President Donald Trump famously declared that he loved WikiLeaks in 2016, after the DNC leak. But his administration cooled on the organization quickly and began to pursue a prosecution the Obama administration had tabled.
Daily Archives: 11. April 2019
Regierung von Venezuela kooperiert mit Rotem Kreuz
Von Seiten der venezolanischen Opposition und ihrer Verbündeter ist immer wieder zu vernehmen, die Regierung um Präsident Maduro lasse keine Hilfe ins Land und leugne die humanitäre Krise im Land. Jedoch hatte die venezolanische Regierung Ende Februar auch mit der UN eine technische Zusammenarbeit vereinbart, damit Venezuela einen besseren Zugang zu fehlenden Lebensmitteln und Medikamenten bekommt.
NUJ reaction: Julian Assange arrest
The NUJ is shocked and concerned by the actions of the authorities today in relation to Julian Assange. His lawyer has confirmed he has been arrested not just for breach of bail conditions but also in relation to a US extradition request. The UK should not be acting on behalf of the Trump administration in this case. The NUJ recognises the inherent link between and importance of leaked confidential documents and journalism reporting in the public interest. It should be remembered that in April 2010 WikiLeaks released Collateral Murder, a video showing a 2007 US Apache helicopter attack upon individuals in Baghdad, more than 23 people were killed including two Reuters journalists. The manner in which Assange is treated will be of great significance to the practice of journalism.
Man schießt deutsch (II)
11.10.2018 – Parallel treibt ein Ex-Rheinmetall-Manager den Aufbau der saudischen Rüstungsindustrie voran. Der von ihm geführte Konzern SAMI (Saudi Arabian Military Industries) soll – basierend darauf, dass Riad über den drittgrößten Militäretat der Welt verfügt – zu einem der 25 größten Rüstungskonzerne weltweit aufsteigen.
NBC is the official organ of whatever you call it: the military-industrial complex, the Deep State, the Blob. I‘m glad they made it official by putting CIA & intel officials on their payroll. The above psychopathic tweet is what you‘d expect to hear at Langley, not a news outlet.
ACLU Comment on Julian Assange Arrest
Any prosecution by the United States of Mr. Assange for Wikileaks’ publishing operations would be unprecedented and unconstitutional, and would open the door to criminal investigations of other news organizations. Moreover, prosecuting a foreign publisher for violating U.S. secrecy laws would set an especially dangerous precedent for U.S. journalists, who routinely violate foreign secrecy laws to deliver information vital to the public‘s interest.
Julian Assange expected at magistrates court after arrest – watch live
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is expected to arrive at Westminster magistrates court after being arrested by British police on Thursday after they were invited into the Ecuadorean embassy where he has been holed up since 2012.
May’s Halloween Brextension Statement In Full
British Prime Minister Theresa May has told Parliament she welcomes the arrest of Julian Assange: „This goes to show in the UK, no one is above the law“
Der Bock als Gärtner
Deutschland wird im Rahmen eines UN-Einsatzes Soldaten und Polizisten in den Jemen entsenden.
Dass die in Deutschland erworbenen Waffen auch im Krieg im Jemen eingesetzt werden, ist schon seit Jahren bekannt. Saudi-Arabien hat bei seinen Angriffen Tornados und Eurofighter genutzt.[8] Zudem sind Bomben zum Einsatz gekommen, die von Tochterunternehmen der Düsseldorfer Waffenschmiede Rheinmetall hergestellt werden. Über Filialen in Italien sowie in Südafrika beliefert der Konzern Saudi-Arabien bis heute: Die Tochterfirmen sind an die deutschen Exportbestimmungen nicht gebunden.
Klage in Frankreich: Monsanto verliert auch Berufung
Im Rechtsstreit über Gesundheitsschäden mutmaßlich durch ein Unkrautvernichtungsmittel der Bayer-Tochter Monsanto hat ein französischer Landwirt erneut recht bekommen. Das Berufungsgericht in Lyon entschied heute, Monsanto sei wegen „fehlerhafter Produkte“ verantwortlich.
Parlamentswahlen in Indien haben begonnen
In Indien haben die auf knapp sechs Wochen angelegten Parlamentswahlen begonnen. Als erstes öffneten am Donnerstag unter anderem Wahllokale im Nordosten des Landes. 900 Millionen Menschen sind aufgerufen, ein neues Parlament zu bestimmen. Premierminister Narendra Modi von der BJP-Partei hofft auf eine zweite Amtszeit.
Macron setzt umstrittenes „Anti-Randalierer-Gesetz“ in Kraft
Damit dürfen Sicherheitskräfte bei Demonstrationen schärfer gegen mutmaßliche Gewalttäter und Vermummte vorgehen, wie heute aus dem französischen Amtsblatt hervorging.
