Daily Archives: 10. März 2020

10.03.2020 - 22:08 [ The Hill / Twitter ]

Krystal Ball: Warren is forever dead to the left

Krystal Ball discusses Elizabeth Warren‘s political motives by choosing no to endorse Bernie Sanders.

10.03.2020 - 21:04 [ Common Dreams ]

Progressives Sound Alarm to Democrats: Biden Is Not the ‚Safe‘ Candidate Against Trump

„Joe Biden is not safe. Not safe for the planet. Not safe for our health. Not safe to run against Trump.“

10.03.2020 - 19:51 [ @mackyson / Twitter ]

We need our own party. Its time to leave the sinking ship Dem party behind. After this election, The Progressive party needs its own leadership.

There are too many of us to keep us tied up trying to still be relevant to these dense, self-serving corporate dems. #BernieSurge

10.03.2020 - 19:31 [ Secular Talk / Twitter ]

Rule #1 of politics is don‘t piss off your base. Republicans never violate it. An entire wing of the democratic party not only violates it, but has made violating it the centerpiece of their ideology. Lecturing voters every debate using GOP talking points. Iceberg dead ahead.

10.03.2020 - 19:28 [ Shlomo Abrin / Twitter ]

Exit polling in three states from Super Thursday are off by 10% while California still counts ballots and 102 delegates haven‘t yet been awarded. And every coin toss, miscount, non-count, bad polling always -always- always goes against #BernieSanders.

10.03.2020 - 18:40 [ Scotty McGuire / Twitter ]

Michigan: C-SPAN 2 camera zooms out far enough to show the reality of Joe Biden‘s true campaign. Detroit Michigan school gymnasium. The attendance super low, but on top of that; audience talked with each other the whole time that he was giving his speech.

10.03.2020 - 18:39 [ Naomi Lim, @BBCNorthAmerica , @CNNPolitics / Twitter ]

I’ve spent almost a year covering Biden on the road and I’ve never seen a line this long for one of his events. Here in Detroit, Michigan on primary eve for his rally with Cory Booker and Kamala Harris.

Via @dcexaminer .

10.03.2020 - 18:21 [ Bernard E. Harcourt / Twitter ]

What is wrong with us??? “Officials in NYC said they would close public schools only as last resort, in part because about 114,000 students in school system are homeless and may have nowhere else to get hot meals, medical care or even a place to wash their dirty laundry” @nytimes

10.03.2020 - 18:00 [ TexasScoreCard.com ]

Some Super Tuesday Votes Won’t Count Unless Dallas Judge Fixes Democrat Election Official’s Mistake

Dallas County Elections Administrator Toni Pippins-Poole will be in district court today asking a state judge to allow a partial recount of the March 3 primary, due to “counting errors” found days after the ballot count was complete.

In a petition filed Friday night, the Democrat official said she discovered “discrepancies” between the number of voters who checked in at the polls and the number of electronic ballots counted:

10.03.2020 - 17:52 [ Antiwar.com ]

Quieter and Quieter: The Evolution of Latin America’s Silent Coups

Then under Obama, coups changed. They went quiet. In the most cynical of moves, America, the champion of democracy, stopped using violence to undermine democracy and started using democracy to undermine democracy. Legitimately elected leaders began to fall, not to the bullet or bomb, but to coups in the disguise of democracy. The coup evolved into the silent coup: so silent, they were not heard nor noticed.

10.03.2020 - 17:35 [ Josh Orton,National Policy Director and Senior Advisor for @BernieSanders / Twitter ]

This is even worse than it seemed: „This [finger pointing] is not OK, alright?“ the man said, to which Biden replied, „Don‘t tell me that, pal, or I‘m going to go out and slap you in the face.“ „You‘re working for me, man!“ the worker said.

10.03.2020 - 17:32 [ Bo Erickson CBS / Twitter ]

WATCH: „You’re full of sh*t,“ @JoeBiden tells a man who accused him of „actively trying to end our Second Amendment right.“ „I support the Second Amendment,“ Biden adds while vising under-construction auto plant in Detroit. @CBSNews

„Don‘t be such a horse‘s ass,“ @JoeBiden
says after the man continued to yell at him.

10.03.2020 - 17:30 [ Mehdi Hasan / Twitter ]

He‘s no Trump, of course, but Joe Biden does have an honesty problem.

We need to talk about it, as it‘ll hurt in the general election: his habit of, yeah, just making shit up.

Don‘t believe me?

I bring the receipts in this new @theintercept
video essay:

10.03.2020 - 17:26 [ Ann Wright / Antiwar.com ]

Most Americans Unaware of Largest US War Game in Europe in 25 Years

In an effort to spend all the money allocated to the US military, over $680 billion for 2020, 20,000 pieces of equipment will be sent to Europe for the division-size mobilization. The equipment will depart from seaports in politically important electoral states of South Carolina, Georgia, and Texas.

