Den Plänen zufolge sollen die Zollbehörden zukünftig als Endnutzer:innen an den eigentlich auf die Strafverfolgungsbehörden ausgerichteten Sicherheitsforschungsprojekten im Rahmenprogramm Horizont 2020 teilnehmen.
Archiv: EU customs union / EU Zollunion
‚The war is over!‘ Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage declares victory as Boris Johnson seals historic trade deal with the EU
– Nigel Farage announced history had been made as Johnson sealed a Brexit deal
– The leader of the Brexit Party said today was the day ‚people beat the politicians‘
– He said Johnson was also set to be known as ‚the man that finished the job‘
Verhandlungsende: Einigung auf Brexit-Handelsabkommen
Das Handelsabkommen zwischen Großbritannien und der EU nach dem Brexit steht – kurz vor Ende der Übergangsfrist. Beide Seiten zeigten sich erleichtert. Nun sollen die Parlamente rasch über den Vertrag abstimmen.
Nach Reisebeschränkungen: Der Verkehr rollt wieder an
Frankreich hat die wegen der neuen Coronavirus-Variante verhängte Beschränkung für Reisen aus Großbritannien wieder gelockert. EU-Bürger sowie Briten dürfen ab heute wieder einreisen. Das teilte die französische Regierung in Paris mit – zwei Tage nachdem die Reisebeschränkung verhängt worden war. Voraussetzung ist aber ein negativer Corona-Test.
TRUCK OFF, MACRON: Stranded Brit truckers on the move again as shamed Emmanuel Macron is forced to reopen French border
STRANDED truckers were ready to roll again last night after shamed French leader Emmanuel Macron was forced to reopen his country’s border with the UK.
He caved in after pressure from Britain and the EU to end a 48-hour blockade imposed amid fears over the new Covid strain.
Thousands of truckers in Dover will have controversial rapid Covid test today after Macron gives way and says lorry drivers CAN now enter France if they have negative result – but freight backlog will take days to clear
The agreement requires every driver to have been tested for coronavirus, using controversial lateral flow tests, which are able to turn around results in under an hour but have had their effectiveness questioned.
Those who come back negative will be told by text message in as little as 20 minutes, and be given the green light to hit the road and head over to the continent, but positive cases will be sent to a hotel to isolate.
Von der Leyen takes control of Brexit talks in attempt to strike deal
Von der Leyen spoke by telephone to Johnson on Monday night to discuss a way forward and further calls are expected in the next 24 hours, but the commission refused to offer details.
Barnier said as he went into a meeting with EU ambassadors: “We are really in the crucial moment. We are giving it the final push. In 10 days the UK will leave the single market and we continue to work in total transparency with the member states right now and with the parliament.”
Brexit poses grave risks to UK health and care sector, report finds
The Nuffield Trust thinktank stated: “The perilously uncertain future facing the UK at the end of the Brexit transition period could put the UK’s health and care system at risk.”
The report said new migration rules, possible disruption to medicines and devices, an ongoing economic slowdown and barriers to science investment would hit the health sector.
NHS leaders call for Brexit talks extension warning no-deal risks adding to health crisis amid pandemic
The warning came as a negotiated Brexit deal looks increasingly unlikely and Health Secretary Matt Hancock described the new variant of coronavirus as being „out of control“.
Britischer Gesundheitsdienst – NHS bittet Johnson um Brexit-Aufschub
Der NHS befürchtet zudem, dass Rettungswagen aufgrund von Lastwagenstaus vor allem in der südostenglischen Grafschaft Kent am Ärmelkanal, einem Zentrum der Corona-Infektionen, nicht rechtzeitig die Patienten erreichen könnten. Johnsons Regierung hat eine Verlängerung der Übergangsphase bisher strikt abgelehnt.
Boris blusters his way through pointless press conference without giving a single answer about when truckers will be allowed into France: Port chaos could continue until Xmas after Macron insists on Covid tests or no travel
– Port of Dover in Kent was dramatically closed to all freight vehicles leaving the UK for the next 48 hours
– Hauliers coming to UK will still be allowed but there are fears drivers won‘t travel to avoid being ‚marooned‘
– Countries including France, Germany, Italy, Belgium and Poland have announced restrictions on UK travel
– Comes after emergence of mutant strain of coronavirus in England which spreads quicker than predecessor
– PM Boris Johnson held a meeting of the emergency Cobra committee this afternoon to discuss travel ban
– Port of Dover later confirmed inbound freights were still arriving and France said movement would resume
– But Mr Johnson was unable to say exactly when the travel ban will be lifted as he expressed his frustrations
Europe blockade pushes UK closer to food shortages at Christmas
Responding to yesterday evening’s suspension of accompanied freight traffic from the UK to France, FDF CEO Ian Wright told Yahoo Finance UK: “Yesterday’s suspension of accompanied freight traffic from the UK to France has the potential to cause serious disruption to UK post-Christmas fresh food supplies – and exports of UK food and drink.
Brexit: Johnson resists calls to extend transition into 2021
The government has ruled out extending the deadline for reaching a post-Brexit trade deal into 2021, amid a deadlock in talks and a growing Covid crisis.
SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon and London mayor Sadiq Khan want the UK to follow EU trading rules beyond 31 December to allow more time for an agreement.
UK faces Brexit limbo after talks deadline missed
The teams led by the chief UK negotiator, David Frost, and his EU counterpart, Michel Barnier, were expected to continue talks on Monday despite the European parliament’s notice that it would not vote on a deal if not secured by midnight on Sunday.
EU demands rejected as no deal looms – UK warns Barnier ‚we will NOT sign up for this‘
Brussels had been accused of trying to force the UK to sign up to its rules.
The EU wanted the power to unilaterally apply tariffs on UK goods if they felt British firms had an unfair advantage over those on the continent due to a divergence in laws and regulations.
Brexit is bigger than Boris or any Downing Street bunfight
As the Brexit process reaches crisis point (again), the real issue is not ‘Carrie v Dom’, but elite domination or democracy? Is Johnson prepared to stick to his guns and see through the clean-break Brexit we voted for? Or is he getting ready to give in to the demands of the Remainer establishment and the EU? Brexit is far bigger than the survival of Boris and the Downing Street pecking order.
Boris’s bizarre self-isolation stunt: Why is the PM self-isolating when he has already had Covid?
Self-isolation is intended to reduce the spread of Covid. But Boris’s decision runs totally counter to logic.
Think tank says country might face Brexit ‚in name only‘ following Cummings‘ departure from Number 10
He continued: „Dom Cummings‘ presence at the centre of the government‘s policy programme gave Brexiteers confidence that Brexit would take place in a meaningful way.“
Instead, he warned that the loss „makes post-Brexit Britain more likely to be very similar to a Britain inside the EU, and possibly worse“.
EU-UK talks: ‚Make or break‘ moment approaching, say both sides
The two sides are in a race against the clock to settle their future economic partnership in time for it to take effect on 1 January, when the UK will leave the EU‘s single market and customs union.
Britisches Oberhaus stimmt gegen Brexit-Gesetzesklauseln
Nun kommt es zu einer Art politischem Ping-Pong-Spiel zwischen dem Unter- und dem Oberhaus. Aus der Regierung hieß es bereits, man werde das Gesetz nach Änderungen im Oberhaus wieder entsprechend umändern.
Get ready for no deal, Boris Johnson warns: PM tells Brussels it must ‚come to us‘ and compromise if there is to be a free trade agreement on his Brexit ‚deadline day‘
‘They want the continued ability to control our legislative freedom, our fisheries, in a way that is completely unacceptable to an independent country.
‘And since we have only 10 weeks until the end of the transition period on January 1 I have to make a judgement about the likely outcome and to get us all ready.
Brexit: UK chief negotiator ‚disappointed‘ as EU fails to commit to intensified trade talks
Britain‘s chief negotiator said he was „disappointed“ that European Union leaders dropped their commitment to intensified trade negotiations at a Brussels summit on Thursday night
Nach EU-Gipfel – Bricht Johnson die Brexit-Gespräche ab?
Stunde der Wahrheit im Brexit-Streit: Der britische Premier Boris Johnson will am Freitag erklären, ob und wie Großbritannien weiter mit der Europäischen Union über einen Handelspakt verhandelt.
Michael Gove puts chance of Brexit deal at 66% but warns UK will not be ‚held hostage‘
Mr Gove said the Internal Market Bill was one of several steps taken „to ensure this country is not held hostage in a negotiation process, but that we honour the vote people made in 2016 and again in 2019 to ensure we are properly independent“.
He added: „No one will be happier than me if we can conclude an agreement but we have an absolute obligation to ensure the country is ready in the event that we don‘t.“
UK and EU extend Brexit talks by a month in bid to reach trade deal
Following their conversation on Saturday, the pair have tasked their chief negotiators with working “intensively” to resolve the remaining differences in the post-Brexit trade talks.
Fishing rights, state aid and governance continue to be vexed issues between the two sides as they look to ratify a new trading relationship before the transition period ends on December 31.
Kommentar zur Begrenzungsinitiative: Ja zur Personenfreizügigkeit ist kein Ja zum Rahmenabkommen
Es ist auch ein Warnsignal an den Bundesrat für die anstehenden Gespräche über das Rahmenabkommen. Das Bekenntnis vom Sonntag zum bilateralen Weg ist nur ein Ja zur wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit. Eine stärkere politische Anbindung hingegen stösst auf ungebrochene, bei den Parteien sogar zunehmende Ablehnung.
Ticker zur Begrenzungsinitiative – Gemäss Hochrechnungen: SVP-Initiative wird klar abgelehnt
Es zeichnet sich ein deutliches Nein ab. Die EU freuts. Bei der SVP wird intern bereits Kritik an der Parteiführung laut. Die aktuelle Entwicklung zur Abstimmung im Ticker.
We want a great future relationship and a free trade agreement with the EU – but we will not get there if they seek to divide us. We must protect the sovereignty and integrity of our United Kingdom.
