In Thüringen haben am Dienstag rund 200 Polizisten für den Ernstfall geprobt. Das Szenario: eine Geiselnahme in der Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung in Eisenberg im Saale-Holzland-Kreis. Die Täter wollten den Familiennachzug erzwingen. Es folgte ein stundenlanger Großeinsatz.
Daily Archives: 27. November 2019
Thüringen: Tiefensee legt Landtagsmandat nieder – Taubert und Maier nicht
Wolfgang Tiefensee (SPD) ist damit der erste Sozialdemokrat, der – quasi im Vorgriff – das tut, was die SPD bei der Aufstellung der Landtagsliste beschlossen hatte: Wer in die Regierung eintritt, solle die Fraktion verlassen und damit Platz für Nachrücker schaffen.
EU-Grenzbehörde muss keine Auskunft über Schiffe im Mittelmeer geben
Die Kläger:innen denken darüber nach, gegen das Urteil in Berufung zu gehen. „Hätte das Urteil Bestand, müsste Frontex nicht einmal geringe Transparenzstandards befolgen“, heißt es auf dem Blog. „Die Behörde hat bald ein Milliardenbudget, ihre Beamten dürfen Schusswaffen tragen. Das muss einhergehen mit mehr öffentlicher Kontrolle“, twitterte Semsrott.
OAS Admits Absence of Final Report on Elections in Bolivia
In response to a request made by the Latin American Strategic Center for Geopolitics (Celag), the Organization of American States (OAS) acknowledges that its final report on Bolivia‘s presidential elections is not ready yet.
Kolumbien streikt weiter und trauert um Dilan Cruz
Aus Sicht der Arbeitergewerkschaften „beseitigt diese Gründung die direkte Kontrolle des Staates über die Gelder staatlicher Finanzunternehmen“ und wird zu einem „Arbeitsplatzmassaker“ bei den entsprechenden Institutionen führen.
„I werd Ihna die Wadeln virerichten!“
Der Anrufer am Polizeinotruf ist niemand geringerer als Hofrat Magister Alexander Gaisch, 52 Jahre alt, ehemaliger Leiter des Landesamts für Verfassungsschutz, Ex-Polizeidirektor von Graz und seit 2012 der Landespolizeidirektor-Stellvertreter der Steiermark.
Update am 27.11.2019, 12:49 Uhr: Der vom Falter aufgedeckte „Notruf“-Fall wird nun zum Politikum. Die Generaldirektion für die Öffentliche Sicherheit im Innenministerium hat eine umfassende Prüfung des gesamten Sachverhalts eingeleitet, wie BMI-Sprecher Alexander Marakovits gerade mitteilte. Der steirische Vize-Polizeichef Alexandser Gaisch wird vorübergehend in die steirische Fremdenpolizei versetzt und übt seine Funktion als stellvertretender Landespolizeidirektor jetzt nicht mehr aus.
Vizepolizeidirektor beschimpfte Notrufbeamten
Gaisch sei bis auf Weiteres der Landesstelle des Bundesamtes für Asyl- und Fremdenwesen zugeteilt worden.
The Prosecution of Julian Assange Calls for Public Defense of Free Speech
The established media with their allegiance to the state has been failing to inform the public about the threat to civil liberties emanating from this country. The U.S. government has been waging a war against the First Amendment. Assange has become a political prisoner of this war. In the era of “hope and change,” he and his organization became a target of Obama’s crackdown on whistleblowers, which now has escalated into Trump administration’s assaults on the press freedom.
White Helmets Whitewash: founder’s death, OPCW scandal lift mask on al-Qaeda’s ally in Syria
We speak to The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal, whose reporting has exposed the White Helmets’ ties to jihadists groups and its use as a PR tool for Western military intervention in Syria.
“We don’t know if there’s a cover-up around his [Le Mesurier’s] death — I can’t go that far,” Blumenthal says. “The real cover-up is around his life, as he’s being celebrated everywhere from the Guardian to the New York Times as this heroic figure, this kind of Gandhi of conflict stabilization; when his legacy is actually very dark and stained with blood.”
Sahra Wagenknecht – die beliebteste Politikerin. „Was ist das wert? Was machen Sie aus diesem Potenzial?
A. M.: Danke vielmals.
Germany is damaging the European economy. The answer? Raise German wages
Increasing wages increases consumption. Because 22% of consumption is imported in Germany – and because increasing wages doesn’t increase exports: if anything, the opposite – Germans having more money in their pockets will lead to them buying more foreign goods, reducing the current account surplus.
