Daily Archives: 31. Januar 2019

31.01.2019 - 23:24 [ Reuters ]

Tech lobby takes India to task over plans to police online content

The proposal drafted by India’s technology ministry in December would compel Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter to remove within 24 hours content deemed to be unlawful, including anything affecting the “sovereignty and integrity of India”.

Tech giants are preparing to fight the changes in the “intermediary guidelines”, Reuters has reported.

31.01.2019 - 21:25 [ IPPNW ]

„Reden statt rüsten! INF-Vertrag retten! Atomwaffen abschaffen!“

Aktivisten der Friedensorganisationen ICAN, IPPNW, DFG-VK sowie der Kampagne „Büchel ist überall! atomwaffenfrei jetzt“ werden daher am Freitag, 1. Februar 2019, vor den Botschaften von Russland und den USA protestieren.

31.01.2019 - 21:14 [ Junge Welt ]

Schöne Bescherung

Im Wahlprogramm der Linkspartei war noch von der Auflösung des »Landesamtes für Verfassungsschutz« die Rede. Die Regierung Ramelow hat es dann lediglich in »Amt für Verfassungsschutz« umbenannt. Sie hat das System der V-Leute reduziert, aber den Etat und die Stellenzahl erhöht.

31.01.2019 - 21:09 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Polizeigesetz Brandenburg: Erste linke Abgeordnete gegen Staatstrojaner

Und genau deswegen diskutieren wir seit Wochen und tun das weiterhin.

31.01.2019 - 20:49 [ Junge Welt ]

Knüppel und Granaten

Die Polizei könnte in Zukunft jederzeit bei jedermann Leibesvisitationen durchführen, sie könnte Taschen und Kleidungsstücke untersuchen und – nach eigenem Gutdünken – »Verdächtige« von Demonstrationen fernhalten. Über »auffällige« Demonstranten könnten ohne weiteres Dateien angelegt werden. Vom Gesetz unbehelligt sollen dagegen Einsatzkräfte bleiben, die explosive Tränengasträger und Gummigeschosse einsetzen.

31.01.2019 - 20:06 [ Fefes Blog ]

Das EU-Parlament wartet nicht, bis ihr Ultimatum an Maduro abgelaufen ist und ernennt einfach den Anderen zum Interimspräsidenten.

Wow. Bullying! Ernsthaft? So tief ist die EU gesunken?

Man stelle sich das mal anderswo vor, z.B. zwischen Österreich und China.

31.01.2019 - 19:10 [ Reuters ]

EU charges eight banks over alleged government bond cartel

The European Commission said in a statement that some traders at the banks exchanged commercially sensitive information and coordinated trading strategies on the euro-denominated bonds, mainly through online chatrooms.

31.01.2019 - 19:03 [ ORF.at ]

Kommission verdächtigt Banken des Anleihekartells

Die EU-Kommission nimmt acht Banken wegen der möglichen Beteiligung an einem Kartell beim Handel mit europäischen Staatsanleihen ins Visier. Die Geldhäuser werden verdächtigt, zwischen 2007 und 2012 beim Handel mit europäischen Staatsanleihen durch Absprachen den Wettbewerb verzerrt zu haben, teilte die EU-Kommission heute mit.

31.01.2019 - 18:50 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

‚Cowards and facilitators!‘ Remainer MPs turn on Labour Brexiteers after they welcome May‘s bid to win support for her deal with millions of pounds in extra funding for Leave-backing areas

The ‚pork barrel‘ tactic is effectively an admission that Mrs May cannot get a package through Parliament with just Tory and DUP votes.

31.01.2019 - 18:41 [ Spectator ]

What Europe thinks of Brexit: Why the EU still doesn’t understand the 2016 referendum result

What did Britons vote for in 2016? Did they vote to leave the EU? Or did they vote to ask for permission to leave the EU? Obviously the former. If you have the right to negotiate for your sovereignty, you’re sovereign. If you can’t walk away from the negotiating table, you’re not. When the two parties sat down at the table, Britain had already exited the EU. This is an appropriate place to negotiate the best relations possible with allies and partners. But at the end of the day, all sovereignty is no-deal sovereignty. Britain has it. It is now debating whether to surrender it.

