Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez (JOH) welcomed the United States Southern Command (Southcom) leader Craig Faller Friday who was accompanied by a Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force. The group convened in Palmerola, a U.S. military base located in Honduras about 75 km north of the nation‘s capital of Tegucigalpa.
Daily Archives: 22. Juni 2019
Kirchentag an Bundesregierung: Schützt die Vertraulichkeit der Kommunikation!
Der Deutsche Evangelische Kirchentag hat eine von netzpolitik.org vorgeschlagene Resolution mit dem Titel „Sicherheit und Vertrauen in der digitalen Gesellschaft stärken“ mit großer Mehrheit angenommen. Der Kirchentag, die größte christliche Veranstaltung des Landes, fordert damit offiziell ein Recht auf Verschlüsselung und ein Ende der Ausnutzung von Sicherheitslücken durch staatliche Stellen. Der Kirchentag stellt sich in dieser Frage gegen die aktuelle Digitalpolitik der großen Koalition und fordert ein klares Bekenntnis zum Grundrecht auf Gewährleistung der Vertraulichkeit und Integrität informationstechnischer Systeme.
#GiletsJaunes protesters took to the streets across France, marking the 32st consecutive week of mass demonstrations against President Emmanuel Macron. #France #ACTEXXXII #Acte32 #YellowVests #GiletsJaunes
Schulze Föcking: LKA wusste nach acht Tagen Bescheid
LKA-Ermittler wollten Ministerin schützen
White House Adviser Bolton To Travel To Israel For Talks with Russian, Israeli Officials
Spokesman Garrett Marquis said on June 20 that Bolton will meet on June 23 with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and then hold talks with Meir Ben-Shabbat and Nikolai Patrushev, his Israeli and Russian counterparts.
#BREAKING: President Trump says he’s going to Camp David for ‘consultations’ on Iran
Reps. Gabbard and Jones Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Requiring Congressional Approval Before Trump Takes U.S. to War
September 15, 2018
Press Release
Washington, DC—In recent days, the Trump Administration has threatened military force against Syria, Russia, and Iran if they attack al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups that currently control the city of Idlib, Syria. Reps. Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02) and Walter Jones (NC-03) introduced a bipartisan resolution, requiring the President to comply with the U.S. Constitution, War Powers Resolution and U.S. law, and obtain congressional authorization prior to the use of U.S. military force.
Add your name to tell Congress: No war with Iran!
Sign Bernie Sanders‘ petition to tell Congress to pass legislation that would prohibit military action against Iran without Congressional approval.
Mark my words. A war with Iran would be an unmitigated disaster. I need your help to stop this disastrous war. Sign our petition to tell Congress to pass legislation that would prohibit military action against Iran without Congressional approval.
NYT reports that Trump’s decision against attacking Iran was based on advice from Tucker Carlson. In the absence of an organized anti-war movement, a decidedly right-wing cable TV host almost singlehandedly prevented a catastrophic war, at least for now.
The pathology in the DC media and political class: the more they cheer for war, the more they prosper – @JeffreyGoldberg edition:
WATCH: Tucker Carlson calls John Bolton a ‘bureaucratic tape worm’
„This is Washington in a nutshell: Blunder into obvious catastrophes, refuse to admit blame, and demand more of the same. That’s the John Bolton lifecycle. In between administration jobs, there are always cushy think-tank posts, paid speaking gigs, and cable news appearances. War may be a disaster for America, but for John Bolton and his fellow neocons, it’s always good business.“
Carrie Symonds: Who is Boris Johnson‘s partner?
n 2018, PR Week listed her in its top 10 figures in political communications – second only to No10 chief Robbie Gibb.
Prior to the role, Ms Symonds was a special adviser to Sajid Javid during his tenure as Communities Secretary …
EXCL Theresa May defied Tory MPs to launch ‚legacy spending spree‘
They include high-profile pledges on mental health support, as well as a vow to slash carbon emissions in the UK to net-zero by 2050 – despite a warning from Philip Hammond that it will cost £1trillion.
The Chancellor is also fiercely resisting Mrs May‘s plan to boost education spending by a staggering £27bn.
Regarding our RSS feed: Bot protection level lowered
About 40 percent of traffic in the public World Wide Web (which is by far the biggest part of the internet) is created by automated programs (bots, spiders, algorithms, etc). Meanwhile – and unfortunaly – also many real users in the World Wide Web use bot-based programs, e.g. special feed readers.
Technisches: Unser RSS Feed und die Bots
Leider benutzen auch eine ganze Reihe von echten Internet-Nutzern bot-basierte Programme („Reader“), um RSS Feeds aufzurufen.
Wir haben daher hier auf der Hauptseite, sowie auf der Nachrichtenagentur, die Stufe unserer Blockade gegen automatisierten Internet-Verkehr gesenkt.
What Is the AUMF? The Repeal of This Policy Could Prevent War with Iran
The Authorization for Use of Military Force, passed just a week after the September 11 terrorist attacks, states that the president may “use all necessary and appropriate force” against any nation, organization, or person he determines aided the 9/11 attacks, or “harbored such organizations or persons.”
The U.S. Constitution gives Congress the sole power to declare war, but under the AUMF the president can essentially bypass any required congressional approval.