Johnson zum Brexit-Kurs „EU hat Revolver nicht vom Tisch genommen“
Am Abend stimmte das Parlament dann in erster Lesung für die umstrittene Änderung des Brexit-Vertrages. Für die Gesetzesvorlage votierten 340 Abgeordnete, dagegen 263. Das neue Binnenmarktgesetz würde den im Januar mit der EU geschlossenen Brexit-Vertrag einseitig ändern.
Britisches Unterhaus stimmt für Änderung von Brexit-Vertrag
In einer ersten Abstimmung hat sich allen Warnungen zum Trotz eine Mehrheit im britischen Unterhaus für das umstrittene Binnenmarktgesetz von Premier Boris Johnson ausgesprochen. 340 der Abgeordneten votierten gestern Abend für das Gesetz, mit dem Johnson Teile des gültigen Brexit-Deals ändern will.
The government has a Commons majority of 80-87 (depending on definitions). The first key vote on the Internal Market Bill is tonight at 10pm. What do you predict the result will be?
The only time the Internal Market Bill will come into effect is if the EU continues to negotiate in bad faith and no agreement is made.
Boris has, in effect, created our very own backstop.
Oh the irony.
In Full: Tory MPs Opposing the Internal Market Bill as it Stands
1. Bob Neil
2. Geoffrey Cox
3. Simon Hoare
4. George Freeman
5. Tobias Ellwood
6. Damian Green
7. Damian Collins
8. Sir Oliver Heald
9. Sir Roger Gale
10. Gary Streeter
11. Rehman Chishti
12. Jack Lopresti
13. Sajid Javid
14. Charles Walker
15. Jeremy Wright
16. Andrew Mitchell
The UK’s Internal Market Bill – Protects the sovereignty of the United Kingdom – Provides certainty for business – Preserves our commitment to the people of Northern Ireland
Boris Johnson accuses the EU of putting a ‚revolver on the table‘ during trade talks by threatening to block GB food exports to Northern Ireland as he tries to win over Tory rebels who are against his plans to tear up parts of the Brexit divorce deal
– Sajid Javid and Geoffrey Cox have both said they cannot support PM‘s proposal
LIVE: MPs debate UK Internal Market Bill in House of Commons 14 September 2020
Watch the House of Commons from 2:30pm on Monday as three days of intensive debate and scrutiny on the United Kingdom Internal Market Bill begins.
Published last Wednesday, the Bill sets out rules for the operation of the UK internal market- trade between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland- after the end of the transition period in January.
Order Paper for Monday 14 September 2020
1. United Kingdom Internal Market Bill: Second Reading
Until 10.00pm (Standing Order No. 9(3))
The UK has to defend itself against predatory diplomacy, deal or no deal
Europe’s refusal to offer its neighbour and security ally even a bare-bones trade deal is a hostile posture that has consequences
GB: Unterhaus debattiert über umstrittenes Binnenmarktgesetz
Im Zuge des Brexit-Streits debattiert das britische Unterhaus heute Nachmittag über das Binnenmarktgesetz. Mit dem geplanten Gesetz will Premierminister Boris Johnson Teile des bereits gültigen Brexit-Abkommens aushebeln. Dabei geht es um Sonderregeln für das britische Nordirland, die eine harte Grenze zum EU-Staat Irland und neue Feindseligkeiten dort verhindern sollen.
Not surprising that Major and Blair who were amongst the most extreme proponents of Brexit are supporting the EU position on free trade throughout the UK. I predict an even bigger majority for the Internal Market Bill tomorrow
6/7 The EU‘s position is that listing is needed for Great Britain only, not Northern Ireland. So if GB were not listed, it would be automatically illegal for NI to import food products from GB.
Brexit: Blair and Major urge MPs to reject Internal Market Bill
The former leaders, both vehement opponents of Brexit, said that respecting treaty obligations was „just as important“ as domestic law, and called for MPs to reject the legislation.
„As the world looks on aghast at the UK – the word of which was once accepted as inviolable – this government‘s action is shaming itself and embarrassing our nation,“ they added.
Let’s make the EU take their threats off the table. And let’s get this Bill through, back up our negotiators, and protect our country
Prime Minister‘s article in the Telegraph: 12 September 2020
We decided in the Withdrawal Agreement to create a Joint Committee, in which we would thrash out the details of these new arrangements. It is here that things risk coming unstuck. We are now hearing that unless we agree to the EU’s terms, the EU will use an extreme interpretation of the Northern Ireland protocol to impose a full-scale trade border down the Irish sea. We are being told that the EU will not only impose tariffs on goods moving from Great Britain to Northern Ireland, but that they might actually stop the transport of food products from GB to NI.
I have to say that we never seriously believed that the EU would be willing to use a Treaty, negotiated in good faith, to blockade one part of the UK, to cut it off; or that they would actually threaten to destroy the economic and territorial integrity of the UK. This was for the very good reason that any such barrier, any such tariffs or division would be completely contrary to the letter and the spirit of the Good Friday agreement. By actively undermining the Union of our country, such an interpretation would seriously endanger peace and stability in Northern Ireland. This interpretation cannot have been the real intention of those who framed the protocol (it certainly wasn’t ours) – and it is therefore vital that we close that option down.