Archiv: Türkei / Turkey

08.01.2025 - 09:48 [ Middle East Eye ]

Assad‘s former aide says deposed Syrian president was ‚tricked‘ by Putin

“But what happened was that the Iranians told Bashar al-Assad, ‘we did not receive any signals to proceed with moving Iranian aircraft to the Hmeimim base [or to] fly through Iraqi airspace to land at the base,’” Saqr told Mazeej.

“The question was relayed to Moscow, but no answer came.”

When asked whether this was a “trick by Putin”, Saqr said there was “no other explanation”.

Saqr said the Iranians told Assad they sent a plane regardless through Iraq, but were warned by the US that the aircraft would be shot down if it continued.

07.01.2025 - 19:49 [ ]

Nagel Commission warns Israel of possible war with Turkey, even as it calls for confronting Iran

The „Committee for the Evaluation of the Defense Establishment Budget and the Balance of Power“ is led by former National Security Council head Yaakov Nagel, and is often referred to in Hebrew media as the Nagel Commission or Nagel Committee.

The commission was established in 2023 before the outbreak of the war, to create recommendations for the defense ministry regarding the possible areas of conflict facing Israel in the years ahead.

07.01.2025 - 19:47 [ ]

Israel must prepare for war with Turkey, gov committee warns

The Nagel Committee issued a report on Monday detailing the defence budget and security strategy, where they raised concerns over Turkey’s aspirations and possible future tensions with Israel, according to Israeli media.

The committee said these tensions could escalate into conflict and highlighted the risk of Syrian factions aligning with Turkey and creating further threats to Israel‘s „security“.

03.01.2025 - 12:04 [ ]

US Sets Up New North Syria Base With Allied Kurds Near Turkish Border

The US is reportedly building a new military base in the Kurdish-majority city of Kobani, right on the Turkish border.

The US has been backing the Kurdish SDF for years, to the chagrin of Turkey and its allies in the self-proclaimed Syrian National Army (SNA). In recent weeks, intense fighting has erupted between the SDF and Turkey and their partners in SNA.

So far, the fighting has centered around the city of Manbij, which is further west than Kobani but also along the Syria-Turkey border.

03.01.2025 - 11:51 [ ]

24 killed as pro-Ankara factions clash with Syria’s Kurdish-led SDF

Fighting has raged around the Arab-majority city of Manbij, controlled by the Manbij Military Council, a group of local fighters operating under the SDF.
According to the Observatory, “clashes continued south and east of Manbij, while Turkish forces bombarded the area with drones and heavy artillery.”

According to the Observatory, “clashes continued south and east of Manbij, while Turkish forces bombarded the area with drones and heavy artillery.”

25.12.2024 - 15:25 [ Daily News Egypt ]

Syria’s Shifting Sands: A New Middle East Order

The final outcome in Syria appears stark: Assad’s regime has fallen, and the Syrian army has been entirely dismantled—an unprecedented event even compared to the 1967 war. Israel now firmly controls the Golan Heights and Mount Hermon. Turkish forces have seized more than 13 cities, cementing their influence. The United States has solidified its presence in oil-rich regions while extending legal protection to the Kurds and the SDF.

23.12.2024 - 22:00 [ ]

Turkey’s invasion plans hit world press

(December 18, 2024)

Leading world media outlets have given front-page coverage to a potential attack by Turkey and Turkish-backed jihadist groups on Kobani (Kobanê), a Kurdish city renowned for its symbolic victory against ISIS, as efforts to maintain a ceasefire between Turkey and Kurdish-led forces falter.

23.12.2024 - 21:21 [ Junge Welt ]

Krieg in Syrien: Kobani in Gefahr

(December 18, 2024)

Im Norden Syriens könnte ein Großangriff der türkischen Armee und ihrer aus Islamisten und faschistischen »Grauen Wölfen« gebildeten Söldner der Syrischen Nationalarmee (SNA) auf die an der Grenze gelegene Stadt Kobani unmittelbar bevorstehen. Davor warnten hochrangige US-Beamte laut Wall Street Journal vom Dienstag unter Verweis auf die Truppenkonzentration westlich und östlich der Stadt. Lediglich die Präsenz eines symbolischen Kontingents von US-Soldaten, die am Wochenende nach Abzug russischer Truppen in deren Stellungen eingerückt waren und demonstrativ ihre Fahne auf dem Rathaus von Kobani hissten, scheint den NATO-Partner Türkei vorerst noch vom Einmarsch abzuhalten.

