Archiv: DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration)

15.03.2024 - 19:45 [ Al Jazeera ]

Haiti President Moise’s widow, ex-PM among 50 charged in his assassination


Joseph and the former director-general of the national police, Leon Charles, were also found to have “sufficient indications” of involvement in the killing. AyiboPost specified that the document did not clearly identify the masterminds of the assassination, nor their financiers.

15.03.2024 - 18:11 [ Associated Press ]

The widow and aides of assassinated Haitian President Jovenel Moïse are indicted in his killing


A judge in Haiti responsible for investigating the July 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moïse has indicted his widow, Martine Moïse, ex-prime minister Claude Joseph and the former chief of Haiti’s National Police, Léon Charles, among others, according to a report obtained Monday.

Others who face charges including murder are Christian Emmanuel Sanon, a Haitian-American pastor who visualized himself as Haiti’s next president and said he thought Moïse was only going to be arrested; Joseph Vincent, a Haitian-American and former informant for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration; Dimitri Hérard, presidential security chief; John Joël Joseph, a former Haitian senator; and Windelle Coq, a Haitian judge whom authorities say is a fugitive.

15.03.2024 - 17:04 [ Jacobin ]

Were Haiti’s Capitalists Behind the Assassination of President Moïse?


Claiming to be agents with the US Drug Enforcement Agency (the DEA, which maintains a presence in Haiti to assist with counter-narcotics operations), the group gained entry to the home and killed the president.


What happened in Haiti on July 7?

KIM IVES There was a band of mercenaries with brand new Nissan Patrol vehicles. They clearly had knowledge of the layout of the presidential compound, where Moïse lived. They were clearly well-financed, well-prepared. It was a very sophisticated operation.

Who had the money to do that? And who would want to do that?

Haiti Liberté’s working hypothesis is that the mercenaries, more than likely, were hired by one or a consortium of the bourgeois families who are opposed to Moïse. Reginald Boulos is one. Dimitri Vorbe is another. There are several others who were unhappy with Moïse.

If this hypothesis is correct, their fear is of the uprising that is coming out of Haiti’s vast shantytowns, where the lumpenproletariat is organizing itself into armed gangs, which have now vowed to carry out a revolution against the bourgeoisie and “the rotten system,” as they call it in Haiti.

04.05.2023 - 10:20 [ ]

Cooper Davis Act: US-Senat nimmt Drogen-Chats ins Visier

Anbieter können in ihrem Bericht an die DEA nach eigenem Ermessen entscheiden, welche Informationen sie weitergeben. Gleichzeitig enthält der Gesetzentwurf aber auch eine Liste mit Informationen, die einem solchen Bericht beiliegen sollten. Dazu gehören etwa Mail- und IP-Adressen, Zahlungsinformationen, der geographische Standort sowie ein kompletter Auszug der betreffenden Inhalte. Diese Informationen kann die DEA dann auch an andere Strafverfolgungsbehörden weiterleiten.

Die Daten sollen nicht nur weitergegeben, sondern auch vom Provider an einem „sicheren Ort“ für 90 Tage nach Einreichung bei der DEA gespeichert werden. Im Gesetzentwurf ist jedoch auch vermerkt, dass die DEA eine Verlängerung der Speicherung beantragen kann, wenn sie beabsichtigt, gegen Nutzer*innen zu ermitteln oder die Daten an andere Behörden weiterzuleiten.

Nutzer*innen wissen derweil nichts von der Weiterleitung ihrer Daten.

04.05.2023 - 10:10 [ ]

Cooper Davis Act: Another Attempt By Congress To Regulate That Which They Don’t Understand

In many ways, this is similar to the CyberTipline for CSAM that requires websites to report details if they come across child sexual abuse material. But, CSAM is strict liability content for which there is no 1st Amendment protection. Demanding that anything even remotely referencing an illegal drug transaction be sent to the DEA will sweep up a ton of perfectly protected speech.