Making Centcom great again
What Centcom officers were worried about is that they would take a back seat to the European and Pacific commands. In fact, there’s a clear, if unstated, pecking order among the commands, retired Col. Kevin Benson, a former director of the Army’s School of Advanced Military Studies, notes. ‘The three most important commands are in Europe, which is Eucom, the Pacific, which is Pacom and now, because of Iran, the Middle East – which is Centcom. Southcom, the Southern Command, is almost always last in priority.’
Urged to Launch an Attack, Trump Listened to the Skeptics Who Said It Would Be a Costly Mistake
“The president got some additional information that the Iranian national leaders were frustrated or furious with the tactical commander who made the decision to shoot down the American drone,” General Keane said in an interview. Among those who were said to be angry, he said, was Qassim Suleimani, the powerful commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force.
General Keane said it was unclear whether the commander who ordered the downing of the drone was operating within his authority or was a rogue figure. But either way, he said, it impressed upon Mr. Trump that he would be risking a dangerous escalation over what was not intended to be an attack by Iran’s top leaders.
The untenability of President Bolton
The question, surely, should be: why is it ‘Bolton vs. Trump’? Is Bolton not subordinate to the president? Bolton takes pains to insist that, as national security adviser, he does not set policy — the president does. That doesn’t seem to be the case, however.
Trump says he doesn‘t want war with Iran, but there will be ‚obliteration‘ if it comes
Trump said he asked his generals, „I want to know something before you go. How many people would be killed, in this case Iranians?“
The generals said approximately 150 people would be killed, the president said.
„I thought about it for a second and I said, you know what, they shot down an unmanned drone, plane, whatever you want to call it, and here we are sitting with a 150 dead people that would have taken place probably within a half an hour after I said go ahead,“ Trump said. „And I didn‘t like it, I didn‘t think, I didn‘t think it was proportionate.“
Kim tells Xi North awaits US move
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, meeting with visiting President Xi Jinping, said his country is waiting on a response in stalled nuclear talks with the United States.
„North Korea would like to remain patient,“ state broadcaster CCTV reported Kim as saying. „But it hopes the relevant party will meet halfway with North Korea.“
KCNA: Kim und Xi einigen sich auf Ausbau der bilateralen Beziehungen
Eine Weiterentwicklung der bilateralen Beziehungen würde mit ihren gemeinsamen Interessen in Einklang stehen und wäre dem regionalen Frieden, der Stabilität und Entwicklung dienlich.
China ready to join DPRK in turning blueprint of bilateral ties into reality: Xi
Xi, also general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), made the remarks during his meeting at the state guest house with Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers‘ Party of Korea (WPK) and chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People‘s Republic of Korea (DPRK).
Ramstein-Kampagne: Protest gegen US-Drohnenkrieg
Seit Jahren gibt es die enorme Umweltbelastung durch die Basis, zudem wird die ganze Region als Übungszone für NATO-Kampfjets genutzt. Besonders empörend ist derzeit der häufige Kerosinablass über dem Pfälzer Wald. Dieser erfolgt zwar größtenteils durch zivile Flugzeuge, doch bei Militärmaschinen kommt verschärfend das krebserregende NATO-Flugbenzin JP-8 hinzu. In der Region dokumentieren Ärzte überhöhte Raten von Krebserkrankungen.
Nord-Süd-Kohlebahn von »Ende Gelände« blockiert
Unterdessen wurden laut dem Twitteraccount des Aktionsbündnisses mehrere hundert Aktivisten im Bahnhof Viersen über zwölf Stunden festgehalten und an daran gehindert zur angemeldeten Versammlung weiterzugehen. Bereits am Vormittag hatten Polizeibeamte gegen den kompletten Bereich abgesperrt, »um Straftaten zu verhindern«, wie die Rheinische Post (Onlineausgabe) berichtete.
Ola Bini released from prison
The decision by the court to accept the habeas corpus was celebrated by activists in Ecuador and across the world who have rallied around Ola and his fight for freedom. Since his arrest on April 11, Bini’s case has been marred by violations and irregularities. Human rights defenders and privacy activists have also denounced the political nature of Bini’s detention.
Ecuador: Netzaktivist Ola Bini kommt frei
Der Netzaktivist Ola Bini darf das Gefängnis verlassen. Ein Gericht hat die Entlassung angeordnet. Ermittlungen laufen aber weiter. Ecuador hatte den schwedischen Aktivisten verhaftet – nur einen Tag nach seinem Freund Julian Assange.
Polizei Aachen twittert mit pseudonymem Account zu Klimaprotesten
Der Account folgt Accounts, die bei der Aktion Ende Gelände aktiv sind, sowie lokalen Medien und anderen Polizeien.
California’s ISP Deregulation Law Allows Recording VoIP Calls without Consent
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has been opposing A.B. 1366, legislation by Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez, which would renew a law that effectively shields a huge part of the telecommunications industry from state and local regulation. Comcast and AT&T law backed this law, Public Utilities Code Sec. 710, in 2012—and are backing its renewal now. Renewing this law would reaffirm that state and local governments cannot regulate VoIP—a term used to refer to any technology that allows you to use the Internet for voice communication or receive telephone calls over the Internet—for another decade.
Amazon gets U.S. patent to use delivery drones for surveillance service
The application for the patent was filed by the e-commerce giant in 2015 and granted on June 4.