31.01.2019 - 18:34 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Could the EU force Britain to pay the £39bn Brexit bill after no deal? And would it cost even more?

In December 2017, Britain agreed to pay the financial settlement to the EU, which includes EU Budget payments up to 2020, to cover its liabilities to the bloc and unlock talks over the Withdrawal Agreement.

31.01.2019 - 17:29 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Proteste und Repression in Honduras am Jahrestag der Amtseinführung von Hernández

Am vergangenen Sonntag ist es in Honduras landesweit zu Protestaktionen und Straßenblockaden gegen die aktuelle Regierung unter Führung von Präsident Juan Orlando Hernández (JOH) gekommen. Er hatte vor einem Jahr eine zweite Amtszeit angetreten ‒ nach Auffassung großer Teile der Bevölkerung verfassungswidrig und nach massivem Wahlbetrug.

31.01.2019 - 15:01 [ Raphael Hogarth, leaders columns for @thetimes ‏/ Twitter ]

There is something mind-boggling about the fact that Corbyn both opposes the backstop because it contains a customs union that the UK could not end, and opposes the withdrawal agreement because it does not contain a commitment to a permanent customs union.

31.01.2019 - 13:22 [ theGuardian.com ]

Labour and No 10 at odds over May-Corbyn customs union talk

A spokesman for the Labour leader said shortly after the meeting broke up that May had shown a “serious engagement in the detail” of Corbyn’s proposal for a customs union with the European Union after Brexit.

A few minutes later, Downing Street responded by saying that while May had asked Corbyn questions she had not shifted her underlying position. Sources said she had told the Labour leader that the UK must be free to sign its own trade deals.

31.01.2019 - 12:04 [ Spectator.co.uk ]

What Corbyn’s meeting with May reveals about Labour’s Brexit plan

For what it’s worth, my understanding is that Corbyn sees the failure to secure a majority yesterday of the Cooper and Grieve motions – and Labour’s own one, which explicitly mentions the possibility of a referendum – as proof that MPs really don’t want a People’s Vote.

31.01.2019 - 12:00 [ theGuardian.com ]

Thursday briefing: At least they‘re talking – Corbyn and May discuss Brexit

May opposes a customs union and Downing Street said that while May asked Corbyn questions, her underlying position had not shifted. Many in Westminster believe the PM could yet be pushed in the direction of a customs union and some Tory Brexiters have hinted they might back it if the backstop goes. The two party leaders will meet again soon, most likely within days.

31.01.2019 - 11:55 [ Spectator.co.uk ]

Theresa May has been given a second chance to save Brexit. She’d better not blow it

Her new instructions from parliament come from an amendment by Graham Brady, chairman of the 1922 Committee of backbench Tory MPs. It says the House would support her Brexit deal if the so-called backstop is replaced with alternative arrangements to prevent a hard border with Northern Ireland. This leaves the Prime Minister in a stronger position than anyone would have expected — especially after her 230-vote defeat on the withdrawal agreement a fortnight ago.

31.01.2019 - 11:46 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Voters back May‘s new talks with EU… but only one in three think she will win a compromise, with a No Deal the most likely outcome

– Many voters believe it will be a mission impossible, even if the Prime Minister digs in her heels until March 29 – the day the UK is due to cut ties with Brussels
– And most – including a large number of Tories – believe the reason she toughened up her stance on Brexit was to appease the hard-line Tory Brexiteers
– The Survation poll was carried out after the Commons voted to back a new attempt by the Prime Minister to re-open Brexit negotiations

31.01.2019 - 11:31 [ theSun.co.uk ]

Are EU kidding? Brexit news: Cheeky EU chiefs want British taxpayers to pay up another £6.7BILLION even if there is a No Deal Brexit

Eurocrats set up a battle with No 10 yesterday by unveiling contingency plans that would see UK taxpayers pour an extra £6.7 billion into euro coffers.

One senior EU official insisted: “Even if there was a no deal there would have to be a financial settlement on the EU budget.”

But top Tory MP Kwasi Kwarteng hit back: “If there is a No Deal they won’t get a penny pinch from us.”