This won’t be easy to execute. There is a deep bipartisan consensus in Germany to maintain the status quo.
Tausende demonstrierten in Tel Aviv für Netanjahu
Netanjahus Likud-Partei hatte ihre Gefolgschaft mit Bussen aus allen Teilen des Landes zu der Demonstration nach Tel Aviv gebracht. Netanjahu ist der erste amtierende Regierungschef Israels, der unter Anklage steht. Ihm werden Betrug, Bestechlichkeit und Untreue vorgeworfen – im Amt bleiben will er trotzdem.
The Public‘s Silence Helped Netanyahu’s Abuse of Israelis
Morality, fairness, truth, honesty – concepts that form the relationship between the people and a country’s leader – we wrinkled and crushed them when we gave up the only power that the public has against corrupt leadership, the power to say: “Enough already,” without waiting for another and then yet another election.
We have allowed the suspect to insult and abuse the same legal and judicial systems that we are all respectfully subject to. We have treated Netanyahu as if he were the village idiot who can do anything he wants.
Post-Netanyahu Likud Can Only Recover From Stockholm Syndrome in the Opposition
Likud leaders, terrified of Netanyahu’s ability to ruin their career at a moment’s notice, walk in his footsteps eagerly and defend him from those seeking to harm him, with ever-growing conviction and enthusiasm.
The extended stay in intimate proximity with their captor changes the hostages’ basic worldview and values. They identify with their kidnapper and believe he is acting for their own good. They lose the ability to discern between good and evil, just and unjust, guilty and innocent
Thousands rally against Netanyahu indictment as PM steps up pressure
At least 8000 gather at Tel Aviv Museum of Art holding banners, slamming the attorney general and state prosecutors in a demonstration against Israel leader‘s corruption charges; ‚Rule of law isn‘t above the law,‘ says PM backer Miri Regev
Ex-Clinton strategist met with Trump to talk impeachment
“I am not working for Donald Trump in any way and I would never do so — either paid or unpaid. I’ve been dozens of times on TV about events of the day and that was the extent of my comments,” Penn continued. “I think the country needs all our leaders to focus on governing.”
Penn reportedly encouraged Trump to focus on the substance of the allegations against him related to his interactions with Ukraine, which are the focus of the House impeachment inquiry.
SCOTT RITTER: The ‘Whistleblower’ and the Politicization of Intelligence
There is no legitimate reason for the whistleblower’s identity to remain a secret. The Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Representative Adam Schiff, (D-CA) has cited statutory protections that simply do not exist while using his authority as chairman to prohibit any probe by his Republican colleagues designed to illicit information about the whistleblower’s identity. “The whistleblower has a right, a statutory right, to anonymity,” Schiff recently opined during recent impeachment-related testimony. And yet The Washington Post, no friend of Trump, was compelled to assign Schiff’s statement three “Pinocchios”, out of a scale of four, in rejecting the claim as baseless.
UPDATE 1-Argentina‘s Fernandez hints he may not seek outstanding $11 bln from IMF
Argentine President-elect Alberto Fernandez hinted on Tuesday he may not seek an outstanding $11 billion from an International Monetary Fund loan as the indebted South American country grapples to renegotiate its debts and avoid a painful default.
S. African navy hosts Russia, China for maritime exercise
. It is the first trilateral exercise between the three countries and is scheduled to take place off the southern coast of South Africa over the period of Nov. 25-30.
Tunisia president calls for saving Palestinian people from extermination
“I find it strange that the world is accepting, today, this decades-long aggression, as all societies should take action before states to put an end to these successive attempts to exterminate the Palestinian people, who settled for a flawed legitimacy. However, this legitimacy has been trampled.”
Deutschlands Interventionsbilanz (II)
Die Opération Tacouba geht allerdings insofern darüber hinaus, als in ihrem Rahmen die Spezialkräfte aus Europa die malischen Militärs in Kampfeinsätze begleiten sollen. Tacouba wäre neben dem französischen Kampfeinsatz „Opération Barkhane“ mit gut 4.000 Soldaten, an dem sich zunehmend Einheiten aus weiteren europäischen Ländern beteiligen, neben dem EU-Ausbildungseinsatz EUTM Mali (620 Soldaten) und der UN-Operation MINUSMA (rund 13.300 Soldaten, beinahe 2.000 Polizisten) das vierte Interventionsformat.