Archiv: Rücktritte / resignations

01.05.2024 - 17:10 [ Doy ]

Editorial: UCLA is complicit in violence inflicted upon protesters, failed to protect

This came after a source in the encampment told the Daily Bruin that at least five protestors have been injured.

But for hours, UCLA administration stood by and watched as the violence escalated. LAPD did not arrive on the scene until slightly after 1 a.m. – once Los Angeles mayor Karen Bass sent them in for assistance at Block’s request.

Daily Bruin reporters on the scene were slapped and indirectly sprayed with irritants. Despite also being students, they were offered no protection.

The world is watching.

27.04.2024 - 08:00 [ ]

Another US official resigns over Gaza policy amid growing protests

United States State Department’s spokesperson for the Middle East and North Africa, Hala Rharrit, has resigned in protest of America’s policy on Gaza — at least the third high-profile resignation from the department, as pro-Palestinian demonstrations at university campuses across the country grow.

31.03.2024 - 19:58 [ Times of Israel ]

Protesters begin to assemble in Jerusalem for four-day demonstration against government

(´Today, 6:32 pm)

The organizers of the protest are calling for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government to resign, for Israel to hold early elections, and for the country’s leaders to agree to a hostage deal that will bring about the release of the 130 captives held in Gaza since October 7.

Protests will be centered around the Knesset but will also be held in other key locations, including close to Netanyahu’s Jerusalem residence.

21.01.2024 - 11:55 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

„Netanyahu out!“ Caesarea

21.01.2024 - 11:16 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Tel Aviv, half an hour before the formal start of the rally.

21.01.2024 - 11:11 [ ]

Tausende demonstrieren in Israel gegen Regierung Netanyahu

In der Küstenmetropole Tel Aviv verlangten die Teilnehmer einer Kundgebung das sofortige Ende des Gaza-Krieges, um die noch mehr als 100 Geiseln in der Gewalt von Hamas-Terroristen im Gazastreifen freizubekommen. „Stellt die Kämpfe ein, bezahlt den Preis!“, zitierten israelische Medien einen der Redner, dessen Cousin unter den Geiseln ist. (…)

In der nördlichen Hafenstadt Haifa verlangten am Samstag mehrere Hundert Anhänger der linksorientierten Chadasch-Partei den Rücktritt des Regierungschefs. Auch in Jerusalem gingen mehrere Hundert Menschen gegen die Netanyahu-Regierung auf die Straße.

14.01.2024 - 21:57 [ Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: Internal anger with Biden and Congress reaches boiling point

So far, two people from the administration have tendered their resignations – Josh Paul, who oversaw arms transfers at State, and Tariq Habash, who worked on education policy at the White House.

The morale of staff in the White House is so low that the chief of staff planned a party in the hopes of cheering up the employees, according to a report from Axios.

However, it‘s not clear if the senior staff members of the administration understand why morale is so low. After the report of the party for White House staff, another report stated that hundreds of federal employees across 22 government agencies are planning a walk-out to protest against Biden‘s handling of the war.

14.01.2024 - 21:52 [ ]

White House: Second Biden official resigns over Israel-Hamas war concerns


A senior Biden education adviser on Wednesday became the second administration official to resign from his post over the White House’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war, the latest instance of internal turmoil over the war.

02.01.2024 - 19:40 [ Washington Post ]

Israel’s high court strikes down Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul law


Monday’s ruling comes at a sensitive moment for Netanyahu, who remains embroiled in a corruption trial and is facing calls for his resignation over his government’s failure to thwart the Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel by Hamas, as well as its handling of the hostage crisis.

30.12.2023 - 23:15 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Thousands in Tel Aviv, calling for the hostages to come home & Netanyahu to go home.

16.12.2023 - 20:15 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

In Haifa, an Arab-Jewish pro-peace rally calls for a deal to ensure the release of all the hostages. „We want them home. With their families, with all of us. It‘s possible.“

16.12.2023 - 20:03 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Tel Aviv

16.12.2023 - 18:45 [ ABC News / Twitter ]

ABC News’ @inesdLC reports from Tel Aviv where a protest broke out after the IDF announced it mistakenly killed three Israeli hostages during combat in Gaza.

