Archiv: Android (operating system)

05.02.2023 - 11:48 [ ]

TeleGuard – No storage of data. Highly encrypted. Swiss made.

– Practical, modern messenger with full functionality for iOS and Android

– Independent company under Swiss data protection law and GDPR-compliant

– Complex encryption system for all transmitted data

– Complex encryption system for all transmitted data

– All servers are located in data centers in Switzerland

– No storage of user data on the servers

– No connection to a telephone number and no collection of user identification data

25.06.2022 - 08:59 [ ]

Google: How we tackled this iPhone, Android spyware

We‘re told it is potentially capable of spying on the victims‘ chat apps, camera and microphone, contacts book and calendars, browser, and clipboard, and beam that info back to base. It‘s said that Italian authorities have used this tool in tackling corruption cases, and the Kazakh government has had its hands on it, too.

On Thursday this week, TAG revealed its analysis of the software, and how it helped dismantle the infection.

25.06.2022 - 08:49 [ ]

Google: Spionageangriffe auf Handys in Italien

Google erklärte weiter, in einigen der nun aufgedeckten Fälle mit der Spähsoftware aus Italien hätten die Hacker die Spionagesoftware möglicherweise unter Zusammenarbeit mit Internetdienstanbietern eingesetzt. Daraus könne geschlossen werden, dass die Käufer der Programme Verbindungen zu staatlich unterstützten Akteuren hatten.

25.06.2022 - 08:08 [ Google Threat Analysis Group ]

Spyware vendor targets users in Italy and Kazakhstan


Seven of the nine zero-day vulnerabilities our Threat Analysis Group discovered in 2021 fall into this category: developed by commercial providers and sold to and used by government-backed actors. TAG is actively tracking more than 30 vendors with varying levels of sophistication and public exposure selling exploits or surveillance capabilities to government-backed actors.


In some cases, we believe the actors worked with the target’s ISP to disable the target’s mobile data connectivity. Once disabled, the attacker would send a malicious link via SMS asking the target to install an application to recover their data connectivity. We believe this is the reason why most of the applications masqueraded as mobile carrier applications. When ISP involvement is not possible, applications are masqueraded as messaging applications. (…)

We assess, based on the extensive body of research and analysis by TAG and Project Zero, that the commercial spyware industry is thriving and growing at a significant rate. This trend should be concerning to all Internet users.

These vendors are enabling the proliferation of dangerous hacking tools and arming governments that would not be able to develop these capabilities in-house. While use of surveillance technologies may be legal under national or international laws, they are often found to be used by governments for purposes antithetical to democratic values: targeting dissidents, journalists, human rights workers and opposition party politicians.

01.02.2022 - 03:14 [ Haaretz ]

NSO Is an Arm of Israel‘s Government

In 2019 NSO agreed to reconnect the Pegasus system in Saudi Arabia, in the context of Netanyahu’s contacts regarding the Abraham Accords. Until the accords were announced, Israel gave NSO a permit to sell Pegasus to almost all of the countries that signed the agreements.

01.02.2022 - 03:00 [ New York Times ]

The Battle for the World’s Most Powerful Cyberweapon

(Jan. 28, 2022)

The F.B.I. had bought a version of Pegasus, NSO’s premier spying tool. For nearly a decade, the Israeli firm had been selling its surveillance software on a subscription basis to law-enforcement and intelligence agencies around the world, promising that it could do what no one else — not a private company, not even a state intelligence service — could do: consistently and reliably crack the encrypted communications of any iPhone or Android smartphone.

01.02.2022 - 02:28 [ New York Times ]

F.B.I. Secretly Bought Israeli Spyware and Explored Hacking U.S. Phones

(Jan. 28, 2022)

The Times found that sales of Pegasus played a critical role in securing the support of Arab nations in Israel’s campaign against Iran and negotiating the Abraham Accords, the 2020 diplomatic agreements, signed at a Trump White House ceremony, that normalized relations between Israel and some of its longtime Arab adversaries.

The U.S. had also moved to acquire Pegasus, The Times found. The F.B.I., in a deal never previously reported, bought the spyware in 2019, despite multiple reports that it had been used against activists and political opponents in other countries. It also spent two years discussing whether to deploy a newer product, called Phantom, inside the United States.

03.01.2022 - 20:49 [ ]

TOUCH VPN – Choose your platform

TouchVPN is is available for all devices. Sign up, install, and press connect.

19.10.2021 - 20:34 [ ]

Privacy by Default: p=p security

Support for all established encryption methods. And all your devices. Fully automatic. For your peace of mind. And your convenience.

19.10.2021 - 08:36 [ ]


Why Use Ultrasurf?
– Circumvent internet censorship
– Encrypt online communications
– Hide your IP from websites visited
– Fast page loads
– Easy to use

19.07.2021 - 18:16 [ ]

NSO Group: Pegasus-Staatstrojaner für Android entdeckt

(4. April 2017)

Die Sicherheitsfirma Lookout hat in Kooperation mit Google eine Android-Version der Pegasus-Spionagesoftware gefunden. Im vergangenen Jahr hatte das Unternehmen in Kooperation mit dem Citizen Lab der Universität Toronto die iOS-Version der Schadsoftware gefunden, die vor allem gegen Aktivisten und Dissidenten eingesetzt wird.

19.07.2021 - 06:19 [ Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project / Twitter ]

iMessage, WhatsApp, and FaceTime are vulnerable to „zero-click exploits“ — bugs that allow hackers to commandeer a mobile phone even when the target does nothing to trigger the breach. #PegasusProject

19.07.2021 - 06:15 [ Bill Marczak / Twitter ]

(1) @AmnestyTech saw an iOS 14.6 device hacked with a zero-click iMessage exploit to install Pegasus. We at @citizenlab also saw 14.6 device hacked with a zero-click iMessage exploit to install Pegasus. All this indicates that NSO Group can break into the latest iPhones.