23.12.2024 - 20:31 [ ]

Turkey will do ‘whatever it takes’ if Syria government cannot address Kurd militia issue

(December 22, 2024)

Assad‘s fall has left the Kurdish factions on the back foot as they seek to retain political gains made in the last 13 years.

In an interview with France 24, Fidan said Ankara‘s preferred option was for the new administration in Damascus to address the problem in line with Syria‘s territorial unity, sovereignty, and integrity, adding that the YPG should be disbanded immediately.

20.12.2024 - 07:20 [ ]

Turkey, Allies Violate Extended Ceasefire With Syrian Kurds, Dozens Killed

Turkey and their allies, collectively known as the Syrian National Army (SNA), hold territory in Syria’s northeast, but have gained considerable influence having backed the Islamist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in the takeover of most of the country. HTS officials are already suggesting that stamping out Kurdish separatists is a near-term goal, and that Turkish involvement in Syria’s reconstruction is a priority.

US officials have been trying to reassure the Kurds that they don’t face any immediate threats to existence from Turkey’s allies, despite Turkish officials saying the “elimination” of the SDF’s largest faction, the YPG, is their strategic goal.

20.12.2024 - 06:29 [ Reuters ]

No talk of ceasefire between Turkey and US-backed SDF in Syria, Turkey says

(December 19, 2024)

There is no talk of a ceasefire deal between Turkey and the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northern Syria, contrary to a U.S. announcement, a Turkish defence ministry official said on Thursday.

The State Department had said…

19.12.2024 - 15:15 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Der Umsturz in Syrien, seine Hintergründe und möglichen Auswirkungen

Und was Israel angeht – auf kurze Sicht profitiert es wohl davon. Israel hat die Situation dazu genutzt, mehr Land zu besetzen, angeblich Waffenlager zerstört. Aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass ein islamischer Staat auf längere Sicht gut für Israel ist.

Vor einem guten Jahr hat sich in der israelischen Führung ein riesiger Wandel vollzogen. Ein wichtiges Ziel dieser neuen Strömung: Es darf keinen Palästinenserstaat geben. Man will einen durch und durch jüdischen Staat. Israels Bevölkerung ist zerrissen, was diese Themen angeht, fast am Rande eines Bürgerkrieges. Netanjahu ist autoritärer denn je, er hat alles persönlich unter Kontrolle.

Und es hat sich noch etwas drastisch verändert: Die Israelis in den 70er- und 80er-Jahren waren säkulare Europäer, diese Menschen an der Regierung heute sind alttestamentarisch. Sie sind nicht der Logik und der Ratio zugänglich, sondern sie fühlen sich ihrer quasi biblischen Vision verpflichtet. Da ist magisches Denken am Werk.
Für mich ist das eine Art geopolitisches Schneeballsystem. Netanjahu setzt alles daran, die Kämpfe am Laufen zu halten – würde man innehalten und das Ganze hinterfragen, würde das System kollabieren wie bei einem Schneeballsystem.

16.12.2024 - 11:55 [ ]

Massive strike in Syria registers on Richter scale as Israel targets military sites in coastal Tartus region

“Earlier today, an Israeli fighter jet carried out an airstrike on radars in Deir Ezzor Military Airport,” it said.

“Moreover, an anonymous explosion took place at the only bridge on Euphrates River that connects between the city and Hatla Village, which is one of the seven villages in SDF-held areas.”

13.12.2024 - 17:57 [ Washington Times ]

Turkey, Israel seize the moment as region reels from Syria’s implosion

(December 11, 2024)

Erdogan, Netanyahu aren‘t letting the crisis on their borders go to waste

13.12.2024 - 17:57 [ Responsible Statecraft ]

Turkey and Israel are reaping rewards from the chaos in Syria

(December 5, 2024)

How the incoming Trump administration intends to deal with the situation in Syria is anyone’s guess. Given that the president-elect has chosen staunch Israeli supporters to occupy senior posts in his cabinet, there appears to be strong reason to believe that Trump 2.0 policy towards Damascus will be determined to a large degree by Israeli preferences. If so, Washington’s approach may be to weaken and possibly oust Assad from power given the latter’s longstanding alliance with Iran, which remains Public Enemy Number One for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

13.12.2024 - 17:51 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Turkey-backed forces continue advance in northern Syria, defense ministry source says

Turkey-backed rebel forces are continuing their advance to „clear terrorism“ in northern Syria, a Turkish defense ministry source said on Thursday, referring to the forces‘ battle against Kurdish forces in the region.

