Archiv: CureVac (corporation)

17.11.2021 - 18:12 [ ]

Biotechnologie, Staat und Kapital

Dieser Markt ließe sich unermesslich steigern, sollte die Propaganda, dass die gesamte Menschheit (B. Gates) und in Deutschland fast die gesamte Bevölkerung (A. Merkel) geimpft werden solle und auch müsse, umgesetzt werden. Deshalb schätzt das Finanz- und Analyseunternehmen „Morningstar“ für 2021 zu erwartenden Umsatz von 67 Milliarden US-Dollar für Covid-19-Impfstoffe. Der Umsatz der Rüstungsindustrie umfasste 2019 166 Mrd. US-Dollar.

Zwei dieser Biotech-Unternehmen sollen näher betrachtet werden: Biontech und Curevac.

02.02.2021 - 22:36 [ ]

Wer mit Impfstoffen Geld verdient

Aufhorchen ließ in diesem Zusammenhang die Zusage des britisch-schwedischen Pharmakonzerns AstraZeneca, seinen Corona-Impfstoff zum „Selbstkostenpreis“ abzugeben, damit also keinen Gewinn machen zu wollen. Allerdings ist dieses Versprechen offenbar zeitlich begrenzt. Wie die „Financial Times“ unter Berufung auf ein internes Dokument berichtete, verfällt dieses Angebot im Juli. Ein kleiner, aber wichtiger Zusatz der Aussage von Konzernchef Pascal Soriot hatte darauf hingedeutet, dass der Selbstkostenpreis nur gelte, „solange die Pandemie andauert“.

20.01.2021 - 12:15 [ ]

AstraZeneca: ‘Manufacturing should take lion’s share of credit for vaccine success’

Back in March, Oxford University had “a limited manufacturing and supply capacity so they needed a partner,” Srinivasan said. “We decided to immediately offer our capacity in terms of the global reach. But that was only the beginning. Then we had to establish various alliances whether public partnerships that have been governments, or with for profit organizations or CMOs [some of which can be found here, here, and here], or not for profit organizations such as The Gates Alliance, GAVI, CEPI, and other organizations.”

14.01.2021 - 10:32 [ ]

Neuartige mRNA-Impfstoffe gegen Corona?

Telepolis hat den beiden deutschen mRNA-Impfstoffentwicklern BioNTech in Mainz und CureVac in Tübingen die folgende Frage gestellt: Welche Wirkung ist bei der Impfstoffentwicklung beabsichtigt und wird in der Folge in den Studien überprüft?

Thorsten Schüller, Vice President Communications bei CureVac lässt sich dazu mit den folgenden Worten zitieren:

Das Ziel der Studien ist es, eine schwerwiegende Erkrankung an COVID-19 zu verhindern. Die sterile Immunität und/oder die Transmission müssen in Studien noch getestet werden, dazu ist ein spezielles Studiendesign notwendig.

10.11.2020 - 17:51 [ Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom / Twitter ]

Huge thanks to Kate Bingham and the Vaccine Taskforce for all their fantastic work in securing 40 million doses of the @pfizer & @BioNTech_Group vaccine and over 300 million doses of other promising vaccine candidates.

10.11.2020 - 17:36 [ Keir Shiels / Twitter ]

This vaccine needs to be kept at below -80 ^C because it uses mRNA. Not suitable for most clinics and GP practices. My money is still on Oxford to produce a more effective and ergonomic one.

10.11.2020 - 17:25 [ ]

Enges Rennen um den Impfstoff

Damit haben Biontech/Pfizer im Rennen um einen durchschlagenden Impferfolg die Nase vorn. Verbunden damit ist auch ein Durchbruch für die spezielle Technologie, die die beiden Partner, aber auch der deutsche Mitbewerber Curevac und der US-Konzern Moderna nutzen: Bei der Impfung auf mRNA-Basis „mit Erbgutschnipseln“ werden Baupläne für Proteine in die menschlichen Zellen eingeschleust, die dann Antigene herstellen – in diesem Fall gegen das Corona-Virus.

02.09.2020 - 13:12 [ Times of India ]

In change of tack, EU leaves door open to COVID vaccines purchase through WHO

The move could allow EU governments to secure vaccines from companies that are not negotiating with Brussels, such as U.S. firms Merck, Inovio and Novavax. They are all in talks with the WHO scheme, dubbed COVAX, but have so far not been reported to be involved in negotiations with the EU Commission.