Worse, it will lead to massive overreporting of useless leads. I’ve mentioned just recently that we get a ton of attempted spam comments here at Techdirt, over a million in just the last six months alone. A decent percentage of these appear to be pushing what are likely to be illegal drugs. Now, we catch the vast majority of these in the spam filter, and they never reach the site. And, I don’t think a mere spam comment alone would reach the level of knowledge necessary to trigger this law, but the point is that there’s potential that our lawyers would warn us that to protect ourselves from potentially ruinous liability for failing to report these spam messages to the DEA, they’d recommend we basically flood the DEA with a bunch of the spam messages we received just to avoid the risk of liability.

13.07.2021 - 13:21 [ CNN ]

Several tied to Haiti assassination plot were previously US law enforcement informants

Haitian President Jovenel Moise was killed last Wednesday in an operation that Haitian authorities say involved at least 28 people, many of them Colombian mercenaries hired through a Florida-based security company.

At least one of the men arrested in connection to the assassination by Haitian authorities previously worked as an informant for the US Drug Enforcement Administration, the DEA said in a statement in response to CNN.

31.03.2021 - 13:17 [ teleSUR ]

US Court Gives Tony Hernandez Life in Prison, $138 Million Fine

Judge Kevin Castel sentenced to life imprisonment Juan Antonio “Tony” Hernandez, brother of the president of Honduras Juan Orlando Hernandez (JOH), on charges of drug trafficking.

30.03.2021 - 12:58 [ Portal ]

Präsident von Honduras wegen Aussagen vor US-Gericht in Erklärungsnot

Washington sieht in dem Präsident bisher einen wichtigen Verbündeten im Kampf gegen die Migration aus Zentralamerika. Auf honduranischem Territorium befinden sich zudem zahlreiche US-Militärbasen. Nach dem offensichtlichen Wahlbetrug im Jahr 2017 war Washington die erste Regierung, die die verfassungswidrige Wiederwahl von Hernández anerkannte.

16.10.2020 - 18:25 [ The Hill ]

Former Mexican defense minister arrested at Los Angeles airport on DEA warrant

Cienfuegos, 72, served under former President Enrique Peña Nieto from 2012 to 2018. He was national defense secretary during an extended conflict between drug cartels and Mexico‘s army.

22.07.2020 - 02:38 [ The Hill ]

Senators demand answers on expired surveillance programs

Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Mike Lee (R-Ut.) on Thursday pressed the Trump administration on whether and how mass surveillance programs authorized by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act have been halted since the act‘s expiration.

The letter to Attorney General William Barr and Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe raises concerns that the administration may be be continuing to conduct surveillance operations by relying on Executive Order 12333.

20.07.2020 - 12:43 [ ]

House Democrats ask watchdogs to probe federal crackdown on protests

“The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) appear to have increasingly abused emergency authorities to justify the use of force against Americans exercising their right to peaceful assembly,” wrote House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.).

18.06.2020 - 11:29 [ ]

Willkie Sues Defense Agencies For Info On Taliban Payments


International law firm Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP has sued U.S. defense agencies for records of protection payments that government contractors in Afghanistan allegedly made to the Taliban, saying the agencies have failed to hand over the requested documents.

In five separate lawsuits filed in a D.C. federal court Tuesday, Willkie accuses the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, the Defense Contract Management Agency, the Drug Enforcement Agency and Defense Intelligence Agency of failing to fulfill the firm‘s Freedom Of Information Act requests for documents that allegedly show eight Afghanistan reconstruction companies paid the …

14.05.2020 - 15:57 [ Portal ]

Venezuela feuert mit Verhörprotokollen gegen Regierungen von USA und Kolumbien

Er schlug zugleich vor, dass das Gremium auch Iván Simonovis, „Sonderkommissar für Sicherheit und Geheimdienst von Guaidó“, der sich derzeit in den USA aufhalte, befragen sollte, ob es stimmt, dass die US-Regierung von den Aktionen gegen Venezuela wusste.

13.05.2020 - 21:30 [ Portal ]

Honduras: Präsident Hernández nach US-Anklage gegen Ex-Polizeichef unter Druck

Bruder des Präsidenten bereits wegen Drogenhandels verurteilt. Ehemaliger Polizeichef in mehrere illegale Aktivitäten verstrickt

13.05.2020 - 01:17 [ teleSUR ]

Mercenary Ratifies US Govt. Link With Failed Raid in Venezuela

Venezuela’s Communication Minister Jorge Rodriguez Tuesday presented a video with the confession of Antonio Sequea, a terrorist who confirmed that Colombia‘s government, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and international drug traffickers act in complicity to attack this South American nation through armed groups operating near its border.

