broaden bilateral relations, on which he has cooperated with Netanyahu in the past.

25.07.2022 - 19:17 [ Kathimerini ]

Saudi crown prince to visit Greece to sign energy, telecoms deals

The ministry said the pair were due to sign bilateral deals, without giving details. A Greek diplomatic source said the deals were in the fields of energy, military cooperation, and an undersea data cable, among others.

Greece and Saudi Arabia agreed in May on the main terms to set up a joint venture to lay the data cable that will link Europe with Asia.

25.07.2021 - 07:24 [ ]

Paris und Athen: Proteste gegen neue CoV-Regeln eskalieren

In Frankreich sind am Samstag erneut zehntausende Gegner von verschärften CoV-Regeln auf die Straße gegangen. Nach Angaben des Innenministeriums demonstrierten landesweit rund 161.000 Menschen. In Paris kam es zu heftigen Ausschreitungen, die Polizei setzte Tränengas ein. Auch in Athen spielten sich ähnliche Szenen ab.

13.08.2020 - 13:57 [ ]

Konflikt um Rohstoffe: Macron schickt mehr Militär ins Mittelmeer

Der türkische Präsident Erdogan will aggressiv neue Öl- und Gasquellen im Mittelmeer erschließen und schreckt vor einem Grenzkonflikt mit anliegenden EU-Staaten nicht zurück. Frankreich reagiert nun und verlegt mehr Militär in die Region.

05.07.2020 - 19:19 [ Kathimerini ]

Mitsotakis: Greece will not accept conditions on coronavirus aid

The former „troika“ of Greece‘s creditors, the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund had „forced (Greece) to do reforms“ even though „there was never really any domestic buy-in“

A six-monthly review of economic performance carried out by the European Commission was sufficient, Mitsotakis said.

05.07.2020 - 19:09 [ ]

Griechenland lehnt strikte Auflagen für EU-Hilfen ab

„Die Griechen sind sehr erwachsen geworden. Und wir wollen unsere eigenen Reformen umsetzen“, sagte Ministerpräsident Kyriakos Mitsotakis der „Financial Times“ in einem heute veröffentlichten Interview. Die halbjährliche Überprüfung der Wirtschaftsleistung durch die EU-Kommission sei ausreichend, und es gebe keinen Bedarf für zusätzliche strenge Bedingungen.

17.01.2020 - 13:07 [ ]

Greek PM calls Merkel over Libya talks snub

He also revealed he has sent letters outlining Greece’s positions to his European Union counterparts, and European Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

17.01.2020 - 13:05 [ ]

Greek PM threatens veto over Libya as Haftar visits Athens

Meanwhile, Libya’s Khalifa Haftar, commander of the eastern Libyan forces, arrived in Athens on Thursday night and held an informal meeting with Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias ahead of their official talks on Friday. He will also hold talks with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Parliament.

17.01.2020 - 13:00 [ Tagesschau ]

Vor Treffen in Berlin: Griechenland droht mit Libyen-Veto

Griechenland stemmt sich gegen den Vertrag zwischen Tripolis und der Türkei, weil er nach Ansicht Athens das Anrecht Griechenlands auf Seegebiete ignoriert, in denen Erdgasvorkommen vermutet werden.

Um so größer ist der Ärger, in Berlin nicht dabei zu sein

03.01.2020 - 16:09 [ ]

Projekt Eastmed: Griechenland, Israel und Zypern einigen sich auf Bau von Gas-Pipeline

„Wir bauen eine Brücke mit der Energie nach Europa gebracht wird“, sagte Mitsotakis nach der Unterzeichnung. Die Pipeline werde die Region stabilisieren und Wohlstand für die Menschen bringen, sagte der griechische Premierminister.

„Es ist ein historischer Tag für Israel“, sagte Israels Regierungschef Netanyahu.