Turkey has been telling the United States repeatedly that „a terrorist organization cannot be eliminated by using another terrorist organization,“ the source also said.

13.12.2024 - 17:49 [ Middle East Eye ]

Kurdish-led administration in northeastern Syria urges ‚unity‘ as Turkey presses assault

The Kurdish-led administration says it is willing to „unite“ with the new administration in Damascus, as it raises the flag of the opposition in the territories it controls in northeastern Syria.

Northeastern Syria, which is controlled by the People‘s Protection Units (YPG) and their US-backed affiliate the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) has been under attack by Turkish forces since the ousting of Bashar al-Assad on Sunday.

11.12.2024 - 10:17 [ TRT deutsch ]

Merz nach Assad-Sturz: Stärker mit Türkiye zusammenarbeiten

Nach dem Sturz von Machthaber Assad ist noch vieles unsicher in Syrien. Am Rand seiner Ukraine-Reise hebt der CDU-Vorsitzende Merz die starke Rolle von Türkiye hervor. Die EU und Deutschland sollten gemeinsam mit Ankara die Region „befrieden“.

11.12.2024 - 08:53 [ Reuters ]

Rebels take Syrian city from U.S.-backed group after U.S.-Turkey deal, source says

(December 9, 2024)

The Kurdish fighters „have withdrawn from the city and still need to withdraw from the other areas“ east of Manbij, said the Syrian opposition source familiar with the matter.

10.12.2024 - 21:32 [ Reuters ]

Syria‘s Assad is in Moscow after deal on military bases: Russian state media

(December 9, 2024)

Syrian opposition leaders had agreed to guarantee the safety of Russian military bases and diplomatic institutions in Syria, the source told news agencies.

10.12.2024 - 21:02 [ Reuters ]

Exclusive: Qatar opens contacts with Syria‘s HTS group, source says

(December 9, 2024)

Qatar‘s foreign ministry did not immediately respond to a Reuters requests for comment about the contacts with HTS, a group formerly allied with Al Qaeda and which is designated a terrorist organization by the U.S., European Union, Turkey and the U.N.

10.12.2024 - 20:50 [ ]

Qatar’s Syrian endgame

(December 4,2024)

One has to decide to what extent such notions as reconciliation, appeasement or friendship have any reliable meaning when dealing with Qatar or Turkey.

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, with its well-known loyalty to both Turkey and Qatar, could not have moved its troops without Qatari instructions.

Funding for the Free Syrian Army is part of a budget allocated by Doha since the Qatari leadership decided to overthrow President Assad at the beginning of the civil war.

10.12.2024 - 02:05 [ ]

We have agreed on Syria. But why did Russia need to give in to Turkey?

Russia maintains its military bases and embassy in Syria after the overthrow of the government of Bashar al-Assad. The agreements with Turkey are obvious.

09.12.2024 - 00:08 [ ANF News ]

Manbij administration: Don‘t believe Turkish propaganda lies

Violent clashes are taking place on the Manbij-Aleppo and Manbij-Bab lines, which are being bombed with heavy weapons.

While the infiltration attempts of the SNA groups on the northern, western and southern fronts of the city are being repelled one by one, the Manbij Democratic Autonomous Canton Administration has responded to the propaganda lies spread in recent days.

09.12.2024 - 00:00 [ ANF News ]

Dozens of mercenaries killed or wounded as Manbij Military Council responds to attacks

Manbij Military Council refuted reports that Turkish-backed mercenaries have taken control of many locations in the city, stressing that their forces were protecting the area and the people.

The statement said that Turkish warplanes were bombing the city and its service and administrative institutions following the failure of the invasion troops.