11.04.2020 - 21:45 [ John Pilger and T.J. Coles / Information Clearing House ]

Freedom From Fear

In 2012, a landmark study on the “disease of isolation” was published in Britain and the US. Researchers from University College, London, revealed that isolation was killing the elderly — not loneliness, but isolation forced on people by circumstances beyond their control. More than “pre-existing” health conditions, isolation was the silent killer.

12.02.2020 - 21:43 [ ]

Media darling Pete Buttigieg was in unit that worked with the CIA in Afghanistan

While official records linking the ATFC to the CIA do not appear widely in available government documents, their collaboration is an open secret. One early report by the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, an advocacy organization for the US intelligence community, noted “the cell has about two-dozen members drawn from the Drug Enforcement Administration, US Central Command, the Treasury Department and the CIA. The FBI is expected to join soon.”

Global news wire Agency France-Presse characterized ATFC as “a multi-agency organization currently comprising about 30 specialists on loan from the Department of Drug Enforcement, Department of the Treasury, Department of Justice, Department of Defense’s CENTCOM, the CIA and the FBI.”

07.08.2019 - 02:22 [ Reuters ]

Thousands protest against Honduran president after drug link surfaces

The demonstration against Hernandez was called by the Platform for the Defense of Education and Public Health, a coalition of trade unionists and public workers that have sought the president’s ouster over his plans for public services.

A conservative ally of the United States, Hernandez has come under increasing pressure since his younger brother Tony was arrested in Miami in November on drug trafficking charges.

01.06.2019 - 13:20 [ Bloomberg ]

DEA Investigated Honduras President for Cocaine Trafficking

The document, filed Tuesday, sought a court order to force tech companies including Apple, Google and Microsoft, to turn over email information from eight targets of the investigation, including President Juan Orlando Hernandez and Security Minister Julian Pacheco.

22.02.2019 - 10:27 [ ]

USAID mulls proposal to train aid workers as special forces

(19.2.2019) In order to gauge potential interest in the idea of RED Teams, the study’s authors consulted with representatives from a variety of military and civilian agencies where development officers might be embedded — including the U.S. Naval Special Warfare Development Group, also known as SEAL Team Six.

RED Team officers, the report explains, would carry out development activities, but they would also have training and expertise that are not typically included in USAID job requirements.

22.11.2018 - 21:14 [ Times of India ]

‚David Coleman Headley is a master liar‘

(12.4.2018) It was extremely difficult to play David Cole Headley because he is a very broken person; someone who lied throughout his whole life hurting and manipulating everyone he ever knew. I have had to truly explore this from the inside out. To play him honestly, I have had to delve into what the meaning of truth and lies really is and how do we as individuals define these things.

Is he a person with many shades to his personality?

David Coleman Headly is a master liar, with countless shades. He knows how to reflect back to each person a version of himself that he knows that will correspond with that person.

22.11.2018 - 21:12 [ ]

David Headley pleads guilty in 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack

(18.3.2010) The agreement, announced in federal court in Chicago, is contingent on Mr. Headley’s full cooperation with US intelligence officials and prosecutors. Under sentencing guidelines he could receive a prison term of up to life in prison. But his prison time could be reduced based on the value of his cooperation.

Headley’s plea agreement says he’s been cooperating with US officials since his arrest in October 2009, and that he has already provided “substantial assistance.”

22.11.2018 - 21:02 [ ]

ARD-Themenabend „Saat des Terrors“: US-Agent mit Terror im Gepäck

Er sitzt im Gefängnis und schweigt bis heute. Doch es gibt Videoaufnahmen von den Verhören mit ihm. In der Dokumentation im Rahmen des ARD-Themenabends „Saat des Terrors“ sind Ausschnitte daraus zu sehen.

Die Nachforschungen der US-Ermittler lassen das Bild von Headley schließlich immer klarer werden: Der Geheimagent im Dienste der US-Regierung war der Mastermind hinter den Anschlägen von Mumbai und Kopenhagen.