„During the next session, the parliament will work on the bill that would include the end of the security agreement with the United States, as well as the end of the presence of the US and other foreign military trainers and advisers in Iraq“, Kaabi said in a statement released on the parliament‘s website.
The statement comes amid US President Donald Trump‘s recent comment on the situation in the country. In particular, the US president said that Washington wants to keep its forces in Iraq so that the US could keep a close eye on Iran „because Iran is a real problem,“
Daily Archives: 3. Februar 2019
Trump takes second swing at getting Navy doctor his second star
A White House official not authorized to publicly discuss personnel issues says Trump considers Jackson a trustworthy medical adviser and physician.
Amazon sucht ehemalige Bundeswehrangehörige als Führungspersonal
Inzwischen weiß man, dass diese Amazon-Teamleiter mit gewisser Wahrscheinlichkeit ehemalige Bundeswehr-Angehörige sind. Der Weltkonzern rüstet im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes auf. Der Grund dafür sind die unmenschlichen Arbeitsbedingungen, von denen die Amazon-Arbeiter berichten
Inselstaat Tonga ist wieder online
Das Kabel, das von der Asiatischen Entwicklungsbank, der Weltbank und dem staatlichen Unternehmen Tonga Cable Limited finanziert und 2013 installiert wurde, verbindet den Inselstaat mit dem Southern Cross Cabel, das Australien, Neuseeland, Fidschi und die Vereinigten Staaten vernetzt.
Venezuela Human Rights NGO Reports No Repression During Marches
Venezuelan human rights group, Foro Penal, has reported that there has been no repression against the opposition in Venezuela during a recent demonstration, despite constant assertions of such actions by the United States officials hoping to validate their coup attempts against the government of President Nicolas Maduro.
El Salvador Votes in Its 6th Presidential Elections, Delays Reported
A total of 4,063 missions are tasked with observing the elections out of which 2,338 are national missions and 1,725 are international.
The international missions include the European Union, OAS, the Inter-American Union of Electoral Organizations (UNIORE).
The Sunday elections are the sixth since the country regained democracy in 1992.
El Salvador votes for new president, with anti-corruption outsider in lead
Salvadorans will vote in the first round of a presidential election on Sunday, with an energetic former mayor campaigning as an anti-corruption outsider set to win the top job and end decades of a two-party system.
2 servicemen injured in US-led attack on Syrian artillery
“At around 23:30 local time (late on Saturday) the aviation of the international coalition conducted an airstrike on the artillery mount of our forces operating in As Sukkariya region to the west of Abu Kamal,” said the source, adding that the air strike led to the destruction of the Syrian artillery mount.
Helicopter crash: We’re safe, sound – Osinbajo
It will be recalled that the Saturday incident was the second time Mr Osinbajo’s helicopter would crash-land. In June 2017, he survived a similar accident when the chopper he was traveling in crash-landed shortly after take off in Gwagawalada, Abuja.
Warum muss Venezuela zerstört werden?
Es wäre durchaus verständlich, wenn Sie diese Regimewechselaktion mit einer Art absurder Performancekunst verwechseln würden. Sie ist sicherlich ein wenig zu abstrakt für die Komplexität der realen Welt der internationalen Ordnung. Ein armer, ängstlicher Diener wird vor eine Kamera gestoßen und erklärt sich zum Präsidenten von Narnia, und dann springen drei Handlanger (Pence, Pompeo und Bolton) plus Bozo der Trump auf und schreien „Ja-ja-ja-ja, das ist er!“. Und ein pensionierter Versager wird von der Bank geholt, abgestaubt und auf eine Mission in ein Land geschickt, das ihn nicht haben will.
Chile: Mapuche-Aktivist Jones Huala im Hungerstreik
Der Mapuche Facundo Jones Huala hat am Montag einen Hungerstreik begonnen, um sich gegen seine Inhaftierung und die Bedingungen im Gefängnis von Temuco im Süden Chiles aufzulehnen.
Staatstragende Amnesie: Verfassungsschutzbeamtin erinnert sich angeblich nicht an Dienstbesprechungen nach Terroranschlag auf Berliner Weihnachtsmarkt
Sie habe an den Treffen der GTAZ-Arbeitsgruppen »Tägliche Lage« und »Operativer Informationsaustausch« teilgenommen – das seien insgesamt zu viele gewesen, um sich an die jeweiligen Gesprächsinhalte zu erinnern, erklärte sie. Es habe auch nur ein Ergebnisprotokoll gegeben. Am operativen Informationsaustausch hätten außer ihr Vertreter des Fachbereichs teilgenommen – die seien fürs Inhaltliche zuständig gewesen. Diese Beamten hatten allerdings auf Petra M. verwiesen, als es um das im GTAZ geteilte Wissen im Vorfeld des Anschlags ging – und letztendlich darum, ob es gereicht hätte, um ihn zu verhindern.