16.12.2023 - 18:30 [ Peacemaker / Twitter ]

A spontaneous protest took place in Tel Aviv tonight after the IDF reported the killing of three hostages in the Gaza Strip who were mistaken for Hamas militants by the Israeli military. Among the main demands of the protesters is the resignation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

16.12.2023 - 18:12 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

The Forum of Hostage Families announced a rally outside the IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv at 7:30 pm– and almost immediately after, PM Netanyahu announced he‘d be holding a press conference at the same place– but inside the building– at 8:30 pm. Please look shocked.

09.12.2023 - 23:36 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Protesters call for Netanyahu‘s resignation in Tel Aviv

09.12.2023 - 10:06 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Despite PM Netanyahu‘s vast personal & political efforts to clear his name and blame the army and its commanders for the disaster of October 7 only 19% of Israelis believe he should remain in post. 72% believe he should resign– 41% after the war, 31% immediately.


04.12.2023 - 15:48 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Demonstrators outside the Knesset call for Netanyahu‘s ouster: The blood is on his hands! We won‘t forget, we won‘t forgive! (Hani Baruchin)

03.12.2023 - 07:49 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

In Tel Aviv, posters say to Netanyahu „We‘re dying because of you. Get out of our lives.“

(Itzik Ben Levy)

03.12.2023 - 07:45 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Calls for Netanyahu to resign in front of his private villa in Caesarea


07.11.2023 - 17:19 [ Roberto / Twitter ]

Protesters in #Israel rush to Netanyahu‘s palace. Broke through 2 checkpoints. The main demand: resignation of PM. It seems the operation against Hamas was a reason for Netanyahu & his team to distract the attention. Remember the protests over judicial reform? It only got worse

06.11.2023 - 20:55 [ Times of Israel ]

Opposition slams Netanyahu for reportedly casting blame for Oct. 7 on IDF reservists

Yisrael Beytenu party head Avigdor Liberman and Labor chief Merav Michaeli went further in their criticism, calling on Netanyahu to resign.

04.11.2023 - 23:44 [ Yoav Groweiss يوآف غروفايس / Twitter ]

אב שכול מכפר עזה, רפ״ק במילואים, מדבר על גבורת שוטרי הדרום ופונה מדם לבו אל ממ״ז ירושלים בבקשה לשמור על זכות ההפגנה ולהימנע מאלימות כלפי המפגינים.

04.11.2023 - 23:37 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Now in front of @Netanyahu‘s residence at 35 Gaza Road, Jerusalem, thousands demanding Netanyahu‘s ouster (@rozolyo)

04.11.2023 - 23:25 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

There are at least two protests in Jerusalem. Demonstrators near Netanyahu‘s official residence have broken through police lines. Across from the billionaire‘s mansion where Netanyahu is holing up, signs read „Bibi Traitor of the Nation“ „Netanyahu Guilty“ and „Debacle 2023.“

03.11.2023 - 22:40 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

@channel13il poll „What should Netanyahu do?“ 47%: resign after the war 29%: resign immediately 18%: remain in his position

30.10.2023 - 04:50 [ Middle East Eye / Twitter ]

Hundreds of Israeli demonstrators gathered in front of Netanyahu‘s house in Caesarea on Saturday, demanding him to resign and for an immediate prisoners’ swap for Israeli hostages in Gaza

25.10.2023 - 01:07 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Wrought Carnage on Israel. He Should Have Resigned Already


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is now counting on fatigue and public despair to help him stay in office, but he can‘t be trusted to manage a war and it won‘t save him from an enduring legacy of failure. When the war is over, whether in three weeks or three months, all political hell will break loose

13.10.2023 - 14:51 [ Fox News ]

Who could be Republicans‘ next speaker candidate after Scalise bowed out?

Scalise won a closed-door secret ballot vote to be the House GOP’s new candidate for speaker on Wednesday afternoon. However, it quickly became clear that he did not have the 217 votes needed to win a House-wide vote.

28.09.2023 - 08:30 [ New York Times ]

Canadian Speaker in House of Commons Quits After Honoring Ukrainian Who Fought for Nazis


Mr. Trudeau was in Toronto for an event with auto parts manufacturers. Karina Gould, the government’s house leader responded on his behalf by repeatedly pointing out that the invitation to Mr. Hunka was done without the government’s knowledge.

