Matthias Eickhoff vom Aktionsbündnis Münsterland gegen Atomanlagen verwies auf die im Frühjahr festgestellten Risse an Rohren im Primärkreislauf des 1988 in Betrieb genommenen Kraftwerkes. Das seien klare Zeichen von Materialermüdung und das Material werde nicht besser, warnte er. „Das erfüllt uns mit großer Sorge“, sagte Eickhoff.
Daily Archives: 26. Oktober 2019
Maas in der Türkei: Keine Zeit für Kramp-Karrenbauers Vorschlag
In dem mehr als zweistündigen Gespräch habe der Vorschlag für eine von einer UN-Truppe geschützte internationale Sicherheitszone daher auch nur wenige Minuten in Anspruch genommen.
Nordsyrien: „Schutzzonen“-Vorschläge und (mögliche) DGAP-Einflüsterer
Die deutsche Verteidigungsministerin fordert eine Schutzzone in Nord-Syrien. Bisher hätten sich die europäischen Länder verhalten wie „Zaungäste“. Über eine Beteiligung der Bundeswehr müsse der Bundestag entscheiden.
The Plowshares 7 Found Guilty: Nuclear Weapons Are the Real Crime
On that day, April 4, 2018, the group had entered a U.S. Navy Submarine base which is a home port for the Trident nuclear missile fleet. Just one of those nuclear missiles, if launched, would cause 1,825 times more damage than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The Plowshares activists aimed to expose illegal and immoral weapons that threaten all life on earth.
Lindsey Graham: ‘Steal Syria’s Oil To Pay for US Occupation!’
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has been chewing down his fingernails ever since President Trump’s first suggestion that US troops should come home from the Middle East. Last December, when Trump made it clear that he wanted to end the US troop presence in Syria and let the people of the region take care of their own problems, Graham took to an accommodating media (across the supposed ideological spectrum) to slam, damn, and threaten the president for even entertaining such a thought.
Lindsey Graham: ‚Syriens Öl stehlen, um für die US-Besatzung zu bezahlen!‘
Trump ist ein Trottel, wenn er auf Graham hört.
The FBI Has a Long History of Treating Political Dissent as Terrorism
While terrorism in the U.S. is relatively rare, over the last decade most politically motivated violence has come at the hands of far-right extremists. Despite that reality, the FBI has devoted disproportionate resources to the surveillance of nonviolent civil society groups and protest movements, particularly on the left, using its mandate to protect national security to target scores of individuals posing no threat but opposing government policies and practices.
Gantz to Be Main Speaker at Event Marking 24th Anniversary of Rabin‘s Murder
This is the first year, according to the organizers, that they are seeking contributions from the public at large to fund the event, since no movement or non-profit group has agreed to sponsor.
Wie Berlin nach Erfurt schaut – Volksparteien zittern vor neuem Denkzettel
Bei der Wahl in Thüringen sieht es wieder nicht gut aus für SPD und CDU.
Grundgesetz Art. 26
(1) Handlungen, die geeignet sind und in der Absicht vorgenommen werden, das friedliche Zusammenleben der Völker zu stören, insbesondere die Führung eines Angriffskrieges vorzubereiten, sind verfassungswidrig. Sie sind unter Strafe zu stellen.
Mögliche internationale Schutzzone: Bundeswehr plant Syrien-Szenario mit 2500 Soldaten
Bisher weigert sich Verteidigungsministerin Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Details für einen möglichen deutschen Militäreinsatz in Syrien zu nennen. Dabei hat die Bundeswehr-Führung nach SPIEGEL-Informationen bereits erste Pläne erstellt.
What a Rudy Giuliani indictment could look like
Rudy Giuliani’s attempt to dig up dirt on the Bidens could land him in legal jeopardy. University of Michigan Law Professor and Former U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade argues that we already have enough information to indict the former Mayor.
John Bolton‘s attorneys consulting with lawmakers about possibly cooperating with the impeachment inquiry
Mr. Trump fired Bolton last month.
.@HeikoMaas : Außerhalb von Deutschland diskutiert niemand über Schutzonen, sondern vielmehr darüber, wie wir eine dauerhafte Waffenruhe hinbekommen.
#Türkei #Kurden #Erdogan #AKK #Bundeswehr #Sicherheitszone #Nordsyrien #Russland #NATO #UN #Putin #illner
We Can’t Keep the Oil – Trump’s new rationale for keeping troops in Syria makes no sense.
First, Syria doesn’t even rank among the world’s top 60 oil producers, pumping out only about 0.05 percent as much petroleum as Iraq—just half as much as Cuba, which isn’t known as an oil power.
Second, its oil fields aren’t America’s to protect. They are owned by the Syrian government, with some venture capital provided by China, Russia, and India. No American oil companies are keen to step into the fray.