Brexit: Theresa May ‚determined‘ to leave EU in March
Theresa May has said she is „determined“ to deliver Brexit on time, ahead of talks on the Irish backstop.
Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, the prime minister said she would return to Brussels with a „fresh mandate, new ideas and a renewed determination“.
I will battle for Britain in Brussels
Last Sunday, Parliament prepared to hold a series of votes of huge importance to the Brexit process.The menu of choices before MPs was extensive and, in some cases, had far- reaching and long term implications for the way the UK is governed.
MPs were invited to back an amendment which would have given Parliament unprecedented power to direct the Government to extend the Article 50 process – frustrating Brexit and deferring the difficult decisions which remain to be taken before we leave the EU. They voted not to do so.
Theresa May given boost with seven point Tory poll lead as Jeremy Corbyn calls for snap general election
The Labour Party slumped by six points from 40 per cent to 34 per cent in the past fortnight, according to a survey by Opinium for The Observer, seeing them leapfrogged by the Conservatives who went from 37 per cent to 41 per cent.
SECOND‘S OUT: Theresa May vows there will never be a second referendum in defiant message to Brexit-wrecker MPs
She declared: “The leaders of the campaign for a second referendum had the chance to put their plan before the House of Commons a few days ago.
“But they recognised there is no majority in this Parliament to hold another vote. Indeed, I believe there never will be.”
Venezuela‘s opposition cheer the US and Israeli flags at their rally earlier today.
#Knesset21 seats according to poll
Likud 28
Israel Resilience 19
Yesh Atid 9
Joint List 9
New Right 7
United Torah Judaism 7
Labour 5
Gesher National Social Movement 4
Meretz 4
Zehut 4
[Under 3,25% Threshold]
Jewish Home 3
Ta‘al 3
Hatnuah 1
Yahad 1
The collapse of Labor is the most remarkable part of the recent polling, with current leader Avi Gabbay, leading the party into a perpetual freefall that has yet to stop. Former Labor partner Hatnuah is below the electoral threshold too
Netanyahu’s legal woes should be a boon for Israel’s left, but it’s busy imploding
Labor in 2017 named as its leader Avi Gabbay, a millionaire who made his money at the helm of Israel’s largest telecom provider.
Just a year earlier, Gabbay had been a minister in Netanyahu’s cabinet for a small centrist party he had helped found. Gabbay’s appointment as Labor’s leader has turned off many in that party, who are now calling for his removal.
Netanyahu‘s Request Rejected: Attorney General Won‘t Postpone Indictment Decision Until After Election
Prime minister‘s spokesperson says AG ‚has given in to pressure from the left and the media‘ to file an indictment ‚at any price‘
Die USA schaffen die Voraussetzungen für eine Invasion in Venezuela
Der venezolanisches Staat soll dauerhaft geschwächt werden. Dieser Prozess wird auch in anderen Ländern des Karibik-Beckens weitergehen
Proteste in Venezuela: Kräftemessen auf den Straßen
Es war wohl die größte Kundgebung in Venezuela der vergangenen Jahre: Zehntausende gingen gegen Präsident Maduro auf die Straße. Auch Regierungsunterstützer demonstrierten. Heute läuft ein Ultimatum ab.
Conflict-ridden Eastern Mediterranean: Syrian war, disputed waters hinder solutions for hydrocarbon resources
In the last few years hopes for the commercialization of hydrocarbon resources in the Eastern Mediterranean have dimmed as diplomatic and military tensions rise in the region along side the unending Syrian war
NATO’s SNMG1 readies for exercise Dynamic Guard
Hosted by Norway, Dynamic Guard is a multi-national exercise, merged with Norwegian led exercise TG 19-1 and aimed at maintaining proficiency in maritime electronic warfare and anti-ship missile defense… SNMG1 is composed of the US flagship guided-missile destroyer USS Gravely (DDG107), the German Navy replenishment tanker FGS Spessart (A1442), and the Polish guided-missile frigate ORP General Kazmierz Pulaski (FrR 272).
Tender „Werra“ auf dem Weg ins Mittelmeer
Der Tender soll als Operationszentrale für den internationalen NATO-Stab genutzt werden