Daily Archives: 27. Juni 2021

27.06.2021 - 20:42 [ France24 ]

France regional elections: Estimations indicate far-right beaten in PACA region

Polling agency estimations indicate that mainstream candidates have delivered a stinging setback to France’s far right in regional elections on Sunday, thwarting its hopes of winning control of a region for the first time. The National Rally‘s best chance of a first-time regional victory was in the southeastern Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region. Its candidate there, Thierry Mariani, was in a tight race with a mainstream conservative incumbent, Renaud Muselier.

27.06.2021 - 20:25 [ junge Welt ]

Staat gegen Grundrechte

Ein parlamentarisches Nachspiel dürfte der Polizei drohen. Bei den Übergriffen wurde ein dpa-Journalist verletzt. Deren Chefredakteur Sven Gösmann sprach am Sonntag »von einem nicht hinnehmbaren Angriff auf die Pressefreiheit«. Der Vorsitzende der Landes-SPD, Thomas Kutschaty, will deswegen eine aktuelle Stunde im Landtag beantragen, berichtete Deutschlandfunk.

Davon unabhängig will das Protestbündnis den Druck hochhalten. Weitermachen. »Wir müssen diesen behördlichen Machtzuwachs durch das neue Versammlungsgesetz verhindern«, betonte Sprecherin Münch.

27.06.2021 - 20:19 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

NRW: Laschet-Regierung will Demonstrierende wie Kriminelle behandeln

Die schwarz-gelbe Landesregierung in NRW stellt sich gegen eine Grundsatzentscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts und will das Demonstrationsrecht empfindlich einschränken. Sogar die weißen Overalls von Klimademonstrant:innen sollen künftig verboten sein: Der Gesetzentwurf nennt sie in einer Reihe mit Nazi-Uniformen von SA und SS.

27.06.2021 - 20:13 [ Tagesschau ]

Nordrhein-Westfalen: Demo gegen Versammlungsgesetz: Tausende protestieren in Düsseldorf

„Lass et Laschet“, stand auf dem Schild einer Demonstrantin auf den Düsseldorfer Rheinwiesen, auf einem anderen hieß es „Armin Laschet Kohleknecht, Finger weg vom Demorecht“. Die mehreren tausend Menschen sind sauer auf die Landesregierung, sie befürchten, dass polizeiliche Repressionen bei Demonstrationen in Zukunft zunehmen werden.

27.06.2021 - 17:03 [ Haaretz ]

Death of an Abbas Opponent in Palestinian Detention Stokes Revulsion Toward His Rule

After all, the greater the loathing and repulsion for an unpopular authoritarian regime that won’t change, the more blatant that regime’s warnings and methods of deterrence. That is, Banat’s arrest and the violence were planned and calculated, but not the result: his death.

27.06.2021 - 16:59 [ Dr. Yara Hawari د. يارا هواري / Twitter ]

The Palestinian Authority which regularly hands over Palestinian activists to the Israeli regime for torture & incarceration, has now beaten an activist- Nizar Banat- to death. God knows what we did to deserve these shameful & traitorous murderers. #nizarbanat


27.06.2021 - 16:42 [ Ynetnews.com ]

Poll: Many Democrats want more U.S. support for Palestinians

NORC Center for Public Affairs Research survey finds 51% of Democrats say U.S. is not supportive enough of Palestinians, while 49% of Republicans say the country doesn‘t back Israel enough; 32% of Americans say U.S. is not supportive enough of Palestinians

27.06.2021 - 16:13 [ WION / Twitter ]

Israeli Foreign Minister #YairLapid will meet his US and Bahraini counterparts in Rome, Lapid‘s office said, the first face-to-face diplomatic contacts for a senior member of the new Israeli government that was sworn in two weeks ago

27.06.2021 - 16:10 [ Standard.co.uk ]

UK Covid LIVE: Sajid Javid says ‘immediate priority’ is to end Covid pandemic as soon as possible as half of under 30s get jab

Speaking to the media for the first time since becoming Health Secretary on Saturday, Mr Javid said: „I was honoured to take up this position. I also know that it comes with a huge responsibility and I will do everything I can to make sure that I deliver for this great country.

„We are still in a pandemic and I want to see that come to an end as soon as possible and that will be my most immediate priority, to see that we can return to normal as soon and as quickly as possible.“

27.06.2021 - 16:02 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Inside the plot to expose Matt Hancock‘s affair: Friends talk of secret camera hidden by Chinese… or No10. In fact it was footage from his office CCTV and a whistleblower in his own department, reveals GLEN OWEN

The sting that brought down Matt Hancock was executed by a whistleblower in his department who contacted opponents of the Health Secretary‘s stance on lockdown to help expose his affair, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

The footage of Mr Hancock kissing Gina Coladangelo was caught on a CCTV camera in his office on May 6, and secretly recorded by a member of his department‘s staff.

After allowing a month to elapse, the whistleblower approached lockdown sceptics and asked them to help sell the incendiary footage to the media.

