Daily Archives: 20. August 2019

20.08.2019 - 19:44 [ Times of Israel ]

Pre-indictment hearing held for tycoon at center of Netanyahu corruption probe

Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit’s lengthy description of Netanyahu’s alleged illicit dealings with Elovitch, known as Case 4000, took up the majority of the 57-page document released in February in which Mandelblit set out the allegations that prompted him to announce a criminal indictment against the prime minister, pending a hearing.

Netanyahu is scheduled to attend his own pre-indictment hearing in the case on October 2-3,

20.08.2019 - 19:29 [ Haaretz ]

Shaked Relayed to Netanyahu: I Control Israeli AG, Will Make Sure You Get Immunity

One of the intermediaries described her as being close to Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit. “She knows how to influence him. She’s close to him. If she doesn’t control the Justice Ministry, obviously Bibi will go to jail,” he said.

Another of Shaked’s representatives suggested that “only she can get immunity for Bibi. She knows how to explain to the media why immunity is warranted. She has credibility.

20.08.2019 - 19:26 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Killer-Roboter: Microsoft, Amazon und Intel positionieren sich nicht zu autonomen Waffensystemen

Die Kampagne hat inzwischen 28 Nationen hinter sich vereint, die sich ebenfalls für das Verbot aussprechen. Derzeit blockieren jedoch die USA, Russland, Südkorea, Israel und Australien weitere Gespräche. Die deutsche Regierung ist zwar laut Koalitionsvertrag für ein Verbot, spricht sich aber aus taktischen Gründen nicht klar dafür aus, sondern strebt stattdessen eine „vermittelnde Lösung“ an. Kurz: Es ist keine Lösung in Sicht.

20.08.2019 - 18:22 [ Haaretz ]

Mysterious Israeli Businessman Behind Mega-deal to Supply Spy Planes to UAE

The fact that there are no diplomatic ties between Israel and the UAE and other Persian Gulf countries has not prevented the shared interests of the countries in the region to forge an extensive unofficial relationship, including in business, military and political spheres. In the case of Israel and the Gulf states, one main shared interest is their mutual enemy: Iran.

20.08.2019 - 18:18 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Israel businessman behind UAE spy plane deal

However, as Haaretz points out, “it is interesting to discover that Israel’s name is totally absent from the hundreds of thousands of words describing the transaction in detail. The only mention of the country is in one document originating in Switzerland that describes the structure of AGT. It mentions in German that Kochavi is an Israeli citizen.”

The Israeli daily also notes that this deal is not Kochavi’s first project on behalf of the UAE, pointing to the installation of thousands of cameras, sensors and license-plate readers in Abu Dhabi in a bid to turn the capital into a “smart city”.

20.08.2019 - 18:02 [ Jerusalem Post ]

IDF‘s Shayetet 13, US Special Forces complete joint exercise – watch

Dubbed “Nobel Rose,” the drill simulated various scenarios where troops had to take over a hijacked ship vessel and extracting troops from enemy territory.

20.08.2019 - 17:59 [ thejc.com ]

UK commanders join Israel‘s largest-ever naval exercise


The exercise included ten navies, mainly from Nato. In addition to Israeli missile-boats, there were ships from the United States, Greece and France. Britain’s Royal Navy — along with representatives of Canada, Germany, Italy, Cyprus and Chile — was involved at a headquarters level, with observers and experts taking part in the planning of missions.

20.08.2019 - 17:55 [ ORF.at ]

JETZT will Rechtsstaat verteidigen

JETZT sei „die einzige Opposition“, sagte die Zweite auf der Bundesliste und Spitzenkandidatin in Wien, Maria Stern. Man schreibe nur das ins Programm, was man vorhabe, in der nächsten Legislaturperiode auch durchzusetzen, sagte Pilz mit einem Seitenhieb auf die Wahlprogramme der Mitbewerberinnen und Mitbewerber.

20.08.2019 - 17:49 [ Sueddeutsche.de ]

Trump fordert vor Notenbanktagung große Zinssenkung der Fed

Damals hatte Trump den Währungshüter als bestens geeignet, engagiert und klug beschrieben. An diesem Freitag hält der Fed-Chef bei einem jährlichen Treffen von Notenbankern in Jackson Hole eine Rede zu den Herausforderungen der Geldpolitik.

20.08.2019 - 16:54 [ Ansa.it ]

Conte to quit, Salvini unrepentant

He said he would hand in his resignation to Mattarella, who would „guide the country in a delicate passage“.

20.08.2019 - 16:52 [ derStandard.at ]

Italiens Premierminister Conte will Rücktritt anbieten

Rom – Italiens Premierminister Giuseppe Conte hat bei seiner lange erwarteten Rede im Parlament angekündigt, am Dienstagabend seinen Rücktritt anbieten zu wollen – und heftige Kritik an Innenminister Matteo Salvini geübt.