28.09.2023 - 08:20 [ BBC ]

Canada‘s Speaker Anthony Rota resigns after Nazi in parliament row


Yaroslav Hunka, 98, got a standing ovation after Mr Rota called him a „hero“ during a Friday visit by Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky.

31.08.2023 - 12:41 [ Sky News ]

Cabinet reshuffle latest: Grant Shapps appointment ‚ruffles feathers‘ – as successor for his old job confirmed

Rishi Sunak is reshuffling his top team, with Grant Shapps succeeding Ben Wallace as defence secretary and Claire Coutinho entering cabinet as energy secretary.

31.08.2023 - 12:30 [ ]

Politics latest news: Grant Shapps announced as next Defence Secretary

Mr Wallace, who revealed his intention to quit back in July, said in his resignation letter: “After much reflection, I have taken the decision to ask that I be allowed to step down. I won my seat in 2005 and after so many years it is time for me to invest in the parts of life that I have neglected, and to explore new opportunities.”

17.08.2023 - 18:46 [ Haaretz ]

Ex-intel Head Warns Netanyahu Will Replace IDF Chief With ‘Yes-man’ if He Resigns

„I have heard suggestions that Herzl Halevi should resign – he should not do that, or the government would appoint an ally or ‚yes-man,’” Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, the former head of Aman, Israel’s military intelligence directorate, told Army Radio.

„The citizens of Israel should be praying that he stays at the helm, and he must hold on as long as his conscience is in place,” he continued.

07.07.2023 - 03:58 [ ]

Lauter Protest gegen den Rücktritt eines beliebten Polizeichefs – und gegen die Regierung

Ami Eshed kündigte seinen Rücktritt von der Polizeispitze an, nachdem er von Israels rechtsextremem Minister für nationale Sicherheit ins Abseits gedrängt worden war, sagte der scheidende Polizeichef in einer Live-Fernsehsendung.

Itamar Ben Gvir hatte Eshed im März degradiert, nachdem er ihm vorgeworfen hatte, er habe sich in seiner Zeit als Polizeichef politisch verhalten. Die Degradierung wurde nach öffentlicher Kritik schnell wieder zurückgenommen.

07.07.2023 - 03:49 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz Warns Netanyahu Will Be Responsible for Bloodshed After Night of Protests Leaves 14 Wounded


14 protesters were hospitalized following clashes with police Wednesday night, after thousands of Israelis took to the streets across the country immediately following the news of Tel Aviv District Police Commander Ami Eshed’s dramatic announcement of his resignation from the force.

07.07.2023 - 03:41 [ Haaretz ]

Tel Aviv Police Chief Quits: I Paid a Price for Choosing to Prevent a Civil War


Eshed added that he could have easily met, as he put it, these expectations by using unreasonable force. „We could have cleared [Tel Aviv‘s Ayalon Highway] in minutes at the cost of breaking heads and crushing bones. … We could have filled the emergency room in Ichilov [Hospital] at the end of every demonstration.“

22.04.2023 - 08:32 [ ]

Full text: Dominic Raab’s resignation letter

Mr Tolley concluded that I had not once, in four and a half years, sworn or shouted at anyone, let alone thrown anything or otherwise physically intimidated anyone, nor intentionally sought to belittle anyone. I am genuinely sorry for any unintended stress or offence that any officials felt, as a result of the pace, standards and challenge that I brought to the Ministry of Justice. That is, however, what the public expect of Ministers working on their behalf.

22.04.2023 - 08:13 [ ]

Is Dominic Raab really a ‘bully’?

I know the story is that he was a monster in his various departments, allegedly barking instructions and wagging a finger at his stressed-out minions. But the anti-Raab revolt smacks far more of bullying to me. Civil servants clubbing together to drum an exacting minister out of his job? It definitely has a whiff of Mean Girls to it.

22.04.2023 - 08:10 [ ]

Who is Dominic Raab? The martial arts black belt forced to resign over bullying claims

Brexit hard man

A Foreign Office lawyer before turning to politics, Mr Raab was previously known to play up his image as a Brexit hard man in an attempt to win support from the Tory right and quit his role as justice secretary in protest against Ms May’s approach to the issue.

22.04.2023 - 07:50 [ ]

Dominic Raab resigns – latest: Ex-deputy PM attacks ‘activist’ civil servants after bullying report

Mr Raab resigned from cabinet this morning after a report upheld two claims of bullying against him and found he was “unreasonably and persistently aggressive” in a meeting while foreign secretary.