17.06.2020 - 13:40 [ Tageschau ]

CureVac darf an Menschen testen

. Eine solche Studie sei in Deutschland derzeit aber kaum durchführbar, weil das Infektionsgeschehen zu gering sei. Deshalb sei CureVac für die Phase 3 bereits mit Studienzentren in Afrika und Brasilien im Gespräch, sagt Fotin-Mleczek.

23.04.2020 - 05:50 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Cyber Valley: Forschungsgruppe von US-Geheimdiensten finanziert

Die Forschungsgruppe ist Kernbestandteil des sog. Cyber Valley. Bereits in jener Pressemitteilung Ende 2016, mit der die baden-württembergische Landesregierung, die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und die Industrie die Gründung des Forschungsclusters bekanntgaben, wurde die Bildung dieser Forschungsgruppen angekündigt, die den Wissenstransfer zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft garantieren sollten.

21.03.2020 - 14:45 [ Radio Utopie ]

Coronavirus: Einen kleinen Staatsstreich spielen

Geht es nach dem Staat und seiner Presse, entscheidet demnächst die Regierung nach eigenem Ermessen wann Bevölkerung und Parlament sich versammeln, arbeiten oder aus dem Haus gehen dürfen.

So etwas nennt man dann einen Putsch.

Am morgigen Sonntag (22.03.) wird sich die Einheitsregierung („große Koalition“) der seit 15 Jahren amtierenden Kanzlerin Angela Merkel in einer Telefonkonferenz mit den Landesregierungen bezüglich bundesweiter „Ausgangssperren“ absprechen.

Es ist für alle Betroffenen, also Alle, wichtig dazu ein paar Dinge zu wissen.

16.03.2020 - 14:53 [ ]

CureVac works on mRNA vaccine for coronavirus

Since 2006, the company has been manufacturing mRNA-based vaccines and therapeutics. It is currently looking to boost its manufacturing capacity to supply up to billions of doses during outbreaks.

CureVac chief technology officer Mariola Fotin-Mleczek said: “Nature has invented mechanisms to activate our immune system against infectious diseases. With our unique messenger RNA technology, we mimic nature and give our body the information on how to fight against the virus.

16.03.2020 - 10:19 [ Wikipedia ]

Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations: SARS-CoV-2

In January 2020, CEPI funded three teams working on a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2, being: Moderna, Inovio Pharmaceuticals, and the University of Queensland (UQ).[28][29] By February 2020, Inovio announced that it had produced a pre-clinical DNA-based vaccination to fight COVID-19 at its lab in San Diego.[30] Inovio collaborated with a Chinese firm to speed its acceptance by regulatory authorities in China for human trialing.[31] The strategy of the UQ team is to develop a molecular clamp vaccine that genetically modifies viral proteins to make them mimic the coronavirus and stimulate an immune reaction.[29][28]

In January 2020, CEPI announced a fourth SARS-CoV-2 project in a collaboration with their existing partner CureVac, to develop and manufacture a vaccine.

16.03.2020 - 10:15 [ ]

Moderna : Germany tries to halt U.S. interest in firm working on coronavirus vaccine

CureVac in 2015 and 2018 secured financial backing for development projects from its investor the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, working on shots to prevent malaria and influenza.

In the field of so-called mRNA therapeutics, CureVac competes with U.S. biotech firm Moderna and German rival BioNTech, which Pfizer has identified as a potential collaboration partner.

16.03.2020 - 07:42 [ The Hill ]

German officials to discuss report of U.S. seeking to secure rights to coronavirus vaccine

CureVac said on its website that CureVac CEO Daniel Menichella met with President Trump and Vice President Pence earlier this month to discuss a coronavirus vaccine. The CEO said at the time he was “very confident that we will be able to develop a potent vaccine candidate within a few months.”

15.03.2020 - 22:51 [ Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News - ]

CureVac, Sanofi Pasteur, and In-Cell-Art Collaborate on €33.1M DARPA-Supported Vaccine Program

(November 15, 2011)

The four-year DARPA-supported program will exploit CureVac’s RNActive technology along with In-Cell-Art’s nanoparticle expertise and Sanofi’s vaccine development capabilities.

The option agreement signed between Sanofi and CureVac in parallel with the DARPA collaboration covers pre-agreed license terms for the development of vaccines against a number of predefined pathogens.