US Attorney for Assange, Barry Pollack statement on Assange arrest on behalf of the US in relation to 2010 publications:
Theresa May announces yet more votes as she faces MPs after Brexit delay
Theresa May has announced she will hold yet more votes with MPs to determine what kind of deal they want if Labour and the Tories can’t work out a new Brexit deal amongst themselves.
Conservative Sir Bill Cash asks the prime minister if she will resign, calling the new #BrexitDelay an „abject surrender“ Theresa May: „I think you know the answer to that“ #Brexit latest:
Omar al-Bashir: Sudan military says it has ousted ruler after protests
After nearly 30 years in power, Sudan‘s president Omar al-Bashir has been ousted and arrested, the defence minister says.
Speaking on state TV, Awad Ibn Ouf said the army had decided to oversee a two-year transitional period followed by elections.
Obama DOJ tried to concoct a theory to justify arresting Assange for more than merely publishing docs: such as claiming he aided Manning in the the theft of docs. They found no evidence for it. Trump DOJ will likely manufacture some falsehood to claim it‘s more than publishing.
UPDATE: Arrest of Julian Assange
Julian Assange, 47, (03.07.71) has today, Thursday 11 April, been further arrested on behalf of the United States authorities, at 10:53hrs after his arrival at a central London police station. This is an extradition warrant under Section 73 of the Extradition Act. He will appear in custody at Westminster Magistrates‘ Court later today (Thursday, 11 April).
LIVE: Assange arrested in London: stakeout at police station
Spanish Police Probe Extortion Scheme Involving Surveillance on Assange
In an apparent reference to Moreno, Hrafnsson said: “We know from reports that this is the work of one person to service the interests of the United States government who want to indict and imprison a publisher for the crime of publishing truthful material.”
Robinson said WikiLeaks would file a “fresh complaint” to the UN special rapporteur on privacy rights, who has said he will visit Assange on April 25. The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer will also visit Assange that day, WikiLeaks said.
The action of the British police in literally dragging Julian Assange from the Ecuadorean embassy and the smashing of international law by the Ecuadorean regime in permitting this barbarity are crimes against the most basic natural justice. This is a warning to all journalists.
From #Assange: The US warrant was issued in December 2017 and is for conspiracy with Chelsea Manning @xychelsea in early 2010.
Just confirmed: #Assange has been arrested not just for breach of bail conditions but also in relation to a US extradition request. @wikileaks @khrafnsson
I have just spoken to one of Julians lawyers. Julian is likely to appear before a UK Magistrate within 24 hrs re (old defunct) „bail warrant“ UK likely to seek max prison term of 12 months in higher court. Our focus is as always to STOP a U.S. Extradition!
Stay strong Mrs. Christine Assange. ?✊
The first words Julian was able to speak to the world in more than a year: „The UK must resist this. The UK must resist“ The world will resist this Julian. Our efforts will be doubled and tripled now. #FreeJulian
Assange: Ecuador on why they gave up WikiLeaks co-founder
The WikiLeaks founder, 47, was taken into custody after failing to surrender to the court in 2012 – and has spent 2,487 days holed up in the West London embassy.
Assange in London festgenommen
Die ecuadorianische Botschaft gewährte der Polizei Zutritt. Die Regierung des lateinamerikanischen Landes hatte Assange zuvor das diplomatische Asyl entzogen.
Julian Assange removed from Ecuadorian embassy in London
In a statement the Met police said: ‚The MPS had a duty to execute the warrant, on behalf of Westminster magistrates court, and was invited into the embassy by the ambassador, following the Ecuadorian government’s withdrawal of asylum‘
Julian Assange arrested by Met police and will appear in court after Ecuador withdraws asylum status
Dramatic footage posted online shows a bearded Assange shouting as he is carried by seven police officers out of the embassy and bundled into a police vehicle.
Ecuador‘s president Lenin Moreno said Assange had been „discourteous and aggressive“ during his stay and added that he had broken multiple conditions of his asylum.
He said: „He particularly violated the norm of not intervening in the internal affairs of other states.
URGENT: Julian Assange has been arrested by UK police.
It is now clear that the government is unable to carry out the wishes of the British people. We need to hold a general strike in order to #SaveBrexit! #EUCO #Peston
First they take your vote. Then they use your anger to oppress you further. If we don’t fight and defeat these bastards now there is nothing they won’t do to us once their victory is complete. Whether we like it or not – and I do not – they have declared total war on us.