08.12.2024 - 23:52 [ ]

Turkey-backed Syrian forces enter northern city of Manbij: Source

Turkey-backed Syrian forces entered the northern Syrian city of Manbij after taking control of most of the surrounding area from US-allied Kurdish forces there, a Turkish security source said on Sunday.

08.12.2024 - 23:49 [ Times of Israel ]

Turkish source claims Syrian rebels close to defeating Kurdish forces in north

Turkey-backed Syrian forces have taken control of some 80% of northern Syria’s Manbij area and are close to victory against Kurdish forces there, a Turkish security source claims.

“The fight against the YPG/PKK is very close to victory. Both air and land interventions are ongoing to take Manbij from the hands of the YPG/PKK,” the source says, referring to the Kurdish militia which has long been in control of Manbij.

07.12.2024 - 23:35 [ Moscow Times ]

Turkey, Russia and Iran Meet in Doha Seeking Exit From Syria Chaos

Turkey‘s foreign minister will meet with his Russian and Iranian counterparts in Doha on Saturday to try to find a solution to the renewed fighting in Syria and avoid chaos on its doorstep.

The three countries have been partners since 2017 in the Astana process seeking to end the civil war in Syria. This is despite the fact they have supported opposite sides on the battlefield.

07.12.2024 - 15:59 [ ]

Turkish-backed extremists ‚headed to Damascus‘ says Erdogan

“We do not want escalation to continue in the region,” the Turkish president claimed.

“Idlib, Hama, and Homs are in the hands of the Syrian opposition, and they are continuing towards Damascus. We extended our hand to Bashar al-Assad but he did not respond,” he added.

03.12.2024 - 14:18 [ ]

Aufständische in Aleppo: „Die Schwäche der Verbündeten Syriens genutzt“

Zum anderen dürfte das, was wir in Syrien sehen, der Hinweis auf eine etwas größer angelegte türkische Strategie sein. Ich vermute, dass die Türkei längerfristig große Teile von Nord- und Ostsyrien einer zumindest indirekten Kontrolle unterwerfen und damit vor allem das kurdische Autonomiegebiet im Nordosten Syriens in Schach halten oder sogar beseitigen will. Dort herrscht nämlich ein Ableger der türkischen PKK.

03.12.2024 - 14:08 [ ]

Syrian rebels sweep into Aleppo, nearby province in huge setback for Assad

(November 30,2024)

Opposition sources in touch with Turkish intelligence said Turkey, which supports the rebels, had given a green light to the offensive. Turkish officials were not immediately available to comment on Saturday.

03.12.2024 - 12:22 [ ]

Turkish intelligence directing extremist offensive in northwest Syria: Report

(November 30, 2024)

Militants from the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) currently invading Aleppo, Syria‘s second-largest city, are taking orders from Turkish intelligence, French news agency AFP reported on 30 November.

03.12.2024 - 03:02 [ ]

Trump’s Genius Plan to Release Gaza Hostages: More War

Trump’s comments came after Hamas issued a video statement saying 33 of its captives have been killed during Israel’s brutal war on Gaza dating back to October last year, when Hamas attacked Israel and took more than 250 hostages, according to Israeli tallies.

03.12.2024 - 02:50 [ Associated Press ]

Trump demands immediate release of Oct. 7 hostages, says otherwise there will be ‘HELL TO PAY’

“Please let this TRUTH serve to represent that if the hostages are not released prior to January 20, 2025, the date that I proudly assume Office as President of the United States, there will be ALL HELL TO PAY in the Middle East, and for those in charge who perpetrated these atrocities against Humanity,” Trump wrote in a post on his Truth Social site.

He added that, “Those responsible will be hit harder than anybody has been hit in the long and storied History of the United States of America. RELEASE THE HOSTAGES NOW!”

03.12.2024 - 02:42 [ Middle East Eye ]

Hamas says 33 Israeli captives have been killed by Israeli air strikes

A new video released by al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas‘s military wing, warns Israel against furthering the war on Gaza and says 33 Israeli captives held in the strip have already been killed by Israeli airstrikes

01.12.2024 - 22:41 [ Newsweek ]

Putin ‚Letting Syrian Rebels Overthrow Assad‘: Ex-Trump Intel Chief

(November 30, 2024)

Russia appears to be „letting the Syrian rebels overthrow“ President Bashar al-Assad according to Richard Grenell, who served as acting director of National Intelligence for a time during Donald Trump‘s first administration.