10.03.2020 - 17:23 [ Ann Wright / antikrieg.com ]

Die meisten Amerikaner wissen nichts von der größten US-Kriegsübung in Europa seit 25 Jahren

In dem Bestreben, die landesweite Unterstützung in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und die Öffentlichkeit für die Wiederbelebung des Kalten Krieges zu gewinnen, werden die US-Militäreinheiten aus 15 US-Bundesstaaten kommen, darunter wichtige Wahlstaaten wie Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina und Virginia.

10.03.2020 - 17:09 [ Reddit ]

So if you misspell berniesanders.com as berniesander.com, you get redirected to a donation page for the Biden campaign

Global_ized –
19 hours ago:

Not only will it go there, if you do this on mobile it‘s setup to jump you lower on the page to the donation section so that you don‘t see any of the information at the top

10.03.2020 - 16:46 [ junge Welt ]

Türkei erhält weiterhin Rüstungsgüter

Dagdelen nannte es am Dienstag »unverantwortlich«, dass die Regierung »vor dem Hintergrund des mehrmaligen türkischen Einmarsches in Syrien und der engen Kooperation mit internationalen Terrororganisationen« weiter Rüstungsgüter an die Türkei liefere.

10.03.2020 - 15:56 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Dear America, Please Stop This Nonsense Immediately. Love, The Rest Of The World

So, I know you don’t like us to bother you during an election year, but all the people in all the other countries in the world have been talking, and there’s just one teensy, weensy issue we wanted to chat with you about, if you don’t mind.

Ummmm… so, like, are you guys really going to do this Joe Biden thing? Like, for real?

10.03.2020 - 15:52 [ PasteMagazine.com ]

Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti Dunk on Corporate Media and Politicians for a Living—And It’s Glorious

Ball and Enjeti are two of today’s most insightful voices—on the left and right, respectively—in American political media, and they are proudly out of step with the CNNs and Washington Posts of the world. When the corporate media giants fail to inform and the corporate political parties start to shake, it requires brave truth tellers to represent the actual sentiments of the American people, and both attempt to do just that in a new book titled The Populist’s Guide to 2020, available now via Strong Arm Press.

10.03.2020 - 15:48 [ Jimmy Dore / Twitter ]

Even Trump knows that @TheDemocrats are so corrupt they are planning on losing to him again if they can stop the candidate who represents workers. #ZombieParty

10.03.2020 - 14:31 [ CNSNews.com ]

FLASHBACK: Brain Surgeon Told Biden He Had Less Than 50% Chance of ‘Being Completely Normal’


Speaking at the White House National Conference on Mental Health on Monday, Vice President Joe Biden told a sometimes serious and sometimes jocular story about the two brain surgeries he needed in 1988 to deal with cranial aneurysms.

10.03.2020 - 14:20 [ Jordan / Twitter ]

SCANDALOUS journalists are ignoring @JoeBiden : 1) Being limited to 7-15 minute speeches 2) Having INVITE ONLY public events 3) Campaign stops NOT OPEN 2 PUBLIC (Grand Rapids 2moro) 4) No live feed of events 5) No TV interviews 6) Pushing 4 seated town hall vs @BernieSanders

10.03.2020 - 14:01 [ theIntercept.com ]

Democrats and Their Media Allies Impugned Biden’s Cognitive Fitness. Now They Feign Outrage.

But, as the Democratic establishment has united with creepy speed and obedience behind Biden in order to stop the Sanders candidacy, those who now raise these concerns instantly come under a withering assault of insults and attacks from Democratic Party operatives along with their crucial media allies: thinly disguised pro-Biden reporters who continue to insist on wearing the unconvincing and fraudulent costume of neutrality. They are invoking the classic Orwellian formulation from the novel 1984: “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

10.03.2020 - 13:31 [ Grayzone ]

The Grayzone and CODEPINK demand emergency OAS election observers in 2020 Democratic presidential primary

When: 2 pm, Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Where: Outside the Organization of American States, 200 17th St NW, Washington, DC 20006

In light of clear irregularities in voting results in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary and structural barriers to voter participation, The Grayzone and CODEPINK call on the Organization of American States (OAS) to provide emergency international election monitors in the primary contest.

10.03.2020 - 13:18 [ Plain Ol' Johnny Graz / Twitter ]

For those on the verge of giving up, take it from someone who DID check out after the 2000 election: DO NOT DO IT. There is little in my life I regret more than not fighting back. Turn your disgust into anger and your anger into action. The time is now and the leaders are us.

10.03.2020 - 11:32 [ Matt Karp / Twitter ]

FYI there are still 2.9 million unprocessed ballots in California—more than the Democratic turnout of Virginia & North Carolina combined. When the counting‘s done, Bernie may extend his CA lead by another 200,000 votes—more than Biden‘s winning margin in Texas & Mass. combined.

