Daily Archives: 3. November 2023

03.11.2023 - 23:55 [ Al Jazeera English / Twitter ]

The Israeli military has confirmed its ‚aircraft struck an ambulance‘ outside al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza which it claims was being used by Hamas fighters.

03.11.2023 - 23:45 [ Al Jazeera English / Twitter ]

An ambulance convoy waiting to evacuate critically injured Palestinians has been hit in an Israeli air attack outside Gaza City’s main hospital, according to Gaza’s health ministry. Dozens of Palestinians are believed to have been killed

03.11.2023 - 23:10 [ Kennedy24.com ]

Protect RFK Jr. – Protect Democracy: Urge President Biden to Provide RFK Jr. Secret Service

For democracy to function, the public must know that elections, and not violence, will decide who takes public office. That is why the United States has granted Secret Service protection to all major Presidential candidates.

Last Wednesday, for the second time this election season, an intruder entered Robert F. Kennedy Jr.‘s home in Los Angeles. He had written hundreds of emails to the campaign, which were included in its application for Secret Service protection, one of which made mention of a „bullet in [Mr. Kennedy‘s] brain.“ A month earlier, a man had showed up to one of Mr. Kennedy‘s campaign events carrying loaded weapons and posing as a U.S. Marshal.

In both cases, the individuals were apprehended by Mr. Kennedy‘s private security detail and turned over to the police. But the incidents demonstrate the necessity for Secret Service protection for Mr. Kennedy. Withholding protection puts him and members of the public who attend campaign events at risk. Furthermore, it would be incredibly destabilizing for our nation if another Kennedy came to harm in the course of Presidential politics.

03.11.2023 - 23:08 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr / Twitter ]

You can‘t have a functioning democracy when candidates aren‘t safe. Whether or not you support my campaign, please sign this petition urging the White House to grant me Secret Service protection. #Kennedy24

SIGN HERE security.kennedy24.com

03.11.2023 - 22:50 [ Youtube ]

Yitzhak Rabin – The Last Speech (English Subtitles)

The last speech of prime minister and minister of defense Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinated by right-wing Israeli radical on November 4th 1995 in Tel Aviv.

03.11.2023 - 22:40 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

@channel13il poll „What should Netanyahu do?“ 47%: resign after the war 29%: resign immediately 18%: remain in his position

03.11.2023 - 20:44 [ Ayman Safadi , Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates - The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan / Twitter ]

I called EU’s @JosepBorrellF to urge a clear EU stand against Israeli crimes in Gaza, including inhumane attack on Jabalia which caused 100s of more civilian casualties. #UNSC is paralyzed in the face of these violations of Int’l law. It must work peace. That is its mandate.

(October 31, 2023)

03.11.2023 - 20:05 [ Times of Malta ]

„Present UN resolution for Gaza ceasefire,“ activists, PL MEPs urge Malta

Pursuant to this obligation, Frazier announced Malta’s initiative to coordinate an E10 draft resolution on the humanitarian situation in the Middle East.

„Since then, Malta has been working tirelessly to arrive at a consensual text, agreeable to both the elected and permanent members, which we hope the Security Council will be able to action in the coming days.

03.11.2023 - 19:55 [ World Health Organization - WHO.int ]

Women and newborns bearing the brunt of the conflict in Gaza, UN agencies warn

Women, children and newborns in Gaza are disproportionately bearing the burden of the escalation of hostilities in the occupied Palestinian territory, both as casualties and in reduced access to health services, warn the United Nations Children‘s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency (UNFPA), and the World Health Organization (WHO).

As of 3 November, according to Ministry of Health data, 2326 women and 3760 children have been killed in the Gaza strip, representing 67% of all casualties, while thousands more have been injured.

03.11.2023 - 19:39 [ United Nations ]

Israel-Palestine crisis: Gaza’s north cut off from aid; death toll rising

(November 2, 2023)

OCHA stressed that as Israeli ground operations and bombardments in northern Gaza continued, “among the deadliest incidents” were heavy airstrikes hitting Jabalia Refugee Camp on Wednesday “for the second day in a row and within less than 24 hours”. The strikes reportedly destroyed multiple residential buildings and killed “dozens”, OCHA said.

The UN human rights office OHCHR noted on Wednesday that given the high number of civilian deaths and injuries in Gaza “and the scale of the destruction following Israeli airstrikes on Jabalia refugee camp, we have serious concerns that these are disproportionate attacks that could amount to war crimes.“

03.11.2023 - 19:32 [ Tucker Carlson / Twitter ]

Visiting Julian Assange at Belmarsh Prison this morning

(November 2, 2023)

03.11.2023 - 19:28 [ Times of Israel ]

Stressing support for Israel, Blinken urges humanitarian pauses; PM rejects any halt

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with whom Blinken met shortly before holding his Tel Aviv press conference, appeared to push back against such pauses, saying in a statement that he rejected any temporary halt to the fight against Hamas that does not include “the release of our hostages.” He noted that he had said as much to the top US diplomat.