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Grenell, who had been tipped as a possible member of Trump‘s incoming administration, commented: „Russia seems to be letting the Syrian rebels overthrow Assad. Big. Time to play chess.“

01.12.2024 - 05:33 [ ]

SDF responds to HTS attack, “We will defend our people”

(November 27, 2024)

Shamî stated that the attack in Aleppo was planned and coordinated by the Turkish state. He said that, by using groups like HTS, the Turkish state is trying to prevent peace in Syria and “realise its long-term occupation plans”. According to Shamî, the attacks are being carried out step by step and in an organised manner.

Farhad Shamî said that the SDF’s primary goal is to protect the people and the region, adding, “No matter who plans what, our only duty is to ensure the defense of our people.”

30.11.2024 - 07:51 [ Republic of Türkiye / Ministry of Foreign Affairs ]

Joint Statement by Iran, Russia and Turkey on the International Meeting on Syria in Astana 28-29 November 2018

5. Examined in details the situation in the Idlib de-escalation area and reaffirmed their determination to fully implement the Memorandum on Stabilization of the Situation in the Idlib De-escalation Area of 17 September 2018. In this regard they expressed their concern with the ongoing violations of the ceasefire regime, and declared that, as guarantors of the ceasefire regime, they would step up their efforts to ensure observance with it, including by enhacing work of the Joint Iranian-Russian-Turkish Coordination Center. They stressed the importance of a lasting ceasefire while underlining the necessity to continue effective fight against terrorism. They also emphasized that under no circumstances the creation of the above-mentioned de-escalation area should undermine the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic;

30.11.2024 - 07:41 [ Axios ]

Syrian rebel groups take control in and around Aleppo

The offensive is led by Hayʼat Tahrir ash-Sham (HTS), a Sunni Islamist opposition group backed by Turkey and designated a terrorist organization by the U.S.
On Friday, the rebels entered the old city of Aleppo and took over several key sites, including the historic citadel and the Umayyad Mosque, according to videos posted on social media.

29.11.2024 - 20:44 [ Anadolu ]

Trump wants US troops out of Syria, says Robert F Kennedy Jr

(November 8, 2024)

Kennedy described Trump’s particular focus on the border between Syria and Türkiye.

„He said we have 500 men on the border of Syria and Türkiye, and a little encampment that was bombed. He said there‘s 750,000 troops in Türkiye. There‘s 250,000 militants in Syria. If they go up against each other, we‘re in the middle.“

According to Kennedy, Trump later asked his generals what would happen if a conflict broke out, to which they reportedly replied, „They‘re going to be cannon fodder.“

Trump’s response was decisive: „Get them out.“

29.11.2024 - 20:15 [ CNN ]

Syrian rebels enter Aleppo for first time in eight years during shock offensive

Syrian armed rebels have entered Aleppo just three days into their surprise offensive, marking the first time they have set foot in the country’s second largest city since government forces recaptured the city in 2016.

Rebel forces launched a surprise attack this week, sweeping through several villages outside the city and reigniting conflict that had been largely static for years.

27.11.2024 - 22:14 [ Egypt Today ]

Biden says to push for Gaza war end with Egypt, Qatar, Turkey after Israel-Lebanon deal

Biden outlined his intention to cooperate with these partners to bring about an end to the war in Gaza, secure the release of captives held by Hamas, and ensure that Hamas relinquishes power.

Egypt, Qatar, and the US have spearheaded mediation efforts between Israel and Hamas since the war began on October 7, 2023.

04.11.2024 - 08:15 [ Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie ]

Archiv: Lebanese military has neither air defense nor airforce / factual authorization for Israel airstrikes / worldwide news blackout or silence

(archive entries)

03.11.2024 - 16:29 [ Anadolu ]

Türkiye leads joint call to UN Security Council to halt arms shipments to Israe

The letter, led by Türkiye‘s initiative, was signed by 52 countries and two international organizations, and submitted to the UN on Nov. 1, calling for a cessation of arms supplies to Israel.

“We must reiterate at every opportunity that selling weapons to Israel amounts to complicity in genocide,” Fidan said at a news conference in Djibouti, where he attended the third Ministerial Review Conference of Türkiye-Africa Partnership.