19.07.2021 - 05:06 [ ]

Spähsoftware: Wie „Pegasus“ aufs Handy kommt

Sicherheitsexperten von Amnesty International fanden auf mehreren, auch aktuellen iPhones Spuren der „Pegasus“-Software, die anscheinend auf diesem Weg auf das Gerät gelangt war. Ihrer Analyse zufolge kann das Spähprogramm unter Ausnutzung des internetbasierten Dienstes iMessage aus der Ferne installiert werden. Die NSO-Kunden müssen dafür nur die Telefonnummer der Zielperson eingeben.

11.06.2021 - 10:15 [ ]


Why Use Ultrasurf?
– Circumvent internet censorship
– Encrypt online communications
– Hide your IP from websites visited
– Fast page loads
– Easy to use

06.06.2021 - 12:00 [ ]


Why Use Ultrasurf?
– Circumvent internet censorship
– Encrypt online communications
– Hide your IP from websites visited
– Fast page loads
– Easy to use

17.04.2021 - 18:20 [ Radio Utopie ]

Wie Ihr Eure Emails verschlüsselt – ein für allemal!

Auf findet Ihr alles Weitere. Die einzelnen Download Links zu den Programmversionen für Outlook, Thunderbird, iOS und Android erspare ich mir hier, die findet Ihr dort.

Wenn Ihr wissen wollt, wer da nun wieder dahintersteckt: hier die Ratsmitglieder der pep Foundation. Der harte Kern. Mehr muss ich dazu nicht sagen.

24.03.2021 - 17:42 [ Google Play ]

p≡p – The pEp email client with Encryption

With pEp you organize all your existing mailboxes like Gmail, iCloud, Outlook, Office365, Yahoo, AOL, IMAP or Exchange in one single Android app.

24.03.2021 - 17:40 [ ]

Privacy by Default: p=p security

Support for all established encryption methods. And all your devices. Fully automatic. For your peace of mind. And your convenience.

03.03.2021 - 14:50 [ Google Play ]

p≡p – The pEp email client with Encryption

With pEp you organize all your existing mailboxes like Gmail, iCloud, Outlook, Office365, Yahoo, AOL, IMAP or Exchange in one single Android app.

03.03.2021 - 14:43 [ ]

Privacy by Default: p=p security

Support for all established encryption methods. And all your devices. Fully automatic. For your peace of mind. And your convenience.

01.02.2021 - 09:51 [ ]

p≡p – pretty Easy privacy

shifting the default for written digital messages from unencrypted and unprotected to anonymized and encrypted.

03.01.2021 - 09:45 [ Haaretz ]

A Shady Israeli Intel Genius, His Cyber-spy Van and Million-dollar Deals


Aliada, according to the suit, is a group of cyberweapon companies whose products are branded under the name Intellexa. In May 2019, it added, the group recruited Eran Beck, a former head of the Military Intelligence’s cyber department, as its director of development.

02.07.2020 - 16:57 [ Schöne Helene / Twitter ]

Ich habe kein Update gemacht, ich besitze keine Sim-Karte für das Gerät und dennoch folgendes: Dienste: Benachrichtigung zu möglicher Begegnung mit COVID-19-Infizierten. Wo kommt das dann her?


02.07.2020 - 16:41 [ ]

Is there a secret Covid tracker on your phone? Android and iPhone users say new feature has suddenly appeared on their handsets – without anyone installing it

Proponents are hailing the arrival of the system as a step towards stamping out the virus and ending lockdown.

The function is automatically disabled in countries without contact-tracing apps, such as Britain and the US.

25.05.2019 - 19:30 [ Google Play ]

Tor Browser

Tor Browser for Android is the only official mobile browser supported by the Tor Project, developers of the world’s strongest tool for privacy and freedom online.

13.10.2018 - 15:19 [ ]

Fake GPS: So könnt ihr einen anderen Standort vortäuschen (Android)

(14.07.16) Mit einem Fake GPS könnt ihr euren Standort schneller und bequemer wechseln, als es mit irgendeinem echten Transportmittel möglich wäre. Und dazu müsst ihr nicht einmal euer Handy „rooten“, da Android alle notwendigen Tools (mit Ausnahme der GPS-Fake-App selbst) bereits ab Werk besitzt.

13.06.2018 - 11:36 [ Google Play ]

NARU – die Nachrichtenagentur

NARU steht für Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie und ist deren Application.
NARU filtert für Euch aus der täglich wachsenden Boulevard- und Informationsflut die Nachrichten heraus, die wir einzeln oder im Zusammenhang als förderlich für Allgemeinbildung, Hintergrundwissen, politische Willensbildung und zur Einschätzung der aktuellen Situation in der Welt(Politik) erachten und verlinkt auf die Original-Quellen.

23.05.2018 - 11:28 [ Android Authority ]

How to encrypt your Android device

With Android this is very simple from a user’s viewpoint though, you just enter your passcode whenever you boot up or unlock the device and all of your files will be accessible. This means that if your handset falls into the wrong hands, no-one else will be able to make sense of any of the data on your phone without knowing your password.

06.05.2018 - 22:34 [ Radio Utopie ]

Privatsphäre auf Android: Orbot und Orfox

Seltsamerweise hat sich bei Besitzern von Mobilcomputern (Smartphones, Tablets) noch nicht herumgesprochen, wie sinnvoll und angemessen es ist auch im Internet Kleidung zu tragen. Dabei gibt es den Proxy Orbot für Android Betriebssysteme schon seit über acht Jahren.

Zusammen mit dem Browser Orfox lässt sich mittels Orbot das Internet auch auf Android anonym und verschlüsselt nutzen.