15.03.2020 - 22:31 [ ]

CureVac and CEPI extend their Cooperation to Develop a Vaccine against Coronavirus nCoV-2019


The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is one of the founding members of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and has committed a total of 90 million euro to its work. CEPI brings together a range of diverse stakeholders to develop much-needed vaccines for the prevention of future pandemics. Anja Karliczek, Federal Minister of Education and Research, said:

“The Coronavirus is currently the source of concern for many people. The development of a vaccine is an extremely important element in the effort to combat this viral infection. It is encouraging to see that this process now has the support of the international CEPI alliance, which is also making use of German research and development expertise. I hope that good results can soon be achieved for which so many people are waiting at this time.”

15.03.2020 - 22:08 [ ZDF ]

Corona-Medikament – Spahn: Impfstoff wird für ganze Welt entwickelt

„Wir sind in sehr guten Gesprächen übrigens schon seit zwei Wochen mit diesem Unternehmen.“ Die Meldung heute komme insofern „auch ein bischen zeitverzögert“.

15.03.2020 - 21:25 [ ]

Germany and US in tug of war as Donald Trump tries to buy rights to coronavirus vaccine

While more than two dozen pharmaceutical firms are in a race to develop the first effective vaccine against the coronavirus, CureVac may have an edge thanks to an experimental technology that allows it to deliver the prophylactic in extremely small doses.

It appears to have caught Mr Trump’s eye when he met the company’s chief executive during a crisis summit

15.03.2020 - 21:18 [ Richard Grenell, US Botschafter in Berlin / Twitter ]

Not true. The Welt story was wrong. But Business Insider, Reuters and others went with it anyway despite not having their own sources. Now everyone is back peddling.

15.03.2020 - 21:15 [ NBC News ]

Germany tries to stop Trump from luring away firm working on coronavirus vaccine

(March 15, 2020, 4:54 PM CET)

She declined to comment on any takeover possibilities but referred to Germany‘s foreign trade law, under which Berlin can examine takeover bids from non-EU, so-called third countries „if national or European security interests are at stake“.

There was no comment immediately available from the U.S. embassy in Berlin when contacted by Reuters on Sunday over the report, and nobody was available to comment at CureVac. Welt am Sonntag said CureVac declined to comment.

15.03.2020 - 20:50 [ ]

Timetable For A Vaccine Against The New Coronavirus? Maybe This Fall: NPR


CEPI is a global partnership of public, private and philanthropic organizations; it’s also supporting efforts at the biotech companies Moderna and CureVac.


Even in the rosiest of scenarios, Hatchett says, once the vaccine is in hand, it still needs to get to the people who need it, and that takes time — at least weeks to months, depending on the urgency.

15.03.2020 - 17:48 [ ]

Germany tries to stop U.S. from luring away firm seeking coronavirus vaccine

German government sources told Reuters on Sunday that the U.S. administration was looking into how it could gain access to a potential vaccine being developed by a German firm, CureVac.

Earlier, the Welt am Sonntag German newspaper reported that U.S. President Donald Trump had offered funds to lure CureVac to the United States, and the German government was making counter-offers to tempt it to stay.

15.03.2020 - 17:43 [ ]

Germany‘s CureVac says low-dose coronavirus vaccine could allow for mass production


Privately held Curevac, which was granted up to $8.3 million by CEPI in January, is working to draw on its low-dose vaccine technology, which has showed promise in an early-stage rabies trial, for use against the coronavirus.

The Tuebingen, Germany, based company hopes to have an experimental vaccine ready by June or July to then seek the go-ahead from regulators for testing on humans.

15.03.2020 - 17:33 [ ]

CureVac CEO replaced in midst of biotech‘s coronavirus push


Last Monday, Menichella was among the top executives of nearly a dozen biotech and pharmaceutical companies briefing President Trump on their respective coronavirus drug development plans. Just over a week later, he was out as CEO, replaced by CureVac founder and former CEO Hoerr.

It‘s a rapid transition in leadership at a time when the company is in the global spotlight for its efforts to quickly advance a coronavirus vaccine into human testing.

15.03.2020 - 17:21 [ ZDF ]

Kampf um Corona-Medikamente – USA wollen deutsche Impfstoffe aufkaufen

Die US-Regierung sei an einer exklusiven Nutzung des Impfstoffes für die USA interessiert. Das Unternehmen CureVac selbst war nicht für eine Stellungnahme erreichbar, ebenso wenig der Hauptinvestor der Firma. Dies ist dievini, die Biotechholding des SAP-Gründers Dietmar Hopp.