Speaking to the BBC, Mr Raab charged a small group of “very activist” senior civil servants with pushing back against proposed government reforms because they don’t support them.

The former deputy PM complained that the report into his conduct did not make clear that no complaints lodged by junior officials were upheld.

13.04.2023 - 05:20 [ New York Times ]

Feinstein, Under Pressure to Resign, Asks to Step Down From Judiciary Panel

“So I’ve asked Leader Schumer to ask the Senate to allow another Democratic senator to temporarily serve until I’m able to resume my committee work.”

In a statement, a spokesman for Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the majority leader, said that Mr. Schumer would make that request of the Senate next week.

16.02.2023 - 14:12 [ BBC ]

Nicola Sturgeon says time is right to resign as Scotland‘s first minister

Ms Sturgeon insisted her resignation was not in response to the „latest period of pressure“, which has included controversies over gender reforms, trans prisoners and the strategy on independence.

17.01.2023 - 10:01 [ New York Times ]

Germany’s defense minister resigns after criticism over her handling of the war.

Ms. Lambrecht is the highest-ranking member of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government to resign, and her departure is likely to be seen as a blow to his reputation. The chancellor had repeatedly defended the record of Ms. Lambrecht, a former justice minister and a fellow member of his party, the Social Democrats.

21.10.2022 - 18:45 [ ]

‘Like being in a cult’: MPs on the seven days that brought down Liz Truss

One weary-sounding Conservative MP said they felt they had been in the grip of a cult over the last six weeks – and had escaped just in time. Others, however, still felt trapped, they said. “That is literally what it’s been like … It’s such a sense of relief. I just thank God it’s over.”

21.10.2022 - 01:10 [ ]

Daily Star‘s victorious lettuce beamed onto Parliament as Liz Truss orders moving van

The victorious Daily Star 60p lettuce, which outlasted soon-to-be-ex Prime Minister Liz Truss, has made it to the House of Commons – with its face beamed onto the famous walls of at the Palace of Westminster this evening.

The long-lasting 60p salad vegetable won the race to see if Liz Truss could outlast it earlier today, as Truss finally gave up on her attempt to cling to power after days of chaos at Westminster.

21.10.2022 - 01:06 [ ]

‚Lettuce all pray for Liz Truss‘ – PM loses to vegetable in Daily Star stunt

The lettuce, while not in prime condition, managed to endure longer than Liz Truss – who will be the UK‘s shortest-serving prime minister ever.

21.10.2022 - 00:50 [ Spiked ]

Britain is a political wasteland

It all paved the way for the Jeremy Hunt coup. That nerdy technocrat is hardly Pinochet. He’s an improbable usurper of power. Yet the political and strategic fragility of Trussism meant he could very easily sweep in and take control. He now runs the country. He has stuffed the Treasury with Osbornites and Hammondites and others who, like him, love ‘competence’ above all else. They want to steer the nation from the choppy waters of Brexit and Boris back to the safe shore of technocracy. Even though we didn’t vote for that, and don’t want it. That sappy Remainers could seize the reins of power was further proof of the infirmity of Trussism. One house of cards replaced with another.

20.10.2022 - 23:55 [ ]

Is Boris heading back to No10? Former PM takes early lead with Rishi Sunak in second as a quarter of Tory MPs declare their support in race to replace Liz Truss – candidates need at least 100 backers by MONDAY as battle ‚for soul of the party‘ intensifies

Boris Johnson is currently the most popular choice among Tory MPs to become prime minister as the race to replace Liz Truss roared into life today following her humiliating resignation after just 44 days in power.

With a quarter of MPs declaring support for their preferred candidates, Mr Johnson currently counts 38 backers, compared to Rishi Sunak‘s 27 and Penny Mourdant‘s 12, according to the latest tally by Guido Fawkes.

20.10.2022 - 23:48 [ ]

Awake all night and sending texts to friends at 4am: How Liz Truss‘s last day in No. 10 unfolded as her fate was sealed

– Liz Truss dramatically resigned as Prime Minister this afternoon after lasting just 44 days in the top job
– Her close friends said they knew she was going to quit after they began receiving texts from her at 4am
– Sir Graham Brady told her later that day she had lost the party‘s support and would lose a confidence vote