27.06.2021 - 15:56 [ Independent.co.uk ]

Ordinary people sacrificed everything during the pandemic – this government has laughed in our faces

I have no idea what qualifies Ms Coladangelo, a lobbyist and communications director, to be an adviser and non-executive director at the Department of Health and Social Care, other than the fact she has been pals with Hancock for years. Perhaps we know now why Hancock failed at the time of the appointment to declare his “friendship” with her. In her time of advising him, Hancock oversaw the highest death rates in Europe from Covid, so the value of this appointment was seemingly for him, not for us. The whole thing stinks. It stank even before the videos of the kiss.

27.06.2021 - 15:52 [ theGuardian.com ]

Hancock’s fall catapults Sajid Javid back into the heart of Conservative politics

Thirteen months ago, Dominic Cummings faced an avalanche of demands to resign after being caught in an egregious breach of the Covid lockdown regulations. Although Cummings had clearly broken rules that he had helped to draw up, and public opinion was against him, he survived – albeit for only a few months – because Boris Johnson stood behind him.

This weekend, Matt Hancock also had Johnson’s backing…

27.06.2021 - 13:18 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Steckt Fujimori-Handlanger Montesinos hinter „langsamem Putsch“ in Peru?

In den Tonmitschnitten, die auch andere Gespräche zwischen Fujimori-nahen Anwälten beinhalteten, geht es um die Beeinflussung von Richtern des JNE, damit diese dem Anliegen der rechten Präsidentschaftskandidatin Keiko Fujimori nachkommen, mehrere Hunderttausend Stimmen aus Castillo-treuen Regionen zu annullieren.

27.06.2021 - 13:12 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V. ]

MGCS: Belgischer Einstieg?

Hinter dem Future Combat Air System, bei dem ein Kampfflugzeug im Zentrum steht, dürfte das Main Ground Combat System mit einem neuen Kampfpanzer das wohl zweitwichtigste europäische Rüstungsprojekt der nächsten Jahrzehnte darstellen. Bislang sind am MGCS nur Deutschland und Frankreich beteiligt, nun soll auch Belgien, das 2014 seine schweren Kampfpanzer abgeschafft hat, sein Interesse bekundet.

27.06.2021 - 08:28 [ NDR ]

Polizei räumt Stadtpark erneut: Wieder Festnahmen nach Partys

Zunächst schien die Lage im Stadtpark friedlich, wie ein NDR 90,3 Reporter beobachtete. Tausende Menschen hatten sich dort in kleinen Gruppen versammelt, um gemeinsam zu feiern. Die Polizei war mit einem Großaufgebot vor Ort und beobachtete die Lage. Szenen wie in der Nacht zum Sonnabend sollten unbedingt vermieden werden.

Als dann immer wieder Hunderte meist junge Leute auf engem Raum zusammenstürmten und dicht an dicht tanzten, kamen die ersten Lautsprecherdurchsagen der Polizei…

27.06.2021 - 08:02 [ UngarnHeute.hu ]

Präsident Áder unterzeichnet „Anti-Pädophilen-Gesetz“

In einer Erklärung sagte Áder, dass das Parlament am 15. Juni mit 157 Ja-Stimmen und einer Enthaltung einem Gesetzentwurf zur strengeren Bestrafung pädophiler Täter und zum Schutz von Kindern zugestimmt hatte.

Áder sagte in der Erklärung, dass das Gesetz im Gegensatz zu jüngsten Presseberichten keine restriktiven Maßnahmen für Personen über 18 vorsehe. Es verstoße nicht gegen das verfassungsrechtlich garantierte Recht auf Achtung des Privat- und Familienlebens, sagte er.

27.06.2021 - 07:42 [ theTimes.co.uk ]

Imperialist EU punishes nations it dislikes, says Hungary’s Viktor Orban


In a contribution to the EU’s “future of Europe” debate this summer, Orban, 58, accused von der Leyen and the European institutions in Brussels of “imperialistic” diktats to “punish democratically elected governments it does not like”.

“[This] will inevitably lead to a lack of democracy,” he

27.06.2021 - 07:16 [ Reuters ]

German official rebukes Hungary for blocking EU criticism of China


„Hungary again blocked an EU statement on Hong Kong. Three weeks ago it was on Middle East. Common foreign and security policy cannot work on the basis of a blocking policy,“ German Foreign Office State Secretary Miguel Berger wrote on Twitter.

„We need a serious debate on ways to manage dissent, including qualified majority voting.“

27.06.2021 - 07:03 [ ]

Fractious EU summit rejects Franco-German plan for Putin talks

A Franco-German plan to restart talks with Vladimir Putin has been rejected at a fractious EU summit that resulted in a decision to explore economic sanctions against Russia instead.

The two-day gathering in Brussels also included an “emotional” debate over LGBT rights in Hungary, …

27.06.2021 - 06:29 [ New York Times ]

Europe’s Divisions on Vivid Display Over Hungary and Russia

In general, the Germans have always believed in keeping lines of dialogue open with Russia almost no matter how it behaves, while Mr. Macron has been trying to reset France’s relations with Moscow, with little success.

In this case, the prime mover was Germany, with French support.