Westminster voting intention (ft. new parties): LAB: 31% (-3) CON: 29% (-10) CHUK: 8% (+8) LDEM: 8% (-4) UKIP: 7% (+2) BREX: 6% (+6) GRN: 4% (-)
via @BMGResearch, 02 – 05 Apr Chgs. w/ 08 Mar standard voting intention.
that it now looks like the UK will have to take part in European Parliament elections in May, with no clear way forward on Brexit, is pretty terrifying. Everyone will protest vote, the far-right will likely make huge gains, and get wall-to-wall media coverage. It‘ll be a disaster
“We’re doomed”: The mood of Conservative councillors facing the electorate varies from nervousness to despair
Seasoned campaigners were shocked by the level of anger they encountered on the nation doorsteps – invariably from Brexiteers who felt betrayed.
One councillor in the East Midlands told me:
“I had somebody who was so furious he started getting a nosebleed. Even then he kept talking about the local Conservative MP letting him down.”
Someone from the North West, in a Conservative council, suggested that this week it was even harder pounding than last week:
“The decision to hold the Euro Elections is a disaster for us. For a start, it confuses matters. People think we might be canvassing for them and then really go mad. Before we have a chance of talking about local issues they start the conversation by saying they will definitely not be voting for us in the Euro Elections.”
Never make an ‚unacceptable‘ comment. Never share an opinion. Never make a joke. Never think. Never speak. Just accept whatever the woke left tell you to accept. Or ELSE.
Tony Benn arguing in 1975 against handing over democratic powers to European technocrats. Eloquent, powerful and prescient. This was the best of the Left.
Emmanuel Macron claims responsibility for Brexit Halloween deadline saying it is ‚for the collective good‘
„But it was not logical in my view, and above all, it was neither good for us, nor for the British people.“
He added: „I think we delivered the best possible compromise. First because it was the one to preserve the unity of the 27.
Brexit wird erneut verschoben
Der Brexit wird ein weiteres Mal vertagt – und zwar auf den 31. Oktober. Die britische Premierministerin Theresa May hat ein entsprechendes Angebot der EU-27 in der Nacht auf Donnerstag in Brüssel akzeptiert. Ein ungeordneter Brexit am Freitag ist damit vom Tisch.
Text: EU agreement to extend Brexit
Following is the text of an EU summit agreement on Thursday giving Britain more time to complete its withdrawal from the European Union.
Massenproduzenten von Verleumdungen und Lügen
Die USA haben Afrika nichts zu bieten außer Waffen, Drohnen und einer verlängerten Halbwertszeit für die neokoloniale Ordnung.
Bolsonaro Swears in Conspiracy Theorist, Wants Young Brazilians to ‚Not Be Interested in Politics‘
Bolsonaro said kids should „not start getting interested in politics in school“ at the inauguration of his latest Minister of Education.
Israel Sells Weapons and Spy Equipment to Honduras
Israel plays a vital role in the supply according to the document. The country is always in the focus of the far-right, which admire the country for its military and defense industry, often tested on real targets in Gaza. Honduras signed a bilateral cooperation agreement with Israel in 2016 on the basis of improving the national defense and security capabilities and to strengthen the air force, navy and the national army.
Honduras: Regierungen haben laut Bericht Waffen und Spionagematerial angekauft
Des Weiteren heißt es in dem Bericht, Israel habe eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Verstärkung der Kriegs- und Spionageausrüstung für Honduras gespielt, nachdem beide Regierungen im Jahre 2016 ein bilaterales Kooperationsabkommen unterzeichnet hatten. Das Abkommen wurde mit der Begründung unterzeichnet, dass es notwendig sei, die Kapazitäten des Landes im Hinblick auf Verteidigung und Sicherheit zu erhöhen. Es sieht außerdem die Stärkung der Marine, der Luftwaffe und des Heeres, sowie der Fähigkeiten der Nationalen Direktion bei der Errichtung eines Operationszentrums für Regierungssicherheit vor.
Opposition in Venezuela lehnt Dialog mit Regierung ab
Angebot aus Mexiko zur Vermittlung zwischen den politischen Lagern. Vertreter der Regierungsgegner: „Keine Zeit mit Gesprächsangeboten schinden“
Ermittlungen in Argentinien gegen Familienunternehmen von Staatschef Macri
Correo Argentino war im Zuge einer großen Privatisierungswelle 1997 an die Familie Macri gegangen und hatte im Jahr 2001 Konkurs angemeldet. 2003 wurde Correo Argentino vom ehemaligen Präsidenten Néstor Kirchner dann rückverstaatlicht und machte umgehend wieder Gewinn. Nach der Wahl zum Präsidenten 2015 eröffnete sich für den dann amtierenden Präsidenten Macri die Möglichkeit, in Doppelfunktion Politik zugunsten des Unternehmens seiner Familie zu machen.