10.03.2020 - 09:42 [ Jimmy Dore / Twitter ]

Still seeing lots of people aghast at the Democratic party because they are “risking losing to a Trump”. For the last time: They don’t care if they “lose” to Trump!!! What they can’t “RISK” is winning with a progressive. Hope that helps.

10.03.2020 - 09:38 [ Secular Talk / Twitter ]

The democratic primary is corporatism vs social democracy.

10.03.2020 - 09:17 [ Forbes ]

The Fed‘s $16 Trillion Bailouts Under-Reported


It is the first audit of the Fed in United States history since its beginnings in 1913. The findings verify that over $16 trillion was allocated to corporations and banks internationally, purportedly for “financial assistance” during and after the 2008 fiscal crisis.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) amended the Wall Street Reform law to audit the Fed, pushing the GAO to step in and take a look around.

10.03.2020 - 09:10 [ CNN Money ]

CNNMoney.com‘s bailout tracker

Financial rescue plan aimed at restoring liquidity to the financial markets


Committed : $11 trillion (total)
Invested: $3 trillion (total)

10.03.2020 - 09:01 [ Naomi Klein / Twitter ]

Folks, real talk: we are now the edge of a global economic crisis. The last time this happened, the Biden wing of the Dem party handed trillions to the banks who created the crisis, did not prosecute, and let workers, students and homeowners pay the price. Do not do it again.

10.03.2020 - 08:33 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Must Be Replaced for Israel’s Sake

Kahol Lavan’s raison d’etre is to bring the era of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a close. It’s no coincidence that they’ve been dubbed the “Just Not Bibi” party. The glue holding the party’s disparate parts together is the absolute certainty of Benny Gantz, and the factions to his left (Yesh Atid) and his right (Telem), that for Israel’s good, Netanyahu must be replaced. That’s why the party was founded, and that’s why people voted for it.

10.03.2020 - 07:49 [ theHill.com ]

Poll: Majority of Democratic voters say US economic system is unfair

For Americans overall, the March 1-2 survey found 53 percent of registered voters said the U.S. economic system is mostly or somewhat fair while 47 percent said the opposite.

10.03.2020 - 07:17 [ Fox News ]

Bernie Sanders, at Fox News Town Hall, hits Clinton for efforts to ‚relive‘ 2016, Biden for backing ‚crooks‘

The Biden campaign has repeatedly refused Fox News Channel‘s invitations to participate in a town hall.

Separately, prompted by a recent video clip of Clinton claiming that „nobody likes“ Sanders and that he „didn‘t work until he was 41,“ Sanders responded: „Unlike Secretary Clinton, I don‘t want to relive 2016. We‘re in 2020 now.“

10.03.2020 - 07:12 [ quora.com ]

Why can Republicans vote in the Democratic Party primary?

Because you can register as a member of any party you like. Republicans can register as Democrats and then vote in the primary, even though they have no intention of voting Democratic in the election.

10.03.2020 - 07:08 [ NBC News ]

Why some conservatives are voting in Michigan‘s Democratic primary

Whether conflicted conservatives vote for a Democrat in November may depend on the nominee. Earlier in the primary, NBC News spoke to some moderate Republicans who were excited at the prospect of voting for Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota or former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

10.03.2020 - 07:06 [ New York Times ]

‘Never Trump’ Republicans Will Support Biden, not Sanders

Right-of-center voters are open to voting for a moderate Democrat. They have been helping one in the primaries.

10.03.2020 - 06:12 [ Rand Paul, US Senator / Twitter ]

I couldn’t agree more. Real reform or nothing this week.

10.03.2020 - 06:01 [ Mike Lee, US Senator / Twitter ]

The #deepstate spied on @realDonaldTrump . PATRIOT Act §215 makes it easier for the feds to spy on Americans. FISA should be used to stop foreign terrorists, not spy on U.S. citizens. Absent major FISA reform, we should let 215 expire this week! #Veto215

10.03.2020 - 05:12 [ Politico.com ]

House leaders near deal to renew federal surveillance powers

House leaders are closing in on a bipartisan deal to renew a set of federal surveillance powers expiring this weekend, but no final agreement has been reached, according to lawmakers and aides of both parties.

10.03.2020 - 04:24 [ ORF.at ]

Gespräch mit Erdogan: EU hält an Flüchtlingsdeal mit Türkei fest

Sowohl Michel als auch von der Leyen lobten, dass das Gespräch mit Erdogan stattgefunden habe. Von der Leyen nannte es konstruktiv. Erdogan war bei ihrer Pressekonferenz nicht dabei.

10.03.2020 - 04:10 [ Bloomberg.com ]

Turkey’s Erdogan Leaves EU Talks Without Agreement on Refugees

Talks between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the European Union over the fate of refugees in his country ended in failure Monday with no clear agreement over what should happen next on an issue that has further strained relations.