Daily Archives: 25. Oktober 2021

25.10.2021 - 19:22 [ arxiv.org ]

A Unified Model for the Fan Region and the North Polar Spur: A bundle of filaments in the Local Galaxy

We present a simple, unified model that can explain two of the brightest, large-scale, diffuse, polarizedradio features in the sky, the North Polar Spur (NPS) and the Fan Region, along with several otherprominent loops. We suggest that they are long, magnetized, and parallel filamentary structures thatsurround the Local arm and/or Local Bubble, in which the Sun is embedded. We show this modelis consistent with the large number of observational studies on these regions, and is able to resolvean apparent contradiction in the literature that suggests the high latitude portion of the NPS isnearby, while lower latitude portions are more distant. Understanding the contributions of this localemission is critical to developing a complete model of the Galactic magnetic field.

25.10.2021 - 19:18 [ Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto ]

Dunlap Astronomer discovers we may be surrounded by tunnel-like structure

(Oct.14, 2021)

Dr. Jennifer West, Research Associate at the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, is making a scientific case that two bright structures that are seen on opposite sides of the sky – previously considered to be separate – are actually connected and are made of rope-like filaments. This connection forms what looks like a tunnel around our solar system.

“If we were to look up in the sky,” explains West, “we would see this tunnel-like structure in just about every direction we looked – that is, if we had eyes that could see radio light.”

25.10.2021 - 19:10 [ SciTechdaily.com ]

A Vast “Magnetic Tunnel” May Surround Earth and Our Entire Solar System


An expert in magnetism in galaxies and the interstellar medium, West looks forward to the more possible discoveries connected to this research.

“Magnetic fields don’t exist in isolation,” she says. “They all must to connect to each other. So, a next step is to better understand how this local magnetic field connects both to the larger-scale galactic magnetic field, and also to the smaller scale magnetic fields of our sun and Earth.”

25.10.2021 - 18:59 [ National Aeronautics and Space Administration ]

Studying the Edge of the Sun’s Magnetic Bubble

(Oct 19, 2021)

The space radiation that comes at us from other stars is called galactic cosmic radiation (GCR). Active areas in the galaxy – like supernovae, black holes, and neutron stars – can strip the electrons from atoms and accelerate the nuclei to almost the speed of light, producing GCR.

On Earth, we have three layers of protection from space radiation. The first is the heliosphere, which helps block GCR from reaching the major planets in the solar system. Additionally, Earth’s magnetic field produces a shield called the magnetosphere, which keeps GCR out away from Earth and low-orbiting satellites like the International Space Station. Finally, the gases of Earth’s atmosphere absorb radiation.

25.10.2021 - 18:48 [ National Aeronautics and Space Administration ]

With NASA Data, Researchers Find Standing Waves at Edge of Earth’s Magnetic Bubble

(Oct.6, 2021)

The latest work considers the waves that form across the entire surface of the magnetosphere, using a combination of models and observations from NASA’s THEMIS mission, Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms.

The researchers found when solar wind pulses strike, the waves that form not only race back and forth between Earth’s magnetic poles and the front of the magnetosphere, but also travel against the solar wind. Archer likened these two kinds of movement to crossing a river: A boat can go from one riverbank to the other (traveling towards the poles) and upstream (against the solar wind). At the front of the magnetosphere, these waves appear to stand still.

25.10.2021 - 18:37 [ Electroverse.net ]

NASA caught “adjusting” Global Temperature Graph — AGAIN

(July 20, 2021)

In what Dr Higgs calls yet another manipulation of the data, in early 2021, NASA discreetly lowered the 2016 global average temperature –previously the highest on record– to make the year 2020 seem like the hottest.

NASA play these ‘games of adjustment’ all the time, and each and every time, without fail, their tweaks support the man-made global warming narrative.

Below are copies of NASA’s 1880-2020 global temperature chart ‘before & after’ their most recent “adjustment”:

25.10.2021 - 18:30 [ Electroverse.net ]

Solar Cycle 25 Progressing Similarly to 24, + Fairbanks sees Record-Breaking Snowfall

(October 6, 2021)

The official forecast by the NOAA/NASA Solar Cycle 25 Prediction Panel (made in 2019, and visualized by the red line above) called for a weak cycle 25, peaking in July 2025. And while things are currently tracking slightly ahead of schedule, NOAA don’t believe that the cycle will peak any higher than SC24. Instead, they simply see the peak arriving earlier, in late-2024 (rather than mid-2025). If this plays out it would of course mean an earlier start to Solar Cycle 26, too …

25.10.2021 - 18:04 [ Times of India ]

Study: Sun’s magnetic field is weakening

(Oct 7, 2019)

The research, according to the team, will help monitor and evaluate the influence of solar activities and their implications on the Earth’s climate. The astrophysicists’ team included experts from Ahmedabad’s Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Japan, and China.