03.11.2023 - 19:00 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Heim in den Verantwortungsbereich

(18. März 2010)

Der leitende Militärdiktator der USA General David Petraeus, wahlweise als zukünftiger Präsident oder nächster Chef des Vereinigten Generalstabes gehandelt, will den “Verantwortungsbereich” seines Zentralkommandos auf das Westjordanland und den Gazastreifen ausdehnen. Just heute nun schlägt zum Besuch der EU-Aussenbeauftragten Catherine Ashton in Israel angeblich eine aus dem Gazastreifen abgefeuerte Rakete ein und tötet einen Menschen. Absender der Einladung zum nächsten Massenmord an Palästinensern: angeblich eine bisher nie gekannte Gruppe namens “Ansar al Sunna”, welche sich per sms zur Tat bekennt. Dieser Name ist namensgleich zu einer vermeintlichen Gruppierung, welche laut Angaben von US-Militärs und deutschen Behörden im April 2007 gleichzeitig im Irak die Terrororganisation “al-Qaida” bekämpfte und in Deutschland als Teil von “al-Qaida” mit Anschlägen drohte. Obwohl noch nie jemand von dieser vermeintlichen in Gaza operierenden Palästinenser-Fraktion namens “Ansar al Sunna” gehört hat, wird diese nun von Kriegspropagandisten in den orwellschen Wahrheitsministerien der Informationsindustrie als schon immer existierende neue Realiät verkauft. Derweil freuen sich manche immer, wenn in Israel Raketen einschlagen, ohne dabei irgendetwas zu begreifen. Die rechtsradikale Regierung Netanjahu droht bereits mit einer “starken” Antwort.

03.11.2023 - 18:54 [ Times of Israel ]

Projectile flying horizontally hits French news agency’s Gaza bureau, causes damage

(Today, 6:48 pm)

Asking a question at Secretary of State Blinken’s press conference earlier today, AFP’s Leon Bruneau described the incident as “apparently a missile strike.”

03.11.2023 - 18:49 [ Times of Israel ]

Pentagon confirms that US conducting drone flights over Gaza to locate hostages

(Today, 5:25 pm)

“In support of hostage recovery efforts, the US is conducting unarmed UAV flights over Gaza, as well as providing advice and assistance to support our Israeli partner as they work on their hostage recovery efforts,” Pentagon spokesman Brigadier General Pat Ryder says in a statement.

03.11.2023 - 18:27 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr / Twitter ]

Get ready for a transformation in American politics beyond anything in living memory. The most recent President who wasn’t a Republican or Democrat was Millard Fillmore! And the most recent independent President was… George Washington.

03.11.2023 - 18:00 [ Quinnipiac Poll ]

2024 Presidential Race Stays Static In The Face Of Major Events, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; RFK Jr. Receives 22% As Independent Candidate In 3-Way Race

(November 01, 2023)

When the hypothetical 2024 general election matchup broadens to include environmental lawyer and anti- vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who is running as an independent candidate, Biden receives 39 percent support, Trump receives 36 percent support, and Kennedy receives 22 percent support. (…)

When progressive activist Cornel West who is running as an independent candidate is added to make a four-person hypothetical 2024 general election matchup, voters give Biden 36 percent support, Trump 35 percent support, Kennedy 19 percent support, and West 6 percent support.

03.11.2023 - 17:45 [ Quinnipiac Poll ]

84% Of Voters Concerned The U.S. Will Be Drawn Into Military Conflict In The Middle East, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Concern About Prejudice Against Jewish People In U.S. Hits Record High

(November 02, 2023)

An overwhelming majority of voters (84 percent) are either very concerned (43 percent) or somewhat concerned (41 percent) that the United States will be drawn into a military conflict in the Middle East, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll of registered voters released today. (…)

Half of voters (50 percent) approve of the way Israel is responding to the October 7th Hamas terrorist attack, while 35 percent disapprove, and 15 percent did not offer an opinion. (…)

A slight majority of voters (51 percent) support the United States sending more military aid to Israel for their efforts in the war with Hamas, while 41 percent oppose it. (…)

Three-quarters of voters (75 percent) think that prejudice against Jewish people in the United States today is either a very serious problem (38 percent) or a somewhat serious problem (37 percent), while 23 percent think it is either a not so serious problem (14 percent) or not a problem at all (9 percent). (…)

Sixty-eight percent of voters think prejudice against Muslim people in the United States today is either a very serious problem (30 percent) or a somewhat serious problem (38 percent), while 28 percent think it is either a not so serious problem (18 percent) or not a problem at all (10 percent).

03.11.2023 - 11:10 [ @Sungilsm_ / Twitter ]

The U.S. has over 40‘000 troops stationed in the Middle East

03.11.2023 - 10:51 [ Politico.com ]

U.S. discussing peacekeeping force for Gaza after Hamas falls, senators say

(November 1, 2023)

Sens. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) told POLITICO that there’s early, closed-door diplomacy over establishing a peacekeeping force in Gaza, though it was not likely to include American troops.

“There are ongoing conversations regarding the possible composition of an international force,” Van Hollen said, refusing to go into specific detail. “They are very preliminary and fragile.”

03.11.2023 - 10:45 [ Japan Times ]

U.S. and Israel weigh peacekeepers for Gaza after Hamas

(Nov 2, 2023)

The people said the conversations have been impelled by a sense of urgency to come up with a plan for the future of Gaza now that a ground invasion has begun.

03.11.2023 - 10:40 [ BizPacReview.com ]

US troops in Gaza reportedly on the table if Israel eliminates Hamas

(November 1, 2023)

However, while testifying before a Senate panel on Tuesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken did indicate that the administration is definitely planning something.

“We can’t have a reversion to the status quo with Hamas running Gaza. We also can’t have — and the Israelis start with this proposition themselves — Israel running or controlling Gaza. Between those shoals are a variety of possible permutations that we’re looking at very closely now, as are other countries,” he said.