31.01.2019 - 11:26 [ Nadine Dorries / Twitter ]

How was Selmayr otherwise known as ‘The Monster of Brussels’ appointed to lead the negotiations with the U.K? Apparently, no one knows.

Martin Selmayr is taking over the Brexit negotiations – and that’s bad news for Britain | Coffee House

31.01.2019 - 11:14 [ Trade Unionists Against the EU ‏/ Twitter ]

‚The shock of no-deal Brexit is widely expected to cause a recession here and elsewhere,‘ says the Germany correspondent for the Wall Street Journal. One of the biggest myths of this entire saga is that the EU 27 would have nothing to lose from no-deal.

31.01.2019 - 11:07 [ Grace Blakeley / Tribunemag.co.uk ]

Another Britain Is Possible

The Left must meet this moment in history with a bold plan to remake our economy — or someone else will.

31.01.2019 - 11:04 [ Grace Blakeley, Economics commentator @NewStatesman ‏/ Twitter ]

Citizens across Europe are beginning to realise that a better world is possible — but it is not prefigured by the neoliberal, neo-colonial politics of the EU. If the Left fails to show what this new world might look like, the Right will do so instead.

31.01.2019 - 09:51 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Ein interessantes Dokument zum Aufstand in Frankreich: „Aufruf der ersten Generalversammlung der gelben Westen“

Am Sonntag erschien in der französischen Zeitschrift Humanité ein Aufruf einer Versammlung der gelben Westen aus dem ganzen Land. Sie nennen sich Generalversammlung. Das Dokument – siehe unten – ist ausgesprochen intelligent geschrieben und interessant. Es zeigt deutlich, dass es in Frankreich um einen Klassenkampf geht, wie überall übrigens. Marco Wenzel, unser Lothringer und NachDenkSeiten-Macher in Thailand, hat dieses Dokument gefunden und übersetzt.

31.01.2019 - 09:45 [ WSWS.org ]

Macron besucht den Henker von Kairo

Am Sonntag reiste Präsident Emmanuel Macron nach Kairo zu Gesprächen mit dem Militärdiktator General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, an dessen Hände das Blut Tausender Menschen in Ägypten klebt. Macrons Besuch ist eine kaum verschleierte Drohung an die französische Arbeiterklasse, die von Regierungen auf der ganzen Welt stillschweigend unterstützt wird.

31.01.2019 - 08:20 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz Closes Gap on Netanyahu: Dramatic Rise in Polls After Debut Speech

When asked who should be prime minister, 36% of those polled by Channel 12 said Netanyahu while 35% said Gantz.

A poll held last week showed that Netanyahu would lose four Knesset seats if Attorney General Avichai Medelblit announces his intention to indict him for accepting bribes ahead of the election.

31.01.2019 - 08:16 [ Haaretz ]

Benny Gantz Breaks Silence: Netanyahu Is No King, Can‘t Keep Seat if Indicted

Former Israel Defense Forces chief Benny Gantz, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s biggest challenger, formally announced his candidacy for the premiership Tuesday and said his government would „strive toward peace and not miss an opportunity to achieve peace in the region.“

„Netanyahu is no king, his government sows division and incitement,“ Gantz said, speaking at the Tel Aviv Convention Center.

31.01.2019 - 08:02 [ Bloomberg ]

EU Says Preparations for Iran SPV Are at ‘Advanced Stage’

(24.1.2019) Officials representing the bloc’s 28 governments are set to discuss a draft text welcoming the agreement on the SPV at a meeting in Brussels on Friday, according to a person familiar with the process. The governments could then formally adopt it at their next regular meeting, which would be on Monday, the person said.

31.01.2019 - 08:00 [ Behzad Saberi, advisor, Iranian Foreign Ministry ]

Long-delayed European #SPV, if established and then operationalized, was never supposed to be limited to items not-sanctioned by the US. Quite the contrary, its raison d’être (and only given justification for delays) has been to overcome US unlawful sanctions. We‘ll see. #JCPOA


31.01.2019 - 07:58 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Europas Handel mit dem Iran: Mit INSTEX gegen US-Sanktionen

Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien haben nach NDR-Informationen eine Zweckgesellschaft für den Iran-Handel offiziell gegründet. Der Name: INSTEX. Europa wagt damit die Konfrontation mit den USA.