20.08.2019 - 16:42 [ theSun.co.uk ]

EU-CONOMY: Germany’s central bank warns EU’s largest economy Germany is on the brink of recession as car manufacturing growth plummets and Brexit batters exports

EUROPE‘S largest economy Germany could crash into recession as car manufacturing growth plummets and Brexit cripples exports, its central bank has warned.

Bundesbank said that lower consumer spending and softer overseas demand has caused the economic downturn.

20.08.2019 - 16:34 [ Guido Fawkes ]

UK Economy £26 Billion Bigger than Previously Calculated

New ONS methodology revealed today has shown the UK economy is actually £26 billion larger than economists previously thought, having revised up 2016 GDP growth by 1.3%. Surely the biggest #DespiteBrexit story of them all.

20.08.2019 - 16:32 [ msn.com ]

New figures show UK economy a little larger than thought

The Office for National Statistics added around 26 billion pounds to the size of the world‘s fifth-biggest economy in 2016, a rise equivalent to around 1.3% of gross domestic product and bringing total output to just under 2 trillion pounds.

20.08.2019 - 16:21 [ Telegraph ]

As Boris Johnson sits down to talk Brexit with Angela Merkel, five things we can expect from their meeting

The Prime Minister had previously insisted that he would not hold any talks with EU leaders until they agreed to scrap the controversial Irish backstop.

That pledge appears to have been shelved, as he is making a diplomatic dash to Berlin on Wednesday to meet Mrs Merkel and then Emmanuel Macron, the French president, in Paris on Thursday.

20.08.2019 - 16:11 [ Scott Ritter, Former United Nations Weapons Inspector, former Marine Corps Intelligence Officer / Twitter ]

This is ground truth in Syria—the defeat of al-Qaeda. No Americans died to make this happen. No American treasure was wasted to achieve this result. If you’re concerned about defeating terrorism, this is how it’s done, and no amount of expat handwringing will alter this reality.

20.08.2019 - 16:05 [ @HadiNasrallah / Twitter ]

Al Qaeda’s Khan Sheykoun has fallen. The town has been liberated from global Jihadists by the Syrian Army and their allies. Stability will once again be restored. International threats, regional occupations, NATO aggressions and chemical hoaxes didn’t stop Syria from resisting.

20.08.2019 - 16:00 [ BBC ]

Khan Sheikhoun: Syria rebels pull out of key town after five years

Rebels told the BBC that fighters pulled out of the town on Tuesday.

But an official statement from the main jihadist group in Idlib province, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), characterised it as a „redeployment“ of forces.

20.08.2019 - 06:23 [ Radio Utopie ]

Persischer Golf: Merkel-Regierung organisiert Marine-Kriegskoalition der E.U.

Wie prognostiziert: die Bundeswehr-Marine wird in den Persischen Golf entsandt. Dieser ist bereits seit 2015 offizielles Einsatzgebiet der Bundeswehr in der internationalen Kriegskoalition, deren Mandat der Bundestag Ende Oktober erneut verlängern wird.

20.08.2019 - 03:59 [ CNN ]

Bernie Sanders wants to stop police from using facial recognition software

„Police use of facial recognition software is the latest example of Orwellian technology that violates our privacy and civil liberties under the guise of public safety and it must stop,“ Sarah Ford, a Bernie Sanders campaign spokesperson, told CNN Business on Monday.
„Bernie is proud to join cities like San Francisco in banning the use of this technology for policing and, as president, will enact a nationwide ban on facial recognition software for policing, including at the state and local levels,“ Ford added.

20.08.2019 - 03:45 [ Colin Todhunter / Global Research ]

Offering Choice but Delivering Tyranny: The Corporate Capture of Agriculture

It is time to place natural assets under local ownership and to develop them in the public interest according to agroecological principles. This involves looking beyond the industrial yield-output paradigm and adopting a systems approach to food and agriculture that accounts for local food security and sovereignty, cropping patterns to ensure diverse nutrition production per acre, water table stability and good soil structure. It also involves pushing back against the large corporations that hold sway over the global food system and more generally challenging the leverage that private capital has over all our lives.

That’s how you ensure liberation from tyranny and support genuine choice.

20.08.2019 - 02:18 [ KBS ]

US-Sondergesandter für Nordkorea besucht Südkorea

Biegun wird am Montagnachmittag koreanischer Zeit zu einem zweitägigen Besuch in Japan eintreffen. Anschließend wird er am Dienstag in Südkorea zu einem dreitägigen Besuch erwartet.

Nach Angaben des US-Außenministeriums wird sich Biegun für die Koordinierung über die endgültige und vollständig überprüfte Denuklearisierung Nordkoreas mit Beamten beider Länder treffen.

20.08.2019 - 02:13 [ Mainichi Japan ]

Japan, US officials discuss denuclearization, N. Korea‘s missiles

During the talks in Tokyo, Kenji Kanasugi, director general of the Foreign Ministry‘s Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau, and Biegun agreed that Japan, the United States and South Korea will continue to work closely together in addressing the North Korean issue, the ministry said in a statement.