Archiv: LGBT

19.08.2023 - 21:21 [ Times of Israel ]

Head of doctors’ protests says Israel in a ‘dystopic reality’

“Health workers in Israel oppose discrimination in treatment. We are currently in a dystopic reality. The Israeli government is controlled by dangerous extremists that support discrimination against women, the elderly, Arabs, secular people and homosexuals,” Levine who is also chairman of the country’s Association of Public Health Physicians, says.

03.12.2022 - 16:44 [ Bernie Sanders / Nitter ]

Kanye West praising Hitler and Nazis is abhorrent and disgusting. Whether it is anti-Semitism, racism, xenophobia, sexism or homophobia there are always those who want to divide us up. Our job is to unite people around a progressive agenda that improves life for all.

03.12.2022 - 02:18 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu’s Lust for Power Revealed in All Its Sickening Glory

To paraphrase Ben-Gurion: Every Hebrew mother should know that she has placed her children’s fate in the hands of a prime minister, other politicians and a school system that are unworthy of it. If there was ever a justification for a civil rebellion (not violent, but also not so polite and photogenic as the social protests of the summer of 2011), here it is – in all its sickening glory.

28.11.2022 - 04:33 [ ABC News ]

Hero who helped thwart Colorado Springs gunman: ‚I would shield everyone I could‘

James continued, saying that he and his community have come „a long way from Stonewall,“ the New York City bar that was the site of the 1969 riots that launched the Gay Rights Movement.

„Bullies aren’t invincible,“ James said.

09.11.2022 - 06:08 [ ]

Healey prevails in Massachusetts governor’s race, dealing historic win for LGBT community

Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey (D) is projected to be the next governor of the state. The victory will make her one of the two first openly lesbian governors in American history, should Oregon gubernatorial candidate Tina Kotek (D) also win.

25.06.2022 - 06:27 [ ]

2 killed in mass shooting in Norway; more than a dozen hurt

“I saw a man arrive at the site with a bag. He picked up a weapon and started shooting,” Roenneberg told NRK. “First I thought it was an air gun. Then the glass of the bar next door was shattered and I understood I had to run for cover.”

Norway experienced one of the worst mass shootings in Europe in 2011 when a right-wing extremist killed 69 people on the island of Utoya after setting off a bomb in Oslo that left eight dead.

11.02.2022 - 08:45 [ ]

Dame Cressida Dick forced to quit Met Police after string of Scotland Yard scandals

But it comes after Scotland Yard has been rocked by multiple scandals in recent months, including the force‘s handling of partygate, Sarah Everard‘s murder and repeated claims of a culture of misogyny and racism.

28.08.2021 - 17:25 [ WELT Nachrichtensender / Twitter ]

CHRISTOPHER STREET DAY: Über 35.000 Menschen feiern den CSD in Berlin I WELT News


16.06.2020 - 05:48 [ theHill,com ]

Workers can‘t be fired for being gay or transgender, Supreme Court rules

The Supreme Court on Monday ruled 6-3 in a landmark decision that gay and transgender employees are protected by civil rights laws against employer discrimination.

A set of cases that came before the court had asked the justices to decide whether Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which forbids discrimination on the basis of „sex,“ applies to gay and transgender people.

16.06.2020 - 05:47 [ Tagesschau ]

Diskriminierung am Arbeitsplatz: Supreme Court stärkt LGBTQ-Rechte

Hintergrund ist der „Civil Rights Act“ aus dem Jahr 1964, der Diskriminierungen unter anderem aufgrund des „Geschlechts“ („sex“) verbietet. Einige Gerichte und auch die Regierung von US-Präsident Donald Trump legen dies so aus, dass es dabei nur um den Unterschied zwischen Mann und Frau geht, nicht um sexuelle Minderheiten. LGBTQ-Aktivisten verlangten vom Obersten Gerichtshof deswegen eine Klarstellung, dass auch eine Diskriminierung aufgrund der sexuellen Identität verboten ist.

13.06.2019 - 06:52 [ teleSUR English / Twitter ]

A lawmaker from Brazil‘s Socialism and Liberty Party (PSOL) and LGBT activist, David Miranda, got threats after his partner, #GlennGreenwald, published information on the political persecution against Lula da Silva. #VazaJato #FreeLula

20.01.2019 - 07:34 [ ]

LGBT/Marriage Equality: Since being elected to Congress, Tulsi has consistently fought for LGBT and marriage equality.

As a member of the LGBT Equality Caucus in the House, Tulsi has advocated for LGBT Housing/Privacy rights, to end bullying and harassment in schools and has co-sponsored numerous bills including the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, the Respect for Marriage Act, the Healthy Families Act, the Equality Act and the Safe Schools Improvement Act. She has been endorsed by the Human Rights Campaign (View endorsements).

20.01.2019 - 06:57 [ CNN ]

Tulsi Gabbard once touted working for anti-gay group that backed conversion therapy

During her run for state legislature in 2002, Gabbard told the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, „Working with my father, Mike Gabbard, and others to pass a constitutional amendment to protect traditional marriage, I learned that real leaders are willing to make personal sacrifices for the common good. I will bring that attitude of public service to the legislature.“ The quote, which CNN‘s KFile found during a review of Gabbard‘s early career, shows how closely she aligned herself with her father‘s mission at the time.

29.12.2018 - 14:49 [ ]

Amtsantritt Bolsonaros: Brasiliens evangelikaler Kulturschock

Der von Jair Bolsonaro angekündigte „große Kulturwandel“ wirkt bereits – in Form von Angst, Aufrufen zum öffentlichen Denunziantentum und hemmungsloser Verbreitung von Fake-News über politisch Andersdenkende. Brasilien, das einst als gelassen und tolerant galt, erlebt jetzt eine Welle von Hass und Aggressivität. Ein Teil der rechten Revolution ist das Projekt „Schule ohne Partei“ (Escola sem Partido), mit dem staatliche Schulen und Universitäten ideologisch umgekrempelt werden sollen.

29.12.2018 - 14:33 [ ]

Bolsonaro ist Brasiliens Präsident: Am Weg zurück in die Militärdiktatur

(30.10.2018) Am absurdesten war aber wohl der „Gay Kit”, der im Rahmen eines LGBT Aufklärungsprogramm dazu dienen sollte, Homosexualität bei SchülerInnen zu fördern – gegeben hat es den „Gay Kit” freilich nicht. Obwohl mit dieser Kampagne Bolsonaro einerseits gegen das Gesetz verstößt, das die Offenlegung privater Wahlförderung vorschreibt, und andererseits gegen das Verbot gefälschter Inhalte zur Manipulation von Wahlen, annullierte das Gericht zur Überwachung der Wahlen seine Kandidatur nicht.

11.05.2018 - 15:17 [ Daily Beast ]

LGBT Alarm as President Trump Signs ‘Religious Liberty’ Executive Order

(3.5.2018) The order—first reported Wednesday night by Religion News Service—will “help ensure that faith-based organizations have equal access to government funding and equal right to exercise their deeply held beliefs,” Trump said.

But if those last three words—“deeply held beliefs”—sound familiar, it’s because they are often used to justify anti-LGBT legislation in the name of “religious freedom.” Indeed, LGBT advocates say that the executive order is yet another federal action that could potentially encourage discrimination against LGBT people in the name of religion.