Die #USA wollen jetzt neue Truppen nach #Syrien schicken, die Rede ist offenbar auch von Kampfpanzern. Und zwar um die Ölfelder dort unter Kontrolle zu halten.
Trump decided to leave troops in Syria after conversations about oil, officials say
The eastern oil fields in Deir al-Zour province, where most of Syria’s relatively small and low-quality reserves are located, were once the primary source of income for the militants, who sold the oil to the Syrian government, Turkey and, reportedly, even to the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).
Trump forced into humiliating climbdown over Syria as US military poised to send in tanks
In a speech at the White House on Wednesday he added: “We’ve secured the oil, and, therefore, a small number of US troops will remain in the area where they have the oil.
“And we’re going to be protecting it, and we’ll be deciding what we’re going to do with it in the future.”
This Sunday I‘m excited to join @RashidaTlaib in Detroit for a rally featuring a live performance by Jack White. I hope you‘ll join us in our fight for working people across the country. RSVP here:
Boris Johnson could back no confidence vote in own administration to get general election
However the Government could table a vote of no confidence against itself, which only requires a plurality to pass.
If this passes Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn, or any other party leader, would have 14 days to form an alternative Government.
Only if these efforts failed would there be a general election.
Westminster voting intention… if „the deadline for the UK to leave the EU has been extended beyond the 31st of October 2019“: LAB: 27% CON: 26% BREX: 20% LDEM: 18% GRN: 4% via @ComRes, 16 – 17 Oct
It’s time to slay this zombie parliament
Is the UK ever going to have another General Election?
Labour opens the door to indefinite Brexit delay as Jeremy Corbyn rules out an election until no deal is ‚off the table‘
The Labour leader signalled he will order his MPs to vote down Boris Johnson’s request next week for a poll on 12 December, describing the proposal as “really odd so near Christmas”.
Boris Johnson slaps down Sajid Javid and insists Brexit by 31 October still ‚possible‘
Pressed on the Chancellor‘s comments, Mr Johnson said: „Of course 31 October is still possible, we could leave on 31 October.
„Unfortunately it depends on what the EU says, we’re in a situation now in which under the terms of the surrender act that was passed by Parliament it is up to the EU to decide how long that extension will be.“
BREAKING: EU agrees to UK Brexit delay decision but refuses to set length – citing Britain‘s election indecision
The European Union agreed to London‘s request for a Brexit deadline extension on Friday but set no new departure date, giving Britain‘s divided parliament time to decide on Prime Minister Boris Johnson‘s call for a snap election.
„We won‘t be able to leave on October the 31st…“ @sajidjavid MP tells #BBCBreakfast the Halloween deadline for #Brexit „can‘t be met“.
More here:
SANTIAGO de CHILE: la MARCHA del MILLÓN – Telefe Noticias
La gran marcha contra las políticas sociales del gobierno de Sebastián Piñera congrega este viernes a más de 500.000 personas y sigue creciendo en el centro de Santiago, en un ambiente de efervescencia popular y „de forma pacífica“, informó la Intendencia de la capital. Cobertura de Abigail Hermo.
Biggest demonstrations yet rock protest-stricken Chile
Santiago governor Karla Rubilar said almost a million people marched in the capital – more than five percent of the country’s population.
Chilean congress evacuated as police use teargas on protesters
Most of the demonstrations over the high cost of medicine, water and other basic needs have been peaceful. But instances of arson, looting and alleged brutality by security forces have shocked many in a nation known for relative stability.
Proteste in Chile gehen trotz Zusagen von Präsident Piñera weiter
Trotz der Reformankündigungen setzt die Regierung weiterhin auf Repressionen. Noch am Sonntag ließ Präsident Piñera verlauten, dass sich Chile in einem „Krieg“ befinde. Auch für die Nacht von Donnerstag auf Freitag wurde für die Region Metropolitano erneut eine Ausgangssperre verhängt. Am Mittwoch wurden Pläne der Regierung bekannt, neben regulären Streitkräften auch Reservisten einzuberufen.
Dennoch sind für die kommenden Tage weitere Proteste geplant.
Chile erhebt sich
Das heißt, der politisch-militärische Feind des Staates und seiner Verwalter ist das chilenische Volk selbst. Obwohl es in diesem Fall nur friedlich demonstriert. Es ist unbewaffnet. Seine politische Linke ist dezimiert.
Over 1 Million People March in Chile‘s Largest Protest
Pinera, a billionaire businessman, told the nation on Thursday he had heard „loud and clear“ the demands of Chileans.
Chile protesters block access to lithium operations: local leader
Protesters from indigenous communities around Chile’s Atacama salt flats, among the world’s richest reserves of lithium, have blocked access to lithium operations amid nationwide rallies over inequality, a local leader said on Friday.