25.10.2021 - 17:25 [ Forbes.com ]

Is Earth’s Magnetic Shield Eroding?


The strength of Earth’s main magnetic field is currently about 29.5 microteslas, down 5 microteslas, or 14 percent from its strength three centuries ago.

We know this. There is no question of this.

25.10.2021 - 17:04 [ PRI.org ]

Scientists link Earth‘s magnetic reversals to changes in planet‘s life and climate

(April 19, 2021)

The researchers examined the rings of the tree to look for changes in the amount of carbon-14 over a period of years, Gramling explains. Carbon-14 is useful not only for dating things, but because the interaction of cosmic rays with molecules in the atmosphere produces a lot of it. And when the Earth has a weakened magnetic field, more cosmic rays hit the planet.

The scientists indeed found a large spike in carbon-14 in the tree, which they could then compare with the rock record that indicated a magnetic reversal. (…)

In addition, there is the documented rise in cave art right about 41,000-42,000 years ago, Gramling points out.

25.10.2021 - 16:58 [ Geophysical Research Letters 35(16) / researchgate.net ]

Magnetic effect on CO 2 solubility in seawater: A possible link between geomagnetic field variations and climate

(August 2008)

Correlations between geomagnetic-field and climate parameters have been suggested repeatedly, but possible links are controversially discussed. Here we test if weak (Earth-strength) magnetic fields can affect climatically relevant properties of seawater. We found the solubility of air in seawater to be by 15% lower under reduced magneticfield (20 mT) compared to normal field conditions (50 mT). The magnetic-field effect on CO2 solubility is twice as large, from which we surmise that geomagnetic field variations modulate the carbon exchange between atmosphere and ocean. A 1% reduction in magnetic dipole moment may release up to ten times more CO2 from the surface ocean than is emitted by subaerial volcanism.

25.10.2021 - 16:54 [ Businessinsider.com ]

Xi and Putin are snubbing the COP26 climate summit, even though China and Russia produce some 32% of global CO2 emissions

The leaders of China and Russia said they won‘t be at this week‘s COP26 climate-change summit.
Their absence may make it harder for others to secure big commitments to reducing emissions.

25.10.2021 - 16:46 [ LSE.co.uk ]

UPDATE 1-UK‘s Johnson says COP26 success hangs in the balance

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Monday it was „touch and go“ whether the
upcoming United Nations COP26 global climate conference will secure the agreements needed to help tackle climate change.

Britain hopes the summit in Glasgow, which begins on Oct. 31, will adopt plans to help limit the rise in the average global temperature to 1.5 degree Celsius above pre-industrial
levels and to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

25.10.2021 - 16:42 [ NPR.org ]

The COP26 summit to fight climate change is about to start. Here‘s what to expect

Q. What‘s a COP?

These climate meetings began in 1992, when countries signed a treaty promising to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere and prevent dangerous changes to the climate. Almost every year since then, the parties to this agreement have met to talk about what still needs to be done. It‘s called a Conference of Parties, or COP. This is the 26th such meeting. So, COP26.

25.10.2021 - 08:30 [ Politico ]

‘An outrage against democracy’: JFK‘s nephews urge Biden to reveal assassination records

“It’s an outrage. It’s an outrage against American democracy. We’re not supposed to have secret governments within the government,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told POLITICO. “How the hell is it 58 years later, and what in the world could justify not releasing these documents?”

His cousin, former Rhode Island Rep. Patrick Kennedy, said the records should be released not because of his family, but because American citizens have a right to know about “something that left such a scar in this nation’s soul that lost not only a president but a promise of a brighter future.”

25.10.2021 - 08:14 [ archive.org ]

Zapruder Film Slow Motion

Zapruder Film Slow Motion.

25.10.2021 - 08:08 [ Radio Utopie ]

Wie John F. Kennedy erschossen wurde: Sehen Sie genau hin


Vor 50 Jahren filmte Abraham Zapruder die Ermordung des Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Bizarrerweise haben in Deutschland die Meisten diese Aufnahmen bis heute nie gesehen. So ging es den U.S.-Amerikanern noch bis 1975, elfeinhalb Jahre nach dem Attentat.

Zapruder, heute bei Wikipedia der arme Mann mit dem Albtraum, hatte nach dem Attentat sofort erkannt, was sein Film wert war. Noch am Abend der Ermordung John F. Kennedys, am 22. November 1963, saß er in einem Interview beim TV-Sender WFAA, nahm sich einen Anwalt und ließ alle interessierten Journalisten seinen Film in einer geschlossenen Vorführung ein einziges Mal ansehen, um ihn meistbietend zu verkaufen. Sofort nach der Filmvorführung trat der Journalist Dan Rather, nach eigener Aussage noch vor allen anderen, vor die Kamera und erklärte, der Zapruder-Film habe gezeigt, wie der Kopf des Präsidenten durch einen von hinten erfolgten Schuss „violently“ (heftig) nach vorne geschleudert worden sei (die Aussage Rathers ist zwischen viel Werbung noch in Teil 5 der Doku „50 Jahre Kennedy-Attentat – Geheimnisse einer amerikanischen Dynastie“ in der VOX Mediathek zusehen).

Danach kaufte das Time Life Magazin von Abraham Zapruder alle Rechte an dessen Film und ließ diesen im Archiv verschwinden. Seit dem Mord an John F. Kennedy waren gerade einmal zwei Tage vergangen.

Bis 1969 wurde die Filmaufnahmen von der Ermordung des U.S.-Präsidenten unter Verschluss gehalten. Dann erzwang der Staatswalt Jim Garrison im Rahmen eines Gerichtsverfahrens vom Time Life Magazine die Herausgabe des Zapruder-Films und war so in der Lage, die Aufnahmen von Kennedy-Attentat wenigstens den Geschworenen zu zeigen. Der Öffentlichkeit wurden die Aufnahmen erst am 6. März 1975 zugänglich gemacht, durch Ausstrahlung im TV Sender ABC (Kino oder Fernsehsender waren damals die einzige Möglichkeit Filmaufnahmen effektiv zu verbreiten).

25.10.2021 - 06:27 [ Heise.de ]

50 Jahre „Verschwörungstheoretiker“: 1967 verteilte die CIA eine geheime Handreichung zur Diskreditierung von Zweiflern


Ausgerechnet der „1. April“ ziert als Datum das CIA-Dokument 1035-960, in welchem die CIA 1967 den Begriff „Conspiracy Theory“ – „Verschwörungstheorie“ – einführte. Sie reagierte damit auf das verbreitete Unbehagen über die offizielle Interpretation des Kennedy-Attentats. Nach Präsentation des Warren-Reports, der maßgeblich von CIA-Mastermind Allen Dulles geprägt war, erschien eine Welle von Büchern, die bei damals 46% der US-Bürger Zweifel an der Alleintäterschaft Oswalds verursachte.

25.10.2021 - 06:10 [ Fox News ]

Biden delays release of JFK assassination records, blaming COVID-19 pandemic

In 1992, Congress ruled that „all Government records concerning the assassination of President John F. Kennedy … should be eventually disclosed to enable the public to become fully informed about the history surrounding the assassination.“

The act allowed the government to postpone the release to „protect against an identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement or the conduct of foreign relations,“ according to Biden‘s memo.

25.10.2021 - 06:08 [ Slate ]

White House Once Again Delays Release of JFK Assassination Documents

The memo doesn’t actually go into detail on how the pandemic affected the review process, only noting that the national archivist had requested the delay in the release of the documents because the pandemic “has had a significant impact on the agencies” reviewing the redactions in the document.

25.10.2021 - 05:02 [ Bild / Twitter ]

Spahn bleibt dabei – „Epidemische Lage“ bei Corona kann auslaufen

25.10.2021 - 04:50 [ Achse des Guten ]

Bericht zur Coronalage vom 20.09.2021: Zwei-Prozent. Die Skandal-Zahl


Angesichts der Dauerpanik-Meldung übervoller Intensivabteilungen und des drohenden Kollapses der Krankenhäuser einzuschätzen, wieviel Prozent der gesamten Patientenzeit in deutschen Krankhäusern 2020 von COVID-Patienten belegt wurden?

Das bedeutet in Bezug auf die gesamten Tage, die Patienten in deutschen Krankenhäusern lagen: Wieviel Prozent entfallen davon auf Patiententage mit der Diagnose COVID? Die Antwort steht auf der Seite des Bundesgesundheitsministeriums (BMG). Und zwar in diesem Gutachten des Leibniz-Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung, welches das BMG selbst beauftragt hat und dessen Ergebnis seit April bekannt ist.

25.10.2021 - 04:33 [ Heise.de ]

Studie: 2020 sind weniger Menschen in Deutschland gestorben

Gegenüber dem Mitteldeutschen Rundfunk (mdr) sagte er: Im Jahr 2020 gab es mit 5,8 Millionen über 80-Jährigen eine Million mehr als im Jahre 2016. „Und dann erwarten sie natürlich allein aufgrund dessen eine höhere Sterblichkeit, selbst wenn es keine Pandemie gegeben hätte. Und das müssen sie natürlich mit rausrechnen.“